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Everything posted by SatinKitty

  1. Re: The cranky thread Thanks for the advice, Old Man. I know I need to cut way back on the desserts, pizza and fast food but I'm the anti-June Cleaver. And since I have no job I like to eat at restaurants just to see other human beings and get out of my little apartment. Anyway, my exercise is Karate: I am a green belt. Class is an hour and fifteen minutes long and I must drag myself to class kicking and screaming. I also feel as it is a very strenuous hour-fifteen that I have the catch-22 you mentioned where my weight really slows me down. I sometimes find myself using Stun for End, especially when class ends in "Murder Runs". These are exactly what they sound like. You're already exhausted, then you must push and use Stun for End. I never complete them all. Since it is such hard work I can only get myself in there rarely. I keep promising myself I'll get in there at least once a week, maybe twice, but it hasn't happened yet. I have to either get serious or get out because I don't go nearly enough and to not be serious is to waste your time and money. OddHat has a full at-home gym and has tried and tried to get me into weight lifting. I do it a few times, but that's it. We've tried to start a program at least three times. But it just doesn't happen. So I plug on. Thanks for your input.
  2. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Anywhere Snowbirds gather at this time of year. We're having our first snowfall tonight. Thank God I don't have to drive to work. I don't have to get up before dawn so I have enough time to excavate my car after the grounds keepers plow it in and still get to work on time-in rush hour traffic. Then come home and find someone else has taken the space you shovelled out. NT: The best chocolate in the World is:
  3. Re: The cranky thread My Dad sent me one of those disease scare articles today. He thinks OddHat and I are going to get Diabetes, if we aren't two of the eight million-odd people who have had it for years and don't know it yet. It's not easy being the only ones in our family on my side who are overweight. I lost 22 pounds since before Gen Con 2004, but have gained back 8. This is my fourth attempt to lose. I have 50-odd pounds to go. I wanna be a Giant Lizard and lose 70. Then I'd be back to my tenth grade weight. But I'll settle for 50. Or even 40. I'm afraid this will never happen. I'm afraid I'll be chubby the rest of my life. That makes me very cranky. The pretty blonde who waited on us at Outback Steakhouse tonight had had four kids, including a set of twins, and she couldn't have been more than a size six. THAT'S NOT FAIR !!!!!!! She even takes frequent advantage of her employee discount, as her husband loves the Outback. D@MM%T ! I'm cranky ! I have always been, and still am, a VERY picky eater. I take medication that acts as speed and kills my appetite and makes swallowing difficult at times. I have NEVER been a big eater. My only vice is sweets. I've been walking through Markets, CVS and the Farmer's Market bakery section chanting my mantra under my breath: You don't need it, you don't need it. And I don't buy it. D@MM&T ! I've been doing my best !!! SO WHY AREN'T I THIN ???!!!!?? YES ! I'm NOT a jolly fat lady.
  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat For the Superpower of my choice. NT: People you can do without.....
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Last night I did a massive straightening up and organizing of OddHat's comic and game books and books and I feel great ! Can't stop looking at how organized and neat everything is ! This morning I dejunked some old jewelry that has been hidden in OddHat's Mom's closet for ten years, kept just the small amount I liked, and now have found all three of my Red Cross gallon pins. It's like losing 100 pounds in just 24 hours ! Woo Hooo !
  6. Re: Chronicles of Gor I was a Tuchuck for two years. Then I discovered OddHat and Champions. Now I don't argue with men with those attitudes, I blow them away.
  7. Re: A Thread for Random Musings OddHat and I just listened to George Karlin do a show that made Howard Stern look like Bill Cosby in comparison. I turned it off after he did the necrophilia and infections gags. I swear, the man has gone off the deep end.
  8. Re: Why we shouldn't worry about 2020 WICCA is a time/dimension traveler and could possibly set in motion events which would cause Tyrannon the Conqueror to never come to Earth's dimension, making the great spell unnecessary. Perhaps she could bribe or persuade him to look the other way. It would have to be subtle, behind the scenes manipulation, however, as a mere Wizard's apprentice has nowhere near the power of Witchcraft the Archmage. Perhaps she could cause him to lose interest, or decide it wasn't worth the effort. High stakes indeed !
  9. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat You report them to the Authorities for animal abuse. NT: Why I love my job:
  10. Re: Musings on Random Musings When the phone rings and I hear a pause after saying hello, I immediately hang up, because that's when the computer is routing the call to a telemarketer. I also have a tele-zapper, although I don't know how effective they are at this point. The Orcs in telemarketing probably are or have figured ways around them by now.
  11. Re: Complicate the Person Above Keyes_Bill's whole bunny schtick is actually a very clever and elaborate front. Actually, the secret is now out-and the Agent died discovering it. KEYES_BILL IS ACTUALLY AN UNSPEAKABLE CREATURE FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION SUMMONED BY THE ILLUMINATI !!!!!
  12. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Was I speeding, officer ? This is my Mom's car."
  13. Re: Complicate the Person Above OddHat is determined that the truth about the brave deeds and super powers of the Monkey King of Chinese lore be restored to its rightful place in the minds of people worldwide and that the Monkey King is respected as the Avatar he was. All these jokes about monkey poo flinging make him furious !!!!
  14. Re: The cranky thread I'm sick of my life. I am bored and probably boring. I have no job, and probably never will again. My last one ended in 1990 and I've worked a total of six months since then. In two different stores. (UGH Retail !) I have no social life outside of Karate class and gaming and this board. I don't even have girlfriends to call. All my friends are guys and guys don't chit chat. And only two are within semi-close driving/calling distance. So I'm bored. I wish I drank, so I could do that. But I can't. Middle age sucks. I used to be so wild and crazy. I'm 43 going on 80.
  15. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Pigment Man from the Wild Cards series.
  16. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "What Big Corporations know about YOU" EDIT: OOOPS ! I'm late. Who the blank is Captain Justice ? ???
  17. Re: Complicate the Person Above Bazza went to the same Winter Formal with Istvatha V'Han. I hear he was wearing a LEASH !!!!
  18. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Godiva Chocolates.
  19. Re: Complicate the Person Above L. Marcus was the Model who posed for the artist who made the Atlas with the world on his back statue.
  20. Re: Musings on Random Musings Hey Zorn: I don't think that's such a good idea. I'm afraid it could result in a lot of fights and hard feelings. Like I said, make me laugh, and I'll probably rep you. I'm also an easy Date that way. Must rep some others before repping YOU again, though.
  21. Re: Musings on Random Musings To Austin Andrews and his wife: Congrats on fifteen great years !
  22. Re: WWYCD: Grandfather paradox This looks like a job for WICCA !!!! With her ability to travel through time and dimensions, straightening this mess out would be all in a day's work. She would also verify the veracity of the "Grandson's" tale, and if true, she would bury him with questions about who she was and what she did in her past, if he knew. At least having offspring would assure her she is a real person. That would be a load off her mind.
  23. Re: Answers & Questions Do you have the munchies ? A: Lightning Rods.
  24. Re: Answers & Questions Do you know this salad has a BIG BUG in it? Horrible monsters.
  25. Re: A Thread for Random Musings OddHat needs a new cell phone. His is five years old.
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