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Everything posted by SatinKitty

  1. Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman Firestorm was a public identity B-movie actress. Flirting, appearing on tabloids and showing cleavage were part of her job. She was in a relationship with The Harlequin, until he became too powerful to relate to her. Now she buries herself in her Heroing and movies, as her heart is broken. Dragon Jane is just starting out as a model when not heroing, and her career is still in its infancy. She has had no offers to date yet as being a six foot tall woman with Dragon wings who can breathe fire and punch through walls tends to scare most men away. Before she did that job for the Chinese Cleric-type she was a green, scaly reptile. They don't get many dates. Wicca is in a committed relationship with the Wizard in Babylon she is apprenticed to. She has no memories before the start of the campaign and her Master says she appeared in Babylon just months before her memories began. She is not even sure if she is a real person. She has seen a copy of herself at a distance and been mistaken for that copy. Echoes of people do exist in her time and dimension hopping campaign, so the concepts of past and future don't mean a lot. Mind Flair is married to her career and is too plain and boring to interest the average Super. Invictus' interest in her at times is something that bewilders her to this day.
  2. Re: Musings on Random Musings Tomorrow here we're supposed to have a nice, Indian Summer day, 67 degrees and partly sunny. Thunderstorms Wednesday though, I think. Today was sunny and cool, about 60. This is about normal.
  3. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat You find handcuffs under their bed and neither of them are Policemen. NT: What would (or did) it take to get YOU to Pop The Question:
  4. Re: Evil Organizaitons Hey Everyone: OddHat once commented that if this were a world with Supers, Aum Shin Riccio would be DEMON. Anyone ever see that, or use Aum Shin Riccio or something similar in their game ?
  5. Re: Complicate the Person Above Bazza is the REAL Crocodile Dundee.
  6. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Game Day Saturday. The teenage kid Gageteer with killer toys and a killer hot dog stand, who was supposed to be the comic relief, took us four separate fights, a big sky chase, and all three of us, to beat. The Uber-mega Villain Chinese Vampire whom OddHat KNEW could take us all on and whose first blow put our Shape-Shifter into 1.5 times negative stun and negative body, was knocked out in JUST THREE PUNCHES. He made the Martial Artist MAD. OddHat is not amused. :rofl:
  7. SatinKitty

    1 Speed

    Re: 1 Speed What about those Rock Creatures from another planet whose metabolism was so slow, it was hard to tell they were sentient ? Their speed would be much less than 1.
  8. Re: Complicate the Person Above Enforcer isn't his name, it's his JOB !
  9. Re: WWYCD: The Guliver Syndrome MINDFLAIR would have a new subject to master: The Psychology and Issues of the Giant. Points to ponder: What are their special needs in Romance ? What is it like to live in a too-small world ? Will a special fund be started to enable them to buy the special clothes, homes, cars, EVERYTHING they need ? How will public transportation handle this ? What about airplanes ? CAN they have children ? If so, will the children be giant too ? MINDFLAIR would have to organize a Symposium to address the many new issues with her fellow Mental Health Collegues.
  10. Re: Complicate the Person Above L. Marcus' posted photograph wasn't really him. Really, whom we know as L. Marcus is a cover for a Covert Operative.
  11. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat The quality of the writing. NT: If you were Doctor Anomaly, what would your first Divine Proclaimation be ?
  12. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat I would only find myself in this situation if I KNEW she was a man. I don't make passes at other women.
  13. Re: Complicate the Person Above Everybody's seen the shocking .JPG of the bunny with the balloon. Yup. Everybody. And I LIKE BunnySue !
  14. Re: "Teen Champion" to Regular Just a quick note to the above: Feel free to skip a few years, If for some reason you don't want to, or have the time to play them all out. This would be especially good if your players were "sick" of playing teens.
  15. Re: For all those with multiple characters Yes, some of the characters I mentioned are no longer active. Firestorm was my first ever. Mindflair was my second. They were both in a campaign with two other players. Dragon Jane is my current active one, and Wicca and Tabby Cat are on hiatus. Unfortunately, until recent years I rarely got to play.
  16. Re: WWYCD: The Friendly Neighbourhood CERT FIRESTORM: Might do Public Service Announcements about or for them. They might want her for publicity purposes. She'd definitely help out. Same with DRAGON JANE. She has a public identity as a new Model. Most of my characters would probably help out. WICCA would probably never be approached - unless they were doing this in Babylon too.
  17. Re: Musings on Random Musings Happy New Year Amadan. Last year and the three before that I attended a Wiccan Samhain celebration with ritual each second Friday in October. Didn't go this year for various reasons, mostly cost increase and it's the same party every year. Halloween has been my favorite holiday since I stopped believing in Santa Claus, although I am not a practicing Wiccan. I have participated in large-group rituals both at the parties and back in '82 or '83 at the SCA Pennsic. Ever hear of Circle Network News ? I read it back in college in the early eighties. Why don't you PM me and tell me something about your beliefs ?
  18. Re: Musings on Random Musings Hey Alice: When you and SS mention "The Cape", where exactly do you mean and what kind of place is it ? Shore ?
  19. Re: Super Bases and the Gm's who love them I once designed a little base for a group called "Thugs R Us", sort of a comedy group of, obviously, thugs. They included Halfjack, Shamrock and Bulldozer. Nothing High-Tech needed, as they were Thugs. Basically they needed a hide-out and a place to store things and swag, and that was about it. None of them knew much about computers. Honestly, can you see Bulldozer with a computer ??? So it was simple. Concealment was the most important consideration. The placement, size and number of rooms was not too important, as long as there was a private room for everyone and a large garage area for vehicles bought and stolen. So as bases go, it was a bit small and humble. Unfortunately, we stopped using the group before the base was used much. I would love to design another base, but the opportunity has not come up. Most villain groups come with a base, or many.
  20. Re: Retcon the CU I would get rid of VIPER's uniforms and the silly vehicles that say "VIPER" in huge letters. VIPER is supposed to be a covert organization. I've said before that the obvious VIPER logos and uniforms are, in my opinion, a big "Duh". Simple membership in this organization is illegal. I don't think anyone would wear or display a uniform or logo announcing the fact. Just my opinion.
  21. Re: Enforcer's new Campaign! Hi Enforcer: I missed your "Brown Note " Thread, and I don't know what that is. Can you direct me to it ? Thanks.
  22. Re: Champions Jargon FLUMP !!!! The sound made when someone falls over or flops down, for whatever reason, usually to rest.
  23. Re: A Champions Haloween I'll just be wearing a Jack-O-Lantern Tshirt and maybe a chicken hat and handing out candy. Don't have the figure to pull off a Super, unfortunately.
  24. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Just had my eye exam this morning. It's been about five hours since they put the drops in my eyes. It's nice to be able to see again.
  25. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Cute story, Doc. It made us giggle. WE MISS OUR KITTY SO MUCH !!!
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