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Everything posted by rayoman

  1. Re: Now Taking Preorders For the Champions 25th-Anniversary Special Edition! If that is the only cost then might I suggest it would be well worth your freedom?
  2. Re: Martial Arts END Costs? 5ER, page 425: 10 Active Points' worth of a Power or STR cost 1 END each phase to use. Some manuevers and other actions don't have a listed STR value so those cost 1 END to use. Martial Manuevers do not cost END. That is paraphrased from the first paragraph on page 425 under the heading of ENDURANCE.
  3. Re: Millennium City walled or not I don't see why there isn't one. I do see Foxbat as The Computer in Paranoia. Foxbat's Master Plan has succeeded.
  4. Re: Millennium City walled or not Choice is an illusion generated by governments to keep the common person calm.
  5. Re: Millennium City walled or not
  6. Re: Millennium City walled or not Just like any MAJOR City in any technologically advanced society. Take a look around at any city in AMERICA. Take a close look. See any security cameras at the ATM that gets your movements when you are near? Traffic cameras around stop lights or along Interstates? In about every jack@ss' pocket I bet you can find a camera phone. The Modern WORLD is one giant invasion of privacy.
  7. Re: UMA Question The Combat Handbook specifically spells this out about Flying Dodge. I just read that section yesterday. You cannot duck behind total cover to avoid the attack completely but the RMODS are calculated from the ending position of the target. I think it of that just before Speedy Man turns the corner to cover he gets hit (if Attack Boy's attack roll was successful).
  8. I have a question about the Flying Dodge manuever. Does the Full Move element mean the dodge can only be performed at the end of a full move? If so then please tell me how you can abort to the dodge since you used your entire action doing the full move. OR does the full move element mean that when you abort to the dodge then you can do a full move? Thanks.
  9. Re: Power Build: Position Swap deleted the post
  10. Re: Homages you would like to see officially actually, I forgot to half the 52 mph so Bloodstone was correct in saying Kinetics combat speed is less than 30 mph for running up the side of a building.
  11. Re: Homages you would like to see officially By my calculations the speed is 52.21 MPH. Forgot to half the value so you are correct, Bloodstone. sorry about that. Now, if you include his Megascale slot then he runs up buildings at 26,098.80 MPH (half that).
  12. Re: Superteam or Super Fight Club? repped!
  13. Re: Superteam or Super Fight Club? Not only should you wipe the floor with them with a TEAM of villains make sure that team is built on lower point totals than the PC Team. The villains have to use teamwork to take them on. Oh, yeah, make sure the players KNOW the villains are built on lower point totals (ie: weaker). Just to let others know, I gave my team a base, communicators, and transportation to and from missions. They still act like a group of individuals instead of a team. Soon, they will meet the Templars of Elemental Evil to show them they must act more like a team instead of individuals.
  14. Re: Quick Question agreed. I came up with the idea to just make him use Sweep, Rapid Attack and CSLs with Sweep after I played the character on Sunday. Thanks for the constant input guys. Merry Christmas to All.
  15. Re: More questions... Thanks for the replies. Actually the max active points in a power is around 80. So I will be telling the character's player that if he wants autofire then it is on 50 STR max, actually 53 but he may not want to roll the 1/2 die.
  16. I have another question that I can't seem to find the answer to in the FAQ. There is a character in my Champions campaign that wants to buy Autofire for his STR to represent Two punches or three or four (etc). Now, if I recall the rules correctly and I remember reading either in the rules or a FAQ that once you spend END from STR in a phase you don't do it again. 1. Autofire will be a naked advantage so for a character with 60 STR will the character spend 45 END or 21 (6 for STR plus 3*5 for the END cost of naked advantage) END for a Autofire (5 shots) attack? Thanks.
  17. Re: Quick Question Thanks for the help./
  18. There is a character in my Champions campaign that the player wanted to have the ability to have the character's tentacles grab or attack multiple opponents. I tried to accomodate the player by adding in a naked Area Effect advantage with Selective for his STR plus the added damage from his Martial Manuevers. My question is thus: The Area Effect, Selective allows the character to grab or affect multiple opponents, correct? Can the character apply a total of 13d6 damage to four opponents (he has four tentacles) or 13d6 per opponent per tentacle or he can affect a single target four times doing 13d6 each? Thanks. Ray
  19. Re: Killing Damage and Defenses I did not change it on purpose. I didn't even realize I was doing it until reading another thread here and then reading the rules again. I will inform the group that I was doing it wrong then we will do it by the rulebook. After that we will discuss which way is more out style. Thanks for the feedback.
  20. I just asked this question to Steve on the rules question board but I figured I could post it here for others to put their 2 cents in too. After reading the STOPPING KILLING STUN thread on the Champions board it has occurred to me that I may have been figuring the damage from Killing Attacks wrong in my game. Luckily, I was doing it for and against both the Heroes and Villains. Scenario: Killing Machine hits Hero Man with a 4d6 Killing Attack (BFG). KM rolls 3, 4,3,6 for 16 BODY. Next, KM rolls a 4 on his Sun Multiplier and subtracting a 1 makes the SM = 3. HM will take 16*3 = 48 STUN. Assume Hero Man has 20 in Resistant PD and a 25 total PD. a. MY WAY: Hero Man stops the 16 BODY therefore HM takes no STUN. b. After reading 5ER, again, the way I THINK it should be done: Hero Man has to absorb 16 Body and 48 STUN. HM's resistant defenses allow him to ignore the BODY. His 25 total PD reduces the STUN take from the attack to 23. HM loses 23 STUN. Luckily his CON is 25 so he is not stunned. So is a or b correct? I have been playing it as a but I think that may be wrong after reading the rules again. Thanks.
  21. After reading the STOPPING KILLING STUN thread on the Champions board it has occurred to me that I may have been figuring the damage from Killing Attacks wrong in my game. Luckily, I was doing it for and against both the Heroes and Villains. Scenario: Killing Machine hits Hero Man with a 4d6 Killing Attack (BFG). KM rolls 3, 4,3,6 for 16 BODY. Next, KM rolls a 4 on his Sun Multiplier and subtracting a 1 makes the SM = 3. HM will take 16*3 = 48 STUN. Assume Hero Man has 20 in Resistant PD and a 25 total PD. a. MY WAY: Hero Man stops the 16 BODY therefore HM takes no STUN. b. After reading 5ER, again, the way I THINK it should be done: Hero Man has to absorb 16 Body and 48 STUN. HM's resistant defenses allow him to ignore the BODY. His 25 total PD reduces the STUN take from the attack to 23. HM loses 23 STUN. Luckily his CON is 25 so he is not stunned. So is a or b correct? I have been playing it as a but I think that may be wrong after reading the rules again. Thanks.
  22. Re: Completed Villain for review/playtest: Platoon The correct rank was Captain for Tuttle. Nice character.
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