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Everything posted by Grailknight

  1. Well if there will be 30 agent types then I guess I won't complain about the reduced number of villains:) Some other things I'd like would be: 1] A Supreme Serpent who part of Viper and motivated by the goals that Viper espouses. The alien computer was a neat concept but it took away from perceived threat IMO. The overall goal of Viper should be the vision of its leader(s). 2] Don't make the Supreme Serpent someone who has appeared elsewhere in the CU. Give me an original with original motivation and background. 3]Focus more on the worldwide scope of Viper and especially how it works in Third World nations. An organization with the resources that 4th Ed Viper possessed would own many of these smaller countries outright and could do so legitimately. (There's a campaign twist for you, Hermit:) ) Viper would then take on rouge nation status on the world stage but would be harder than ever to completely wipe out. Nests would be more like large terrorist cells. The last Viper supplement was one of best books for 4th Ed so I feel confident that you'll deliver the goods this time as well.
  2. I second Zornwil's motion. Perhaps we could do a monthly poll to see which topic was expounded upon .
  3. The correct answer is no. If you want them to make an attack roll every time they damage the target, then its just a plain EB. the igniting is just a special effect.
  4. It depends on the campaign feel you're going for. The present levels seem too low to me for my older campaign but are correct for my newer one. Old campaign was using the DC universe type of adventures, Newer campaign real world tech and renegade mutants. It really depends on how much of a threat normals are to the characters, PCs and villains both.
  5. I've done this before in my campaign and it works for me but you'll have to decide for yourself. 1d6 spd drain uncontrolled continuous 0 end penetrating. 5pts/hr return. Stopped by anti toxin or after(House Rule) 1 phase per 5 pts in the power. Multiple bites add +1 per die in base power and 1 phase per 10pts. 45 active pts. One bite will stop a normal in 12-15 seconds and keep him down for 2-3 hrs. Multiple Bites can even drop supers but they may have time to escape or defeat their opponent. Hope this helps.
  6. Doesn't it always? See Metarule #6. Actually, my main objection to multiform is that while the character is in robot form, the other body doesn't exist. Even if a villain found your base and machine they couldn't do anything to you except stop you from changing back. Even this option isn't there if you didn't take focus as a limtation. With duplication, they could kidnap or harm your helpless form whether they found the base or the robot auxillaries. While it does have a higher base cost it lends itself to quite a few readymade limitations. This is based on how I'm interpreting the special effect from the description of the character. Thanks for the thread. I now have a good idea on how to play Matrix Hero:cool:
  7. Two questions If a character is drained to negative EGO and then attacked by a mental power is the level of effect taken fron the current EGO or from 0? Does the effect of a mental power override the basic rule that a character with negative EGO obeys any given command?
  8. I tend toward using Duplication on this because it fits the description of the imagined character better than Multiform. Buy it with cannot recombine and a limit of only one active body at once. Concentration, 0 DCV throughout should be an approximate value for this. I can't see Multiform because your alternate body always exists and could be attacked even if the character has no ability to control it.
  9. Should the cost of noncombat movement multiples be doubled if a character has NCM? I can't find any reference in 5th but HD allows it at normal cost.
  10. Harbringer After reading Steve's comments, I can see Dark Champions in a more forgiving light. I always thought the characters fit the feel that was desired but I had real problems with the power levels used. I would like to see Harbringer in a version that is lower powered to fit street level campaigns. JmOZ, You hit upon my main problem with DC, the outrageous skill levels. If it were just Harbringer and Panathanos, it would be okay beacuse they represent the pinnacle a character can attain, but you repeatedly see characters with +3 combat, +3 specific weapon, and +4 hit locations. Overall DC was higher powered than most 4th edition campaign supplements because the attacks were at the same power level with much higher ocv's. If Steve had been allowed to write it as a standalone universe, I like to think that he'd have kept the levels more in check.
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