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Xavier Onassiss

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Everything posted by Xavier Onassiss

  1. Re: Another weird science post: Laser Recoil! Like you have to ask at this point? This thread has been well-and-truly jacked.
  2. Re: Stats for a Forklift Something to keep in mind: most forklifts will have several levels of increased mass. In order keep from tipping over when they lift a couple of tons with their front-mounted forks, they have a huge counterweight in the back. I've seen 'lifts no bigger than size 2 that weighed almost 4 tons.
  3. Re: ET Stay Home I read the article -- what a joke. The idea of 'aliens looting the cosmos for resources' didn't work in the original 'V' mini-series, and it's just as lame now. I agree however, that alien contact could go very badly for us, as pointed out in The Killing Star: When we put our heads together and tried to list everything we could say with certainty about other civilizations, without having actually met them, all that we knew boiled down to three simple laws of alien behavior: 1. THEIR SURVIVAL WILL BE MORE IMPORTANT THAN OUR SURVIVAL. If an alien species has to choose between them and us, they won't choose us. It is difficult to imagine a contrary case; species don't survive by being self-sacrificing. 2. WIMPS DON'T BECOME TOP DOGS. No species makes it to the top by being passive. The species in charge of any given planet will be highly intelligent, alert, aggressive, and ruthless when necessary. 3. THEY WILL ASSUME THAT THE FIRST TWO LAWS APPLY TO US. We're better off alone in the cosmos. And for the exact same reasons, any alien species will consider themselves better off alone in the cosmos. Last species standing gets the Universe all to themselves.
  4. Re: Another weird science post: Laser Recoil! C3PO 'got served' quite a few times, IIRC.
  5. Re: Martial Arts iiinnn ssspppaaaccceee!!! Which style is flexible enough? Here's another good one: an early demonstration of spin-gravity, proving that the idea works even if it's the astronaut that's spinning, not the station! Embedding has been disabled on this video; you'll have to 'click thru' to youtube.
  6. Re: How best to replace "Find Weakness" This is precisely how the Deadly Blow and Weapon Master Talents are constructed. And yes, you can buy as many levels as you want until you overload on cheezeeness.
  7. Re: Martial Arts iiinnn ssspppaaaccceee!!! Which style is flexible enough?
  8. Re: The Non Sequitor Thread ...and then they made me their Chief...
  9. Re: Martial Arts iiinnn ssspppaaaccceee!!! Which style is flexible enough? "The enemy's gate is down."
  10. Re: "Neat" Pictures I wish MY shirt would do this!
  11. Re: Calculating Real world speed to Hero Speed in 6E Here's the way I do it: "Move" should always be expressed in meters per phase: whether it's the character's combat, noncombat, or mega-scale movement. Step 1: [Move * Speed] / 12 = meters per second (m/s) Step 2: m/s * 3.6 = kilometers per hour (kph) OR m/s * 2.25 = miles per hour (mph)
  12. Re: How best to replace "Find Weakness" Piercing points are another alternative to Armor Piercing. (APG p113.) I like the fact that Piercing points have a flat cost, rather than a variable cost (+1/4 of base power). I'd figure out how many Piercing points you can get from one skill roll. Then put the Cumulative advantage on those Piercing points, with a max of x2, x4 or maybe (eek!) x8. Then impose a -2 on each skill roll after the first, until the Piercing points have reached the maximum purchased with the Cumulative advantage. Note that per rules as written, Piercing points must be purchased for a single attack. To work with a group of attacks, or with all attacks, this power will have to be further customized. Find Weakness: Resistant Piercing: 4 points, Cumulative: x4 (16 Piercing points) (+3/4); Requires A Roll (Skill roll: Find Weakness (Dex-based); Must be made each Phase/use; -1) Active/Real pts: 20/10 Obviously this will work differently from the original version of find weakness; it doesn't suffer from the 'diminishing returns' of halving defenses with each use. It removes a flat 4pts of defense per successful skill roll, up to a maximum of -16 PD or ED. It also requires purchase of a separate Dex-based skill: Find weakness, at a cost of 3pts.
  13. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? The The - Kingdom of Rain (w/Sinead O'connor) http://www.last.fm/music/The+The/_/Kingdom+of+Rain
  14. Re: Martial Arts iiinnn ssspppaaaccceee!!! Which style is flexible enough? But it's for SCIENCE, you fools! This smilie brought to you by the Institute for Applied Retro-Phrenology.
  15. Re: "Neat" Pictures Is your beard trustworthy?
  16. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Migraines suck. But at least they're a good excuse for 50mg of Imitrex w/a 3oz Jager chaser! Yeah, I know... mixing english and metric units is dangerous.
  17. Re: Martial Arts iiinnn ssspppaaaccceee!!! Which style is flexible enough? Yes -- I can see a lot of zero-G fights beginning with a flurry of grapples, reversals, and escapes, followed by an exchange of blows ending with one combatant drifting away unconscious. The zero-g combat technique favored by spacers in my campaign is known as 'The Gripping Hand' for some obscure reason....
  18. Re: Another weird science post: Laser Recoil! At http://www.stardestroyer.net you can read about it for hours and hours and hours. Uh...if you really want to. Have fun.
  19. Re: Martial Arts iiinnn ssspppaaaccceee!!! Which style is flexible enough?
  20. Re: The Non Sequitor Thread Let me see your war face!
  21. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Not safe for work, due to laser-guided F-bombs. http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/tue-april-20-2010/bernie-goldberg-fires-back
  22. Presented without comment: Do laser guns have recoil?
  23. Once again, the Rocketpunk Manifesto blog provides excellent discussion. This time the topic is space stations: Part 1 is here, part 2 is here. If your Star Hero campaign features space stations of any kind, these posts and their associated comments will give you a lot of ideas. And a lot to think about. (Warning: stay away if you don't like to think!) Don't look at me, Xavier Onassiss
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