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Everything posted by S7Michelle

  1. Re: Would your character... Cannis is completely comfortable with her body, is very fond of large amounts of money or jewelry, and responds well to complements and other forms of praise. She’d probably check with Adam, her boss/potential boyfriend, first to make sure he didn’t have any objections. So long as Adam didn’t mind, she could keep her mask on, and they promised to keep the shooting spot secret from the local hero group, she’d agree. She probably wouldn’t even steal the jewelry afterwards. Interestingly enough, I've been toying with the idea of having Cannis suggest that the females in our group do a Supervillaness calender. Would be fun. Would be profitable (each of us has a COM between 18-20). And would increase our recognition factor. Just haven't found the right time to do it in game yet. Sailor Io is underage and would find the thought of posing nude embarrassing and very uncomfortable. More importantly, she knows how much it would hurt her boyfriend and she loves him far to much to deliberately hurt him, especially over something trivial. She’d be polite when she said “no thank you,†though.
  2. Re: Campaigning for Supervillain PCs... Our group is currently playing a villains campaign that I see probably lasting for a few years at least, and having lots of fun doing so. Admittedly, our villains do tend to be closer to anti-villains than truly evil types. Most of us prefer not to kill innocents, several of us have various codes of honor, we are loyal to our team mates, etc. Additionally, our leader’s overall goal is one that will end up saving the Earth. Though, we aren’t doing it to save the humans but rather to save ourselves and those we care about. Saving everyone else is just a positive side effect. So far we have been mostly successful in our first three adventures (rescuing a fellow mutant from jail, rescuing a team mate from an evil company that experiments on mutants, and rescuing our employer’s butler from a spa owner that was transferring people’s youth to herself). And yes, I know, none of our adventures sounds particularly villainous. Our current task is to try to influence an election to insure that the right candidate wins by getting as much illegal, underworld support for the wrong candidate as possible. Then when the newspapers find out about “his†bribing gangs to extort campaign funds and votes for him, hiring thieves to gather information on his opponent, and so on, we believe that the average citizens will rise up in mass to vote for his opponent. Since we are doing this very subtly, I don’t think that we are going to have to worry about superhero interference unless we just get very unlucky. Nevertheless, I am sure that the City’s Champions (not the same as the Champions in the book) will act to thwart at least some of our plans. Though others will succeed or partially succeed. Having competent heroes around makes life more challenging and leads to fun revenge plot hooks, rivalries, and possibly even attempted conversions. The GM has already said that she is fairly certain that the hero team will defeat us badly in our first fight against them. However, I’m pretty sure that we will manage to escape, or will be rescued if captured. Even though our GM is a firm believer in cause and effect, PCs tend to have a certain degree of script immunity. (In our group, it is very rare for someone to be put into a position where they have to make a new character, unless they have done something incredibly stupid.) We are playing a group of mutants who is working for a rich and charismatic Magneto type NPC. The NPC came from a post-apocalyptic future world where due to humanity destroying most of the mutants on the planet, Earth was easy prey for an alien attack. He intends to do whatever it takes to see to it that things happen differently this time. And we, of course, intend to help him. Though, as with any game, there will be plenty of sub-plots along the way. I do agree with my GM that if you are going to run an evil game, you want to have all of your characters to have an in game reason to work together. In our case it is loyalty to our leader and friendships with each other. It is a good idea for everyone going in to at least have a feel for the style and level of evil that will be in the game. A team that is similar to GRAB is going to require a much different style of game than one that is similar to DEMON. One thing to watch for is a shift in the groups desired style of play. Our group started out darker and more evil than we are now. One player switched to a nicer character. My character ended up being played much less ruthlessly than I’d initially planned. My own personality and ethics have bleed through to the point where Cannis became rather nice. I like her better that way though. There is one small problem that has come into play with our group. Because we are working for a wealthy NPC who is paying us quite well, we have less motivation to go out and do random crimes just to make money. Why rob a bank when you are already living in a mansion (team base)? Why go mug people on a train unless you have a good reason to do so? That meant that especially at first, we weren’t taking as proactive of a role as our GM expected. Unfortunately, that still comes into play somewhat. I do have a few plans and schemes of my own. But I think that more often than not, we are going to be carrying out our NPC leaders plans, rescuing team mates in trouble, etc. Which is fine and fun, it just maybe wasn’t quite what the GM initially intended. It’s just that due to circumstances and our characters personalities, our crimes need to be a bit deeper than go rob a bank or go cause havoc somewhere. Which can make coming up with ideas a bit more challenging. I do feel just a little bit guilty about not being proactive enough and plan to buy the Villains book to see if it can give me some other nice proactive schemes that I can see Cannis coming up with. (I still think that a Super-Villainess Calendar would probably sell well. Nothing like a team with four female members all of whom are around 18-20 COM. Probably would increase our reputations a bit too.) All in all, I think that provided you have a good group, villain games aren’t that much harder to run than any other type of game. Its good for the PCs to have some long range type goals. And the GM can always toss in interesting targets if things get slow. For example, a news paper headline of, “Rare Multimillion Dollar Egyptian artifact on loan to the Museum of Art for one week only†could lead to at least one if not more sessions worth of play. Villains attempt to steal the artifact. Are stopped by the heroes but manage to escape. One of the heroes gloats and manages to irritate the villains. Now the villains both want to steal something else to show up the heroes in general and want to get payback on the gloater. And so on. Have fun, Michelle
  3. Re: Character Posting Game: Restart I know it’s a bit late. But I really wanted to post my Flying Hero inspired by Mercedes Lackey’s song, “The Silver Gryphon.†I hope you don’t mind. The Silver Gryphon Stats: 50 STR 40 23 DEX 39 40 CON 60 25 BODY 30 13 INT 3 13 EGO 6 20 PRE 10 20 COM 5 20 PD 10 20 ED 12 6 SPD 39 18 REC 0 80 END 0 70 STUN 0 8 OCV 8 DCV 4 ECV 30/10 PDr 24/4 EDr Total Stat Points: 254 Skills: 44 15 Combat Skill Levels +3 with HTH 3 Power: Flight Tricks (dex based) 14- 3 Criminology 12- 5 Oratory 14- 5 Paramedics 13- 3 Persuasion 13- 4 Survival (Temperate/Mountains) 12- 3 Tracking 12- 3 KS: Fantasy 12- Talents: 6 Ambidexterity Powers: 146 21 Armor (10 PDr, 4 EDr) (21 active points) 4 Wings: Extra Limbs (5 active points), Limited Manipulation (-1/4) 16 Eagle Eyes: +16 vs Range for normal sight 6 Keen Senses: +2 PER with all sense groups 40 Enhanced Physique: Life Support (Extended Breathing (4), Diminished Eating (3), Diminished Sleep (3), Safe in Low Pressure, High Presure and Intense Cold (5), Longevity (5), All Immunities (20) 50 Wings Multipower 3 Flying: Flight (25â€) (50 active points), Restrainable (-1/2) (33 points) 3 Gliding: Gliding (25â€) (25 points), Reduced END (0 END; +1/2), (38 active points); Restrainable (-1/2), (25 points) 2 Strong Breeze: Telekineseis (30 STR) (45 points) Affects whole object (-1/4), Only to push object away (-1), Restrainable (-1/2) (16 points) 1 Kicking up Dust: Darkness vs Sight 2†radius (20 active points), Restrainable (-1/2) (13 points) 59 Disadvantages: 150 20 Code vs Killing: Common/Total 20 Code of the Hero: Very Common/Strong 20 Protective of Innocents: Very Common/Strong 15 Overconfident: Very Common/Moderate 15 DNPC: Jenny (Normal, Occasionally) 15 Public Identity 10 DF: Large Silvery White Wings tinted with various color 5 DF: Always plays his Theme Song when he swoops in to fight crime or rescue someone 10 Hunted: Chose someone appropriate for the campaign (As powerful, 8-) 20 Vulnerable: Flash Attacks (Sight group) (Common, x2 effect) Base Points: 300 Disadvantages: 150 Total Points: 450 Appearance: A classically handsome man who appears to be in his early 20s. He has black hair and bright blue eyes. More significantly he has a large pair of silvery white wings which are tinted in various colors depending on his mood. He wears a dark blue costume with an silver gryphon emblem on the front. Where ever he goes, he is accompanied by the sound of his theme music (sung by Jenny who actually has a rather good voice) played on the radio at his waist. Personality: The Silver Gryphon is a true four-color hero. Honorable, brave, loyal and true. However, he can also be rather annoying, in that he believes his theme song. While he doesn’t deliberately mean to be patronizing to other super-heroes, he is quite certain that he is the best person. And he has every intention of keeping this city and especially Jenny and those she cares about, safe. Theme Music: “Send in the Silver Gryphons†By Mercades Lackey “Bad news is coming by to call. Bad times are here. Bad guys are smashing through the walls. Time to know fear. Bad dreams are cruising like a shark. Bad as can be. Bad things are laughing in the dark. Nowhere to flee. It’s time to make a stand, it’s time to pay the cost. The Reaper’s scythe is sweeping in. Amazed and desperate, the day is all but lost. There’s just one chance you have to win. Send in the Silver Gryphons! No way of leveling the odds. No hope to win. No use in calling on the Gods. They’ve got you pinned. No time to make another plan. No breath to shout. No strength to make a final stand. Luck has run out. Your life is on the line, the blade is at your chest. It’s time to play the game to win. Call back the amateurs; it’s time to send the best. Call us or call your next of kin. Send in the Silver Gryphons! Bad news is coming by to call. Bad times are here. Bad guys are smashing through the walls. Time to know fear. Hard folk make sure the job is done. Hard as a stone. Hard fights can surely still be won. You’re not alone. Send in the Silver Gryphons! Gryphons fight causes that are lost. Gryphons defend Gryphons don’t try to count the costs. You can depend on Gryphons, as smart as they are tough. Gryphons don’t rest. Gryphons, when good is not enough Send in the best. Send the Gryphons Send the Silver Gryphons Send in the Silver Gryphons. Send in a Gryphon. Send in the Silver Gryphons! You gotta call for the Gryphons Send in the Gryphons. Call for the Gryphons Send in the Gryphons! Gryphons!†Background: Sometimes a girl just needs a hero. Jenny, a gifted preteen, was one of those girls. Artistic and shy, she had a hard time fitting in at school and was frequent target of bullies. Unwilling or unable to deal with the situation on her own, she instead retreated and created a wonderful world for herself via her art. A world where everyone was keep safe by an elite group of crime fighters and soldiers known as the Silver Gryphons. She wrote about them, drew them, made up songs about them, dreamed about them. She invested tons of emotional energy into her dream world. And then….one day…..one of her dream heroes stepped out of the picture she was drawing and into the real world. The Silver Gryphon was in some way created by Jenny’s desires and dreams, and though he is real and independent of her, he feels a very strong attachment and a great deal of protectiveness towards her. He has managed to begin to make a life for himself in this new world. To keep Jenny and his origins a secret, he simply says that “I came to this world from another Realm. When I realized that you needed my help and protection so badly, I felt it was best if I stayed.†Powers: The Silver Gryphon is a fairly straight forward flying brick. Much like the Gryphon from which he draws his name he is strong, tough, quick, and able to endure a wide range of harsh environments. He has enhanced sense to enable him to see what is going on during his flights. His powerful wings can be used to fly or to glide (giving him a chance to rest). He can also use them to push objects back by producing a stiff breeze or to darken an area by blowing up dirt and debris. Tactics: The Silver Gryphon prefers to attack from flight. He makes use of frequent move-bys and grab-bys. Unwilling to do more damage than is necessary, he generally attempts to restrain his foes or pulls his punches until he determines how much damage it will take to subdue them. Since I was the second to post for this challenge. I won’t make a challenge of my own. Michelle
  4. Re: Help with detective/PI skills There are quite a few skills that should fit well with this type of character: I'd suggested looking at the following. Analyze--Specifically Analyze Magic. Though others might fit too. Bugging--ideal for survelance Bureaucratics--working for the public involves a ton of paperwork (isn't a very useful skill in most games though) Combat Driving--good for high speed chases Concealment--it lets you find hidden things as well as hide them yourself Conversation--pump subjects for information Crimnology--a given for a cop since it lets you read a crime scene Deduction--another given Disguise (along with acting)--can be useful if you want to go undercover Forensic Medicine--a bit more iffy since this the the coroner skill, but a familiarity wouldn't be unreasonable Interrogation--questioning the subject (though a good cop would only use the psychological half of this skill City Knowledge--the city the game is set in KS: "The Usual Supsects" Paramedics--a useful skill for anyone to have Persuasion--its useful to be able to convince people of things and tell believeable lies SS: Psychology--at a low level this could represent the ability to read a subject and figure out motives Security Systems (and lockpicking): good for detectives that don't mind bending the law a bit. Sometimes you really want to see what is in his office. Shadowing--good for following a suspect Stealth--good for observing without being observed Streetwise--you know about the criminal underground. After all, you fight it on a daily basis Survival--might come instinctively to a lycanthrope Tracking--finding lost people Weapon Familiarity: small arms Hope it helps, Michelle
  5. Re: High Tech Crimes I'm glad that you found my ideas helpful. If you do decide to go with the "strange new world theme," and if you can find it, I'd suggest reading the short story/essay "The Crazy Years" by Spider Robinson. It is printed in the book "By Any Other Name." While I don't necessarily agree with all of his points, he definately sees things from a very different perspective. The essay covers everything from writing, to drug use, to sexuality, to technology, to the news, and even literacy. Heck it even explores the bizaarness of kitchens and bathrooms. Here is the conclusion that was drawn at the end of the essay: "Yoomins believe at their core that LIFE ISN'T TOUGH ENOUGH." "Yoomins made a terrible historical mistake. They destroyed or tamed every single predator that threatened them, from the sabertooth to smallpox, and gained control over most natural catastrophies--long before they were emotionally prepared to do without them. They have become accustomed to the regular sound of ringing alarm bells in their head and so will manufacture an emergency if none arises naturally. In between emergencies they fantasize about them. They are addicted to fear and for some reason cannot admit it. They are neurologically wired to deal with a more hostile environment than the one that presents itself...and are undone by the lack of competition. They turn their own intellegence to making life difficult enough for their own comfort, for their innate sense of the rightness of things. Thus, the brighter they are, the stupider they appear to be." The rest of the book is an interesting set of short stories about the future. Though very little that would make good plot fodder. Really Spider Robinson in general writes settings close to what you are doing. I'm not sure if his books would be a huge help but they might provide you with some setting ideas. He's a decent author. Though some of his stuff is borderline R rated. Michelle
  6. Re: Character Background Help How about something like this: Tom Foolery was born and raised a circus performer. His family had owned a traveling circus for generations, performing was in their blood and they were good at it. But times started getting tougher. The band of performers was having trouble bringing in enough money to pay for their expenses. Some of the entertainers began engaging in petty crimes to supplement their income while they were in the smaller towns. Ultimately it backfired on them, and thanks to a corrupt cop and some vigilante justice, some of Tom’s family ended up badly injured/dead and the circus, unable to carry on without them, was no more. Now Tom Foolery wants Revenge and in honor of the circus he loved and the family he misses, he does it while wearing his clown costume. Michelle
  7. Re: "No Lock Can Hold Me" Power It always amazes me how many ways there are to do something in Champions. Thank you for all of the suggestions. At the moment, I'm leaning towards the transform locked to unlocked idea, with the contortionist part made a seperate power and probably gotten a good bit later. But all of the ideas sound very workable.
  8. Re: Using COMliness Well, while I didn't make a roll for it, the other night, my character (20 Com) ended up with the person she was fighting asking her if they couldn't just go out to dinner instead. Was a great deal as far as Cannis was concerned, she rescued her friend (one of her terms for the date was let Belle go), got a free meal, and got a chance to get to know one of the Citiy's Heroes a bit better. I think high COM is one of those things that just tends to influence how people react to you. You might use it as a supplemental roll with various social type rolls (persuasion, conversation, bartering, etc.). It could also lead to NPCs of the appropriate types being a bit more friendly or flirtatious in general. Michelle
  9. I am trying to figure out how to best model a power that represents a super lock picking/contortionist type skill for my thief character. The basic idea is that she is skilled enough that give a bit of time, she can find some way to get out of most any type of bond, locked room, etc. whether it be by picking a lock, flexing her body in just the right way to wriggle out of the ropes, or whatever. I got the initial idea from the “Super Contortionist†skill listed in Fred as an Desolification example and tweaked it a bit so that it felt more the way I saw it working for my character. 11 No Lock can hold me: Desolidification (affected by any attack) (40 active points); Does not protect against damage (-1), Only to simulate skill at escaping from bonds or picking locks (-1/2), Extra Time (One full turn, -1 ¼) And for the most part I do like it. The only problem is that now I’m trying to figure out the best way to model the fact that, at least part of the time, the power could be usable by others. For instance, if Cannis picks the lock to get into our or of a room, then I’m having a hard time seeing why everyone else with her couldn’t get in or out as well. (Am I over thinking things again?) I know there is an advantage called useable by others which probably could reflect that fact. But useable by others, simultaneously, up to potentially a fairly large group of people, gets insanely expensive very fast. One option would be to just buy my lock picking, contortionist and security systems skills up to over 18- levels. I, by that point, will have all three of course. Though I prefer the absoluteness of the desolid and the fact that it would as a special effect ensure that I always had my lock picks or something equivalent handy. Suggestions, recommendations, alternative approaches? Thanks, Michelle
  10. ::Blushes madly:: I didn't mean it that way. The boat got the hole in it on the way to the romantic interlude. Frigid dropped the ancher while the boat was going at full speed. (Never let someone who has never sailed a boat before pilot a 70 million dollar yacht). The real problem was the rest of us found them sitting naked, in the hot tub, with an opened bottle of wine. Even if they weren't actually planning to do anything more than that, I don't think any of us are going to believe them. Especially not our leader, the girl's overprotective father. I can't wait to watch that session. Just really glad I'm not the one that is going to have to face the music. Michelle
  11. Quite a lot actually. Romantic entanglements tend to play a large role in our games (and lead to some very fun plots). Probably, at least in part, because over half of our group is female and at least some of us are born romantics. Heck, at least one, if not more, of the GMs in my group make a point of designing an NPC for my character to be interested in before the game even starts. And right now, one of the other PCs is running into problems because he hasn't realized it might be a good idea to keep his romantic relationship with our boss's underage daughter a secret. Well that, and he managed to put a hole in said leaders 70 million dollar yacht.
  12. Definitely not to Cannis’ taste. Though it does remind me of a company we ran across that does similar type things to mutants. The company is now short one building and however many workers weren’t able to get out of it before it collapsed. Cannis and her team do not react well to having someone capture and try to experiment on one of their friends. (Ok, admittedly, the plan going in wasn’t “destroy the building.†It was “rescue Orb.†But she is safely back with the group, we all got out alive and reasonably undamaged, and none of us feel the least bit guilty about the collateral damage. So, I’m considering the mission a success.) Michelle
  13. Actually, you all have hit on one of the future goals/plot hooks of my character. I’ve already told the GM that sometime in the future, Cannis will probably try releasing an agent into the city that will cause anyone with mutant potential to realize that potential immediately and become a full mutant. (Hopefully the GM will let me attempt to do this as a one time plot hook/goal rather than making me buy the power with experience points, since I have a feeling that it would take over a years worth of exp to be able to afford to do so.) I really doubt Cannis would be willing to give a human that didn’t have the proper potential mutant powers. To put it in her words, “It would be like strapping claws and fangs on a deer.†Though of course, if her alpha asked her to, or if the price was right, she would at least consider it. And yes, if you haven’t already guessed, our group follows a leader whose beliefs are somewhat similar to Magneto’s. Using biology to enhance teammates powers and abilities is a good plan as well and would provide a nice justification for certain experience point expenditures on their part. I already have a few planned experience point purchases that will use her biology skill as a justification. For instance, since its becoming increasingly clear in the game that we are going to end up facing a war one of these days, creating an enhanced healing serum (regeneration), that both could be used by Cannis and her team mates (provided they were willing to spend the exp points), as well as provided to the people on our side of the battle, just makes sense.
  14. Thank you for all of the suggestions. I have a feeling that if I make use of some of them, I’ll have the heroes wanting to pound the heck out of Cannis before turning her over to the authorities. Just one small reminder, I am a player in a villain campaign rather than the GM, and I don’t have a biological variable power pool or multi-power. Most of my points went into her mutant abilities after all. So while some of these ideas are wonderful, I’m not entirely sure I’d ever be able to afford them. Still, it never hurts to bounce all sorts of ideas around, right? If nothing else, people can steal them for their campaigns. Adding a detect weaknesses to the analysis is a definite must and is being moved to the front of my “to buy with experience†list. The cloning tanks are going on the to buy list as well. They just are going to be too fun to pass up (especially if we can get them as part of the base. I don’t mind sharing). After all, there are tons of cloning the heroes ideas to chose from, along with several other potential interesting plots that could make use of the tanks. Imagine the potential if I was able to steal the DNA of all the mutants foolish enough to register (not entirely sure that the registration will include providing blood samples but it might). Or the fun of cloning a beautiful girlfriend/boyfriend for a teammate. Or providing our group leader with a nice cloned army. Or creating clones specifically designed to go against one of the heroes. The tailored drugs and diseases ideas are very interesting though I have a feeling they may cost more experience points than I’ll be able to afford. From the few examples I’ve seen in the powers book, (Ranged drains with NND and extra time and probably a whole bunch of other advantages I can’t remember off the top of my head), diseases tend to cost well over 50 to 60 points. Still, I am toying with a plot in the future where I can give everyone in the city a disease just so that I can appear to have reformed by offering a cure for it to the hero group. There are of course, a few more details and it will take some good acting on my part, plus probably some well played “fear of what my alpha and teammates will do to me if he finds out I’m helping you.†And, of course, an annoyingly high risk of being dragged off to jail anyhow. But it has the potential to be interesting….especially as part of a larger scheme. “Slip the heroes something that will make their powers go haywire.†does sound very interesting. How would you write something like that up in terms of mechanics? Lamrock’s idea of tracking someone down by their DNA was a very creative one as well. Even if the thought of doing all the necessary steps in the sewer did provoke a bit of an “ewwâ€. The super-hero plague is definitely amusing too….it had me chuckling as I was reading it. ::evil smiles:: I’ll save the “guess what, you’re a Dad†idea just in case one of the heroes ever manages to really, really tick me off. Thanks again, Michelle
  15. Cannis, my current character in a villain campaign, is a very skilled biologist in addition to her animal related mutant powers. Recently she has developed a testing method that will allow her to detect mutants and get a limited idea of their abilities (Detect Mutations, discriminatory) provided she has a blood sample and access to her equipment. (Exactly what information would the discriminatory provide in this case? What would it provide if I had analyze in addition to discriminatory?) So, I decided that it might be fun to have her attempt to get blood samples from the city’s hero group to analyze. Provided she and her teammates manage to succeed, she should end up with at least a syringe full of blood from several heroes of the city. The test itself shouldn’t take all of the blood, just a few drops of it. Thus leaving her with a bit more blood to make us of later. That is where the rest of the fun comes in. I’m trying to come up with a few more evil, but entertaining, ideas for tormenting our city’s heroes. Cannis will be much more inclined to go with techniques that inconvenience or distract the heroes rather than killing them. She is only willing to kill in a certain set of circumstances and would much rather do it face to face than from a distance. In any case, she’ll probably wait for at least a little while. After all, the main reason she took the blood was to analyze it. (It is going to be fun to play out her reaction when she discovers that her initial assumptions were wrong and learns that the heroes aren’t mutants after all but rather people who got their powers from other methods.) And of course, it will be amusing to let the heroes just worry about why exactly she wanted the blood. I have a feeling some of their fears will be much worse than anything she could come up with. But eventually, she’s should take advantage of the opportunity. One potential idea, and yes, I do realize it is a bit of a comic book cliché, is using the DNA to create evil clones of the heroes. Which would be a useful way to both tarnish their reputations and to keep them busy dealing with the clones while we accomplish some other goal. To add to the challenge, she probably would have to get a few other DNA samples from mutants with similar powers in order to actually mimic the Hero’s powers. Although I’m not really drawn to the idea, I suppose she could create a disabling or painful bio-engineered disease that only affects them and then exchange the cure for something that she or her group wants or needs. If they were mutants, I might be able to create a retrovirus that interfered with the use of their powers. But since they aren’t, and since I’m positive that Cannis really wouldn’t want to risk something like that falling into anti-mutant hands, I think she’s going to stay well away from that possibility. Does anyone else have any suggestions? In terms of mechanics, Cannis is a very skilled biologist (18-) and is very intelligent for a human though not superhumanly intelligent. She does not have any sort of bio-wizardry power framework. The science skills were initially created more as a justification for how she created her enhanced animal followers and as an occupation for her rather than as a power itself. Thus, I’m going to be working with very limited points. I’d rather not spend too many of my experience points on something that I can readily see only having an impact for a mini-arch or so and then not being used again. So, I’d especially like low point cost ideas or ones that will continue to be useful even after the heroes thwart it the first time. Either that or ideas that my GM might just let me get away with as a one shot use of skill roll rather than actually paying full points for. Thank you for your help, Michelle
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