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Everything posted by wcw43921

  1. Which is why they came up with "Yesterday's Enterprise" several seasons later. Honestly, most of Season One wasn't all that great, with the possible exception of "The Battle," which gave us the Picard Maneuver--and no, not the one where he straightens his tunic. The writing was more than a little stiff, as was the acting, with the exception of Patrick Stewart, who had a exceptionally firm grasp on the character of Picard from the beginning of the series. I don't know who else the producers had under consideration for the role, but they certainly made the best choice when they chose Stewart.
  2. Snopes Article On QAnon Just in case anyone's interested. It could even be fodder for a campaign.
  3. You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
  4. RIP Ben Cross Really liked him in Chariots Of Fire, and as Sarek in the 2009 Star Trek movie.
  5. Someone else identified Power Man--I think the guy behind The Flash is supposed to be Vixen.
  6. Usually my answer is "Whoever's comic I happen to be reading--" whether it's DC, or Marvel, or any of the other heroes in comics, or movies or TV. But if I were honest with myself--there's only one answer. For now--for always--SUPERMAN.
  7. More like the opportunity to claim some acting cred. See, that's from the movie A Bunny's Tale, and Ms. Alley is playing none other than Gloria Steinem, who went undercover as a Bunny and found the experience so distasteful that she became one of America's leading feminists as a result. I haven't seen the movie myself--just bits and pieces--so I cannot vouch as to whether or not it is worth your time.
  8. I doubt that any of those included a video that showed Obama being sworn into office on The Bible by Washington and Lincoln--or even Frederick Douglass and Oprah Winfrey.
  9. Just when you thought it could not get any more strange
  10. Charon The Boatman, I presume? Anybody got spare change?
  11. Not necessarily. Scotty wore a red shirt throughout the original series, and he only got killed once--whereas Kirk got killed twice that I know of ("The Enterprise Incident" and "Amok Time.") Wearing a red shirt isn't a guarantee of death
  12. So I suppose the 1,357,800 French soldiers killed in World War I and the 217,600 French soldiers killed in World War II just let themselves be killed by the Germans. Tell me, was Paris ever occupied by the enemy in the First World War? Find some new jokes, 'kay?
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