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Everything posted by Mantis

  1. Re: Zombie Nazis in the Desert! As an aside: according to the builder, the Driver is a Corporal, his mate is a Sergeant and has a MP38 (Schmeisser) and the standing stiff is in a Field Marshall's uniform, although I would play him as an anonymous Colonel. In every book or comic I've ever read with an Evil Nazi officer, he was always "Herr Oberst." There is also an MG34 machine gun mounted in the rear compartment, not visible in the pics. Since this seems to have piqued a lot of interest, I suppose I better supply a map for the adventure, too. It's taken from a wargame map I made, based on the battle for Mersa Matruh, a port in western Egypt. The map is in US Letter and A4 format, to suit all tastes. What's that? Where's the secret oasis/lost pyramid/missing supernatural item on the map? Well, if I told you that, it wouldn't be secret/lost/missing, would it! You're the GM, where do the clues you've given the players say it is .
  2. I didn't make these models, I just found the pictures and figured someone could use them for Pulp inspiration. The kit is called "Rommel's Rod" and originally only had two skeletal figures, the guy who made this one also custom-made the, ah, skeleton crew. The kit vehicle itself is not based on a real vehicle, it was a combination of a 1940's road car and a half-track. This example has been highly detailed, but is otherwise straight out of the kit. Best of luck to your PCs as they race these guys across the burning desert sands toward the hidden oasis whose pure waters can bring the dead back to life, according to the traditional tales told by the local nomadic Arabs, who seemed fascinated by the wristwatches and other shiny objects in possession of the band of adventurers, and who claimed to be disinterested in the conflict between the Europeans raging across their land, yet who were armed with an varied array of weaponry originating from several different countries....
  3. Re: Musings on Random Musings Log, I'm in awe: I struggle to put flat-pack furniture together, and I have two hands. As for public transport, I go to work every day on a unique mode of transport - the O-Bahn.
  4. Re: Telegram Cablegram images I'm not sure if you want a "send" message or "received" message, so here's one of both from NSW. Both pre-date the 20s/30s but I don't think there would be much change in the interim, particulalry the received message which as can be seen, is from WWI. The "send" form is from the 1890's, and for that reason is missing any reference to "Commonwealth of Australia", which would have been added after 1 Jan 1901. I would expect most Commonwealth countries to use similar forms, if that helps.
  5. Re: Musings on Random Musings I believe I have also called you a Fiery Furry Fury in the past. If not, I should have.
  6. Re: Musings on Random Musings September 14.
  7. Re: Musings on Random Musings Oh yeah? Everyone else on the Hero boards has a birthday, they get a Birthday thread. Heck, the other day they had a Birthday thread and NO-ONE was having a birthday. But I have a Birthday... nada. No Birthday thread for me.
  8. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Oooooooo-kay. Just saw an ad on TV promoting a show on the station. Not unusual, you might think... but this promo was *during* the show. In fact, it was near the end of the show. I guess it worked, though, I was watching the show .
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Musings If I had musical talent, and if I was in a band, I'd call the band "Volume 10" and our debut album would be "Serving Suggestion".
  10. Re: Water Weight 1 litre of water is 10cm x 10cm x 10cm. 1 litre of pure water at room temperature = 1kg. 1kg = 2.2 lb (roughly). 1m^3 of water = 1000 litres = 1 kilolitre = 1000 kg = 2200 lb (well, actually 2205 lb). Hmmm, by my calculations, a 2m hex (2m side-to side, not point-to-point) that is also 2m high has a volume of 5.774 m^3, making it 5,774 kg or 12,730 lb. Differs from the Ultimate Brick calculation quoted above. No STR chart handy, but I don't think it makes a difference to the TK required.
  11. Re: Just For Fun: Cartoon Network All Star Team Ups Kim Possible and Johnny Bravo.
  12. Re: The cranky thread That was a pretty ordinary birthday. Heck, it didn't even feel like a birthday, just like any other day, other than having a lot of strangers (who I'm actually related to, but who didn't actually talk to me) in my house for a few hours.
  13. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Well, author Colin Thiele died the same day as Irwin. He's well-known as a children's book author within Australia, but he wasn't as famous as either Irwin or Brock. We were speculating in the office whether he was well-known enough to be #3, or whether the fact he died from natural causes (he was 85) as distinct from an accident ruled him out of the trinity.
  14. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Another one bites the dust. First Steve Irwin, now motor racing driver Peter Brock has just been killed in a car crash while competing in a Targa rally.
  15. Re: The cranky thread at your mom. I'll leave it at that, as I'm likely to go into lecture mode at the inherent Evil in both suggestions.
  16. Re: Musings on Random Musings Look out! Enforcer84 is on the lose!
  17. Re: Because I'M the Goddess! ... I like the "well-endowed woman" part ...
  18. Re: Musings on Random Musings Go, Log, Go!
  19. Re: More Pulp fodder... First, you've been scooped Second, the map is wrong to just refer to the ship as "Zeppelin" as that was not it's correct name, as Basil said. It was launched as Graf Zeppelin. It woul dbe just as wrong to have a map of the western Mediterranean with "Ark found here" to indicate the resting place of Ark Royal. Third, for those who really want to know, the GZ would have carried Bf109T (T = Traeger = "carrier") fighters (same as E model but strengthened and with extended wings), Ju87C dive bombers (same as B but with jettisionable undercarriage - in case of ditching) and Fieseler Fi 167 high-wing torpedo bombers. Examples of both the former types were available for service before the carrier were completed, and entered service as TraegerGruppe (TGr) 186 in the Polish and French campaigns. After the French campaign, when work on GZ was halted, this unit was disbanded and its assets transferred to other units. The Fi 167 was still under development at that time and never entered full production. (Note: used "ae" in "traeger" cuz I'm too lazy to work out how to do the umlaut thingy this late at night).
  20. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Unfortunately, I've seen Hugo Weaving in too many other roles to associate him with just Agent Smith. Now that's gold!
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