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Everything posted by Hyper-Man

  1. I hope Ohio State wins but Alabama still stays in front of them to make the playoffs which will force expansion to 8 teams.
  2. Transform is virtually interchangeable with Killing Attack as Transform's cost was based on KA's. I would call it 'Create Fertilizer'. ?
  3. I think he has suffered ill effects in rare circumstances. An insane Brainiac 5 created an unstoppable monster via the Miracle Machine similar to the one from Forbidden planet that was only stopped when MEL ate the machine. I believe it drove him mad.
  4. I believe the sfx was removing the slide.
  5. I think real weapon on guns covers many of those concerns.
  6. I'm glad he didn't go Florida. They need somebody who can recruit offensive talent, especially linemen.
  7. I believe that the published versions of Defender are built with Only In Heroic Id instead of Focus.
  8. Are you talking about a FOCUS taking BODY or a FRAMEWORK power being DRAINED? I was only talking about the later.
  9. Appropriate as in there is a very wide range of stuff she can do but she doesn't control the power cosmic like silver surfer so limits need to be defined.
  10. Yes, yes and maybe. It all depends on what the gm and player agree on. I haven't read a comic with SW in a while but her ability seems external and chaotic so things like growth or healing don't seem appropriate. I'm not familiar with the other name
  11. VPP with appropriate limitations on what they can't do.
  12. Individual powers in a multipower would have to be targeted separately unless a separate advantage is taken on the drain OR the multipower has th unified limitation.
  13. Best rivalry that never was - USC USC (Southern Cal & South Carolina) Honorable mention - Oregon State & South Carolina ?
  14. In your example teleportation is the special effect but probably not the best mechanic.
  15. Re: the new Justice League movie I think it very likely that Flash's self made uniform will get a Wayne-Tech upgrade before his next movie appearance. Heck, one was shown in BvS. That's just the sfx explanation. Flash must actually pay the character points for any improvements to the defenses or other tech.
  16. A common theme in many published super teams are 'team gear'. Examples include unstable particle uniforms created by Mr. Fantstic or Edna from the Incredibles, access to secure communications earplugs, bases and vehicles. Bruce Wayne's wealth is the sfx but in many cases the entire team shares the HERO real cost. Same with the members of the FF and their unstable uniforms (I believe the tech was shared throughout the Marvel Universe). Champions Universe has many similar examples.
  17. I see that I need to update some links. Here is the best http://www.herogames.com/forums/profile/2288-hyper-man/content/?type=downloads_file
  18. I'm not sure you have it yet. Batman pays for everything in his Utility Belt even if it might be otherwise mundane. John Wick pays for the Perks to have equipment and far more on the skills to use it. You can find links to my version of both in my signature below.
  19. Like I said elsewhere the item creation rules are in Fantasy Hero but for a superhero setting anything better than mundane needs points. It's why Mr. Fantastic or Tony Stark aren't partners with GM producing flying cars for the masses. That would be a LOT of equipment doublings.
  20. Whatever version of the rules you have I suggest rereading the sections detailing the differences between heroic and super heroic.
  21. In a heroic game if a character wants to create a permanent 'magic item' to give to others they either spend the Real points and then give away the item (losing the points permanently) or find the item creation rules in Fantasy Hero.
  22. I think the question is regarding character points. In the case of mundane items points are only important if Dispel or Equipment Pools are being used. They are otherwise obtained with money.
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