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Everything posted by Eyendasky80

  1. Re: X-Men Continuity Question (shudder) concering Emma Frost. Again, Morrison.
  2. Re: Need a hand with a power I'm not sure what you meant, but charges negate END cost if that's what you mean by not calculating END right.
  3. Re: X-Men Continuity Question (shudder) concering Emma Frost. I don't know. And to be honest, upon reflection I am doing the same thing as Von D-Man which is passing judgement on a creator based on second hand info taken out of context. I guess I'll have to go buy Excalibur before I get to bash the guy again.
  4. Re: X-Men Continuity Question (shudder) concering Emma Frost. Was that Claremont, I'm amazed they pay that guy for this crap.
  5. Re: X-Men Continuity Question (shudder) concering Emma Frost.
  6. Re: Anyone here from London? What are you guys looking at? It won't load for me.
  7. Re: AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED opinions I never said continuity was a bad thing. I said that I like new and interesting things. I read JSA, I read Titans, I read Avengers Forever. I like continuity. I like what I like, continuity isn't a deal breaker either way (ignoring or adhering) for me.
  8. Re: AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED opinions I found Byrne's Spider-Man do-over neither new or interesting. So I didn't buy more than one or two issues. It didn't seem to have too much of an effect on mainstream Spidey anyway. Now BMB's do over of Spidey was interesting to me and I have a complete run. So, I will wait and see. Is it so bad not to care about continuity? Why should I fret over stories written before I was born? It's a two edged sword, if that's appropriate, some authors lovingly weave decades of continuity into their stories and it makes them richer and more enjoyable. Like Geoff Johns, who I like very much. Some ignore it completely to the detriment of the story, others ignore it and it makes the story great. When someone writes a bad story with all due respect to the continuity of the character, adds something worthless to said continuity, is every author thereafter supposed to work this worthless piece of continuity into every story they write? Are they supposed to go to any great lengths not to contradict it?
  9. Re: AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED opinions Personally, if someone has an interesting new take on a character or team, even if it breaks continuity or changes established characterizations, I'm okay with it. I enjoy new things. It remains to be seen how BMB will do on New Avengers, the general consensus is that Disassembled blew. Okay, I didn't read it because I figured it would. New Avengers looks a lot more promising than Disassembled and I reserve judgement until I've experienced it.
  10. Re: What's Busiek done lately? I might have to start buying JLA again.
  11. Re: AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED opinions You know, I couldn't get that to load properly and did not see that Diamondback was dead. I can't believe Robert Kirkman handled that so poorly, I've been very impressed with him so far. Maybe it was an editorial mandate and he did it as sloppily as possible in protest.
  12. Re: What's Busiek done lately? Busiek's Conan has been getting great reviews so if you ever liked Conan you should pick it up.
  13. Re: AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED opinions The NGD is played, all the cool people hang here.
  14. Re: AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED opinions I'm glad you are going to give it a chance. Because I'm very excited about... I won't say it again. Spider-Man's an Avenger. Yay!
  15. Re: AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED opinions Okay, no one is going to change your mind and I believe anyone cheesed off at Disassembled is perfectly justified, BUT This is changing. That may not be something you like but it's happening right now in the pages of Daredevil and The Pulse. Luke has a baby on the way and he recognizes that he has to be more responsible than he has in the past. The fact that he has become a family man makes a shift away from loner seem logical. Apparently (and it's news to me as well) he's being portrayed as much stronger these days. I refer you to my earlier post. Wait, not that one. So there you go. Can't argue you with you there (though I jokingly argued this before) but they can put Rage, Gilgamesh and D-Man on the New Avengers if Spider-Man is there for all I care. Sentry was a very good read and if they've come up with a plausible way of ridding him of his evil alter ego, then a fallen hero on the road to redemption is good for me. He wasn't evil, he was just weak. But in the end, he had the strength to do what was right even at the greatest cost to him. He suffered a fate worse than death, he was forgotten. Yes I can see and I validate you completely, anytime something reboots like this it can be upsetting. Even for unpopular books, let alone a mainstay like Avengers. When X-Force rebooted with an entirely new concept, X-Force's fans (all five of them) were ready to burn Marvel to the ground. edit: And I wanted to add that there is hope for a return to the original, the new X-Force (Now called X-Statix) celebrated it's last issue this month by killing every member on its roster. Also, the original creative team of X-Force is back with the original characters. Is it wrong trying to use Rob Liefield returing to a crappy book to inspire hope?
  16. Re: AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED opinions That would make a good T-shirt. "I chose the bird of spite.. Wanker."
  17. Re: The First (Hopefully) Semi-Annual Great Champions Challenge Modding Contest! You know what, I did not know that. So it wasn't obvious to me! Thanks for clueing me in. One of the figures I had the most trouble with was She-Hulk, is she cast in green? But all the figures gave me trouble so it wasn't only that. Acetone looks good, might try that too. Thanks everyone. Have my measley rep.
  18. Re: AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED opinions They'd put Wolverine in the Muppet Babies if they thought they'd make a buck.
  19. Re: The First (Hopefully) Semi-Annual Great Champions Challenge Modding Contest! Pine Sol and dish soap didn't work at all for me. I'll try the break fluid though, thanks.
  20. Re: AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED opinions Can we agree that Spider-Man should joing the JLA?
  21. Re: AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED opinions I want to go on record as saying I really like Luke Cage and am glad he is on the team. I am surprised more people aren't moaning about it (I'm always surprised when people don't moan about something around here ) but you will not hear me say it's a bad thing. Wolverine was the most awesomest member the Fantastic Four ever had!!!!!!! And Spider-Man was on that team toO!!!!!! SPIDER-MAN SHOULD JOIN THE X-MEN!!!!!!!
  22. Re: AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED opinions Really? That's too bad, his street level style was part of his charm. You read Pulse? That's where Cage is really looking good lately. He's a badass, Sweet Christmas shouting, family man over there.
  23. Re: The First (Hopefully) Semi-Annual Great Champions Challenge Modding Contest! Does anyone have any good methods for removing paint from Heroclix. I've tried everything I can think of and it doesn't get the paint off. I could probably get it off if I sacrificed the figure's fine details, but I'd rather not.
  24. Re: AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED opinions I can understand being unsatisfied with Disassembled (I didn't buy that crap) but I'm hearing a lot of negative comments about New Avengers. Which isn't even out yet. And sounds pretty friggin' cool to me. Maybe it is just brand building or a stunt or Bendis on a tear. But Spider-Man is in the Avengers. That's like a dream come true for me and it will probably convince me to buy this book. Plus, I think the only thing that could possibly redeem Wolverine from his constant over-exposure is going in a new direction. It doesn't strike me as completely out of character at all, he was in the Fantastic Four, Beast was a great Avenger for a long time, him and Cap are supposed to be war buddies and most importantly, he's the best at what he does, Bub. There's precedence for this. I'm surprised more people aren't moaning about Luke Cage. He's not even at a comparable power level with the rest of the team.
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