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Everything posted by wcw43921

  1. Sounds like the title of a children's book.
  2. The Case Against Trump And once again I remind everyone--
  3. Well, at least you'd get to walk outside every now and again. Surely that's got to count for something.
  4. "Hey, Little Johnny--what did you get that little silver medal for?" "For singing." "And what did you get that big gold medal for?" "For stopping."
  5. Yeah, but if Freeze had his way the entire world would be thrown into a new Ice Age, and we'd all have to get on Snowpiercer to survive. Do YOU want to spend the rest of your life on a bad metaphor for the world's socioeconomic structure?
  6. From The Same People That Brought You Deathsticks--
  7. Internet Leaps To Mr. Rogers' Defense After Trump Staffer Mocks Biden Town Hall
  8. I've read about that. It focuses on Rey, and promises to be better and more fun than the original Holiday Special. Honestly, that won't be very hard.
  9. NPR: We Asked Americans How They Feel About The Flag
  10. Reminds me of the right-wingers who told same-sex marriage advocates that they can marry whomever they want, so long as that person was not of the same sex. Condescend much, Senator?
  11. Trump has changed his mind. Remember when the Republicans criticized John Kerry for "flip-flopping?"
  12. Ain't lookin' good for the heroes in that pic. Where's Thundrax when we need him most?
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