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Everything posted by DShomshak

  1. BTW, thanks for the quick moderating. I was pretty sure it'd pass muster, but I did wonder.



  2. As for the "Opinions of Other Gods" bits that people are doing: The Lovers love you all, each in your own ways. Because They know that each of you loves, in your own ways. Yes, even Xarn Tarsus. "Nonssensse," the Koutpa priest sneered. "Love is a weaknesss. Our mosst holy Massster cares only for Power."Sssuch are the waysss of the ssstrong." The faun smiled slightly. "And if he -- or you -- had no one to be master of? That shows a need for connection." Her grin grew broad. "Not a healthy kind of love, perhaps, but your master still feels its call. Do you imagine he could exist alone?" Her voice softened. "Can you?" And she turned to leave. Dean Shomshak
  3. O mortals, to the loving union of souls there can be no impediment. Bodies matter too, though, and some unions are less feasible than others. For those sufficiently determined in their passion, though, We grant requital. The F;lower of Rebirth can grant thee a new form so they union be consummated with they beloved. Do not confuse it with the roses of Chroma or the piety lily of Xarn Tarsus. The Flower of Rebirth is MUCH BIGGER. Flora: Flowers of Rebirth. Wags sometimes also call them Womb Blooms. A Flower of Rebirth resembles a gigantic lotus. They can grow nearly anywhere except the driest desert, desert, the most barren mountain, or an ice floe (though they are nowhere common). Travelers' tales of dubious veracity even say that Flowers of Rebirth grow under the sea. To use a Flower of Rebirth, climb inside. You will find a narrow but elastic tube descending through the plant's stalk. Squirm down it into a damp, scented sac under the ground. (Only the oldest, largest flowers can accommodate giant dwarves or dragons, but they do grow that big.) As you fall asleep, think upon the form your heart demands. After the passing of a moon (any moon, the sun is no help in telling time, calendars will be a bitch for this world...) You will wake up as the sac heaves and squeezes you back out in your new form. All genders and all sapient species are possible, though it is highly unlikely anyone ever entered a womb bloom in order to become a demon in a bottle. (Spoilered for being a little racier than usual for the Forum, though I don't think any naughty bits are visible.) Many myths are told about the origin of Flowers of Rebirth, but they usually involve doomed lovers. In Bliskeroy, they were two elves from feuding houses, both slain by their own parents for their forbidden love. In Xolten they were a dragon and a ghoul who committed suicide. Every story ends, though, with the Lovers taking pity upon them and merging them into the first Flower of Rebirth. Some people say these flowers grow wherever doomed love ends in mutual death. When asked the priests of Cadel mumble something about 'higher truth,' while priests of the Lovers say they aren't gardeners, ask the priests of Cadel. Dean Shomshak
  4. I do get impatient when earnest people wring their hands about American society being splintered into hostile factions. It's abundantly clear there are only two factions that matter, which hardly constitutes splintering. There's a straight white Fundamentalist Christian minority that seems to be driven by white-hot rage that it's losing its cultural and political privilege. And then there's everybody else, who seems to get along adequately. Buddhists got no beef with Black people. Jews got no beef with Asians. There's just one minority group that can't stand sharing the country with anyone else. Unfortunately, fervor counts in politics. Because I'm me, I've tried to think of a solution even if I have no way to nudge it toward happening. My answer is, in fact, splitting the country -- sort of. Short version is, "Reservations for white people." The Black "homelands" created by Apartheid South Africa could be another model. Designate several areas as semi-autonomous, whose residents can make some of their own laws and exempt from some Constitutional requirements. Residents must prove pure White ancestry back at least three generations. Christianity established as a state religion. (Which version? Work it out yourselves.) Homosexuality a crime. Abortion a crime. Whatever gender role regulations they want, and whatever other cultural bees in bonnets the residents want. But... They lose representation in Congress or to vote for the President. They have no foreign relations. Most importantly, any resident who finds the local social and political order unacceptable must be allowed to leave. This lets the hard-core Republican base live in the tribal purity they seem to crave. The rest of us can get along with our lives and our normal political disputes, which can be resolves since they are about policy rather than identity. This is the first time I've really tried enunciating the notion to anyone else, though, since I'm quite sure there's no way it could be carried out. At the least, there are probably insurmountable legal/constitutional impediments, but I am not expert enough to see them. Dean Shomshak
  5. Lots fauns on Rodne. Of course Olandria has a standing invitation to join their revels. "Drink" mentioned in the description for Ecstatic Revelry, IIRC. That the drinks are intelligent beings gives new meaning to, "My only friend is in this bottle." The Lovers approve. (And a shout ot to Chroma for roses, also pleasing to the Lovers.) Dean Shomshak
  6. Oh hey, a couple more thoughts for G'Brill, if Pariah likes: Geography: Dubious Lands of Fable. The World is large; who but the Gods can know all that it contains? Travelers tell stories of wondrous lands far, far away. The wonders of these countries are certainly not found hereabouts, but far away... Who knows? Secondary Domain: The Horseshoe Nail. How do causes become lost? Sometimes the opposing force is just too great. But sometimes small gaps and failings cascade. Sometimes they cascade for generations, leaving shocked survivors to wonder what might have been, if only someone had done things a little differently... Other gods create giant monsters. The God of the Unknown works great feats of destruction through the tiniest causes, unnoticed until it is far too late. (I first thought of and posted this as a Monster/Guardian, but I am reminded you already defined one.) Dean Shomshak
  7. Much of what the Lovers do involves other gods: possibly their active cooperation, or at least crossing into their domains. But what else would you expect, Their devotees say, of the god of connection and partnership? When the Gods shaped the World, the Lovers chose no special location within it. Love exists wherever lovers do. In partnership with Aportum, however, They made a place outside the World for the use of lovers. It's a door that can potentially lead anywhere, from the depths of Hekk to the outermost moon. But only lovers can pass through, to reach one they love more than life itself. That last is no idle poetic figure of speech. Opening the Door of the Lovers requires stepping into a blazing fire. If your passion is not total, well, you just stepped into a blazing fire. But if your devotion is absolute, you vanish from the fire and appear in a network of fiery filaments. Let your heart guide you through the three-dimensional maze, and in time you will leap out from the flame nearest to your beloved -- and, Their devotees say, there always will be a flame somewhere nearby, though it be no larger than a candle. Or so the story goes. Most who vanish into the fire never come back, and word never reaches the folk they left behind. The World is very large, after all, and if your love has gone far away, so have you. But it is possible that some people in fact never make it out of the maze. It is also claimed that a person who yearns for love can step into the fire and be guided to the perfect mate who will love them, wherever that person may be. But this is even more difficult to confirm. Geography: The Flame Labyrinth. Dean Shomshak
  8. "I'm so totally METAL my name is a power chord!" Duly noted. Dean Shomshak
  9. O mortals, the connection between you and the gods is deep and strong. We love you; and when you love us, that connection can be strong enough that we become one. When you forget yourself in ecstasy, your love for gods can draw gods into the world. Mortal and god become one: We know what it is to be mortal, and mortals know what it is to be divine. For a time, our power joins to your will, for what will one not do for one you love? No god may refuse this union. Interference: Trance Possession. At the height of ecstatic revelry, mortals who love a god with all their heart can draw the god into their body. For a few minutes, the god becomes incarnate in the mortal's body. While the full power of the god is not at the mortal's command, some of it is. It helps, though, to have a priest or friend on hand to remind the possessed mortal of what he, she or it wanted from the god. (Though fauns invite the gods to their revels just for enjoy their company, and vice-versa.) Possession can also happen by identifying a lover as the avatar of a god. Okay, so perhaps not many people would choose Xarn Tarsus as a lover, but the Holy Tyrant can be drawn into mortality, and find himself serving mortal will, as much as any other god. (Granted, a person who loves Xarn Tarsus probably intends to use the god's power for some purpose the god would not find displeasing.) (At a guess, this man has called Olandris into himself, or his lover has done so. The goddess reaches down to claim him, while the faces of the Lovers are visible to either side.) Dean Shomshak
  10. <standing on my dignity> I was thinking of circle dances, hoedowns, and other group dances that celebrate the community. (What happens afterward is no one else's business. Unless it burns something down.) Dean Shomshak
  11. Gift to Civilization: Fire. O mortals, let your love be as fire, consuming you until the self vanishes in ardor for the one beloved; or let it smelt you as ore in the crucible and smithy of Thrum until you emerge as tempered steel or shining gold. For Love, you will forget yourself; for Love, you will become greater than you imagined possible. Fire is the emblem of passion, and the principle means of making fire represent this. Flint and steel strike sparks from their union. The bow drill generates fire as a rod moves in a hole. (Real bit of anthropology, there: Encyclopedia Britannica tells me that many cltures see the bow drill in sexual terms. The fire plow, in which a stick moves back and forth in a groove, is perhaps even more explicit.) Lenses and mirrors don't work to make fire, though, unless another god says they do. As a token of this connection, mortals having sex are for that time fireproof. The flames without defer to the fire of passion within. In fact, the first time anyone has sex, they and their partner catch fire and may set other things ablaze. Couples of great mutual passion can do this at will. If Permitted, Second Gift to Civilization: Dance. Guided by music or the joy of togetherness, mortals move in unison without being compelled. Dance is sacred to the Lovers, and a vital part of Their rites. Whether dirty dancing, formal ballroom, or communal dances, mortals forget themselves in the joy of moving together. Dean Shomshak
  12. I'd like to keep the reference to G'Brill in my fiction bit above. I'm OK with G'Brill as an Enigmatic God who has apparently vanished, or is a rumor even to other gods. If you want, Pariah, I'll even suggest that as a Secondary Domain: The Unknown. G'Brill is the god of things not known even to gods. Dean Shomshak
  13. IIRC Jerry Pournelle's stories use jump points like this, though I haven't read much of them. Bujold's "Vorkosigan" series also uses jump points, and makes them an important source of drama. So I agree, it's an excellent serup for SF adventure. The tech-frying aspect of jump drive is intriguing as well -- if only so advances in real tech don't make your "futuristic" technology seem antiquated 10 years later! It also preserves genuine mystery, in that people can't just consult their super-advanced omni-sensors and have their super-advanced computer analyze the results and tell them everything. EG: There's a vault door set in the surface of the asteroid. What's behind it? Somebody needs to go and look, they can't just analyze the bogon scattering to find out everything. (Or the GM has to invent some handwavium to explain why Bogon Scattering Tomography doesn't work.) Dean Shomshak
  14. But you still assume they will both have an Energy Blast. "Must serve deity's plans" sounds like a recipe for endless arguments with players. Perhaps you mean "Must fit within deity's portfolio of interests and influences," in the manner of D&D domains"? (I assume there's a VPP involved.) Assault's comment makes me think of the magic of Egyptian lector-priests, which was freaky cool but a bit outside Generic Fantasy Adventurer's Magic. Dean Shomshak
  15. That's on my list of possible Gifts to Civilization, though there are others. Actually it's Music and Dance, treating them as related, but I've held off because Music might be Thrum's gift. If Thrum takes Music, and the Lovers can take Dance as a bonus Gift (along with the one I'm definitely posting Monday), that would be excellent.(Fauns are great dancers, btw.) Dean Shomshak
  16. The Lovers would certainly agree. Dean Shomshak
  17. I am sure I'd like to see it, but movies have become too expensive. I never see them until my library gets them and (for Marvel) the 500 or so people who reserve them ahead of me get through them. Feh. Well, maybe I'll check in sometime in 2023. (Really annoying for me, because Dr. Strange is my fave Marvel hero, and I find Benedict Cumberbatch's portrayal quite creditable.) Dean Shomshak
  18. All Things Considered and The Daily has run stories on Sec'y of State candidates who publicly endorse the Big Lie. The push goes down from there to the commissioners who certify local results, and then all the way to people say they want to become poll workers to "prevent/investigate election fraud." The trainer who was interviewed said that when she encounteres people who want to sign up for that reason, she thanks them for their interest but never calls them back. She also takes care to explain to the poll workers she trains that there are people whose jpb it is to investigate election fraud, and it isn't them. Dean Shomshak
  19. Okay, what I've got so far is: The Lovers, God of Love * Geography: * Sentient Life: Fauns * Gift to Civilization: * Plant/Animal/Ore: * Interference: * Mythic Monster/Guardian: * Secondary Domain: Connection * Secondary Domain: Ecstatic Revelry * Secondary Domain: Grief I may get one more in later today. Dean Shomshak
  20. O Lovers, cruelest of gods! Why do you curse us with love for other people? It hurts so much when they leave! Perhaps love is not returned, or cools for one before the other. Perhaps one we love is forced to move far away. Or the greatest and final parting, when a loved one departs for Mania's halls. Better to feel nothing! O mortals, the sweet cannot be known without the bitter, nor joy be known without sorrow. Though you feel the world has ended, know by the pain in your heart that the one you love is not completely gone, and never shall be while you remember. Accept your tears, for they are holy. This offering We make to Mania and G'Brill; and in time perhaps Astrasia grants thee peace. Secondary Domain: Grief.
  21. Fauns know all the methods of arousing passions and using them to form new connections. Music and dancing, feasting, drinking, drugs, and more -- they know it all. The physical dangers are slight... for them... though other people who attend faun revels have in rare cases died from overdose or exhaustion. A greater danger is that they lose themselves in revelry and never fully come back. Visitors to a faun party may emerge knowing things about their desires they never imagined, and some minds break from the revelation; on. They may also become addicted to the passionate release they do not know how to find anywhere else. But others emerge with new loves and a sense of joyous liberation. Though any folk might attend a party and end up sobbing or cheering, "I love you guys!" A self is such a burden at times. Forgetting it for a while can give a chance to find other people who can help you carry it. And do not forget to give thanks to Thrum as well! Secondary Domain: Ecstatic Revelry. (I wanted to find a scene from the opera, but the excerpts seemed too slow and tame. This is supposed to be a wild rumpus, not a stately ballet. Eh, let the music carry itself. -- Dean Shomshak)
  22. As briefly alluded to in the fiction bit above... Sentient Race: Fauns. (The internet holds scads of better pictures of satyrs and fauns than this bit of clip art, but until I re-learn how to use DropBox I'm trying to conserve the memory space allotted by the Forum. Also, mindful not to post anything that might make the Esteemed Moderator remind me of forum rules on decency.) Okay, let's deal first with what you all want to know about: The people of the Lovers can be male or female. Most fauns are promiscuous, and most of them are bisexual. They've heard of monogamy, but most of them think it's as strange to love only one person physically as to love only one person spiritually. Not into jealousy. Notably broad-minded about sentient species, too. All but a few criminal perverts understand that "No means no" and won't press further, but most fauns also think it's strange that other folk feel they have to say no. Moving on: Fauns live in bands that seldom exceed 30 adults. Mothers raise their children with help from the rest of the band. Individuals move easily between bands. While fauns are most common in forested regions, some fauns live in other environments. While they live by hunting and gathering, they practice a subtle horticulture by propagating food plants. Though they kill to defend themselves or when hunting game, deliberate cruelty is anathema: Fauns never invented blood sports, and may become very angry at witnessing them. Slavery is likewise a concept foreign unto perversity. Leadership in a band is necessarily informal, as anyone who tried to assert rulership would simply find the rest of the band ignoring them and going elsewhere. Music and dance are so important in faun culture that they receive a separate entry. For here, suffice to say they honor /thrum almost as much as the Lovers. Chroma is also honored for the colors of the natural world, and revels are often timed to appearances of the Great Meteor. Dean Shomshak
  23. It seems like an excellent Intetrference, but I'll accept it as a Secondary Domain if you come up with an Interference that affects multiple gods... as the Lovers will have. Dean Shomshak
  24. So sad to hear. Alas, I only heard them on the radio. Life as an impoverished, mad recluse has prevented me from seeing much live entertainment, but in my long-gone college days I saw one of musical comedienne Anna ?Russel's final performances. Also a stage play adaptation of Frankenstein that I thought was quite good , and a concert of Beethoven's 9th symphony that was awe-inspiring. No recording can even come close to the majesty of a live performance. The P. D. Q. Bach and Weird Al Yankovic concerts were OK, but so long ago I dn't remember a great deal about them. A local college's musical comedy adaptation of Night of the Living Dead was also gobsmacking. I have seldom laughed so hard. Dean Shomshak
  25. Love binds mortals to each other in families; and beyond that to clans, tribes and countries. But love binds all things, not just mortals. Nothing can exist by itself alone, and We tell you, O mortals, that that need for connection and interaction partakes of Love. The roots of the tree love the soil, and its leaves love the Sun’s light; and by those loves does the tree live. What greater love is there but Cadel’s, who gives light to half the world? If not, perhaps, the love of Mania, who accepts all souls into Her house and always has room for more? The moons of Olandria circle the world for love. The world holds you to itself for love of thee. Even the minutest particulars of all things adhere one to another by bonds of love, without which naught would exist but drifting dust. Secondary Domain: Connection. Well… perhaps We should clarify. Perhaps some things can exist by themselves alone. But if they have no connection to anything else, how would anyone know they exist? Listen, O mortals, to a fable: Imagine there was once a person much like you. Perhaps this person was Alfar, perhaps Human, perhaps Twilighter or Faun. It no longer matters. Nor does it matter if this person was male, female, or something else. We shall simply call this person “It.” It was angry with someone else for leaving it. “Fine,” it cried. “Leave! I don’t need you! I don’t need anyone!” The Lovers heard these words, for gods hear blasphemies against their essential natures. They thought, Have We been denied? Xarn Tarsus replied, They authority has been denied. Punishment should follow. Olandria added, For every blessing there is a curse. And the Lovers decreed, Then We give what is desired: No need for anyone. They took out Their shears by which connections are cut, and snipped. The mortal walked alone for a time. It returned to its community and found everyone gone. “Where is everyone,” it asked. Gone, the Lovers said. You said you did not need anyone, so those connections are gone. They live; you live; but you shall never see them again. It ran to its home, but snip, its home was not there, either. “Where is my house?” it demanded. Gone, the Lovers said. You said you did not need anyone. “Anyone” includes Ammonia, keeper of all houses. The house exists, but it is no longer your house. You shall never see it again. Or any other. A few more snips, and the whole village was gone. It ran, seeking anyone, finding no one. It closed its eyes in exhaustion. Snip. When it opened its eyes again, the world was all gone gray. You do not need anyone, whispered the Lovers, So you do not need Chroma. Then snip, the world went dark. You do not need Cadel or Olandria either, so they too are denied thee. For a time, it blundered in darkness, running into rocks and trees, but snip, snip, the rocks and trees were gone. After a long or short time, even the ground underfoot was gone. “Mercy!” it cried. “Give me back the world!” You did not say you needed Thrum. “Then let me die!” You did not say you needed Mania. And you did not say you needed Us, so We too are gone. SNIP. Perhaps the mortal still exists, somewhere, in a state beyond even the knowing of gods. Or perhaps at the last G’Brill took pity, for surely to be cursed by a god is a cause as lost as lost can be. Or perhaps it never happened at all, for even to be remembered as a fable is a connection of sorts. But why take that chance? Deny not the gods, or each other. Remember that you are connected, never truly alone. And by this you are loved, and owe love in return. Dean Shomshak
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