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Everything posted by GoldenAge

  1. Re: The Sanguine News! Do you work in Adobe Illustrator?
  2. Re: Campaign Creation
  3. Re: Campaign Creation YES!!! Take a look at this thread I just published. It has a PDF of the paper I created for my campaign. I think you'll really like it. Look here: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32846
  4. Re: Would you allow <blank> in your game?
  5. Re: Would you allow <blank> in your game? Dodge continues all the way up until your next action... I don't think you need an 8 for that. At SPEED 6 an abort of any action will give him 3 phases of dodge and his 35 DEX will almost always assure he goes first his next action. But Dodge really isn't necessary with a 35 DEX. That gives him a 12 DCV (rounding up cuz he's a hero). Add to that any HTH skill levels and he can be assumed to be "dodging" by simply utilizing his superior DCV. Why abort to dodge when you're average opponents need a 6 or less to hit (assuming Normal Human maxima DEX of 20 but not counting Spider-Man's combat skill levels)?
  6. Re: The Sanguine News! Thanks guys! I'm an old graphics hack. Used to be a Creative Director. I've Worked for Kraft in Chicago, SBC in St. Louis and a few others. Now I'm retired (YAY) and all I do is play with my kids (Mr. Mom), work on visuals for my campaign and come here to read your posts. It's a grand life. I hope it lasts!!!
  7. Re: Campaign Creation Epic City (my campaign) is a living, breathing entity. Every time I try to write in-depth plans the players or even the inevitable actions perpetrated by NPCs thwart them. I simply know my city... Where everything is, who everyone is, and what they're supposed to be doing. It's a push-pull exercise... A loose, short-term outline is all I find necessary or even manageable. If the heroes take out a senior crime lord... well they've created a vacuum and someone (or many someone’s) will invariably rush in to fill the void. This stuff happens independently of the players and their direct influence. Such changes can totally alter my long-term plans... But, and this gives me great joy, they can also create fantastic campaign oportunities - oportunities that are directly linked to the actions of my PCs. I never get everything right. But I know enough about the players and the field to adlib if necessary. As long as the players don't know I'm freaking out and making it up as I go it's OKAY! (Just be sure to write the adlibbed stuff down before you forget what lies you told) If you're playing a serial campaign (where each week leads into the next and the past influences the future) you may find it difficult to plan too far in advance. The players will enjoy exercising free will and their influence on the campaign. However, if an episodic campaign is your bread and butter... Write away! The joy of an episodic campaign is that you’re simply creating tournament game after tournament game for your players to suffer through - - - and enjoy, of course.
  8. I've created a news organization for my Epic City campaign called The Sanguine News. It’s a great way to seed the players with information and NPC contacts that they may not usually have access to. Investigative reporters are a savvy lot. It's also become a great way to chide the characters for ruining public property and the occasional loss of innocent life. I'm having a great time making the papers! The players love them. Take a look!
  9. Re: Old School, Yesterday's Heroes It's exactly what I need. My players try their best to be good guys, but they're always forgetting that their energy blasts, flashes, thrown trucks, etc. sometimes keep going if they miss their intended target. So far I've been nice and conveniently held the battles in unpopulated areas near warehouse districts and construction sites - usually late at night. But they've had at least 6 month to get used to their characters so I'm going to step up my campaign with a giant underworld take-over scenario. This will undoubtedly lead to some daylight encounters at restaurants and in heavily populated areas. I hope your story will remind them that the real enemy is not the villains but the potential loss of life! The bad guy may get away, so what... get him later. Little Jenny only dies once!!!
  10. Re: Old School, Yesterday's Heroes I was just about to comment that your story was a great homage to Waid's Kingdon Come... but you said it first. The campaign sounds like real fun. As you can see... I'm a fan of the morals of old! If you don't mind I'm coing to copy your story to our game forum as a reminder to my players of the true meaning of heroism. (But not until you say it's okay)
  11. Re: Would you allow <blank> in your game? The 8 SPEED is a little over the top for my campaign. To be realistic, I don't remember seeing Spider-Man attacking too many more times than his average combatant. I think his "speed" in combat is best reflected by his high DEX (he goes first and is really hard to hit). I'd knock his SPEED down to 6 and tell the player to creatively manage the SPEED Chart to mimic Spider-Man's occasional quick attacks (hold your 10 Action and go on 11 and then first on 12). Although Spider-Man's STR is often subject to the will of his writer I've never known him (in a classic sense) to be able to lift more than a car... with effort. That would place his STR closer to 30 or 35. With a 45 STR your version of Spider-man can lift a jet fighter over his head. That's too strong. So.. 30-35 STR 30-35 DEX (My DEX max is 30 for martial artists and like characters only. But Spider-Man is a special case) 6 SPD Just my opinion
  12. Re: Hurling Agents into other Agents (Assuming a big truck can reach 18m and 36,000kg) Then a Mac Truck + Trailer would give the thrower +6 OCV due to size but would garner the disadvantages of unballance/unaerodynamic at -4. So the total (range mods not included) would be a +2 to hit the hex? Or a +2 to hit the targets DCV? Then, due to the size and length of the truck (and assuming it stops dead and doesn't skid to a stop) you would: 1 - If the attack is successful - Assume the truck hit center mass in the hex that was being attacked and the Roll a d6 to determine the lay of the truck (allowing the truck to hit similar to AE Line for 9 hexes)? 2 - If the attack was unsuccessful - roll a d6 for scatter - then proceed to #1? All of this for STR damage (up to but not beyond the BODY of the object thrown) at range?
  13. Re: Out Of Ideas Oops!!!! I wont even edit it! It should stand as a reminder... Never type when you're hungry!
  14. Re: Out Of Ideas But seriously... If you want some ideas look to the Golden Age. Some of those goofy old Whiz Comics/Fawcett Comics/Charlton Comics/EC Comics/Archie Comics/etc. characters are screaming for updates. Now, I'm not talking perjury here... Just take a look at some of those old heroes and ask yourself... "How would that translate today?" and "How can I make that idea better?" Amongst the Golden Age characters I think you'll find wonderful pillars upon which you can build very interesting modern-day heroes (and villains). Good Luck!
  15. Re: Out Of Ideas How about a scientist who's really big into Pita? During a raid of a mustilidae fur-coat farm Dr. Pita lunges to save a poor animal from certain doom... BUT STUMBLES! (He’s a scientist, not a football star, y’know.) Tragically he and the animal fall into a volatile chemical vat... Poor Dr. Pita... He's dead. So, to honor his sacrifice his fellow activists bury him and the beautiful dead animal he heroically tried to save together... Little did they know, the Doc was only dormant as his body underwent an incredible change brought on by the chemicals in the coat factory... Agonizingly Dr. Pita reawakens and digs his way to the surface (surprisingly fast considering his transformation) to emerge as... THE KILLER CHINCHILLA!!!!!! (And his undead sidekick - Silky!) Beautiful on the outside, but deadly on the inside, the Killer Chinchilla wonders the globe in a never ending quest for Animal Justice, ever afraid that one day Burlington Coat Factory will catch up to him and turn his existence... inside out!
  16. Re: Favorite Abuse I'm replicating several I've already seen but... N-Ray Vision + Telescopic Sight + NND/AVLD (only effects organic material)(No Range Penalty)(Indirect - away from attacker) = Microwave, the villain who shoots you through buildings from blocks away and boils you from the inside out. Duplication (64 duplicates) + Mind Link (one mind) + a nice gun with scope (12d6 Autofire + 2 Ranged Skill Levels) = Myriad Man, The villain who shoots you... and shoots you... and shoots you... all at the same time. Mind Link allows assured Coordinated Attacks (vs Ego Roll perhaps?) which gives Myriad Man a defender at 1/2 DCV and (assuming the defender is well protected at 30 ED and each Myriad Man only hits once with Autofire) an average of 768 STUN (after defenses). Ouch The PYM PULVERIZER: Elemental Cont: Size Manipulation 60 active points Shrinking 60 active points Growth AE HEX on STR when grown Get real small (.032m)... under the chin of an opponent (you would have a -12 PER roll against so being seen isn't likely)... Then GROW!!!!!! ALL THE WAY!!!!! POW, TO THE MOON! STR = 70 (14d6 HTH) + Growth Momentum (from .032meters to 32meters = + 20d6) for a total of 34d6 AE HEX HTH! I'm embarrassed to admit it but my current character (Dr. Sebastian Castle = Bastion) is based on growth powers and has used this tactic at least twice. Bastion's powers are derived from a complex mechanism of his own creation that manipulates subatomic chromodynamic forces (it’s actually real science). Utilizing the Chromo-Dial, a complex Chromo-Field projector worn around his waist, Bastion is able to manipulate his size and mass from subatomic to gigantic. Yup, that means his powers are also Focus based.
  17. Re: Hurling Agents into other Agents What if you grab and throw a tractor-trailer or another character that has growth? Do you get an AE bonus?
  18. Re: Role play during combat We break down our actions into a major cosmetic description including what the character says, does, what happens to the environment and innocents... etc.. Followed by a small caveat in game terms... Cosmetic from player: "What??? You're kidding me... Insight, get back on that com and make sure Halo isn't bleeding to death!" Crusade leaps to the overpass and awaits the arrival of the flaming gas tanker below. Beneath his helmet the sweat beads upon his brow and worry lines crisscross his forehead..." A quick game description: I half-move, hold. (The soliloquy is self-evident) Obviously, character descriptions can get much more involved. With practice combats become fluid and the rules caveats seem to fade into the background as echoes of intentions. Champions combat without color is really just a watered down version of Star Fleet Battles. We also use minis. Actually we use modified Heroclix figs (one player customizes them for us - not bad either!). I've also been known to turn my entire basement floor into a 20'x14' 3D panorama complete with scale cars and buildings for huge combats. Mostly, though we use a hex map with the figs. Having some representation, even if its just a 2D drawing of a street, really allows the players to imagine how the environment will be affected by their actions.
  19. Re: A costume challenge I'd say incorporate a cloak and a hood into her costume. She'll need something to hide under when the social stress gets to high. Plus, she'll have the added bonus of throwing sidelong come-hither glances from under the hood and the shock bonus of throwing open the cloak and flinging back the hood to reveal her stunning beauty (at first something she'd only do by mistake, of course).
  20. Re: Superhero Images This one was from a Sci-Fi game... but so what - what's another thumbnail sketch between friends:
  21. Re: Superhero Images A few more...
  22. Re: Superhero Images Here are a few thumbnails I did a long time ago. One day I'll may actually do pics of these classic characters from Champion's games gone by...
  23. Re: Money is no object... Not just robots... FEMBOTS!!!
  24. Re: Groveling for for Marvel stats Try here: Everything you need... with variations on characters... Sorted by character OR group affiliation (Avengers/FF/X-Men, etc) http://www.sysabend.org/champions/gnborh/index.html
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