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Everything posted by garou

  1. Re: Order of the Stick I wonder if coconut cream pie will make an appearance.
  2. Re: Order of the Stick Obviously, they are on a desert island. Now, if Elan can only find a second turtle, he can lash them together for a raft. . . .
  3. Re: Order of the Stick Because there is no possible way that a paladin could find some way to use their supersecret weapon against them. I mean, first he would have to befriend the monster and earn its trust. Maybe by playing Monopoly or something.
  4. Re: Order of the Stick New one is up. Good luck seeing it though.
  5. Re: Order of the Stick I don't see Belkar's killing of the gnome as any more evil than many of the other killings he has done. The nasty little bugger is like a Cuisinart of Death, exposed to innocents and without an owner's manual. Really, he should be kept in chains until such time as he can be pointed at an enemy, then set loose in the hopes that he kills people on the correct side, and can then be either recaptured or is killed. But yeah, he is a caricature of the Hack-n-Slash style of play, so it is unlikely that he is going away soon.
  6. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster Right now, the only alignment I have been able to see is Chaotic 404 - file not found.
  7. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game True, but if you are lvl 50, it doesn't matter. Or if you can only stay for a short period, or want to level before hitting a mission, or (and this is rare now, with the XP smoothing and the difficulty setting), you can actually hit points where none of your contacts will give you missions or a new contact. In general, however, I agree - I rarely street hunt, unless I am looking for a group or trying to grab some quick infamy or influence in order to make some inventions.
  8. Re: Does anyone have any idea why this is legal? Suddenly I feel the need to build a power "Stop On A Dime" - scads of PD, only vs. Impact damage caused by sudden stop, Focus: Wall or other solid obstacle beside stopping point.
  9. Re: Does anyone have any idea why this is legal?
  10. Re: Disturbing Character premises...
  11. Re: PS238 RPG Cover Preview I like the little pointer arrow, courtesy of Flea.
  12. Re: Order of the Stick "Truly, my torment is eternal. . ." (IOW, new one is up.)
  13. Re: House Rule of X sort of campaign ground rule One thing we have (for our design criteria) is an AP limit for the turn, so if you want to go at Spd 4, your attacks can have a high AP limit than the speedster who wants to move at Spd 10. This is in addition to guidelines on OCV/DCV, rPD or rED, PD/ED, etc. And all guidelines are 'soft' - for example, if I am building a fire-based character (a la Johnny Storm), then I can exceed the campaigns limits on ED, provided the "excess" ED is "Only vs. Fire".
  14. Re: Best and worst jobs for Superheroes In a previous campaign, the worst job for anyone was a PRIMUS employee. Those guys had the life expectancy of small insects hovering over a trout stream at sunset. Typical encounter would start with Bad Guy of the Week doing something, PRIMUS and heroes arriving, PRIMUS agents dieing, and then real combat could begin. Back to topic Other good jobs might be motivational speaker/paid lecturer. If you are famous enough, you only need to do 4-6 lectures or speeches per year to maintain a comfortable lifestyle.
  15. Re: City of Heroes Actually, you can model low-level CoH 'trollers like this: Normal characteristic maximum EB, 1 pip, penetrating, X2 END (Oh heck, give 'em a whopping 1/2 d6 if you like. Or make it a full d6 EB, NND if you really need to.) ('Trollers are a lot like mages in certain other games - dead meat at low-levels, but you hit a certain point, and they get very, very powerful indeed.)
  16. Re: Order of the Stick And, apparently, inaccessible. I've been trying all day, and still can't get it to load.
  17. Re: Does anyone have any idea why this is legal? Better, but it needs to be killed in a way that serves as a warning to the ages.
  18. Re: Does anyone have any idea why this is legal? Depending on the campaign, possibly. As Comic said, however, the range of defenses seem kind of small. I'd be more worried about slot 7: 10u 7) Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack), Missile Reflection, Reflect At Any Target, Triggered by Ranged Attack (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates; +1) (100 Active Points)
  19. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game I haven't gotten to play in about a month. Looking forward to the end of January, when I should have more spare time again - I miss my li'l fire monkeys.
  20. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game For most of my toons, I think of it as "earning extra badges". For my solo 'troller, I think of that as "normal play mode".
  21. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game LMK if you want more fillers for the prestige boost. I can gen up a few as well.
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