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Posts posted by Hyper-Man

  1. I'd agree completely. END cost should be proportionate to the damage the thing's doing (its AP), and paid for every shot the rules call for. I'm not sure what the rationale for using your STR multiple times in the same Phase only counting as using it once for END purposes is, but if it's a thing in the rules... Still and all, though, a stronger bow might do more damage, but if you're looking for "realistic", it should have a higher STRMin and also start to become impossible for someone who is well below that STRMin to use at all. 


    Your first statement would be correct if the Costs END Limitation were taken in addition to Charges (which make an ability 0 END by default).  However, the END cost being incurred here is a direct result of the STR Minimum Limitation and therefore is based on the specific STR value of that Limitation chosen.


    I agree with everything else you said.




  2. Tangent Topic - The whole idea of 'half damage' made me think about the rules for lifting and how every 5 points of STR represents x2 lifting cap[ability.  In the case of of the spreading rules it seems like a more consistent method would be to double the number of hexes that could be targeted for every 5 points/dice/DC dedicated.  Along the same line of thought, 'half damage' for a Normal Damage attack could be considered -1d6/DC instead of the literal halving (which was likely originally designed for the NND-like Killing Attack). 



  3. So now that we appear to have a consensus on STR Minimums and guns what about another type of common weapon with a similar setup in RAW....


    Bows are considered muscle powered weapons unlike guns, but they still do not allow strong characters to do extra damage when their STR is far above the STR Minimum needed to use the Bow.  Should they get additional value to the Limitation for this or does this balance out with the near silence of firing an arrow from a bow vs. the noise of firing a bullet from a gun?



  4. Made some minor updates to the character.

    Changes made to 1st post in this thread and Downloads section.


    Added links to a custom STR lifting chart.

    Added Reduced END for meeting STR minimums with handguns.

    Added links to a custom hit location alternative.

    Added Italian to AK and Languages (speculation based on previews of new movie).





    Updated the character further based on discussions in this thread:


    *See 1st post and downloads section.




  5. Thanks for this topic.  I now realize that in my game I need to increase my character`s STR before I upgrade their weapon to have Autofire, otherwise they won`t have the STR needed to control their machine pistol.


    Note that using the Brace Maneuver reduces the STR Minimum by 5 points.


    *I've updated my version of John Wick based on the the useful comments in this thread.




  6. Agreed.  Follow-Through Attack traces back to D&D's Cleave and Great Cleave, which trace back in turn to the earlier edition ability of a fighter to make one attack per round per level when fighting opponents with less than 1 Hit Die.  A 1e AD&D 10th level fighter could make 10 attacks per round when wading though hordes of goblins or kobolds.


    Wasn't a 1e AD&D "Round" 1 minute long as well?




  7. I don't think the existing Martial Arts system is mutually exclusive to the Powers system.  It might seem that way at first glance when you read the rules for Naked Advantages on STR but the better alternative is to create HA (Hand to Hand Attack) with Advantages which allow any STR and Martial Maneuver damage to add at to the Advantaged HA at a 'prorated valule'.  This is not spelled out very clearly in Champions Complete but it is explained very thoroughly in 6e2.



  8. I think the key issue is the mandatory nature of the splitting and defining what it's actually being split between.  I went with an Mental Blast specifically to deal with that issue. I could have easily used Penetrating instead of AVAD but it would actually cost more! My solution has some special effect (mental) built in due to the nature of the mechanical puzzle presented.



  9. If I understand the original description correctly this happens no matter who puts on the bracer.  That seems like a Multiform similar to Doctor Fate's helmet with a little Body control/swap thown in for good measure (think Jericho from New Teen Titans). I believe Marvel Comic's first* Captain Marvel had a similar setup with his Nega Bands and swapping places with Rick Jones. A lot depens on IF the idea that different people use the bracer on a regular basis. If it's the same willing 'host' all the time then Only in Alternate ID is the easiest if not most accurate method to use.


    *The Kree Captain Mar-VELL



  10. Here's one way to do it.


    30 Pain!: Mental Blast 1d6 (standard effect: 3 STUN), Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Resistant Mental Defense; All Or Nothing; +0), Alternate Combat Value (uses OCV against DCV; +0), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Indirect (Source Point is the Character, path can change with every use; +1/2), Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2), Area Of Effect Accurate (8m Radius; +3/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1), Autofire (10 shots; +2) (60 Active Points); Limited Power  - Effect is split evenly as possible among all available conscious targets besides owner in affected area (-1/2), No Range (-1/2) - END=0



  11. The most direct approach would be TK with NND (an illegal combination according to RAW). Since TK is just STR usable at range it has the same defense to Grabs as normal STR (the target's STR). Since STR by itself is clearly not a defense against 'reverse gravity' the RAW approach would be to use Flight with UAA (Note that the rules state that UAA when applied to movement powers requires a defense to be defined - just like NND!).




  12. I watched the new Jack Reacher movie last night.  I liked it.  It was far different than the first movie.  Some have even compared it favorably to the most recent Bourne movie.  The Reacher character actually has more in common with Kwai Chang Caine though.  The way the movie shows his nomadic lifestyle makes it both appealing and tragic at the same time.  If you enjoyed the first movie you'll likely enjoy this one too.



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