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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. Re: [Character write up] Pargaon No' date=' it's not. And for a number of reasons. But if this is another justification for you, we'll have to agree to disagree. (As an aside, did Lancelot ever weild Excalibur in the [i']Exalibur[/i] movie? I don't recall that.
  2. Re: [Character write up] Pargaon Are you doing Force Wall or Force Field? If you purchase a shield, you should purchase a focus limitation (either OAF or OIF) to go with it. Regardless of whether a GM lets you use Force Wall, Force Field, or Armor to simulate the shield, a decent GM would note that if Lancelot is unconscious, the shield won't help him anyway.
  3. Re: [Character write up] Pargaon [Emphasis mine.]First, Lancelot was not an original part of the Arthur legend, the French addition was added later by...a Frenchman. The movie Excalibur, while great, was fiction, not a documentary. After swearing fealty to Arthur, he didn't keep fighting good knights. Anyway, back on topic: So now that he has 8 people to watch over, he still needs to pick fights? Since he has no AK of the territories he's been, no. Bouncing through dimensions would be more akin to someone flying you from the US to Japan then to Kenya, then to Guam then to Beijing. That doesn't give me an ability (navigation) with airplanes. AKs would be more appropriate for the territories/dimensions he's going to, but that doesn't mean you know how to navigate to get there. Combat riding is not the same as riding. For the joust, Lancelot controls the direction of the horse (and increases in speed) with the feet, yes. But he needs one hand for his weapon and a second for the shield and reins. You also need to use the reins to slow down, which you can't do with your sword hand if you're slowing down to attack someone. I would also require you to either designate the Lady of the Lake as a superior (your social lim) or a DNPC, not both (even if the DNPC is 0 points). You'd have to have a good reason why this superior is dependent on you (and trying to keep in the flavor of the myth) for both to be allowed. If you're looking for a good Lancelot build, just look at the perfect archtype nemesis - Black Paladin. He has armor AND a shield AND a sword. (Granted, his armor and weapons are magical, but a parallel Lancelot story is justifiable.)
  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  5. Re: [Character write up] Pargaon What's the point of having Two-Weapon fighting if he's missing a hand? If Illiteracy is normally a 3 pt disad, how is 10 points more reasonable? I can understand him not being "mind controlled" to read (though I seriously question a GM who accepts Mind Control as a means to make/allow someone to read), but that should just be 5 points, perhaps. I don't see how it would be more limiting to this character. I'm curious to why he's Linguistic, but just has languages at the "fluent" level instead of Completely Fluent. How did he get to be a knowledgeable dimensional traveler? It seems like the Lady of the Lake (for whatever reason) is the one sending him to alternate dimensions; he doesn't have any control over it. If you've given him three separate HKAs, why does he have martial arts (which I've just noticed), in particular Legsweep? In essence, you've given him the option to attack four times with Multi-Power Attacks (three HKA+MA), but for what reason? Does he need (and still use) Combat Horsemanship? And what modifiers does his "missing right hand" give him on that?
  6. Re: [Character write up] Pargaon Um, is this your anti-brick response? He just looks like a very munchkiny build. His Total Code of Chivalry seems to be in conflict with his bully/fight picking Psych Lim. I personally wouldn't allow him since he only has three attacks and they're all killing. Not very heroic. In addition, while the Force Wall smacks of "munchkin invulnerability," by the rule, Paragon wouldn't be able to attack anyone until he brought his Force Wall down as well. Sort of a double-edged sword there. (Pun intended.)
  7. Re: Who Is... Your Favorite Villain? Yeah, that'd be great.
  8. Re: Who Is... Your Favorite Villain? I guess VF2 is a team you can really sink your teeth into?
  9. Does nearer than the moon count? Only when I was born (RC, SD). I'm in Texas now.
  10. Re: Australia in the current CU Has there been any headway on this?
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  12. Re: Who Is... Your Favorite Villain? Both Grond and Ogre have a 5 INT. Ogre does have one noncombat skill, though. In CKC, he has KS: Superhuman world 8-. In TUB, it's improved to 12-.
  13. Re: Karate Kid vs Karate Kid Nuh uh!
  14. Re: [Character writeup] Zl'f (revised) Hey Treb, as always, it's nice to see an updated version of Zl'f. I have the printout of her when she was 402 points, back in the day(the .hdc file is on my inactive computer). She's still an inspiration, despite me not finding a GM to let me play a PC over 30 DEX.
  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  16. Re: Who Is... Your Favorite Villain? In about half the games I run, Ogre is (secretly) intelligent. He's been a mad scientist before using the facade of dumb brute to gather money and supplies. More recently I've used him as a criminal mastermind (2nd or 3rd magnitude, at best) where he started out employed as muscle for an aspiring VIPER nest leader. When the PCs thwarted the initial robbery and Ogre was the last criminal standing, he stopped attacking (knowing he'd be beat anyway) and just "pouted" and complained about bullies and so forth. After he'd been in jail for a bit, a PC came to ask him some questions, and ogre "accidentally" revealed information of where to find the nest leader. (Saying things such as "I can't tell you where boss is because you'd go to Gross Pointe Gulch to get him," and "Street name looked like Peasant, but boss said it was a bird. Ogre no understand.") Ogre didn't like bullies (which he considered this nest leader) so didn't mind letting him get captured. In a later plot involving an engineered prison break (Dystopia), Ogre escaped and was about to be caught. He threw a "tantrum" when he was on his back (a speedster kept knocking him off his feet) using an AoE attack causing a nearby building (one he had been standing on moments before) to fall, making the PC leave Ogre and perform a rescue mission. Had that campaign continued, Ogre would have become the city's next VIPER nest leader (but with a non-snake theme) and a long-term plot would have involved unmasking him as such.
  17. Re: Favorite Anti-Brick tricks? This is a good approach as well. Often, the best way to show an example is to lead by example. Show the "munchkin GM" that not every NPC villain has to be a brick. And if you're ever wanting some "sweet revenge," have a Team of bricks hunt that GM's PC.
  18. Re: Favorite Anti-Brick tricks? I'm going to guess the air strike and interstellar war are exaggerations there but nothing "exceptional" should be required to throw or TK your standard brick. A 15 STR character or TK can throw a 300 lb Brick regardless if that Brick has a 40 STR or a 60 STR.
  19. Just an observation Balabanto quite often washes his dirty laundry (where as "dirty laundry" means "complaining about the PCs") on the forums. Hmm... your only two posts are in this very, very long thread. Second account?
  20. Re: Who Is... Your Favorite Villain? I just need to compliment Hermit on his usage of Foxbat. He's used Foxbat the best compared to the other GMs I've game with.
  21. Re: Favorite Anti-Brick tricks? Let's break this down paragraph by paragraph: Combat Sense is 15 points for an 11-' date=' so you're putting up a 12- roll (for a 10 INT brick), unless purchasing the "sense" modifier. But your'e missing quite a few key points here:Combat Sense is only good versus SIGHT Flash or Darkness. Combat Sense must be rolled EVERY PHASE It is only helpful for Hand To Hand; the brick still suffers penalties for ranged attacks It takes a half-phase action (preventing half-move + attack) if not purchased with the +2 modifier Combat Sense doesn't help versus Hearing Flashes.
  22. Re: Favorite Anti-Brick tricks? Out of curiousity, are you the GM or the player? Your self-described rants are against specific instances, not general fighting of bricks. If your GM is doing these, then he's being a munchkin. If you're the GM, then you should learn to disallow or limit. Did you look at all that was posted? Along with the held move, the following describes most of what everyone's mentioned: Add REC Drain to that list as well. If you're looking for a "quick victory" over a brick, then you're already in the wrong mindset. Bricks are known for their powerful attacks and high defenses (aside from DCV). You aren't going to one hit a brick as a general rule. You nickel and dime bricks. Trying to take a brick out quickly one on one is like trying to mind control a mentalist; it's the wrong approach. Here's another strategy to use: Skill levels Penalty Skill Levels: +8 vs Hit Locations - 24 points +8 vs Range Modifiers - 24 points With just these, you can do called shot after called shot after called shot to that brick's head, and from a VERY safe distance. AND you've just effectively doubled your DC. Combat Skill Levels: (Up to) +12 all Ranged Attacks - (up to) 60 points With every level you purchase, you've increased your accuracy. If you're a Martial Artist: +8 vs Hit Locations - 24 points and either: +7 All Combat (56 points) OR +12 with Martial Arts (60 points)
  23. Re: Favorite Anti-Brick tricks?
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