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Everything posted by MitchellS

  1. Re: Champions Or Mutants & Masterminds? The scary part is that the new Ultimate Power book removed the power construct curtain. Some M&M players are having a hard time dealing with that. That's why I try to say Champions rather then Hero often. M&M's a superhero game. It's not trying to be a universal system. It's not designed for playing a SWAT teams in a maximum security prison [no matter how good Scott's Agents of Freedom book is ]. The mechanics are written to play supers. Very true. Unfortunately I'm starting to see a lot more of that on the M&M forum now. Champions players bring their Champions mindsets to the M&M forum, and that tends to cause some confusion with the crowd who really isn't use to effects based building.
  2. Re: Champions Or Mutants & Masterminds? The most common example is true invulnerability to certain degrees/types of damage. The starting level Human Torch clones can easily be immune to all fire damage, the starting level Superman clones [such as the Paragon from chapter 1] can easily bounce bullets off their eyes, etc. There's no need for rules hand waving or funky builds to try and duplicate that for a starting character. In M&M it's part of the genre so it's simply part of the game.
  3. Re: System cap on creativity As a gm I'd just require the character to use NCM stretching if he wants to attack two different people at the extreme range of his stretching. You'd take a cv loss but you are talking about your extreme distance. And Reed can stretch 1,500' before it starts to become painful so his 125 inches of stretching [assuming non-combat] are more then enough to get done what he needs to do.
  4. Re: Champions Or Mutants & Masterminds? The difference is that in Hero you really must take those disads to get the points, and because the rules limit you to 50 points per category you're really required to take at least 3 different categories [50 points of hunted, 50 psychics, etc]. Hero forces you into character development. In M&M having a sickly Aunt and a girlfriend, or a rogue's gallery, or a fear of snakes, are worth hero points. Hero points are worth 10x more value then starting points in M&M. You're not required to have them but if you don't you're going to be a boring character to role play with and you're hero points totals are going to be low.
  5. Re: Champions Or Mutants & Masterminds? It's an ogl game based on d20. It uses a different system engine though, so no hit points, levels, classes, etc.
  6. Re: Champions Or Mutants & Masterminds? Make sure you buy a copy of M&M 2e. 1e sucks. If you're just wanting to see the rules without the gm's section get the Pocket Player's Guide. It's black and white but only half the price.
  7. Re: Champions Or Mutants & Masterminds? Both games are point based and effects based. M&M is a dedicated genre game and it's rules reflect that. Hero is a universal game and it's rules reflect that. Character creation and combat speed will be faster in M&M. Granularity and exactness will be much more prevalent in Hero. Hero uses more "hard" rules to govern play while M&M uses more player and gm interaction. Which game will be easier to learn will be entirely based on the players. Some people can immediately grasp Hero, some can't [that's the same for M&M where I've seen many D&D players struggle with the idea of effects based]. Hero has Sidekick which can help ease some of the fears 5Er causes. M&M will be coming out with it's Beginner's Guide at the end of the month. That's about as unbiased as I can make it.
  8. Re: Artwork for Gestalt The art looks great. I'm really looking forward to the M&M version.
  9. Re: New guy here, wondering about hero system If you're looking for low level gritty realism I'd suggest you check out Gurps [no one does that better than Gurps]. Hero's geared toward the cinematic. Yes you can throw in some optional rules to make it more lethal but realism isn't the systems strength. You'd need to immediately start house ruling out things like the speed characteristic to get a more realistic feel [and who wants to have to start house ruling a game it'll take you a long time to master anyway?].
  10. Re: Champions Or Mutants & Masterminds? You don't honestly think you'd get an objective opinion about that here, do you? It'd be like going over to the M&M forum and asking the same question. The people who're on each forum are biased to that particular game system.
  11. Re: Grond, underpowered pansy? You're unfortunately forgetting a skyscraper isn't held up by exterior walls. The steel girders holding up the building that the exterior walls are attached to are much more resistant to damage. Like I said above, check out the knocking down buildings rules in Champions. It's not great but it makes more sense then your option.
  12. Re: Grond, underpowered pansy?
  13. Re: Grond, underpowered pansy?
  14. Re: Grond, underpowered pansy? I've never run Grond in a combat against a team of 6 350 pointers where he ever made it to the end of turn 2. If the group had a fire-user or mentalist he wouldn't make it to phase 4. Just looking at the Champions: Defender can do 60 stun to him after defenses in 1 turn. Ironclad can do 10 stun to him... Nighthawk can do 12 stun to him... Sapphire can do 72 stun to him... Witchcraft [assuming she doesn't use her ego attack] can do 4 stun to him... That's a 5 person team which only needs to make Grond miss once or twice [or waste 2 of his 4 attacks on Ironcald] to take him down before he gets to the end of turn 1. So yeah, Grond is a wimp.
  15. Re: Grond, underpowered pansy? Your estimation's correct: Grond's a wimp. Especially don't take him against a team that had a mentalist or a fire user [12d6 fire attack will do 54 stun to Grond on average. 2 hits and he's down].
  16. Re: Grond, underpowered pansy? I'd suggest you check out the rules in Champions for bringing down buildings. Your estimation isn't even close.
  17. Re: Integrating "normal" things into a "Super" world Is the answer to everything in Champions that it's only maybe possible if you do a haymaker and use house rules for damage?
  18. Re: Integrating "normal" things into a "Super" world
  19. Re: Integrating "normal" things into a "Super" world
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