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HERO Member
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Everything posted by HeroGM

  1. There is a css property called count. You could use that along with a :before or :after
  2. HeroGM

    Human Torch

    Liefield did an image in Wizard magazine of Spitfire and Union Jack for his failed run on Heroes Reborn Captain America. I LIKED it, swiped it for two generational heroes in a game.
  3. Bat Lash by Walter Simonson Players come across a cursed coin from colonial Spain? Or even (gasp) one of the 30 pieces of silver that's been recast as an american dollar?
  4. HeroGM


    That was my issue after awhile with Thieve's World. (Sigh) Such a great concept at its start.
  5. HeroGM

    Human Torch

    My first experience with him was Infinity Inc. and he didn't seem that bad. The Marvel years though.....
  6. @Christopher R Taylor About what is the cost so I know to save my ¢ and $?
  7. The Magician King by Live Grossman. Read the books before you watch the series. A+ on it.
  8. If it's the apocalypse, beep me. If it's the apocalypse it must be Tuesday. Hanging around with you I need to find out the plural of apocalypse.
  9. HeroGM

    Human Torch

    Thread drift. I always thought this was an interesting example of Multiform. Taken from John Byrne's Trio. The character (Rock, as in Rock, Paper, Scissors) feels pain when he switched back and forth from his hero form.
  10. Golgotha from John Byrne's Danger Unlimited, Trio, and Triple Helix.


  11. HeroGM


    To answer the questions. No - reasons stated Yes. It does prevent spell casters from being too powerful, unless you're into a game that goes that way.
  12. I just want to say Hero fans are the f**king best. Forget Marvel, make mine Hero. Thank all of you for the support.
  13. HeroGM

    Space Cops

    They've written the Darkhawks to be the guardians of the Shi'ar in a way. They're the ones who control the empire and what happens to ir behind the scenes according to their "song"....if I'm wrong please correct me. The Reign of Kings and after has screwed so much up.
  14. HeroGM


    Long term endurance. If you keep doing something long term your end isn't going to recover as fast. So you march non-stop for 2 days or cast that spell for 12 hours straight.
  15. HeroGM

    Space Cops

    L.E.G.I.O.N Legion of Super-heroes Green Lantern Corps The Sinestro Corps The Star Sapphires (plus other rings) Darkstars Nova Corps Black Nova Corps Guardians of the Galaxy (original) The Shi'ar Guardsmen (*cough* Legion*) Darkhawks [Yes I included the Legion of Super-Heroes. They,at times, have the backing of the UFP and work with the Sci-Police]
  16. Example in Champions Complete IIRC
  17. APG2 I believe talks about language as a skill. I like the idea from Skill though of being able to split up the four points in multi-culturial families.
  18. I can believe that. Thank you
  19. Or he's misguided and confused as in Superman - Batman: Generations 3
  20. HeroGM

    1963 [Image]

    Shadowhawk #14 (#17??) had some of the 1963 characters in it along with the origin of AIDS.
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