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Posts posted by Hyper-Man

  1. So ... next question ... how would you handle deflecting and redirecting blaster fire with a lightsaber?


    I've tried building a deflection power, and it's not bad (but a little complicated as the Block makeover it's based on isn't meant to Deflect 10+ Blaster shots a round, unless the Jedi has 10-15 combat skill levels), and I'm stumped on how to handle redirecting blaster bolts, as Reflection is even more unwieldy than Deflection.


    Any ideas?


    Look up my rookie Wonder Woman build in the downloads section for one way to do this.




  2. Water powers can typically be grouped 2 ways: either be like magneto except control of H2O instead of metal or be like Sandman/Plastic-Man/Clayface with the ability to turn INTO water..



  3. Not if the Advantage is applied directly to the base Power.


    From 6e1 page 316

    A Power with a Power Advantage is a distinct power — it’s “new,” completely different from that Power without that Advantage.
    A character must always use the Advantages purchased for a Power at full strength whenever he uses that Power. For example, a character cannot buy a Blast, Armor Piercing and use the Blast without its AP effect, or buy a Drain STR 5d6, Area Of Effect (10m Radius) and use the area at only 4m.


    However, there are several ways around this:

    1. If the base Power is a Slot inside of a Multipower then another Slot can be purchased without the Advantage.  This is one of the primary reasons for the existence of many 'Attack Multipowers'.

    2. Purchase the Variable Advantage for the base Power and define a group of smaller Advantages that can be switched between on the base Power (basically a mini-Multipower for Advantages). One of the Advantages still has to be active so it's still not as good as a separate Multipower Slot.

    3. Build the Advantage separately as a Naked Advantage.  This becomes a new and separate Power that also costs END.

    4. If the base Power is a Slot inside of a Variable Power Pool (VPP) then the character can always switch to another version of the Power without the Advantage.  The functional restrictions being whether the VPP was constructed with the No Skill Roll Required (+1), Powers Can Be Changed As A Zero-Phase Action (+1) Advantages.  If both are in place then it works just like the Multipower example above with an 'infinite' number of Slots to choose from. Without the VPP specific Advantages in place the switching is a little more complicated.




  4. Something else that is somewhat unique to HERO is that each player can define the special effects of what it 'looks like' their character is doing down to the point that two mechanically identical character can 'appear' to have quite different abilities. A very simple example is a character that literally Blocks punches with his chin.  Even though I've been playing HERO from the earliest days I really didn't fully grasp this until I started using Hero Designer and got into the habit of giving unique names, above and beyond the the mechanical ones, to as many character abilities as I could.  And this is not just limited to Champions/supers.




  5. Um... did you actually read the build?  It's not a traditional gadget pool.



    here is a more straightforward version of the same example:

    Cost    Powers
    20 The Ultimate Gadgeteer: Variable Power Pool (Gadget Pool), 14 base + 80 control cost,  (54 Active Points); Limited Power Technology Based Abilities Only (-1/4); all slots OAF Arrangement Fragile (Focus of Opportunity.  Uses parts he has on hand to work with.; -1 1/2), Requires A Roll (Skill roll; Jammed, Must be made each Phase/use, Can choose which of two rolls to make from use to use; -1 1/4), Extra Time (5 Minutes, Only to Activate, -1), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (0 DCV; -1), Unified Power (-1/4)

    [Notes: This is just an example slot.  Reed can come up with almost any needed gadget given the time and something high tech to work with.]
    0    1) Transdimensional Gun!: Blast 10d6, Transdimensional (Single Dimension; +1/2) (75 Active Points); 2 clips of 12 Charges (-0) Real Cost: 12 - END=[12]


    It's a 20 real point investment in points that can be thought of as representing his consistently repeatable ability to "super-MacGyver" a situation with the tools at hand.  This is the same cost as Universal Translator and the Universal Scientist ability introduced in one of the APG books (he has this as well since he is acknowledged as one of the smartest people on earth).


    Any 'sciency' character can probably pull this off one time via the Power Skill.  If the player wants the character to be able to repeat it though they'll need to build something like my posted example though.



  6. I have found no rules concerning the ability to kit-bash a device. You know, one that the superhero absolutely needs last minute to defeat that villain. This has been a pretty standard staple in comics, especially for the brainiac character like Reed Richards. Yet, the hero system has no rules for this. I've looked, people I play with who have been doing this since the second edition don't know of any either. This is the on place I feel the hero system lacks and since it is supposed to cover superheroes as well as other genres, it lacks something even a simple system like Mutants & Masterminds covers.


    These are one shot or one session devices and while there are skills like inventor, Mechanics and Electronics and such they are only usefull if you are making long term permanent devices or such.

    See my rookie Reed Richards in the downloads section for a basic example of how to build this.


    END  Description   Cost   

    The Ultimate Gadgeteer: Variable Power Pool (Gadget Pool), 14 base + 80 control cost, (54 Active Points); Limited Power Technologoy Based Abilities Only (-1/4); all slots OAF Arrangement Fragile (Focus of Opportunity. Uses parts he has on hand to work with.; -1 1/2), Requires A Roll (Skill roll; Jammed, Must be made each Phase/use, Can choose which of two rolls to make from use to use; -1 1/4), Extra Time (5 Minutes, Only to Activate, -1), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (0 DCV; -1), Unified Power (-1/4) 20

    Notes: This is just an example slot. Reed can come up with almost any needed gadget given the time and something high tech to work with.
    [12] 1) Transdimensional Gun!: Blast 10d6, Transdimensional (Single Dimension; +1/2) (75 Active Points); 2 clips of 12 Charges (-0) Real Cost: 12  0



  7. The lack of official advertising is the #1 reason I have accounts on several other multi-game websites,  The most notable are RPGnet, RPGgeek and ENworld. All have a small core of longtime HERO fans.  And each group is fractured further by what they consider to be the best version of the rules (4th is the one has the widest familiarity).  I try to promote HERO whenever I have a chance (without badmouthing other systems in the process).  RPGnet is a much much nicer place now than just a few years ago. There are occasionally more active HERO threads over there than on this website.  RPGgeek is an even friendlier place but the structure of the website is so 'quirky' it's hard to get many people involved in a discussion about any single RPG.  The gaming database is absolutely fantastic though.  ENworld is... disapointing to say the least.  It puts on airs of being a multi-game site but it's really D&D centric at its core.



  8. I like the idea.


    Although, per RAW, UOO plus Regen is actually not allowed. 


    "Regeneration: Characters cannot buy this Power with UOO; to heal another character, buy Healing."
    As for the Healing halving, I don't actually think that 6E actually does halve the effect
    "The Medic has Healing BODY 4d6. Thus, he can Heal a maximum of 24 Character Points’ worth of BODY damage. If he rolls his dice and gets 18, he Heals 18 BODY. If he wants to apply this Healing power again to the same character, he must roll more than 18 to have any effect. For example, if he rolls a 20, he Heals an additional 2 BODY." 


    This suggests (at least to me) that Healing doesn't halve itself for Sixth Edition. 


    Right you are.

    I forgot about that change in 6e.


    Funny that Hero Designer does not incorporate that rule though (no warning pop-up).

    This is doubly interesting since HD does prevent the combination 'Boost' (Aid with Costs End to Maintain) with Charges to create Continuing Charges of a defined length without any 'Fade Rate' calculations.  The book has nothing to say about this combination.




  9. There is also the trap of diminishing returns when attempting to build the full granular detail you might imagine that an ability should have when created in HERO rules.  A speedster's flury of rapid punches is a great example.   While it is possible to build a HA (Hand to Hand Attack) with Autofire to represent multiple superspeed punches it is usually easier and more effective to actually build a bigger HA without the Autofire advantage.  The same logic applies to your Barrier/shield.  You could focus on the shot by shot creation/defense action and even use the Deflection Power, it would probably be easier to just build a personal Barrier that moves with the character and consider adding Indirect to all of the character's attacks to allow him to 'shoot through' his own 'shields'.




  10. Barrier and its predecessor Force Wall can typically be activated as a defensive action using the Abort rules.


    I think your confusion may be from the use of the "attack action" terminology.  In the case of Barrier that only applies if it is being used to englobe a target.


    Block, Dodge and Dive For Cover are also considered Attack Actions. The term is used primarily to denote that it ends the character's phase.




  11. There are some Aid, Healing and Regeneration examples buried in my rookie Superman and Flash builds.
    Here is a quick link to both.

    Only Superman has Regeneration.

    The Aid and Healing builds are in the VPP's for both which are at 60 active points.


    8 12) Invulnerability, Part 2: Regeneration (1 BODY per Turn) (16 Active Points); Does Not Work On Some Damage (Magic, Alien diseases, etc..; -1/2), Always On (-1/4)


    0 42) Super Solar Battery v1: Aid CON & REC 4d6 (standard effect: 12 points), Expanded Effect (x2 Characteristics or Powers simultaneously) (CON & REC; +1/2), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1) (60 Active Points); Only to Aid Self (-1), Conditional Power Only in Direct Sunlight (-0) Real Cost: 27
    [Notes: Since CON & REC are both considered Defensive Powers vs. Adjustments the effect of AID is halved (6e1 pg141). A single use is effectively +6 CON & +6 REC. Maximum Effect is +12 CON & +12 REC. Effectively fades at 1 point of CON & REC per 2 Turns.] - END=6
    0 43) Super Solar Battery v2: Aid END 10d6 (standard effect: 30 points) (60 Active Points); Only to Aid Self (-1), Conditional Power Only in Direct Sunlight (-0) Real Cost: 27
    [Notes: There are 3 factors that go into how much END is provided by this. 1) END costs 1 Real point per 5 gained. 2) END is considered a Defensive Power vs. Adjustments so their effects are halved (6e1 pg141). 3) The power COSTS 6 END to activate. The total of all of this results in an immediate boost of +69 END (30x5=150, 150/2=75, 75-6=69 with a Maximum Effect of 138) that begins to fade at -25 END per Turn. This boosted END is used first. When combined with "More powerful than a locomotive v3" (120 STR Total @16 END/Phase) & "Up, Up and Away! v2" (Flight 40m giving +10 "Lifting STR" @4 END/Phase) it allows for a combined 'Total Lifting STR' of 130 before PUSHING that is sustainable for ~ 1-2 Turns (Maybe 3 Turns if also combined with "Super Solar Battery v1"). Accoring to APG1, 140 STR is enough to lift 6.4 million tons or The Great Pyramid of Giza (est.).] - END=6


    0 2) The Fastest Man Alive! v2: Aid DEX & OCV 4d6 (standard effect: 12 points), Expanded Effect (x2 Characteristics or Powers simultaneously) (+6 DEX and +2 OCV; +1/2), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1) (60 Active Points); Only to Aid Self (-1) Real Cost: 27
    [Notes: Provides a one use increase of +6 DEX with a Maximum Effect of + 12 DEX (decreases by 1 point per 2 Turns) & a one use +2 OCV with a Maximum Effect of +4 OCV (decreases by 1 point per Minute).] - END=6


    0 26) Superspeed Recovery v1: Healing ANY Characteristic or Power 2d6 (standard effect: 6 points), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Decreased Re-use Duration (1 Turn; +1 1/2) (60 Active Points); Self Only Power loses about half of its effectiveness (-1), Does Not Work On Some Damage (Anything that a HIGH metabolism would not help against.; -1/4) Real Cost: 24 - END=0
    0 27) Superspeed Recovery 2: Aid Recovery 4d6 (standard effect: 12 points), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1) (60 Active Points); Only to Aid Self (-1) Real Cost: 27
    [Notes: Since Recovery is considered a Defensive Power vs. Adjustments the effect of AID is halved (6e1 pg141). A single use is effectively +6 REC. Maximum Effect is +12 REC. Effectively fades at 5 points of REC per 2 Minutes.] - END=0



    Granted, the active points is high for a FH game but I believe the math is still sound.  The points needed to Heal a significant amount of STUN is better spent on an Aid to REC as long as the target does nothing except take normal and post phase 12 recoveries.  Also, Aid could be applied 2 phases in a row since unlike Healing, it does not need any Decreased Re-use Duration Advantage to do so.



  12. Sentinel 8 is Mercury.  He is a detective with the Met who acquired powers in an industrial accident.  Unsurprisingly with a name like Mercury he is a speedster (in my campaign settings the Roman gods were actually the Greek 'gods', so he isn't in danger of a visit/hunted from a very powerful entitiy!)





    For Mercury, you might add "Selective Fire" to his Running Punch so he doesn't affect the civilians or hostages...


    For what it's worth, the Trail Advantage was introduced in the 5e Ultimate Speedster and later reprinted in the the 6e Advanced Players Guide 1.  As written, it is a (+1) Advantage.  Adding Selective to it would be an additional (+1/4) and require a normal 'to hit' roll for each target in the 'Trail'.  A second application of AOE Accurate (+1/2) could also be applied so each individual attack is still vs. the DCV of the area instead of each character.


    To stack both on to my rookie version of the Flash would reduce the HA damage to +4d6 and reduce bonus damage to ~1/3rd of normal (15 STR adds +1d6, movement and maneuver damage adds at 1/3rd the normal rate).


    Superspeed Clothes-Line:  Hand-To-Hand Attack +6d6, Area Of Affect (Trail) - from APG1 page 135 (6e damage prorating rules mean that STR and Manuever Damage adds at 1/2 the normal rate (20 STR adds +2DC, Move By adds +1DC per 20m); +1) (60 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4)

    [Notes]: From APG1 page 135.  A Trail is 2m wide and tall, and as long as the character’s movement in the Phase; it cannot be made longer, larger, or taller unless the GM specifically permits. (Using Noncombat Movement, or Pushing or otherwise increasing movement increases the length of the Trail.)  A Trail only works in conjunction with a character’s movement. It follows his movement path, so if he zigs and zags in and out among various obstacles, the Trail will also.




  13. Here are the team in the flesh, er, pixel...


    attachicon.gifValkyrie.jpgattachicon.gifSilver Paladin.jpgattachicon.gifStormfront.jpgattachicon.gifBritish Lion.jpgattachicon.gifPersinette.jpgattachicon.gifHornet.jpgattachicon.gifNebula.jpgattachicon.gifMercury.jpgattachicon.gifMighty Girl.jpg




    PS   Can anybody tell me how to scale up these images in the post?




    click on one of the images

    click the save option on the bottom right of the pop-up

    copy the url from the new window that opens

    paste this image url into the post via the 'Image' option on the toolbar.





    You've already done the heavy lifting by uploading the images.




  14. IF all undead could be thought of as a type of 'summoned' being, Then the 'Holy' Presence attack could be thought of as a form of Dispel. Then any 'Holy' person could attempt to 'Turn/Dispel' undead but more experienced characters could actually learn a ritual/spell based on the Dispel Power that is further boosted by their PRE.


    Just an idea...



  15. It's worth noting that the Power Healing is not the only way to help another character recover Body or Stun.


    For the same amount of points it can be more effective to instead use Aid on their REC (help them heal themselves quicker) vs. Stun damage.


    A complex to build but similar effect can be created with Regeneration using the Differing Modifiers construct to temporarily 'Give the Power of Regeneration' similar to the the 'Arkelos Gift of Flight' example in 6e1 page 359.  A very brief description of Differing Modifiers is also in Fantasy Hero Complete on page 142.



  16. I think the relative lack of increases in CSL's in most supers games compared to heroic stems from a couple of things.


    In previous editions of HERO it appeared to be more 'cost effective' to buy up DEX since CV was 'figured' from it.  This also led to DEX inflation issues as well.


    GM's tend to to try and put the brakes on CSL XP increases as they essentially require the GM to do the same for any recurring villains they use (home brew or published).



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