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Everything posted by Eyendasky80

  1. Only thought I have is that Physical limitation is the way to go on the Blindness. Just make it roughly half as limiting as being blind since, for the most part, his vision is unhampered.
  2. Suicide missions, lots and lots of them. I bet they do a lot of, "Keep that rampaging monster who just squashed ten of our best guys occupied while we get away." kind of duty.
  3. I built Spidey's spider-sense as a multipower. Thirty points, I believe and it had two slots to begin with. One for out of combat and one for in combat. Just swinging around he'd have it on Danger Sense and the other slot was DCV levels to represent his spider-sense warning him of danger. I was pretty pleased with how it turned out. I used to play Spider-Man in a champions campaign and I never liked how his danger sense was built. It never seemed very useful in combat. It didn't seem very useful out of combat either, but the DCV levels have a real impact on combat for 3 pts. Later, I planned to add a slot for his spidey-tracers if I ever felt like it. But I never really liked them that much.
  4. I was raised in a group that used miniatures extensively. If you wanted twenty thugs to attack the heroes, you better paint them all up. So I love to paint and play with minis and I've found the lack of licenesed Champion figures no big trouble and have always modified or used existing figures to represent my characters. That said, the more figures the better.
  5. Was the Native American patriotic hero Chief Strongbow? He ran with Cap, right?
  6. It's totally Turner's fault, that guy's made his living off perv comic fans. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing.
  7. That better be in my mailbox! They've been sending me non-payment notices, two since I mailed the check.
  8. My character believes in second chances. He has suspicions that he may have been a not so nice mercenary in a past life. He'd help anyway he could and hopefully the villain will make a good go of it.
  9. My character would probably just shrug.
  10. Major Glory from the Giffen/DeMattis Justice League.
  11. Granted, the getting kidnapped by Nazis worked out in his favor. But I think I'd rather hang on to my original limbs and not have them bitten off by a shark-man, thank you very much sir.
  12. Super Patriot? Erik Larsen has a Super Patriot character. He was a very capable soldier like Nick Fury or Sgt Rock who was captured by Nazis (after fighting off dozens of them single-handed) and experimented on. He gained super strength and agility and became a patriotic hero. He had a very long career until a shark themed character bit off his limbs. He was rebuilt by another evil organization (he has bad luck with evil organizations) with cybernetic limbs that he can transform into any weapon and stretch.
  13. You're absolutely right in sighting Superman as the deciding factor in a battle. But there is a much more subtle reason why besides the fact that he's Superman. DC, since Superman's creation, have struggled to justify the existence of any other heroes, let alone give a logical reason why Superman would lead a team of them when he is just as effective by himself. One of the tactics has been to raise the bar on every character until you've got kid sidekicks in the DC universe that seem powerful enough to take on first tier Marvel characters.
  14. Lots of Presence defined as being so smart you can talk somebody into just about anything. I'd make a multi-power with all of the above and call it Genius POWER.
  15. The seems to have great potential for boring game disruption. Would you allow him to do it over and over? Better way to do a Neo type thing would be extra SPD that costs END to represent him going into "bullet time". Then the aforemention Danger Sense and some levels in DCV with the costs END. Maybe all in a Multipower. And then, if you really, really want to, I'd give him one charge of reverse time. It's hard to alter time and space, right? Once a session shouldn't be too bad. It is an interesting concept, though.
  16. In Astro City, The First Family has three generations. Super Genius, Dr. Augustus Furst and his brother Julian started out (Augustus was still in his teens) in the fifties (I think) as explorers into the unkown, discovering hidden races, alternate dimensions and fighting monsters. Dr. Furst was married four times (maybe more, can't remember) and one of his wives left him for Kaspian, leader of the Beast-Men. Years later, his ex-wife died or disappeared and Augustus ended up adopting her and Kaspian's twin children Natalie and Nick. They were energy manipulators and joined Augustus and Julian on their adventures. Natalie married Rex who is Prince of Monstro City. He's like an aristocratic, refined Thing. Julian fills the gruff Uncle roll. Rex and Natalie had a daughter, Astra, adding generation three to the First Family. Astra's an energy projector as well, but even more powerful than her mom or Uncle Nick. Now this is a really cool, multi-generational super-team.
  17. Does your character have any resolutions for the New Year? Hunt down that arch rival? Lose ten pounds?
  18. Is that SPD comparable to other characters? Seems extremely low for a super heroic campaign.
  19. I got Cyclops. I would have liked to have seen Super Speed as a choice for powers, I've always wanted that. So many things you can do with super speed.
  20. Hey Southern Cross, did you check out the Doc Fate vs Doc Strange thread?
  21. The Avengers are always sorely lacking in power in comparison to DC first string super teams. And the JSA is the firstest string. Firstest? What the hell kind of word is that?
  22. Sounds like a side effect of a really bad date.
  23. But why not use any old knife then? Would it be considered Independant since any mentalist could use it?
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