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Everything posted by ghost-angel

  1. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #3: Area Of Effect And Damage Shield The trick is to costing it so it's priced correctly, but not so high as to make it effectively useless.
  2. Re: Duct Tape Indeed - there is no write-up for such an item. Just decide how much you have, and what it is doing as things go along. Otherwise: 15pt VPP; Cosmic; Only Things Duct Tape Can Do
  3. Re: Duct Tape VPPs aren't unbalacing. Anyways: Duct Tape +5 Mechanics Skill Roll; Non-Precise Parts Only (-1)
  4. Re: Lucha Hero I have it... haven't given it more than a really quick glance-through though.
  5. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? A Boy And His Dog - a post-apocalyptic movie, complete with nihilism, telepathic dogs, underground totalitarian societies that parody 1950s America, and an ending that I honestly did not see coming.
  6. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #3: Area Of Effect And Damage Shield It became self-aware in early 2007, after bumming couch space and mooching food off of Steve for a couple years he finally just put it to work updating it's own layout and dealing with the printer. Steve expects it to get its own place by the end of the year, and wishes it would clean up after itself.
  7. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #3: Area Of Effect And Damage Shield Damage Shield caused a bit of a ruckus with SETAC... nothing nearly as epic as KAs though. I can't reveal, but I think most people will be happy with Damage Shield. I certainly am.
  8. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #3: Area Of Effect And Damage Shield Either way... the picture is awesome. I dunno about these rules changes though.... I think you've covered too much area at once
  9. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #3: Area Of Effect And Damage Shield hey... nice; I like the pic a lot. ... is that Signal Ghost?
  10. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Dead Like Me - odd little television series. Only laster 2 seasons(ish) and a movie.
  11. Re: Fooling Telepathy Actually, it's more like them asking questions and you being able to lie about the answers.
  12. Re: Shape Shift into Water: Clever or Cheesy? This is all well and good - but it makes the assumption that these are the primary desires of the Characters build, and not just some useful benefits of clever use of another Power. Shapshift provides a whole different suite of capabilities - and as has been pointed out has several different possibly undersireable mechanical aspects.
  13. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? A tongue-in-cheek (oh Gods I hope it was tongue in cheek) sci-fi style movie patterned after all the thrillers of the 50s. The Lost Skeleton Of Cadavra Bad dialogue, bad delivery, bad special effects, bad plot... all combined to make one really fun Bad Movie Night movie. A scientist and his wife are in search of a falling meotor (for Science! - I kid you not, it's all to advance Science!) that has Atmospherium in it. To add to the fun another scientist is in search of the Cadavra Cave in search of the lost skeleton (which talks via Telepathy and is a smart-@$$) - to bring it to life and conquer the world. Then add in space aliens whose mutant gets loose when they crash. The mutant starts killing people (The Farmer and Ranger Dan actually). The best actors in the movie are the Skeleton's voice over and the hot girl who played Animala (a transmuted collection of forest animals by the aliens Transmuter Ray...). I'd describe the plot, but ... I'm not sure there was one.
  14. Re: Justifying Playable SPD I like you manage to condemn others for forcing a Speed and then go around and do the same in one post. Nice. In SOME games 5 could be considered a maximum for anyone but certain archetypes. In SOME games 5 could be considered the minimum speed for Characters to play at. In SOME games you should be able to work easily with a wide range. In SOME games it makes more sense for the Speeds to be clustered. 5 Is a Speed, not the minimum, not the maximum. Just one option. It may or may not be appropriate for any given game for it to be the max, min or middle of the ranges. I play in one campaign where 3 of 4 Characters are SPD5, and one SPD8. "Speedsters" tend to start at 6+ Another campaign where you aren't even in the same league as "Speedsters" until you're 7+. And one ended campaign where "Speedsters" were in the 9-12 Range (one of the PCs was a Speed 12).
  15. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #2: New Combat Maneuvers; Objects As Weapons I've always viewed MPA as two separate attacks that happen to take place in the same Phase from the same attacker. So I don't add them together - for purposes of Stunning or otherwise. Each attack, as I played MPA from even before 5E, was separate; against defenses separately, attack roll separately, effects separately. If I had 12DC Limits in place, you could do two 12DC Attacks with MPA. And it would be treated as two 12DC Attacks.
  16. Re: Justifying Playable SPD Powered Armor - the armors systems help the character react faster. Technomancer - developed a system that speeds up your natural impulses. Mentalist - For Mental Actions Only speed Gunslinger - For Attacks with Guns Only speed And there are a few Speeds between 2 and 5. Humans can get up to Speed 4 with "NMC" If the majority of the PCs are SPD 5 then a Speed 3 or 4 Character isn't that far behind the curve. Besides... it's Superheroes, push the limits of what "Normal" is, they're action heroes after all.
  17. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #2: New Combat Maneuvers; Objects As Weapons
  18. Re: What effect do AP and RP limits have on Characteristics? Definitely. I prefer Damage Class Caps. If I set AP Caps they tend to be 25% higher or so that any DC Caps I set. The way I see it a DC Cap allows the game to set and find levels of capabilities - if you know that X is the highest amount of damage that can be caused you can add in the Absolute Rule easily, or create weak/middle/strong/woah! types. AP Caps tend to just restrict creativity.
  19. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign I have to clear Wednesdays off, which realistically, won't happen until GenCon rolls around, but I might be able to swing 1 Wed in before that.
  20. Re: What effect do AP and RP limits have on Characteristics? When I enforced AP Caps, I tend to count Base Characteristics in that value. It gets tricky with things like DEX though, where 10 DEX is already 30 AP. In which case I tend to set Characteristic Guidelines. For the most part, only STR and PRE (both of which involve some form of Attack capability) get seriously counted for AP Caps. I do not use RP Caps.
  21. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far I don't see why not.
  22. Re: Golden Girl Visible on Powers that are visible by default makes them Very Visible... everyone notices them whether they're paying attention or not. It's a valid Limitation, in a rules sense, but the GM will have to play out correctly. Visible on RKA: Gun would make it extra loud for example (like, say, a howitzer going off).
  23. Re: Musings on Random Musings Need to talk it out? Or should I just pass the ammo?
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