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Everything posted by Nolgroth

  1. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? My playlist so far today.... Mother, Father - Journey Still They Ride - Journey Open Arms - Journey Someday Never Comes - Creedence Clearwater Revivial Long As I Can See the Light- CCR Lodi - CCR Hello - Lionel Richie Letters From Home - John Michael Montgomery Simple Man - Lynard Skynard That Was Yesterday - Foreigner Burning Heart - Survivor Walking Away - Information Society
  2. Re: Hero In Two Pages - Complete I kept this file handy, as a reminder that the Hero system is not all that complicated, when I coded the MapTool framework. It can get complex when you start layering in the optional stuff, but even then it is not difficult to master.
  3. Re: Okay class: Make me a rogue. Neat character Lucius. Cannot give you rep, but neat concept.
  4. Re: Okay class: Make me a rogue. I like the Roof Runner ability Shadowsoul. Nice one.
  5. Re: Okay class: Make me a rogue. Background: Rahlain was born on the streets and orphaned at an early age when his parents were struck down in the Food Riots of 726. Since then, he was taken in by one of their closest associates; a fence named Bannir. Over the years, Bannir trained Rahlain to accurately judge the value of items brought into the store. Rahlain took to the task very quickly. He had a mind for organization and the ability to remember every little detail. His abilities soon led him out into the shadowy night, where he quickly developed other skills. He joined with a second story crew and burgled a few homes. He took to the gambling rackets fairly quickly and he learned the pulse of merchant traffic coming through the city. What sort of goods they would be carrying and where they would be going. All of this he learned while still young. Rahlain quickly bored of the tedium of running a second story gang. In a fit of pique, he decided to have his gang rob a wealthy merchant's villa. The thrill was like nothing he had felt before. Sadly, the job ended with his entire crew tracked down and slain by henchmen of the merchant. Rahlain survived the attempt, but only because he allowed himself to get caught in some minor crime. His experiences inside the jail taught Rahlain a very firm lesson; getting caught was never good. When he got out, he swore that any further jobs would have to be carefully planned out in order to avoid the two very situations that had stung him. Waiting for Rahlain at the prison gates were members of the Thieves Guild. They made him an offer that intrigued him greatly. He could use his natural talents in the fine art of finding information; usually from people that didn't want to part with it. Thus began Rahlain's life as a spy for the Thieves Guild. And more, his contacts that he made spying expanded his horizons so that he could take a few side jobs. Sometimes he even worked for the crown! Personality: Rahlain is actually not invested in being a thief or a spy or any other specific thing. He has lived a life of relatively narrow scope and is always looking to expand his horizons. He is hopping to see more than the inside of the city walls can offer. As such, he would take any opportunity to see more and do more. Powers/Tactics: Rahlain's biggest advantages are the ones that tie him to the city; his contacts and organizational skills. He also has the gamut of typical "rogue" skills to supplement his network of informants. Compared to those trained in combat, Rahlain would be easy meat. When he does fight, he prefers to do so with knives and other easily concealed weapons. He once bested a guardsman in a staff fight, but that was pure luck. (The guardsman didn't think so and has developed a fondness for the boy.) Rahlain has no magical skills or talents whatsoever and would fit handily into a game with low or no magic. [ATTACH=CONFIG]39716[/ATTACH] Design Notes: Created for Old Man's "Make me a Rogue" thread. I deliberately created Rahlain for the purpose of being good at contacts and networking and almost bone stock average everywhere else. It gives him room to grow.
  6. Re: Memory backups and replacement bodies The character could have a (admittedly) pretty massive VPP to represent the abilities of different bodies. Under ideal circumstances, they could select the body they are uploaded to. Under emergency conditions, they would not. Not sure, but that might be worth as much as -1/4. Could only change in limited circumstance: New Upload (-x). But with your last post, I am wondering if Multiform would not be an equally valid approach. I was under the impression that the personality imprint is stored and uploaded independently of the personality's wishes. By the last post, it seems more like the characters get to choose from a smorgasbord of available bodies and upload on their own. The Dispel would still be valid. Heck the VPP could also be bought as part of the alternate form. I'd have to go back over Multiform with a fine-toothed comb to make sure.
  7. Re: Memory backups and replacement bodies Something in me is screaming Summon and Dispel Summon. Maybe Possession/ Dispel Possession (APG I, Page 74). Indeed, one of the uses for Possession is very similar to this. In your example, I am presuming that the memory imprint is loaded without the immediate consent of the imprinted into some sort of husk. In that case, I would go with Possession, 0 END, Persistent, Usable as Attack, Must have prepared host rig/body/shell/whatever on hand. To remove the imprint would be bought as Dispel versus Possession. I would buy the imprint as all Mental Stats, Skills, and maybe some Perks that rely on memory/knowledge in order to work (Access: Evylldyne Global Intelligence Computer Network password). The husk would be bought with all of the physical characteristics, attacks and defenses. This is just how I would do it.
  8. Re: Spell Casters are Lucky, not Skilled Afraid not. Facebook gives me an "ick" feeling so I have not signed up for it.
  9. Re: Spell Casters are Lucky, not Skilled An interesting idea conceptually. I think I would like to tinker with it a little. See what I can come up with.
  10. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Season of the Witch It was a passable fantasy movie that came just shy of hitting all the right notes; in every scene. Some moments of humor. Relatively decent twist. Not unforeseeable nor a total shocker, but decent. The climactic final scene wasn't. A better director could have probably made this movie one of the greats. As it was, I was congratulating myself for not wasting precious resources to see it at the theater.
  11. Re: A Lich's Phylactery Honestly, and in especial reference to the One Ring, I think there are two basic things going on. 1. Sauron can't die. Regeneration: Resurrection, Extra Time, Doesn't work if the One Ring is destroyed. I imagine that a Phylactery has much the same effect. 2. A whole bunch of powers that are tied directly to the One Ring. OIF: Ring. He can't use his extra powers without the Ring in his possession so he is deprived of them. The very definition of Focus. It is obvious when he is using the Ring, but it takes defeating him in battle and then cutting the Ring off his finger to get it, making it inaccessible. (Yes, I am going with the book version instead of the movie.) A lich's Phylactery may or may not have a similar purpose. If not, I would still define how it can be destroyed. One of the original conditions mentioned is to buy Life Support through the Phylactery, but I am not sure that is the road I would go. The Resurrection thing is all or nothing as is. It almost seems like "double dipping" to get bonus points for something that counts as the "Reasonably common means" of stopping the Regeneration/Resurrection. I would probably define it as a Limitation just to tidy up the accounting, but it would be -0.
  12. Re: Combining post-apocalypse and accidental uplift That's how I understand it. In Fallout: New Vegas there is a reference to a Master who had some sort of direct hand in the development of 1st Generation supermutants. I never played Fallout and Fallout 2, so I can only glean from the lore available in Fallout 3 and New Vegas.
  13. Re: Combining post-apocalypse and accidental uplift Well there were the Supermutants and Ghouls from Fallout 3. There is lore within the game that indicates somebody "uplifted" the supermutants.
  14. Re: A Lich's Phylactery Probably for the best. Since my first couple of posts and reading Lucius's post, I am thinking I would stick with either your initial thought of Physical Manifestation or go with a custom Limitation. And you are welcome. Note that you can use the name portion to represent anything, such as quote=Washington Post if you wanted to show a portion of a news article.
  15. Re: Setting Concept (looking for feedback) Now you see, this is why I like you and your work. This setting idea reminds me of the cosmology of my own meta-setting concepts. The major difference between yours and mine is the topography of the land ( your's is a physical manifestation of the conflict and mine is more traditional ). There are a few minor differences, but for the most part I think we could sit down as co-GM's and hash out those differences if we were going to take turns running the setting. You tend to be a little more dark than even I usually get. I still have this hidden little boy inside me that thinks that the heroes should ultimately win. The way I read this as the whole "ultimately doomed" part should/will play a major part in the campaign. Overall, I really like the concept.
  16. Re: A Lich's Phylactery Are you planning this for publication? If not, then anything, you as the GM decide, is legal. People get caught up in whether it is book legal and often forget that it is fun. I can see two alternates to Focus (though I suppose Focus is how I would do it right now) without even thinking too hard; Custom Limitation and Special Effect. And that's not even counting your Physical Manifestation idea, which is also valid. You could create a new Limitation called "Tied to Phylactery" and give it a value of -1/4 through -10. Alternately, you can just say that it is and be done with it. It's all up to you and your campaign. Do you think one of your PCs will attempt lichdom at some point in the campaign? If so, define the rules and stick to them. If not, don't sweat it. When the PC paladin finally has that little bastard by the phylactery, it really doesn't matter. Define how it is destroyed (either by points or some special effect method (tossing into a volcano)) and be done with it. The point of all this rant (and sorry about the rant tone) is that NPCs can be built however you need them to be. It is probably good practice for you to build them as if they are going to be approved by somebody else, but not strictly necessary. Don't let the obsession to stat things out ruin your own fun. And to attribute a quote use... [quote=Nolgroth] Where "Nolgroth" is the name of the person you are quoting.
  17. Re: A Lich's Phylactery I would say that Resurrection covers the reforming of the body. The special effect is that it ends up elsewhere. You may even apply Extra Time to represent how long it takes for the body to relocate and reform. Why not just use Focus for that. It is probably Inobvious (otherwise the lich is in for a short lifespan) but Accessible versus Inaccessible is entirely up to the special effect. Necklace that can be ripped off with a Grab? Accessible. Ring? Inaccessible. And that doesn't mean that the lich actually has to have the item on his person. It can be hidden behind a brick in the wall for all of that.
  18. Re: Fantasy Economies: How closely should we examine them? What, you haven't?
  19. Re: So I want to "build my own solar system" (for things like astrology, solstaces, e After 125,000 years, life on the planet I had was wiped out. No catastrophe. No impact. No sudden shift in position. It had maintained a steady orbit for its entire existence and then just a random "all life is wiped out" message. Methinks the simulator is disposed towards killing off a planet and will do so with no rational or explained reason.
  20. Re: So I want to "build my own solar system" (for things like astrology, solstaces, e Sounds like a fun setting idea.
  21. Re: Darkest Planet So Far.....??? First of all, great article. Thanks for linking to it. Second of all, I suppose the manifestation of Entropy is spreading through the universe quicker than we all believed possible.
  22. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Burn Notice Season 5, Episode 3. I started to worry about this show for the first two episodes of the season. This one turned it around.
  23. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? http://www.youtube.com/user/MsCinematicmusic#p/u/0/9qOwKdsJwl0
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