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Everything posted by GoldenAge

  1. Re: What concepts have you used for a 'Superman'? I've never played a game with a Superman equivalent. It's not that I'm against the idea, just that it's never seemed necessary. In fact, my NPC heroes tend to be pushed far into the background. Though they do appear at times they rarely have the power to resolve things like Superman. My favorite superhero NPC (and most common) is usually part of a rival corporate or government sponsored team. Often they're at odds (politically) with my PCs and perform the role of antagonist better than the villains. I always love it when a proud member of my PC group finally succumbs to his foibles and calls an NPC for help.
  2. Re: I am needy: Champions You might try this site: http://www.greatbuildings.com/gbc.html
  3. Re: Captain Average!!! I guess I was looking for power levels. Personalities can change allot about the way someone is perceived. Maybe that's why guys like Captain America wouldn't be considered average... even if they fall below the median in terms of power??? So far it looks like Nova is Mr. Average in many people's mind, along with Spider Man. Any other suggestions? What about the Beast? He himself has complained that he's too average to be an Avenger.
  4. Re: Captain Average!!! I realize that teams like the Teen Titans, New Mutants and maybe even the Warriors were meant to be "Heroes lite"... But there's always someone from those teams that ascends to uber-superherodome. Kid Flash became the most powerful Flash ever. Robin arguably became one of the greatest street level heroes of all time in Nightwing. Cannonball ended up leading a legitamate team of supers... I'm interested in the individual. What do you guys think of: Namora Magma Beast Marvel Girl Marvel Boy Moonstone Mysterio Bishop Cyclopse Box
  5. I need your help. I'm looking for the most average superhero in all of comics (DC/Marvel/Other). Who's your choice for the most average superhero of all time? He/She must be powerful, or be ineffective - but not too powerful. It's a tough call. Can a man like Batman or a supersoldier like Captain America ever be called average? I'd say NEVER, it's not possible!!! But when viewed side be side wit the likes of Superman, Thor, Silver Surfer or Green Lantern... maybe it is possible. In order to know if my campaign players and NPCs don't ride too far up or down the superhero curve I need your input... Who's the meanest superhero? (And I don't mean angry)
  6. Re: What would you trade for wealth? This year I found out I had a degenerative bone disease in my knees (due to excessive sports abuse as a youth)... Hey Genie... WHERE'S MY MONEY?!?!?!?!?!
  7. Re: DC's Best "Bricks" Well, since Wildstorm is now under the DC umbrella I can add Stormwatch's Fuji to the list. Maul from WildC.A.T.S was good too. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuji_%28comics%29
  8. Re: DC's Best "Bricks" My vote goes out to the entire Marvel pantheon. Without them we wouldn't have Power Girl, Super Girl, Super Boy - you might throw in Mon El and a few others like Bizzaro (Black Adam) too. The Superman of today is an homage to Cap! I Love Superman, but if the success of the Marvel Family had not forced him to change he'd just be another ground hopping thug. Plus I love the whole magic shtick of the Marvel family. That innovation is strictly a response to Superman’s scientific origin. I guess they have always made each other better.
  9. Re: CHAR: The Flash At one point the Flash was shot in the head. However, he actually felt the bullet pushing on the back of his head and was able to get out of its way. How would you represent this? Damage Reduction?
  10. Re: Horror for Superheroes. I would say that you can "horrify" superheroes, but rarely can you immerse them in a horror campaign. It's easy to horrify a hero... Take a villain to the extreme. Make him do things that no right-minded human would condone (and the sane could even imagine). Make him "horrific". Initially you'll get an exaggerated reaction from your characters, but soon their horror will turn into resolve as they bend their considerable wills to the task of eliminating whatever horror has presented itself. Good luck.
  11. Re: Who is your favourite Supervillain that can tackle the whole team? Ya gotta love Grond! Pure and simple destruction. Cleverly utilized, I've thrashed my group with him on more than one occasion!
  12. Re: Star Hero Campaigns You're on the right track... But honestly there are few friends on the bridge of The Requiem (NEMESIS' Strike Cruiser). However, the concept is sound... If someone does something stupid they may get their collar exploded... How big is that explosion? Could it take out the players to the left and right too? Could it blow a hole in the Requiem? Who knows? These are waters that even the grimmest villains usually choose not to test. Even when a lone wolf tries to buck the system peer pressure usually brings him back in line. NEMESIS characters are 375 points of pure evil (Usually... There's always that one idiot who pleads his innocence) with an average active power cost of 150 - 250 points (7d6 RKA AE Line or 7d6 HKA X2 Penetrating [plus STR bonus]). You'd think they'd all kill each other the very first night of play. But you'd be wrong. The neat thing about NEMESIS is the lack of controversy within the ship... Everyone is deathly afraid of each other. Cabals and covert agreements are the norm on the Requiem. To even consider assassinating a fellow crewmember or the thought of endangering everyone by not following Legion orders is almost always met with extreme prejudice by fellow NEMESIS squadders. It's cold war in space baby, a power game turned into a thinker's paradice! Everyone's carrying a Tac-Nuke. It's a stalemate... On to business as usual is a matter of survival.
  13. Re: The New Blue Beetle I just can't see a reason for this. Couldn't then, can't now. Why couldn't they have gone the route of The Ray? Nobody had to die there (well, at least when the mantle was originally handed from Langford "Happy" Terrill to his son Ray Terrill... who's to say now.)
  14. Re: Character for Review and Advice Soliciting
  15. Re: Star Hero Campaigns Interestingly enough... Many Legionnaire regulars feel the exact same way.
  16. Re: Star Hero Campaigns Well, it's a matter of "shock and awe" isn't it? If you want to keep the troops in line, give them a brutal display of what will happen to them should they cross any lines (they are all criminals, you know). The explosive death of a fellow trooper at the push of a button is quite a motivator. There's also the mission to think about. If NEMESIS should ever revolt during an important mission it's possible for special units like Laser Squadron or Dragon (yes, I have a very nice Dragon Squadron packet too) to knock them all out and get things back on track. Will Nemesis’s transgressions cast them their lives after the mission? Perhaps, lets see how well they role-play out of this, shall we. There's always the moment when a NEMESIS crewmember outlives his worth. Perhaps he's seen something he hasn't... No problem... BANG! It's all good fun! NEMESIS can be a very hard-core game at times. The players walk a fine line between survival and a thousand gruesome deaths. Only the player's wiles will keep him safe.
  17. http://home.insightbb.com/~ryan-wolfe/Maps/Serenity.htm If you are playing a Serenity (or any) sci-fi game... Check it out! Serenity homepage: http://www.fireflywiki.org/
  18. Re: entangle Would it help if we looked at powers as instant, constant and persistant? Immunity against Instant Attack Power is easy to understand... BANG! Oops, it didn't work. End of story. Persistant Powers are more complex... Armor is a Persistant Power: The power stays activated unless the character deliberately turns it off... Entangle is an Instant Power: The power lasts just long enough for the character using the power to make an attack roll.
  19. Re: Mystic Team Vehicle? How about a golden guilded bird cage caried by a giant vulture?
  20. Re: Star Hero Campaigns Here's a thread about my campaign. http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=34853 . . . . Or at least how to get a PDF of it including lots of stuff about it. People seem to really like it! (Thanks to all of theose of you who have sent me kind words)
  21. Re: Help with Serial Killer story
  22. Re: Help with Serial Killer story Create a psychotic, cannibal, shapeshifter who believes he must eat the flesh of those he copies. Call him Gorecrow.... Then, throw in some circumstantial evidence supporting a sub-plot involving a local bioresearch company that is rumored to be buying body parts from the homeless. Add a mysterious white truck that quietly roams the back-roads of your slums. A few bits of truth associated with the bioresearch company that keep your players wondering about the validity of the rumors. Hopefully your players will start looking into various parts of your campaign, allowing you to introduce new NPCs and expand your realm. They might also get a bit paranoid as their investigation uncovers corporate scandal and dubious medical practices but no killer… because he’s still out there, filling up his kill zone with the harvested skin and bones of his former selves… Just imagine your player’s faces when they finally uncover his ungodly lair. … I did. It shook my players to their foundations. To this day Gorecrow, just like Jack the Ripper, remains a free man having faded away into the general populace. The nice thing it also did was allow me to build cops and Private Investigators that kept crisscrossing the heroes paths. To this day they still meet/hate/respect/work with some of those NPCs. Oh, and they still believe that the Bio Company is evil… But they’ve never found any hard evidence that supports the still circulating rumors of the company’s dubious medical practices. If only they knew the truth… MMWWUUUAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You want a serial killer?… Read: “The Alienist†by Caleb Carr. Excelent!!! http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?userid=fF084idCaK&isbn=0553572997&itm=1
  23. Re: The Sanguine News! Never stop trying! I'd recommend to anyone that wants to make a newspaper for their game that they surf the Internet for existing newspapers. Chicago Tribune, New York Times, LA Times, Kansas City Star, St. Louis Post Dispatch... You can find pics of their front pages and use them as templates. http://sportsdesigner.blogs.com/photos/uncategorized/ajc1.jpg http://physics.ucsd.edu/~griest/nytphysics.jpg http://www.poynterextra.org/extra/gallery2002/images/thumbs/KCS.jpg
  24. Re: The Role Models Too true. I'm a huge fan of most Pulp. Doc Savage is still #1 in my book!
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