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Everything posted by Mantis

  1. Re: Musings on Random Musings I only rate it comedy Bronze.
  2. Re: Musings on Random Musings ....And there was much rejoicing.
  3. Re: The cranky thread Sigh. I thought I was a valued member of an on-line community. It turns out I am not. I thought my contributions and support were valued. It turns out they are not. I've long suspected I am not actually liked. Turns out I may be right.
  4. Re: Musings on Random Musings Q. How do you make yourself look like Barry Manilow? A. Look at the back of a spoon.....
  5. Re: The cranky thread I found out yesterday that I was supposed to have been offered a three month extension in my current job, along with all the other contractors on the project. But the f-wit Project Director got his finger stuck. Now we're all going to other jobs, and the loss of our collective knowledge and expertise bodes ill for the project. I would have liked to have seen the project through to completion, now that opportunity is denied to me.
  6. Re: Musings on Random Musings Rum, Buggery, and the Lash.
  7. Re: Musings on Random Musings I like them. I realise they diverge from the originals, but that doesn't bother me as it does others (from other threads on this board).
  8. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Exams are over!!
  9. Re: Need help with a Group name. If you have a cool insignia based on an 'A', invert it and change it to a 'V' and call the team "The Vanguard".
  10. Re: Napalm vs. Tanks Fire has been a useful anti-tank weapon since WWII - the Molotov Cocktail was invented by the Finns as anti-tank weapon. Apart from being flammable, Napalm is sticky, and hard to extinguish when delivered in large quantities. Its initial effect is to consume the oxygen in and around the target, with obvious negative consequences for the engine and crew. Unchecked, it will generate a lot of heat, with further negative effects on a metal target. EDIT: Napalm reaches burning temperatures of approx. 1200 °C.
  11. Re: Musings on Random Musings That was my thought, too. It's a perfect thread to introduce the "wife", isn't it? Heh. Just had an Evil thought. Sign onto the boards with a screen ID of "FredBittick", with his picture as your avatar (it's on the 'net) and start posting in that thread.
  12. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Wednesday: Get call about job interview. Friday, 11:00am: Interview. Meet potential boss, who turns out to be a former colleague. Good sign! Friday, 12:00 noon: Speak to recruitment agency rep on my way back to work, he will seek feedback ASAP and let me know. Friday: 2:00pm: Agency calls, job is mine. Contract to be signed on Monday. My current contract expires 30Jun06, new contract commences 03Jul06.
  13. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Cancer might like this one. Next week I have an exam on a subject that's never been run before (and it shows). It's also closed-book. Normally you can use previous exam papers as guides to what will be asked, and how much each topic will be worth so you can slant your study accordingly, but for this we couldn't do that. We've all been madly trying to memorise the entire textbook. Then the lecturers came up with a revision exam for us to look at, so we thought we had something to go on. But no. In the last revision lecture, we were told: "Everyone (lecturers) thought of questions to ask in the exam and drew it out of a hat. What ever questions were pulled out are going to be in the exam. The questions that weren't were put into the revision exam" Well, that helps!
  14. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Dammit, it's just an article. I wanted to see the pics! What?
  15. Re: Good-by Speedster More speed than the speedster. Any tricks he can do, you can do better.
  16. Re: A Thread for Random Musings 24 hours to go.
  17. Re: The cranky thread Great! Just finished doing one lot of diagrams for the assignment... then find the fine print that says I can't do them using Word's drawing tools, which are perfectly fine for the job. I have to use a specialised program which is extremely frakking hard to use and which I don't have the time or inclination to master.
  18. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Yesterday I got an unexpected phone call (long story!) offering me an interview at short notice - the interview was today. What the heck, I said yes, and had the interview this afternoon. Now during the course of the interview, I happened to quote from a certification course I did last year. I used the term "Oracle assumption" which might mean something to the software testers on the boards (it means you should be able to predict the result of any test before you run it). I did not know when I said this, but one of my interviewers used to be a presenter of this course, and he was suitably impressed that I had not only absorbed this information, but used the term "Oracle assumption" in a sentence. All in all, I thought the interview went well. I spoke briefly with the agency rep afterwards and he said his initial feedback was positive, too. The best part was when he mentioned the possible pay rate, a mere $10 an hour more than I'm getting now! Of course the job will be that much tougher, and there is the threat of travel (I hate flying!), but it would be a definite forward step in my career. Worst case scenario: I don't get the job, and have some time off instead!
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