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Posts posted by Basil

  1. Re: what gives your pulp its pep?


    Mystery, because the world is vaster and stranger than it can ever be.


    When you finally ride the lifeboat in across the surf from the wreck of the ship that went aground in a place that should only be deep ocean, you face an nexplored mountain range cloaked in a deep forests and cleft by a huge river that could never not have a city at its mouth in any land on the map.

    As you ride towards the rendezvous on the camels, an empty city rises before you at the margin of the mountain range that the Touregs will not permit to be mapped. Alabaster stairs are gleaming, seeming to wait for a galleys to glide into dock, though no sea has flooded this blasted erg in the memory of man...

    A sabretooth tiger waiting in your hotel room when you get back from interviewing your client.

    A mysterious detective agency, hunting for people, all connected in some way in generations unknown. Is the desperate, harried man interviewing you for a job, or suspect that you are one of the people he's looking for? And why did he tun on that device in the corner before letting you have a clear look at his face?

    At the deepest layer of the dig, where Neolithic village gives way to a few scattered tools, an engraved plate in a script well-known to the half-Cherokee archaeologist, even though it is ten thousand years older than Sequoyah, and speaks of an era before the sea drank the gleaming cities...


    I just now found this. You are right, THIS is what pulp is about! REPPED! :-D

  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Thank you Reverand Dodgeson.


    BTW, just read the original books (Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass). *Much* better than any movie version (not least because they include so much of Lewis Carroll's poetry)


    Suggestion: read "The Hunting of the Snark". Also, Martin Gardner's "Annotated Alice". :D

  3. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: Creative threats Cancer's now-ex-students will be making since he posted course grades 40 minutes ago.


    "Ya gaved me a fail, huh? Ya know what dat means, don'tcha? I's gonna be in yer class again nex' year!!"




    NT: Other than getting an idiot student a second year in a row, what scares teachers?

  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: Subtle signs that the voters for the Hall of Fame (your choice of Halls) are out of their collective minds.


    The Country Music Hall of Fame adds "Far-away Eyes" to its list of Best Country Songs Of All Time.




    NT: Things you'd be pleasantly surprised to find in your local library.

  5. Re: What would your sidekick be named?


    The Bacandforthtrian has decided he needs a sidekick, so he's working on....


    The Llamall!


    The Mallard thinks there are a lot of people who need a sidekick - - - excuse me, he said a kick in the side. Sorry for the confusion.


    The Bacandforthtrian, the Llamall, and The Mallard are all creations of Basil's Twisted Imagination, Unc. All rights reswerved

  6. Re: Captain Nebula


    Got a name.




    Query: Is this format okay or should I not run it together and make each "aspect" speak in seperate paragraphs?


    Lucius Alexander


    A world with things like palindromedaries and backandforthtrians


    I love the mixed colors! It gives a feeling of two-mixed-into-one that really makes the character for me.


    But, to be honest, I do not like the superhero name. "Nova Defensor" makes me cringe. It sounds to me like something from a bad -- no, make that terrible -- TV cartoon show.


    Personally, I recommend "Between". She/it changes between states of matter, the "cloud" came from between the stars, and her/its personality is between one thing and another. :thumbup:



    The Bacandforthtrian contemplates removing the "k" ey from Lucius's eyboard.


    The Bacandforth is another fine product of Basil's Twisted Imagination, Inconceivable; all rides removed. And it doesn't have fingers, so no eyboards are at ris.

  7. Re: What would your sidekick be named?


    Well, the Infamous Dr. Infamous has the supersonic telepathic mechanical penguins with laser eyes, and the Bacandforthtrian, so he's set.


    The Mallard, masked crime-fighter and master of the mystic arts of Uzbekistan, has too dangerous a life to subject anyone else to it. That, and he's grim, obsessed, and rather a bore.


    Basil wishes for a sidekick named Sweet Cicely (assuming the name fits, of course. :winkgrin:)


    Dr. Infamous, the Bacandforthtrian, The Mallard, and the supersonic telepathic mechanical penguins with laser eyes are just some of the fine products of Basil's Twisted Imagination, Unincorporated. All riots preformated. Sweet Cicely, unfortunately, doesn't seem to exist.

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