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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. Kirby


    Re: Heroes Everybody that I've talked to that watches this show absolutely loved Season 1. They've all been disappointed with Season 2. If they could finish up the season with stories as strong as Season 1, I could see them making Lost not make it to Season 4. (Not that they compete on time slots, but I know a few people who are at their limit of shows they'll watch so it's either Lost or Heroes.)
  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Here are some quotes from the League of Champions game on HeroCentral. They're from the past couple of months. In the future, I'll try to post them as they happen. The overall scene is that the PCs have been captured by V'han's forces and awoke in the brig. Their prison uniforms are pink and lime green horizontally striped overalls. In individual threads: Cheshire Cat: oO(I can't believe I became a hero and I still ended up in jail... this sucks.) -- Field Test: oO(I've had some lousy days since Sandy met me with that armor... some good ones too. This is one of the lousy ones. Definitely one of the lousy ones.) With that thought, and others, running through his head, he got up and started quietly exploring his cell. .oO(Wonder if Vhan needs a decent accountant... can't be that much worse than working for a Big Four during year end....) -- Ronin: oO(This...uniform is most undignified. Something else the aliens will pay for. This I swear!) ----- When the jailer (caterpillar body, human torso, six arms) asks in rhyme if anyone needs to use the group unisex bath room: Snow Leopard: Yes, use of the facilities would be greatly appriciated, thank you. As would the return of my uniform. This is not my color. Or anybody elses'. I also seem to have misplaced my communicator, my ipod, my cell phone and the sword I took from Destroyer, please be a lamb and see if you can locate those for me, would you?" Ronin: oO(I would tell Snow Leopard to do nothing rash, but I might as well tell the fish of the water not to swim. By the gods, I swear that woman goads people just to see how much she can get away with.) Cheshire Cat: oO(A talking centaur caterpillar that rymes... I wonder if has a hookah?) Amazon: oO(Taking a shower? That's too much like one of those sleazy 'women in prison' films.) ----- Unknown (at the time): Jailer," comes a deep, masculine voice, with some type of European accent, "I too wish to go." Jailer: I'm sure you would, but the answer is 'no.' You're just too dangerous to go. You know, old lord, you must go alone. That's the price you pay for having a throne. Snow Leopard: oO(Great! Destroyer is a couple of cells down, and I've been shooting my mouth off about taking his sword.) It turned out that it was Taurus of the Zodiac, not Destroyer. ----- Ronin: oO(As I've thought all along...there's more going on here than meets the eye. I just wish I had the brains to figure out what it is.) ----- Cheshire Cat smiles and winks at the beautiful woman (Com 30) as he passes her cell. .oO(Hello nurse... I hope she isn't part of another Execution Squad.) Later... Field Test: I think the gal with the white hair was a model back when I was about ten or so," Field Test offered quietly. "Some sort of psycho who took out about a dozen cops and was never heard from again... weird Cheshire Cat: oO(A pyscho killer... man, I know how to pick 'em) ----- Cheshire Cat: oO(Ah, grub time... I wonder if it is a universal law that prison food has to suck.... hmm, for alien goop this is not as bad as I thought it would be. Who would have thunk it?) --- Cheshire Cat: oO(You know, I could be on a beach in the south of France right now. But no, I had to be a good guy. Now I am stuck in a brig of an interstellar invader, being fed by a caterpillar centaur talking to a Minotaur... that's just weird.) --- Having seen Taurus (minotaur, bull horns), Capricorn (satyr, small "devilish" horns) and Aries (big guy, ram horns)... Cheshire Cat: (A secret group that is trying to shape the governance of the earth... and they have horns... this just keeps getting weirder and weirder.) ----- Taurus: Are you the leader then, Snow Leopard? Snow Leopard: No, actually I'm a bond enforcement agent and a reservist in the NYPD, or was until UNTIL came calling. ----- GM: Note, for future reference, you don't have to roll to hit a stationary door that you're next to. ----- Cheshire Cat: Damn, Gemnini is kind of a dick. ----- The Hood OOC: The Hood is going to do his level best to be the consummate gentleman - keeping eye contact, smiling, making it clear he's not ogling anyone. EGO, 12-: (17, failed by 5) Jiggawatt OOC:It looks like the Hood will be sporting wood. The Hood OOC: COLD SETTING! COLD SETTING! ----- The Hood OOC: Wash, wash, clean clean. Being in prison is no excuse to negclect one's personal hygene. ----- Cheshire Cat: oO(Wow, Gemini really is a dick... useful, but a real prick. Oh well, papi always used to say that you play the cards you are dealt.)
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  4. Re: A Thought Experiment: The Buffest Heroes vs Dr Destroyer Eek! Forgot about this until your most recent post. Dr. D. has a 10 DCV which is tough for us 350ers, but Firewing has an OCV 13 and Holocaust and OCV 14 meaning they needed an 8- and 7- to hit him. Even when Destroyer switched his 4 Overall Levels into combat, Firewing did so as well, so Dr. D's 14 DCV meant Firewing needed a 12- and Holocaust and 11- to hit. Anklyosaur was the guy in battle armor. He has a DEX-based 7 OCV, +2 w/all Combat, +3 w/Ranged attacks and +1 with his Grenade Launcher MP, so even as listed (I only moved his Speed from 4 to 6 and gave him Teamwork), he has 13 OCV. I believe he's the one that did a called shot to Destroyer's head with a 3d6 RKA and did 5x on STUN roller. IIRC, that was right after D fell on his tea kettle. However, I did give each member a 3pt Teamwork skill, which just made the hitting (and that called shot) easier.
  5. Kirby


    Re: Heroes Well, last Monday's episode was a little bit better than the others, but I'm still disappointed. Dislikes: West: He stalks and humiliates Claire and so she ends up kissing him. For someone who spouts "being yourself" he's very forceful (bully-like) into making sure she admits what he wants her to. And why does he call Noah Bennett "the man with the Horned Rim glasses?" Don't the producers know yet that he doesn't wear Horned Rim glasses? Claire: "No more lies between us" lies. They've made her bland. Even the "Oh my gosh, a Nissan Rogue!" was lame advertising (and then they have it stolen?). So "yea" she's going to be a cheerleader again. Sylar: The fact that he's alive ruined that whole aspect of the first Season. Every super gathered and had a little Fight Fest with Sylar, Hiro comes in to kill him (overcoming his persoanl hurdles) and it's all for naught. New season: We discover Sylar is in the middle of a Brazilian sized forest, having killed the one person who could give him answers. Next time we see him, he's on a road in Mexico. Blah. Candice: I preferred Missy Peregrym (she's hawt ) and wish they hadn't killed her off. Nikki: So here we are again at square one. She's doing "one last thing" for Micah which is the "last time" she'll leave him, again. That her husband is dead is interesting and I would like to find out if they've put thought into this, or just had him bleed at Season 1's finale so he could bleed to death later. Parkman: Still a dweeb at making decisions. I'd like for them to mention how it is that two men who didn't know each other have been allowed to adopt Molly. I think them screwing up his marriage was a poor choice considering that was a struggle they overcame in the first season. Nathan Petrelli: Oh, joy, a second split amongst married couples! I wish they'd stop wasting time not telling us why they separated and what about his landslide victor? What has come of that? What was the fallout? Was the second runner up elected? Did he show up and resign? Was the cheating discovered? Peter Petrelli: OK, so he has a better hair-cut and a new power that we now know where he (potentially) got it from. But I've lost interest in his story and his new hunted. All in one episode, too. Hiro: OK, going back in time is fun, but don't overstay your welcome. Micah: Sure, he may be a cute kid, but being the "Mary Sue" of the show is annoying, along with his voice. Is it just me or does he already look like he has a mustache trying to come in? TV girl: Micah's aunt/cousin, relative. I'm already so bored with her and her story that I just fast forward through it. I don't even know what her name is. Zan and Jane: What's the point of the muerto wonder twins? Do they have to show a close-up of her eyes every freaking time now? It just looks like mascara or ink. The feel I get is that they're following Lost. They have a good cast and so on season two feel they need to bring in Hispanic actors to get more viewers, and yet their story isn't exciting. I hope I'm not supposed to really cheer for them coming to America illegally, am I? Hopefully like Anna Luisa, they'll be killed off by the end of the season. Likes: Mohinder: He's one of the few that have a decent character that they haven't screwed over. Hiro: (He makes both lists!) Still my favorite character and his script is true to his original character. I hope they bring him back soon, though. Ando: They haven't done much with him, but at least they haven't overdone him. They need to keep him and Hiro together before that great match-up becomes unnecessary. Lt. Uhura: First Sulu, now Uhura. Will we see another original crew member next season? Parkman's dad: Interesting. Nice to see he was tempted by his powers and can do "bad things" with them. I thought the set-up with Parkman and Petrelli was obvious and that Petrelli should have seen it coming. Mom Petrelli: Something tells me she might have faked the attack scene in the police station. Still, she's interesting and part of that might have to do with the fact that she looks like Sharon Osbourne, but reminds me of Mrs. Bluthe (Arrested Development). Molly: She's a cute girl. I hope they don't ruin it, though. Unsure: Bennett & Haiti guy. I want to see more of them so I can figure out what's going on with their characters. I don't like that Noah is still keeping secrets from his daughter. That was so first season. I'm still willing to give it a few more episodes. I feel they can do so much more with this show. FYI - G4 will be showing it on Saturdays, starting in November, and will have a "follow-up" show where I think they'll talk to one cast or crew member after each episode.
  6. Re: A Thought Experiment: The Buffest Heroes vs Dr Destroyer Destroyer doesn't even have superhuman intelligence. And he's not the only one at his intelligence level. Destroyer's 90pt gadget pool also has a limitation that he can only change the powers in his lab, something that your infinite amount of abuse seems to ignore. Destroyer lacks KB resistance (though I'm sure you've put that as a fueled triggered advantage in his gadget pool, along with his Precognition Crystal Ball that tells him just what to make for the day) so a half-teleport punch will knock him on his tea kettle. He has no Acrobatics or Breakfall, so two or three people whose purpose is to trip him up have their work cut out. In my scenario, I had truly expected Destroyer to hold his own and have the PCs be the deciding factor (would they help Destroyer or V'han?). Destroyer was out before Turn 1 was over.
  7. Re: Istvatha V'han - why can't she conquer Earth? Well, I 1/2-way agree with you (partly why I started this thread), but I think there's a few things you're missing or misunderstanding. Her troops listed are comparatively weak compared to Dr. D's, UNTIL's, VIPER's, etc, but these stats came first. The text itself states these are basic troops, not the elite. For her tank, I wonder if she uses the Sherman philosophy (weaker tanks, but lots more of them) or the Abrams style (best of the best). If the tanks listed are the best she has tank-wise, yeah, she's in trouble. Also listed in the text is that she has access to an alien like every NPC in CKC (presumably not Dr. D, but who knows?). So, if she has the opportunity/will, she could launch about 100 supers to spearhead her invasion.
  8. Re: A Thought Experiment: The Buffest Heroes vs Dr Destroyer The above is providing you don't use any tactics on the field of battle. As I've stated previously, Dr. Destroyer was beat in a no-fudge-rolls match in my campaign Who was he up against? Modified versions of Anklyosaur and Grond (both increased to 6 SPD, Grond brought up 20 DEX, and given 50 PD/ED, but not on resistance defenses left the same), along with unmodified versions (aside from SFX) of Slick, Firewing, and Holocaust. Destroyer killed Slick and wounded Grond before Destroyer himself was KO'd. Gigaton was there at the start of the turn, but the PCs took his attention away from helping Destroyer (attacking the NPCs) for more than one or two phases. Power Defense only works versus adjustment powers and there are many non-Life Support NNDs out there that he has no defense against. As for the gadget pool set-up, Missile Deflection cannot have Continuous (MD is already a Constant power), and what -1/2 limitation did you give to each power? (Doesn't sound like any.) I find it amazing (and not in a good way) you'd give Dr. D. such a build. VPP is a STOP framework, with Missile Deflection as an ! Power and Uncontrolled as a STOP advantage. This build has abuse all over it. As for the Force Wall, if it's Transparent for Destroyer, it's transparent for his enemies as well. And if Destroyer is at Half-DCV for his Rapid Fire, called shots against him are only 1/2 as difficult. And with Multiple Bonus attackers against him, the number of attacks he's hit by just go up, including head shots.
  9. Re: Istvatha V'han - why can't she conquer Earth? Ah, ok. Ming of Mongo. Wow, that's an old reference, but I do get it.
  10. Re: Istvatha V'han - why can't she conquer Earth? I hate to dwell further off-topic, but who's Aura? Is this a manga reference or Starblazers-like?
  11. Kirby

    Etrigan's Arts

    Re: Etrigan's Arts Sweet! Rep for you!
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Kind of like some jobs.
  13. Re: Istvatha V'han - why can't she conquer Earth? As an update, V'han's initial assault force has been defeated by the PCs. Her assault ships were coming through a dimensional portal inside a titan-sized mothership. The PCs attacked an assault ship which ended up being one that was attacking Dr. Destroyer's HQ in the Himilayas. The PCs parleyed with the aliens (after a brief scuffle) and agreed to work in tandem to defeat Destroyer. When the PCs were sent to Dr.D's HQ, it was only then they realized these aliens were V'han troops. Thinking Dr.D. had the upper hand (and really, who wouldn't want to assist in taking him down?), they continued. With a couple hundred D-soldiers, they took down D's agents, the PCs took out his Black Talons and one PC happened to have AoE lightning attacks which made short work of D's Destroids. Alien supers (an Extermination Squad) ended up defeating Dr. D (I rolled the combat) and things seemed to be going smoothly; however, the PCs realized during the battle that the alien assault ship was jamming all communications. One of the PCs (unbeknownst to the others) flew up to the alien ship and started attacking what he thought were antennas, transmitters, jamming devices, etc. When the aliens discovered this, they felt betrayed and communicated with the Extermination Squad who KO'd the PCs pretty quickly (and said PCs felt betrayed by the Extermination Squad). The PCs woke up in the alien brig along with the Zodiac. The two groups eventually were able to break out and made their way to the titan-sized mother ship's hangar. In it there were alien troops and four pyramids, each was an "anchor" and energy source providing a means for creating a dimensional rift allowing other alien assault ships to come through. The PCs and NPC allies destroyed 3 of the 4pyramids and escaped. V'han, not having a way to gain more ships, had to call for a withdraw. Where they're withdrawing to is unknown....
  14. BEHOLD Thread Necromancy! As an update, the PCs have just heard the news that Nighthawk, Defender, and Ironclad have been killed and that Sapphire and Witchcraft are in intensive care. The news media has "linked" the deaths to V'han's invasion, even though Gigaton is responsible for it.
  15. Kirby

    Etrigan's Arts

    Re: Etrigan's Arts Yeah, where's the art? You've had two months to draw us pretty pictures, where are they?
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Pretty funny. I think I would have laughed my arse off had someone beein in the head at the time. "Oh, that's why it was locked."
  17. Re: Fifteen points of wealth is very justifiable
  18. Kirby


    Re: Heroes Spoilers are done like this: {Spoiler}This text here will be protected and only someone clicking on the Spoiler button will be able to read it.{/spoiler} However, instead of using { and } use [ and ] and it will turn out like this:
  19. Kirby


    Re: Heroes Well, hopefully not everyone will be as disappointed (on the other hand, maybe they will and Heroes will come around to our way of thinking ), but there were some things which my wife I and deduced were going to happen well before they were revealed in the show, along with a few possible cliches or trends we've noticed. But don't let my view jade your viewing pleasure. Once you've finished watching it, then you may feel free to agree with me.
  20. Kirby


    Re: Heroes Well, I must say that my wife and I found the season premiere anti-climatic and very disappointing. :sigh:
  21. Re: DC's Captain Marvel: OIHID or Multiform?
  22. Re: Fifteen points of wealth is very justifiable Same here, though in recent online games, I've had PCs try to use their cell phones in place of comm devices and other items that points should be spent on, so when something feasible happend (the team was KO'd, woke up in cells and had to break out), everything that points weren't spent on, were gone.
  23. Re: Fifteen points of wealth is very justifiable In the best post-high school FtF gaming group I was with, 15 pts of wealth was for flavor and for a lot of down time as well as social interaction. We had two PCs that had 15 points of wealth. One was "old money" with the other being a hybrid of "old money" and "new money." Anyway, the old money PC had the huge, 100+ year old mansion on a dozen or so acres acres outside city limits. They hybrid had a few acres in the upper class area. Part of our game consisted of team social interaction. While the old money PC would have a high society social event that we were invited to for formal meals or balls or what have you, the hybrid had the indoor basketball gym, olympic-sized swimming pool in the back yard where we'd have picnics. We'd spend an entire gaming session throwing a bachelor party (which partially consisted of a go-cart race through the sewer systems) or havign a get-together playing pool, billiards, swimming, etc. We generally never used wealth as a powers-enhancing device, but often as recreation or as a method to go from point A to B (usually in style) but what comics would use as "turn the page, you're there" type traveling.
  24. Re: Fifteen points of wealth is very justifiable
  25. Re: DC's Captain Marvel: OIHID or Multiform? As a GM, I wouldn't have a problem with a player making a multiform Captain Marve, provided it wasn't an abusive build. Some signs of this would be things like CM having to purchase PS: Newspaper boy or KS: Radio shows, etc. that are really Billy's schtick, but that CM would know as well, thanks to Billy. This way, while CM is essentially cheaper for more points (such as Billy being a 150 point character and the CM multiform being built on 200 points - JUST AN EXAMPLE) when the XP would be spent on Billy with an "gentleman's contract" of saying something like a minimum of 3 xp must be spent on Billy's form before any go into the multiform and the multiform must have every skill Billy has. I think there are a lot of good players who wouldn't do a "Oh, well, then I'll spend 3 of 7 on Billy and 4 of 7 on CM. Those that would do such a thing, I'd probably not allow to play such a powerful character. Someone mentioned previously that one of the good reasons for the multiform is that Billy would have a Social Lim: Minor while CM obviously would not. Who knows, CM may have DNPCs where Billy does not (though, I can see Billy being required to have them for some GMs). As I stated before, I think CM can be either OiHID or Multiform, just requiring GM's approval.
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