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Everything posted by Eyendasky80

  1. Re: Character Concept Question: Jack Hawksmore? I forgot magical origins. But my main gripe was, there's a limited number of super hero origins unless you happen upon something truly unique, which, judging by the number of origin categories that are prevelant in comics, happened all of five times. So, I think it makes as much sense to be abducted by aliens and experimented on as it does to be possessed by an elemental spirit. You could make the same arguements against an elemental spirit and with a degree of skill debunk them as quickly as alien abduction. What origins are there? Help me out guys: Magical(gods, spirits, sorcerers), Alien(strangers from far away, alien experiments), Hereditary(powers inherited from forefathers), Mutation (natural and induced), and Augmentation (techsuits, implants). Any others?
  2. Re: Immortality Shrike just grouped them together to please the eye, it's not an EC. No 0 end powers in an EC.
  3. Re: Character Concept Question: Jack Hawksmore? I really liked the idea of an urban elemental. The origin works for me if only by process of elimination. Short of saying, he's the god of cities so let's just leave it at that, or he's a mutant, or he's been bitten by a radioactive skyscraper, what else is there besides abducted by aliens. Honestly, you guys would complain about anything involving the Authority. I can see it now, "The Death of the Authority was totally mishandled, it should have been much more painful."
  4. Re: Early Marvel Age x Silver Age Hey, I'm a superhero, how about that.
  5. Re: Early Marvel Age x Silver Age I thought as much. I remember that mini-series, never picked it up though.
  6. Re: The Authority:What the heck? Blue: Of course you wouldn't, you're a human being. I just meant in our darkest fantasies, we may dream of performing brutal acts of violence on people who did brutal violence on us or our loved ones. And that the Authority is an over the top perversion of those fantasies. There's no consequence to their actions or moral conflict. They hardly even question themselves. The Crow was brutal and violent. He was sure of himself and his course as well. But there was a level of internal conflict and pain that made it beautiful.
  7. Re: Early Marvel Age x Silver Age The Fantastic Four were inspired by real people of the same name? Is that BS? What source are you citing? Pardon me if this is common knowledge but it's news to me. I seem to remember reading a blurb somewhere about something similar. I think the project was titled "Unstable Molecules" but I took it for a joke or what if? type thing.
  8. Re: The Authority:What the heck? Just for fun, I'm going to throw this one out there. What if your significant other was brutally beat and then tag teamed(sexually) by two goons while your SO was trying to defend innocent people? Perhaps, in your wildest fantasies, you might take a gas powered dildo to their hind quarters. This is what's wrong and right about the Authority. They're a power fantasy gone horribly awry. I like the Authority, I enjoyed Millar's run as well as Hitch's. After that I stopped picking the book up. Some of the places Millar went were icky.
  9. Re: Things a wise super hero should NEVER say "Yah, but can we trust him?" "Of course we can, he's from the government." "Bet you can't do that twice." and the variant "You don't have the guts to try it." This one was cold. "He wouldn't really toss an eight year old girl into the rotors of a helicopter, no one's that evil."
  10. Re: What are the most annoying player habits! Hey Shrike, I don't wanna get on your bad side (because it obviously looks like a bad side to be on) but I've been dying to know: Do you consider any of these people friends? Cuz it sounds like you act like your the boss and they're your employees. You must run a pretty good game to have the luxury to toss people so quickly. And I don't think your wrong, it's an interesting way to run a game and you're obviously pleased with it. I can think of more than one occasion when I've put in a lot of work and got zero respect and no quality involvement in return from the players. And I was happy when they didn't come back. But I did lose some friends over that and I didn't even ask them to leave, I just asked them to stop being assholes. So I'm wondering, how do people respond to your style?
  11. Re: What are the most annoying player habits! That's a very mature and reasonable response and I'm glad that all players are still welcome. Sorry I didn't notice your location. For some reason I thought you were from Florida.
  12. Re: What are the most annoying player habits! I've been put through worse without resorting to threats and I've found "never call the person again," to achieve the same results. That story makes me feel sorry for the guy. No matter how annoying a person is, if you ever called them friend, they shouldn't be chased out with threats of violence. It's just a game, one you can enjoy over and over again and the most one annoying person can do, is ruin one night of gaming. If you absolutely must get away from him that instant, asking them to leave nicely should be option A before threats. But, I realize it was your friend and not you, I just hope next time you happen to run into the french guy you say something like, "Please don't threaten people during my games."
  13. They're terrorists. They use violence to achieve political goals. I don't think I would do that if I wanted to. It seems wrong in a base sense. This corrupt CEO is getting on my nerves. I'll kill him. How about you use your super senses to find where the bodies are buried and expose him? Damn whalers keeping whaling! I'll blow up their ships. What about their families? How will they make a living? How about you open a trade school and teach them how to make laptops or something. Why would you execute criminals on the spot when you can just as easily drop them off with the authorities and let the system take care of it. Then you don't have to be all terrorist like. Oh damn, they've sent the military after me. Of course they did, you're a freaking TERRORIST! The Authority is pretty bad in the fascist department, but I have a feeling they'd kill these guys too.
  14. I feel compelled to comment, but can't think of anything that would do an energy blasting hoo-hoo justice. Is hoo-hoo hyphenated?
  15. I think Cap makes a distinction between "war time" and "goofing off with the long john crowd." And lately, (post thawing) all he does is hang out with super heroes and he feels they are powerful and smart enough to solve problems without resorting to lethal force. Now when Cap was one of the only super heroes facing a horde of Nazi bastards, well, a couple of those fascists are gonna lose a finger or two. Or a head. I think a CvK that included undead would be a bigger disad and worth a few more points, so in my mind it's implied that undead are fair game. Something else already killed them, right? Your just desecrating their bodies. Now if you have a code against desecrating bodies, you're in trouble. Demons are sentient, living things, however, and seem to be no different than a super villain besides their origins.
  16. I suppose the easiest solution would to say he met Woozy and joined the FBI later in his career. I like the idea of his powers granting him immortality. Makes since, plastic takes forever to break down and he has shown regenerative capabilities. In Kingdom Come he was portrayed with wrinkles. I remember a while back, Joe Kelly introduced his illegitimate child. Maybe this kid is Offspring from the Kingdom mini-series.
  17. Twice, I have heard Wildcat talk to him like they grew up in the same neighborhood. With a tone like Wildcat was an adult when Plas was a Pre-Teen/Teen. Making him at least 12 in the forties. Which would mean he's over 60 years old at his youngest. I don't know what's canon, but I saw this in Morrison's JLA and Johns/Robinson's JSA series.
  18. What a jerk. I had a guy who was trying to wedge one of mine in a toy car they were cruising around. They also ran figures over with the cars. I just didn't understand how anyone could be so callous with something that took so long to create. It'd be like walking up to an artist and ripping up his latest work. I didn't have that person over again.
  19. Excellent. I was just thinking to myself that he may be a little stronger than average (at least upper body) from lifting his weight around without the help of his lower half.
  20. Thanks to the magic of trade paperbacks, you can. Ultimate X-Men Volume 5: Ultimate War. It's my personal favorite.
  21. GL probably took Bats out for hogging his turf.
  22. On the over confident front, I liked his line when he went after that sub, "If Colussus cannot do it, then who will?" Not exactly a self-doubter.
  23. All those people he killed/ tried to kill really hurt Wolverine. You could possibly keep a reduced code v. killing and up his love for Wolvie. So strong he'd kill anyone who hurt Logan.
  24. I forgot that example. Overconfident, he has no problem going toe to toe with Thor and Iron Man. Nonchalant even.
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