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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. Re: DC's Captain Marvel: OIHID or Multiform? Last time I'm talking about this.
  2. Kirby


    Re: Heroes My guess is that they didn't use the HERO System when designing the characters ; however, if we tried to do so, I'd say it'd be safe to assume that they aren't all built on the same amount of points. My initial guess is that, of the main cast, Matt Parkman and Nikki Sanders would be the lowest costs, followed by Nathan, with Peter Petrelli and Sylar being the two most expensive (and in that order).
  3. Re: DC's Captain Marvel: OIHID or Multiform? Sorry, I still thought it was pathetic, even if it was designed as a stand-alone made up story. Further OT:
  4. Re: Fifteen points of wealth is very justifiable
  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I am so going to have to use that for a character of mine. Probably a slightly inept character who's just getting used to the hero biz. Repped! What's funny is I have a teen hero who this could be applied to in the future. I also have a PC who patrols the city via the rooftops, but she doesn't have any adverse effects for leaving the roofs (she leaps, so it's much easier that way than going by street).
  6. Re: DC's Captain Marvel: OIHID or Multiform? Off-topic: Sin City (the movie, at least) is the only thing I can think of by Frank Miller that I even like. Short OT Rant:
  7. Re: Fifteen points of wealth is very justifiable Hmm, I can't tell if you're using rhetoric or asking earnestly, so I'll respond as if the latter. Nope. They must use CPs to purchase those. UNLESS it's a collector's item, but then they still don't get to use it in game. Nope, having the right Contacts would apply here (though I've never even been in a game where the PCs were ever at the White House, much less stayed over). There have been PCs that have had a comic-book modified Stealth Bomber which sat eight people (absolutely no weapons) which was used to get us from the campaign city (Point A) to the master villain's secret hideout in the Pacific Ocean (Point and back again. But that was it. And there are laws against selling military missiles to your average Joe millionaire. (Though powered armored PCs and all that....)
  8. Kirby


    Re: Heroes Post 83:
  9. Are you tired of your GM whining about the number of PCs with 15 points of wealth in the campaign you play in? Does he require you to have wealth to justify your charcter concept and complain when you take 15 points? Has he tried telling you there aren't that many rich people in the world? Tell him Ptttht! There are 482 billionaires in the US alone![/b]!l Link to full story. I can see a good GM with a good sense of humor having a conversation with his player now. Player: You don't have a problem with me having 15 points of wealth? I've always wanted to play a billionaire. GM: No, that's fine. We can start the game out with you having earned your first billion in net worth. Player: Woohoo! Yea! Now I'm one of the richest in the world! GM: Actually, you're not even in the top 400 of the U.S., much less the world. Player: Wow, really? GM: Yep. Maybe in a few years you can make the list. Player: But I can still have my $50 mil mega yacht? GM: Sure. Player: And my $15 mil private plane? GM: Absolutely. Player: Sweeet!
  10. Kirby


    Re: Heroes I just finished watching the last episode today. I am hooked! As I am becoming less interested in Lost, Heroes will definitely be the one I'm sure to watch (aside from my History Channel shows, but that's a different area). Hiro is hands down my favorite. Nikki's story is the only one my wife doesn't like. Along with the large cast, I like how the show is grounded in reality and that there are no costumes and capes. I also think it's important that the show is called Heroes, not Super Heroes. Did anyone else find an eerie resemblence between Sylar and Stephen King? Final Episode: Candice is pretty hot.
  11. Re: Seven Wonders of the Totalitarian World It don't see why it would be on the list. It doesn't represent any dictator/monarch/tyrant, but is a statue celebrating Russian victory over German invaders in WW2. It's a symbol of inspiration for the people, not really a "glorify me" that the others are. It would almost be the same as saying the Statue of Liberty or the Liberty Belle should fall into the same catagory. YMMV
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... What she sould have said was "...the earth didn't move for you, either?" That would be funny. Well, IMHO.
  13. Re: WWYCD: We hope you're feeling better now Juggernaut: Would probably think she's in another dimension, again. She's got a knack for that. Duo: If he couldn't produce his twin, he'd probably freak out. He's not too stable. Foxbatboy: Might snap, or might truly think Foxbat is in a comic book.
  14. Re: WWYCD: We hope you're feeling better now I think I'd go crazy.
  15. Re: DC's Captain Marvel: OIHID or Multiform? Ditto.
  16. Re: Opinions On Being An "Ex-Viper Member" Heh, I was in that squad. IMHO, I'd say an 8-; HOWEVER, if he is blatantly weilding the VIPER tech, then it could be a justified 11-.
  17. Re: Is MultiForm Broken? Multiform is not broken, it is malleable. Think about it.
  18. Re: DC's Captain Marvel: OIHID or Multiform? Well, you could do DC's Captain Marvel as either, providing your GM approves. Having stated that, a long time ago I created a CM using OiHID (relatively pretty powerful), though a multiform could potentially be VERY powerful in comparison to the two.
  19. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Is that supposed to be tying? Because if it's not, I don't get the joke.
  20. Re: Who Is... Your Favorite Villain? Citadel is on pages 119-120 of VIPER (First Printing, 1993).
  21. Re: Favorite Anti-Brick tricks? Yes, Usable On Others (the main Advantage with its various subsets) does have a STOP Sign. Under the section The Dangers of Useable On Others (FREd, p.177-8) it talks about how the temptation UAA has abuse written on it.
  22. Re: Favorite Anti-Brick tricks? I agree that Flight (or Teleport, Superleap, etc.) UAA is down the path of munchkin playing, primarily because there's not a standard defense against it (like N-Ray vision, I believe movement powers with UAA should be required to have at least one power that negates it). FREd even mentions that Flight UAA would be abusive/illegal, but that didn't stop them from giving the power to Gravitar. Just one of the reasons I don't like her (but that's another thread). YMMV.
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