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Everything posted by HeroGM

  1. HeroGM

    Is Robin a DNPC?

    Yeah but GL hasn't paid those points yet for always on.
  2. It's in the Hero System Equipment Guide...problem is I can't find it in the HD pack for it.
  3. HeroGM

    Is Robin a DNPC?

    New Teen Titans #4 Ribin pulls an Analyze. Robin even....(tries to turn off the Town Yokel filter)
  4. Haven't read but coming soon in the mail.
  5. I agree. My context was fantasy in general, not just Pendragon. The again when you deal with those pesky french....
  6. Interplanet Janet; she's a galaxy girl...
  7. Ok, to me "Dancing" comes as "mom never taught me to dance" => Dex roll. I know 10 styles of Dance => 10 (or less) knowledge skills, either on dancing itself or culture. "I'm so good, I know 10 styles plus I can teach it and/or get paid for it." Professional Skill plus the Knowledge skills. Now if you want to push it Science Skill: Dancing looks at how each move is broken down and has evolved over the years..."why yes, I see how the Traladar styled evolved from the Millennial culture, they simply relaxed their more stiff, um proper, movements" Acrobatics I could see as an add-on. Coperia (IIRC) is a martial-art based on slaves having their hands/feet chained. It was commonly hidden as a type of dance (again IIRC). Either as an add to a full on dance skill or supplement to a DEX roll it would be useful to have. I'm not sure I'd strictly base Dancing off it though.
  8. Not ignoring you gandalf, digging through notes. You have champions powers or hero sys. skills?
  9. No Questionite Shield but found a vegamite sandwich that Tasmanian Devil was hiding.
  10. HeroGM

    Is Robin a DNPC?

    That would be Bandit.
  11. Sometimes it's about adding something to the character, nor rpg crunch.
  12. Gun muscle. Now my brain works as I go back to the cold
  13. In Dark Champions they have a fun little super-skill/talent called the above (I believe, my brain is half froze from work). It basically gives extra STR with the limitation of only to help with the STR min of firearms. Has anyone else ported this over to Fantasy Hero? Or even played around with other little talent/feats for people to use? +xx runnning, only vs Armor Enc. +xx end, only to cast spells (or even extra ego or int) +xx dex/acrobatics, only walking on ledges I worked up a combination of PSLs and Movement to create Armor "feats" for Light/Medium/Heavy Armor. Also a few to help mages along, mainly Naked Advantages to help with spell casting or to nulify a limitation (or three).
  14. "I don't care what system your playing, I rolled 3 Ones and critted your @$$"
  15. What file of the Hero System Equipment pack is the Questionite Shield in please?
  16. Something I liked about the old books? "Just the facts ma'am" What killed me.over a lot of the 6th ed (and strike force) is it had so much sidebar commentary text. I don't need every quote from lord of the rings or star wars to get what your talking about and if I don't get it well that's what the source material section is for. Some is nice, some is pleasent even. If Christopher gives us the meat of the Western genre, what it takes to make a game and run characters I'm happy. You don't need to bloat a book or over-explain to make it good. I still look at Boot Hill [TSR] and enjoyed it for what it was.
  17. And HSMA discusses using powers as martial arts. Always more then one way to skin that cat
  18. Hence Knockback vs. Knockdown. In my games you don't HAVE to buy Martial Arts to swing a sword, you can get CSLs or PSLs to help you with that. I use the Dex/DCV penalty while wearing armor (depending on weight of armor). I've been using the suggestions in FH6/HSEG to allow people to buy "feats" to offset those penalties along with the movement within limits. I also allow them to buy "Sword Muscle" which like Gun Muscle allows them to get past the Str min on certain weapons. You want that little girl swinging the big @$$ sword? No problem. While I play and run my games intelligently it's still a game in the end. If I want to introduce a few tropes in the game I will. AS to the topic. This is what DC's website has to say about Black Canary So instead of buying all of that [Unless you're running a die-hard Dark Champion's or Martial Arts game], buy some skill levels and extra HTH damage. Maybe some extra STR. Not everything has to be apparent. For example I played a Vietnamese character in Dark Champions. When I built him he had a base PRE of 10..that's it. I put some points into Conversation and Charm, some in PRE defense. Here is a guy who looks like he could blend into the woodwork, but once you start talking to him he captures your attention. HIs partner was a 6"10 african-american that you notice as soon as he comes into the room, Tranh? He comes in and blends in and looks and notices what's going on. That scrawny rogue with 12m movement? He may have +12m movement, only to make half moves (giving him the full 12m). IIRC you can skip buying the same Maneuvers if they are in different M.Arts as long as you have the knowledge skill for both, a big cost cutter I know. Tere is still a point of diminishing returns where that becomes crazy to keep up with. Just as HSMA even says, you can do this, or create Martial Arts as powers. While I admit S. Long can be...longwinded(?) in his writing he does make some very good suggestions to the game. But to talk about my opinions of him vs the game, DM me. When I introduced the half-orc warrior into the game, the other players were confused with what style she was using because it seemed to be a mix of everything. You later find out that King Thar got ahold of a "Roman" Legionnaires manual and had taken stuff from that and she had learned things not just from her warrior family but from people that were taken prisoner. This resulted in a very confusing Martial Art for those around her. Instead of quantifying it all in game terms I went to the GM and pointed out HSMA and said "can I do it like this?" with his full permission. As I got a few XP under my (her) belt we discussed extra damage...Will I can't do the extra DC for Martial Arts since I don't have any. BUT I can do extra HTH damage for +4 points the same thing that the extra DC does. Really freak someone out when you have a half-orc female that can put all 8 lvls into either OCV or DCV. And yes, he did pay heed to the fact that I could put the CSl's into damage as well and limited the # of +HTH levels I could get.
  19. If it works I use it. The same author also had a few maneuvers in that book too to hat were later tossed out, by him, as being too powerful. And yes I still sneak them in once in awhile. I love being an old gamer with out-of-print books. And I agree, this is good for those who know how to fight with no standard training (some agreement that you only put so much in what) or the ones who know so much it's useless to define each and every one. Plus it's "rules legal" so your not shoe horning anything into a multipower or power pool. Same as ideas from Skill and Fantasy 6e, creating little "feats" using PSLs and movement combos for armor.
  20. One of the characters I had before started as a Martial artist with 2 MAs. It got to the point where I was dumpijng points into it all and me and the Reff at one mid-season session discussed character rebuilding and growth. I could re-dump all the m.a points I spent into the 8 CSL, some +HTH attacks (4 pts either way) and take wf's and knowledge skills with the idea of "I know all of these and this is how I mix them"....if I didn't have the skill though I didn't know the art.
  21. HSMA has it where you can do a non-defined martial art. 8 3-pt CSLs where you can mix OCV, DCV, and dmg. I'm putting the character in HD tomorrow and I'll post the file. She's part of a X-Crawl / Urban Fantasy Hero game. But to topic. Has anyone else done this and how has it worked for you? This is the 5th character I've done for this, the last a Half-Orc who took the levels with a -1/2 "only with bladed weapons" to represent all the sword mastery she learned as part of her training by her Orcan mother and in King Thar's (an orc) army. A lot of training without any real semblance of ordered style.
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