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Hypnotoad, the

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Everything posted by Hypnotoad, the

  1. Re: What was you most powerful Attack vs. Supervillian??? In my case, it was the Red Splat vs. Doctor Destroyer. It was a short fight, but not for the reason you're thinking. This was possibly my silliest and most disturbing character concept ever. He had gliding, precognition, and a transformation attack to turn another person into the Next Red Splat--this last power wasn't under his control, and was important for keeping the legend of the Red Splat alive, as I'll explain. You see, he fought the supervillains by pitching himself off the tallest building in the city, and hit the villain at the bottom. The gliding was to make sure he stayed on target (like a laser guided bomb), the precognition was to let him know the exact time and place to jump off the building, and the transformation attack would make sure that someone else would take up the cause later on. So...I attacked Dr. D with a terminal velocity impact (30-32 dice, I can't remember exactly), turned myself to jelly, and managed to stun him. Needless to say, he wasn't pleased--even moreso, since there wasn't anyone for him to mete his wrath out upon. For some reason I can't ponder, I've never been allowed to play the character again
  2. Hypnotoad, the


    Re: Party! Scarecrow: Well, when she isn't trying to be superheroic or doing her homework...quite a bit. She currently gets into the local Goth club using her fake ID, whereupon she enjoys herself (if it can be called that), she likes to paint (PICTURES, not houses), she has an Xbox, which she's currently using to bone up on HALO (HALO 2 is coming soon!), and while she rarely ventures into the wasteland known as the Mall, when she does she often shops for clothes--especially shoes. Masque: She really enjoys the phenomenon known as the internet. She reads, watches TV, tries new things...what do you want? She's only 4 months old! Jade: The concept of free time is sort of alien to her, since she's reluctantly taken on the leadership mantle of the team. When she does, she finds that she enjoys going into Chinatown to shop for antiques and sharpen her haggling skills. Jewel: *Glares at Nexus* "Fun? I don't have fun."
  3. Re: Background Cliches 13. Hero/heroine's biggest enemy happens to also be their mother/father/parental unit. I'm using this one right now in designing my magician, who happens to be Tyranon's daughter, just so we can have the following exchange. TYRANON: I am your FATHER! MY PC (rather flatly): No...no that can't be...that's impossible...how does a tree get it on? Now one might think the concept of having such an outrageous origin for the sake of such a flippant exchange is wasteful and silly, but what can I say? I like wasteful and silly
  4. Re: Defensive Power Suggestions Forcefield--it could act as that magnetic field surrounding you. Make it ablative--it can hold up to one really powerful solar flare long enough for the astronaut (or hero) to get to safety, and it helps to deflect those pesky micrometeorites (or space junk, if you're in Earth orbit). Power defense--radiation has often been played as some sort of power attack in some of the games I've been in. Make it conditional to the magnetic field (forcefield) being up.
  5. Re: If Champions didn't exist... Well, from my limited exposure way back when, if I hadn't picked up Champions, I'd have picked up MSH or (please don't lynch me) Heroes Unlimited. Back at the shop where I used to live, Heroes Unlimited had a more prominent place on the shelf than V & V, so naturally it stood out.
  6. Re: Unused Bird/Flying Creature Motifs What about something more mythical? More legendary? Something like "Garuda"? Has that been used?
  7. Re: Superpowers and the Law As far as the flight/gliding/superleap constraints... Yeah, I can see basic restrictions of "no-fly" zones and whatnot. The main point of contention is the requirement for a license. While I can see the government requiring one, I can also see heated court challenges against it, especially if said flying/gliding/superleaping folks do it as naturally as you or I walk (the contention being that there's no license required for walking, there should be no license required for them to use what fate/God/an accident of birth gave them). In the end, I can see the statute standing, but I also see acts of civil disobedience happening by the more extreme opponents, and lawsuits galore, and let's not forget the constant question of Constitutionality of it.
  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Okay, from Sunday's Star Wars game. Our intrepid little group has just snuck into a small Imperial Garrison, intent on diverting power for our nefarious little purposes (we're rebel scum, after all). Anyways, the main soldier in our group happens to be a Zeltran hottie ( ) named Lisa, with...huge tracts of land. When we get into the power core, we find it's occupied by a freckle-faced rookie tech and a nervous protocol droid. He gives up rather quickly... Tech: "Believe me, miss. I'd never cause trouble for anyone with guns as big as yours. Lisa (misinterpreting): "That's sweet. Why thank you..." Naturally, the rest of us sort of groaned.
  9. Re: "Dark" Champions Plots Aww...I always thought you were a teddy bear myself. I really haven't been involved in any "Dark" Champions plots...I think. The GM's I've run with don't seem to care much for the genre, for some reason I can't fathom. I think the closest I come is in the game you currently run, Nexus (mainly "Bay City Blues"), but I can't be sure...
  10. Re: GM's "rights" Hrm. Difficult subject. At best I'd say that a balancing act between a player's rights and a GM's rights is needed. At best it's an art form, at worst it can be a disaster. The best thing I can recommend is communication. Now, over the years I've learned to accept that I don't know everything that's going on in the world, and since my character is a part of said world, I have to assume that I don't have a total monopoly on what happens in their development (and was one of the hardest lessons I had to learn if I was going to continue to RP. Thankfully, age and experience have mellowed me) So, yes I do believe that a GM has rights to decide elements regarding my character and my character's background. If they can't, then the characters tend to be a bit static in the world the GM creates. At the same time, I hope that, if they do opt to throw in a surprise or two, they opt to talk to me about it. I don't expect them to spill the beans on everything, but maybe a bit of a pep talk, and a "trust me" might be nice.
  11. Re: Teleios: The origin story How's about this? Telios got the information by ordering from the back of the comic book--right next to the X-ray sunglasses and the jalepeno bubblegum. (Okay, that sounds more like a Foxbat story than anything else I've heard).
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... This little goodie is from the Monday Champions game I play in. We had just kept both Viper and Demon from stealing the same object of desire from a recent museum exhibit (they fought each other as well as us--really decent of them to do that!). Anyways, we're a brand new team, and there was no real chain of command yet. So after this mission, serious discussion was set down. The choice seemed to be between three of us--Firebrand (our resident energy projector), Snap Dragon (our martial artist), and Jade (my character and another martial artist). Jade was chosen as leader (much to her surprise), as for the second in command... Jade: "I'd like to suggest that you take the position, Firebrand." Firebrand: "But I think that Snap Dragon would make a good choice, why not her?" Snap Dragon: "I'm sixteen." Firebrand: "Right. I'll meet with you tomorrow morning for orientation and planning, captain."
  13. Re: www.VillainSupply.com, Your Online Source For Everything EVILâ„¢ Heh...funny. I was writing a short story at one time, in which a nobody decides to take up a life of supervillainy. And how does he do it? He buys his supervillain equipment off of ebay! For awhile, in another Champions campaign world, I was joking with the GM that some supervillains might decide to retire, and fund their retirement by selling off their supergear on a website similar to ebay. We ended up calling it "Evil-bay". But I like this website. I really do. It brings out the mastermind villain in me
  14. Re: Odd Champions campaigns Zero point Champions: I never got a chance to play in this, but a friend of mine ran this campaign over a summer years ago. Essentially, you play a zero point normal, plus any disadvantages you're willing to take...assuming you're daring enough. It's from those disadvantages you get all your powers and skills. From speaking to the players and GM later, I missed out on something odd, yet fun.
  15. Re: What's *your* superpower? Transformation--major: Basic foodstuff into a really good meal. OAF: Kitchen (immobile); must have fully stocked spice drawer and pantry; 1 hour time delay (2 hours, including dessert).
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Okay, we had a big fight in our Fantasy Hero-esque game in space. Lots of skeletons, a big swordfight...and one of the characters (the ogre) was changed into a shadow demon. Of course, none of us fighting the skeletons knew this at the time--we were on the first floor, and he was on the second floor At the end of it all, the ogre was an ogre again, but he was outside and unconscious and hurting (the circumstances regarding his change back to normal was...painful). We were able to get a healing potion down his massive throat, and he began to regale us with his tale of woe... "I...I was a demon." "Oh...well...I'm not one to discriminate based on your lifestyle choice."
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Okay, as you've requested, I'm very afraid.
  18. Re: A New Toy for Foxbat I can see it now... "With my new explosive accorns, I'll overwhelm those pathetic do-gooders! And then no one will stop me! BWA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" ...or...words to that effect.
  19. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... The group I'm with will be doing a "Star Wars" game soon. We spent last Sunday getting the jist of our character concepts. In my case, I'm a pirate operating out of Hutt space...well, would-be pirate. I'll be working on it. In any case, this conversation happened between an Imperial captain, and my character... Imperial Captain (IC): So, your papers say you operate out of Hutt space, I see. Me: Yeah, that's right. IC: So, that would make you a smuggler. Me: Well no...but you're really close. Really close! Try again. IC: You come from Hutt space... Me: Yes... IC: So...that would make you a smuggler. Me::growing annoyed:: No...though my profession is kinda related. Try again... IC: You come from Hutt space... Me::knowing where this is going:: Yes...yet again... IC: So...that would make you a smuggler. Me::finally losing patience:: OH FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD! I'M NOT A SMUGGLER! I'M A SPACE PIRATE! P-I-R-A-T-E!!! I RAPE! I LOOT! I PILLAGE! GEEZ! HOW IS IT THAT YOU GOT TO BE A CAPTAIN IN THE IMPERIAL NAVY BY BEING SO DENSE!? IC::lightbulb FINALLY goes on:: You're a pirate. Me: YES!!! IC: And you freely admit to being a pirate in Imperial space. You're obviously not a very bright pirate. Me: Actually, you were supposed to conclude what I really was some time ago. Y'see, by this time, my friends with the repeating blasters have you and your goon squad more than covered-- ::friend demonstrates by writing on ground w/ blaster:: Me: And they were getting rather impatient waiting for you to do the impossible and put two and two together, and now that you have, I gladly accept your surrender and your donation of your ship to the rebel cause. I think I should've added that I'd let him go back to his people, since having him still active in the Imperial military would probably be the best thing he could do for our side
  20. Re: Speedster question He's got the general point down pat, IMHO. He wants a power he didn't pay for--an unbalancing power at that. He gets it once as a power stunt, and if he wants it again, he pays for it IN FULL. I don't care what physics says.
  21. Re: Hulk Smash: What is your favorite version? The integrated Hulk, all because of one line which he used, just before joining up with Aggie and his gang, where he was being shot by several huge honking guns... "Stop. "Nobody move. "I lost a contact lens."
  22. Re: Iron Age Champions campaigning I don't consider myself an expert on Iron Age genres, but doesn't collateral damage and the consequences thereof come into play?
  23. Re: Wedding Bells Are Ringing! Wedding gifts...hmm... Well Jade, the martial artist/antique dealer, would give them a pair of necklaces that are actually two pieces of puzzle jewelry that could snap together (a sort of symbolic "two different parts of the whole" thing). She'd also give some names of some people who could cater the event. Rain, the short name for the Dark Elf magician from the Turrakian Age, would give them a fancy collar and leash. And when asked why she gave them such a gift... "So you can keep your male close to you, wherever you go." ::looks at the myriad of people staring at her:: "What?"
  24. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Now what kind of mental image does this quote put in your mind? "Just a spoonful of ogre helps the medicine go down!" Chances are, the horrifying image in your head is the right one to have
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