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Everything posted by GoldenAge

  1. Re: Original Supervillain Groups -- Get Creative! Ah, what a coincidence. Actually it comes from one of my sources: http://www.hastingsreserve.org/Birds/Birds.html
  2. Re: Power Armor 'themes' I jumped to the end so I'm sorry if this duplicates another's idea... - One of my favorite armored characters was created by one of my players in the late 80's called DJINN. Djinn's armor was based on multiple layers of hyper-condensed air. His armor was capable of flight, and had an awesome EB, that when fully deployed had double knock back, all based on the release of the compressed air. The Armor was built in two parts. There was some basic Armor representing the complex polymer layers that contained the compressed air (10 rPD/10rED). In addition there was a Multipower built into the suit. It contained the Forced Air EBs, Flight and Force Field. The Force Field represented the armors different levels of hardened air. The more power dumped into the armor's micro-compressors the harder the shell became. The motif of the armor was a cool combination of modern technology and pre-Islamic Arabian mythology. I still use him as an NPC today.
  3. Re: Build me a super team! Picture #7 Name: Capricorn Background/History: By the age of 11 Sonja Heuer had been just about everywhere a troop of Elephants could parade down a main thoroughfare and a big top could be erected in a vacant field. As the daughter of Leighman Heuer, a circus equestrian, and his performing wife Agatha Sonja had seen the country as she traveled with the Pan-Twilight Traveling Circus. As unusual as the life of a circus urchin would seem Sonja’s early days were even more bizarre and mysterious. The Pan-Twilight Traveling Circus was much more than a simple troop of performers and sideshow freaks. The Pan-Twilights were heroes. Agatha Heuer always knew she had a gift. Her earliest memories were full of futures that she lived to see come to past. Less a gift than a curse Agatha’s abilities drove her into solitude and eventually to small circus where she made money pretending her visions were a parlor trick. Oh, the irony. Eventually Agatha’s ruse was seen through by a man named Harlin Twilight. Harlin was the ringleader of the Pan-Twilight Traveling Circus; a group of gifted individuals that, under Harlin’s supervision, had banded together to assuage their own loneliness while helping the world at large. It was during her first year at the Pan-Twilight Traveling Circus that Agatha met and fell in love with the dashing Leighman Heuer, the circus’ star equestrian by day and the infamous Black Rider by night. After a short courtship the two married and at 12:00 midnight on December 31 had a daughter; Sonja. From her birth Agatha knew that Sonja was special. So special, in fact, that Agatha, armed with visions of her daughter’s future, sought out and consulted Harlin Twilight about her future… - Sonja is every bit the Capricorn that her mother foresaw. She is one of the most stable and serious of the zodiacal types. She is an independent, rocklike character with many sterling qualities. She is confidant, strong willed and calm. Like any Capricorn should be Sonja is hardworking, unemotional, shrewd, practical, responsible, persevering, and cautious to the extreme, capable of persisting for as long as is necessary to accomplish a goal she has set for herself. Powers: Sonja is a true mentalist capable of shattering the glass ceiling of mortality should ever the correct circumstances arise.
  4. Re: Advice on GMing superhero campaigns? My advice... Know your campaign setting (be it a city, country, world or universe) and the NPCs that populate it SO WELL that you can vomit forth incredibly believable lies at the drop of a hat! (It doesn't hurt if you educate you players on their environment so that they can do the same and make leaps of faith by extrapolating from that which you've provided) Oh, and make sure you jot down the specifics of those lies so you can work them into your story. They may be the best things you've ever done. It'd be a shame to forget what you did on the fly. Who cares what your outline says; it doesn't matter! Your campaign is a living, breathing entity... Play it that way! (But afterwards do your homework and reset the campaign by incorporating the free style moments as permanent campaign credo.) The best games come from a plethora of sources including proper planning, a great setting, fantastic villains and NPCs and Players that are good enough to react resourcefully to stimuli in smart and, often times, unusual manners that add to the adventure. Oh, and leave your ego at the door. It’s your job to act the fool, rage like a megalomaniac, cry like a woman and blather like a hairdresser that found out his red leather jacket just went out of style!!! If you’re too busy trying to maintain your “cool image” you’ll never be able to add the proper impact to an NPC or villain. Lead your players into the realm of roleplaying… If done right you’ll have the best game ever! ‘Course, that’s just my silly opinion. Sorry if this repeated any previous advice.
  5. Re: Who Protects Them? In the case of the United Societies of America... INSEC - Internal Security (think SHIELD) is in charge of political protection against paranormal incursion. Unlimited funds coupled with unparalleled research and development and a never-ending supply of highly trained operatives trumps all the paranormals I can even imagine. Heck, Batman alone is a match for almost any threat... Imagine a 100 Batmen with better equipment and a support staff of geniuses that just wont quit! Even Dr. Destroyer wouldn't stand a chance.
  6. Re: Original Supervillain Groups -- Get Creative! DARK EAGLE!
  7. Re: Original Supervillain Groups -- Get Creative! Okay, another one that seems dated... But you have to remember that I was using these guys (and the New Reich) in the late 80's, so I AM dated!!! The Birds Of Prey As the only fully flight oriented organization and under the sway of Dark Eagle, the Birds of Prey turn the city's skies black with terror. Okay, the truth. The Birds of Prey are powerful, but far from being a threat to all humanity. Actually, they're an average powered group whose only real threat is Dark Eagle himself. Dark Eagle: Ex-archeologist Dr. Harlan Schultz became Dark Eagle when he discovered the Dark Eagle talisman in some American Indian ruins turned up during a terrorist bombing on the East St. Louis suburb of Cahokia. Upon placing the talisman around his neck Schultz was possessed by an ancient Indian demon. The minds of Schultz and the demon have merged to form a new entity; Dark Eagle. Dark Eagle retains the demon's ability to change a person's perception of reality (read massive mental illusion) and Schultz's inherent arrogance and need to be tops in his field. Dark Eagle's goal became clear immediately: global domination! Unfortunately he was on his own so he set out to convert a legion of minions. Dark Eagle can fly through mystical means. His wings are cosmetic. Screech Owl: Dr. Bo Draxel was a nice guy, lived in a nice home and had a great job... until Dark Eagle screwed up his mind. Dr. Draxel was a scientist working for Antares Corp. making groundbreaking leaps in the use of Sonics as non-lethal weapons. Now he is soaring the skies on a pair of artificial wings designed by Dr. James Hastings and using a vocal enhancer of his own design as sonic a weapon of massive power. Gyrfalcon: Dr. James Hastings was just like Bo Draxel except he had his doctorate in aeronautics. Dark Eagle enslaved him and used him to develop the flight suits worn by the Birds of Prey. Gyrfalcon is one of the fastest flying objects on the earth (or in it's atmosphere) able to reach speeds in excess of mach 8. Shrike: Thomas Skinner was a thug, a murder and a bit insane... Just the guy Dark Eagle was looking for. Fitted with a flight suit designed by Dr. Hastings, extendable razor sharp claws and an 18" beak made of an aluminum alloy and honed to perfection Shrike is able to perform the, well... less dignified duties of the Birds of Prey. Since Dark Eagle's intrusion into Skinner's mind mass murder has become one of his favorite hobbies. Firebird: Dark Eagle found a true mutant, though at the time he didn't know it. Franklin Kemston was an average well-mannered, good-natured security guard at a local branch of the Templar Bank Savings and Loan division when his world went insane. Suddenly, he was in the bowels of Hell. Fire blew all around searing his flesh and burning his soul. To save himself his latent mutant physiology took over. In an instant it was he, not the bubbling pits surrounding him, which was the source of the gigantic flames. No longer did he feel the heat, now he reveled in it, it made him stronger. Dark Eagle usually had an easy time securing funds. It was easy enough to simply barge into some bank and send everyone there on some mental journey to Hell...until he found Franklin Kemston. When it was all over many lie dead, burned to cinders, and Dark Eagle was badly wounded. Still he had his wits about him and immediately entered the mind of the frightened Kemston. Firebird would be an awesome example of his fury. Firebird manifests huge wings of pure fire and is surrounded by a shimmering field of blue flame. As an attack he may regurgitate huge gouts of flame from his mouth. Blackhawk: Jonathan Blackhawk is a true Hamatsa. In American Indian legend a Hamatsa is a human who has been carried off by spirits to be devoured. But while in captivity he learns their ways. He then escapes filled with divine energy. However, there is a frenzy that goes along with the use of godly powers, for the human body is incapable of sustaining the incredible forces for long. - read berserker. (This stuff is true, look it up - real fun) Blackhawk has real wings and is incredibly strong (top 20 percent). He can also bring to bear a magical bow of black energy, which shoots black energy arrows that paralyze their targets. It's the use of the "God's Bow" that can push Blackhawk over the edge. Blackhawk recently met a Wakan (An Indian holy woman) from the West. She eliminated Dark Eagle's hold on him and persuaded him to leave St. Louis to join A.I.M. (The American Indian Movement). Dark Eagle wants him back and is hunting for him and that Indian witch!!!!
  8. Re: Original Supervillain Groups -- Get Creative! Okay, so who doesn't love Nazi villains?????? The New Reich!!! Probably one of the most dangerous organizations existing in my campaign is a possible descendant of the Third Reich, one of the world’s greatest and most feared military institutions of the 20th century. Believed by INSEC (Internal Security) to have been formed out of South Africa and containing many of the purist beliefs of the Nazi regime of World War 2, the New Reich has slowly built its powerful global foundation on horrific hate crimes and fear. The only difference between this New Reich and Hitler's military practices and beliefs is it's covert nature. New Reich followers come in as many shapes and sizes as those they deem inferior. Within the U.S. organizations from the poles of society, including the reformed paramilitary group the Black Panthers, the revitalized Skinhead movement to the influentially backed "rich boy" and racially diverse organization called the SNT,s (Societies Next Threat) have all, at one time or another, been affiliated with the New Reich. The New Reich's ability to use the fears and prejudices, whatever they may be, of many different groups has allowed them to spread their influence across the globe in a very short time. The New Reich's primary operatives still cling to the military garb of W.W.II, preferring the look of the insipid SS espionage divisions. Long black leather jackets hiding uniforms are common among local leaders and red Stormtrooper uniforms are worn by operatives in open battle. The New Reich has even adopted the three-pronged swastika as its symbol. Little is know about the leadership of this organization, except that there is evidence that it was the pre-War brain child of living W.W.II Nazi survivors hiding in South Africa and that their offspring may finally be putting their plans into action. The New Reich largest threat to the world is its incorporation of paranormals into its overt fighting force: The New Reich - Rommel: (Erich Rommel - assumed to be a direct descendant) The leader of the US based New Reich. Rommel's primary responsibility is to act as decision maker and overseer of everything the New Reich does state side. Incredibly intelligent and devilishly clever he has concocted some of the most successful terrorist actions since the War itself. Rommel will never be found without his personal transportation device; comprised of unknown technology and assumed to have been made by enslaved paranormals the teleportation device has attained near relic stature and has saved Rommel's life on more than one occasion. Swastika: (Heinrich Schmidt) Believe it or not, he's only human. However, Swastika is perhaps the greatest field general alive. Combined with his superior martial and firearm abilities, covert operations skills and natural charisma this 6'2" blond haired, blue-eyed military expert is the most formidable villain of this age. (think: Captain Nazi) Totenkopf: Evil incarnate! It is rumored that Totenkopf is died during W.W.II Nazi chemical experimentation on death camp captives when the camp was destroyed and he buried alive. One of the worlds few true fliers, he sullies the sky, his death's head of bone frightening to glimpse. Totenkopf's powers are not as yet understood but it is known that, beyond his ability to fly, he is virtually impervious to harm and may bring to bear a dark force that may be directed at his victims, sapping them unto death. Totenkopf has no regard for life as he believes himself already dead. Tiger: Tiger is an ex-war creation of German construction. His entire sub-epidermal surface has been reinforced with polycarbonate armor plating, his size and strength increased through a series of operations and intense steroid therapy and his left hand amputated and replaced with a high intensity plasma mortar. His strength ranks in the top 5 percent of known beings. Panzermensch: (Johan Grubner) Johan Grubner is a great if misguided scientist. His knowledge of robotics and cybernetics is unsurpassed by any peer. He has developed one of the premier armored suits in existence. Wearing it and calling himself Panzermensch he works with the New Reich to achieve their shared goal of global purification. The Panzermensch armor is a secret highly guarded by the paranoid Grubner. However, he has allowed New Reich leadership to incorporate several of his innovations into their shock troop's weaponry and is responsible for creating the armor worn by his teammates Sturmtrupper and Bismarck. While controlling the Panzermensch armor Grubner is able to bring to bear several abilities including assisted flight, an extremely damaging release of electricity (which he has learned how to direct at great distances and may be diverted to the epidermis of his armor causing grievous damage to anyone touching him), and heightened strength. Bismarck: The Bismarck armor has been worn by many different shock troopers and is considered, by Grubner, a work in progress. Huge, standing over 13' tall and impressive, the Bismarck armor is near impervious. It also wields a projectile firing mortar of incredible power. Unfortunately, the Bismarck armor is slow to the point of standing still and requires a full 30 seconds before refiring its weapon to prevent overheating. The strength of the Bismarck armor is in the top 1 percent of known paranormals. It is believed only Thunderfist (of Terror For Hire) is stronger. Sturmtrupper: Another creation of Grubner's the Sturmtrupper armor and weaponry is the highest rank to which a shock trooper might ascend. Festung: (Hermann Mueller) Never far from Rommel's side is his trusted bodyguard Festung. His ability to congeal ambient energy into impervious invisible walls of pure force makes him the best defense against almost any attempt against Rommel. Holocaust: A being of pure elemental fire and entropy! His power is off the scope! Luckily, he has never been seen within the United Stated and only rarely in Europe. --- There is another group under the umbrella of the New Reich that has just recently arrived in the U.S. They are designated The Aces: Mengele: (Frans Mengele) Mengele's duties and skills are equivalent to his peer Rommel, with one exception. It appears that this apparent offspring of the "Angel of Death" has continued his grandfather's research on the Noma virus. Somehow, Mengele has created a tactile transference of an enhanced version of Noma, which immediately causes gangrene of the face and mouth of his victims. Mengele is newer at the New Reich game than Rommel but believes his elder peer should, shall we say, step down, leaving Mengele as sole leader of the new Reich. Zeppelin: A unique cellular structure allows Zeppelin to increase his size and strength at will. As he grows his body, strangely enough, produces a hydrogen byproduct. The result is that when he gets large enough he can float on air. When wearing his personal turbines he is able to maneuver through the skies, though sluggishly, over great distances. To once again achieve his regular, though extremely obese, stature Zeppelin must release his hydrogen byproduct. Exhalation is his preferred method. Zeppelin has been fitted with electrodes at either side of his mouth that will produce a small arch of electricity upon command. Normally harmless, this arch is the trigger to a gigantic gout of fire as Zeppelin exhales. Zeppelin's elastic cellular structure has reduced the possibility of personal damage to next to nothing. Blitzkrieg: His ability to fly and control great amounts of bioelectrical power make Blitzkrieg a very dangerous opponent. He's a little crazy. ------------------ The Flying Aces Ascension Armor Project: Each of these armor types was made to fill a hole in air support for the New Reich. They so mimicked the roles of W.W.II German war planes that they were given their names. Messershmidt (FAAA Mark I): Budabudabudabudabudabudabudabudabudabudabudabuda... Need I say more? Stuka (FAAA Mark II): Big, Big guns, big engines, anti tank! (It's a German A10 hog!) Folke Wolfe (FAAA Mark III): could do almost anything flying armor could be asked to do. Quick, Good sized gun, smaller autofire guns, etc. Luftwaffe: Actually begun as the next generation of the FAAA project the creation dubbed Luftwaffe soon evolved into it's own entity. Under normal circumstances this construct, for it is nothing more than a robot, looks very similar to the other FAAA successes. However, it is its ability to separate into 12 smaller attack vehicles that gives Luftwaffe its name.
  9. Re: who's missing from this team I agree. Anyone with any scientific persuasion would greatly enhance your group. A Biologist could combat bio-terrorists (The Beast). A physicist could discover new realms in the negative zone or the microverse (Reed Richards). A Chemist could protect the population from strange poisons and energy sources. An all-around genius with science, robotics, mechanics, electronics (etc) could do all of the above (Hank Pym/Tony Stark). BTW: Who's their benefactor? Someone has to pay the bills. Personally, I think a scientist is one of the most interesting profiles to play in the Champions Universe. Upon second look it seems to me that many of your team are grounded in the mystical arena. Is this by design? Perhaps you have created a theme without intending to? Oh, and where are the women? You have a giant superhero sausage-fest going on here. jk.
  10. Re: Character write-ups should include QUOTES I still don't see the point. I create all of my villains and thus know them intimately. I'm the only one that will ever see their sheets. Why add a quote to the sheet... To remind myself? I hardly think that's necesary.
  11. Re: Character write-ups should include QUOTES I'm not big into quotes or quotations. My villains adapt and grow. To nail them down at their inception with a standardized remark would be too limiting. The same goes for my PCs. I'd bet you my bottom dollar that none of my players view their characters the same now (after a year + of play) as they did when they were created. To me the joy of the game is evolution of character; be it villains, heroes, NPCs or the city, world or universe itself.
  12. Re: Help me build a shrinkable lab You know, you're right. There's no reason that Bastion couldn't toss the lab on someone. While he's in his giant form he can pick up buildings (he can hold a 120 STR for up to 48 seconds before the Chromo-Dial runs out of energy) and chuck them at people. The focus definition takes care of this nicely. I'll just have to figure out how much the darn thing weighs.
  13. Re: Abort Question It's my understanding that an abort occurs after declaration but before to-hit rolls. It is an interruption action, thus the attacker cannot attempt a dex roll to reacquire a new target or perform a new maneuver.
  14. Re: Help me build a shrinkable lab That shaky smiley face was hilarious!!! While I agree with Dr. A, and am sure my GM would consider the shaking problem a comicbook oversight, I do want to hold true to reality (heh, as much as possible). The shaking you're talking about happens on the same level as you or I exist. Once you enter the quantum arena all bets are off. Now, I understand that something the size of a marble is hardly small enough to be considered on the quantum level but the field that is holding it at that size IS based on the manipulation of the quantum strong forces that hold all atoms together. That being said you could imagine that no amount of shaking (on our level) could disturb the lab. However, in light of the shaking theory I'll be sure to add to the description of the lab that all equipment and devices be specially stored in shock-resistant compartments before relocation occurs. That’s fun stuff. I love the little details (heh, I said little). They can really add to the fun and drama of a game. Thanks!
  15. Re: Help me build a shrinkable lab Dr. Anomaly.... That is truly inspired!!! I Love it!!! Your solution takes into consideration all of my color needs and adheres to the rules! And the cost is manageable and in almost in line with Base labs. I can even expand the idea to include several new slots as Bastion gains experience and grows as a scientist. I'm going to take a long look at this option... I wonder, what about the same concept in the form of a VVP? The versatility of the VVP would allow for different "projects" and "research" to be happening within the lab at different times. BTW: I think I'll change the 16- Electronics skill roll to a 16- Quantum Physics roll since its the manipulation of the chromodynamic field that will change the lab's size (although Electronics would do almost as well - I just don't see the average EE being able to decipher the in's and out's of the lab's operation). Big ups to everyone that's helped!!!!!!! I knew I could count on you guys.
  16. Re: Help me build a shrinkable lab Hadn't thought of that... heh. I would assume a simple 0 point limitation like "Can't be used as a weapon" or something would be enough to cover the problem. .... So far... Building the lab as a vehicle is quite an idea and a perfect way to take advantage of the rules. But I hardly think that it fits the intent of the rules. X-tra Dimensional movement/Summon doesn't cover the labs ability to grow and be available to anyone. Or the labs ability to be taken away or left behind in a shrunken state to be used by other hero-scientists with shrinking. What if Hank and Janet stopped by for tea? Building the lab as simple skill levels really limits the color of the lab. Wouldn't it be possible to be studying a suit of Bio-Armor... in the lab? Or perhaps you have a coffee machine in there and after a hard night everyone on the team... and a few remaining cops... need a stiff cup of java??? Focus best describes the labs ability to move and exist as a small and standard sized structure. I guess it's possible to pack enough limitations on it to make it cost efficient? I'm still confused and unsure where to go!
  17. Re: Help me build a shrinkable lab Vehicle rules seem to read right but feel a bit wrong. I'm getting more comfortable with the summon and x-dim move ideas.
  18. Re: Help me build a shrinkable lab Its more complex than that. How would other scientists use the lab, especially when Bastion isn't around. Would you define it as a focus? what about cost?
  19. Re: Help me build a shrinkable lab Thanks Dr. Anomaly, But does your solution mean that every shrunken character must have X-Dim movement to access the lab? And what about cost? Do you buy it as a power for the character or do you get the Lab bonus of 1/5? Personally I think Summon and X-Dim move are examples of extreme and somewhat awkward rules manipulation to accomplish this construct. There must be an easier way to describe this lab by the rules. The lab is a concealable "marble" that is on Bastion's person (when he wishes). Should a villain become aware of the lab there could be an opportunity for it to be stolen. If it is returned to normal size anyone could enter it and potentially utilize its components (skill bonuses).
  20. Bastion's powers are derived from a complex mechanism of his own creation that manipulates subatomic chromodynamic forces. Utilizing the Chromo-Dial, a Chromo-Field projector worn around his waist with field amplifiers constructed as bracers, Bastion is able to manipulate his size and mass from subatomic to gigantic. By harnessing the power of quantum chromodynamic fields Bastion (Dr. Sebastian Castle) has opened a Pandora’s box of potential. There’s plenty of comicbook president for size manipulation. Marvel has Dr. Pym and his Pym Particles and DC has Ray Palmer (The Atom) and his Dwarf Star technology. Both scientists have developed their shrinking technology to the point where they can safely and consistently shrink whatever they need, be it organic or inorganic. And both have utilized their shrinking powers to create small labs and/or technology that they can reconstitute in the field. I would like to do the same thing with Bastion. The Epic Alliance (Epic City’s newest and best hope for Truth and Justice – read: 4-color campaign) has a headquarters (see it here: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32904 ) complete with labs that the players paid for. What I’d like to do is add Shrinking to Bastion’s lab, remove the fixed limitation and shrink it down to the size of a marble so that Bastion can have a lab at his disposal wherever he goes. My GM is okay with the idea as long as I put several minutes of extra time on its use in order to remove it from combat situations. How would you create a shrunken portable base that can be: 1. Used by a shrunken person? 2. Reconstituted to its regular size and utilized by any scientist (with the appropriate skills)?
  21. Re: Penalty of Death I been running a game with basically the same "Dirty Dozen" concept in a space opera setting for over 15 years. It's called NEMESIS Squadron. Check out the packet, it may give you some ideas: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=34853
  22. Re: Lo, Our Savior is Born! I tried and tried to pass a super name by my wife's considerable comic book blockade... Eventually I outsmarted her and gave my son the middle name of Alexander... after LEX Luthor! Maybe he'll end up the archenemy of Cage's son? I've already started grooming my son in the art of global domination and megalomaniacal machinations!!!
  23. Re: NEMESIS SQUADRON: New Game Packet! Thanks MPT, I make no bones about the fact that all of the alien artwork, and even some of the racial descriptions, are pulled from various published works. Adding those races to our game allowed players to adopt characters that they actually knew from popular culture (from comics and other sci-fi games to novels) Bushok: A typical warlike race. Perhaps. But I would hardly describe giant warrior-poets who have a love of philosophy and embrace arcane weaponry over modern technology "typical". “Jantek: Interesting. I would like to know more on the culture of this race. (I am not certain why the tail is considered Concealable however).” The Jantek have a concealable barb (switch-blade) in their tail. They live in tribes (as demarked by their permanent facial tattoos) and are generally (as a society) a happy and peaceful race. Many of these racial descriptions, especially the worlds from which they hail were left purposefully vague in order to allow players to be involved with racial development. “Sathar: Whilst this race would certainly make for some interesting scenarios on their home world, I am not certain that they have enough to make them interesting PCs.” The juxtaposition of the Sathar love for art and their inherent need for aggression make them a complex and challenging race for a PC. A competent player can do a great deal with them. In my NEMESIS game my favorite character was a Sathar. The player wove a wonderful character out of ship design and war. He made the perfect ship’s Engineer, at odds with the captain but too attached to his ship and involved with its maintenance to wrest leadership from those in charge. “Thraxx: I can see no reason use this race.” The Thraxx provide a divergence from the standard pink human and add an interesting Communist approach to world government and ideology. More than enough for many players to enjoy. Of course, any race is only as good as the player investing the time to bring it to life. Sometimes a race’s attraction is simply the addition of diversity to the group and a different origin from which to base development. If anyone else would like to receive this just drop me a PM.
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