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st barbara

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Everything posted by st barbara

  1. Re: What Fiction Book (other than Science Fiction or Fantasy) have you recently finis There is an Australian movie about tunnellers in world war I "Beneath Hill 30" but I haven't seen it and so can't make a recommendation ( I saw ads for it). If the subject interests you it might be worth looking for.
  2. Re: What Fiction Book (other than Science Fiction or Fantasy) have you recently finis I've got a couple of that series ("Captain Alatriste " and "The King's Gold" )but haven't read either of them yet. I am currently reading "The Romanov Prophecy" by Steve Berry, not a bad thriller so far, but I am less than half way through it.
  3. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... If loki is freed and running around causing chaos (as is his wont) then there would HAVE to be a sequel wouldn't there ?
  4. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... My money is on the librarian. No contest really !
  5. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... I haven't read much Kay but it seems to me that books that are more like historical fiction with a light dusting of fantasy are becoming more common these days. I felt that "A Game Of Thrones" was rather like that, but I haven't read any of the other books in the series yet.
  6. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings My character in the "Champions" game in which I play, "St Barbara" is bisexual, but that fact has had little effect on the game, so far !
  7. Re: The Good and Bad about Marvel and DC Hmm "Captain Crankypants" ! Works for me .
  8. Re: Atlantis Found That's no basis for government !
  9. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Just finished "After The Golden Age" by Carrie Vaughn. An interesting take on being the child of super heros (and with NO powers !).
  10. Re: What Non-Fiction Book have you just finished? I don't know. I have this idea that superpowers are handed out by some cosmic entity that comes down and says "Excuse me Miss McPherson, Miss Decker, Miss Sims would you like super powers ?"
  11. Re: What Non-Fiction Book have you just finished? That is one of my favorite naval actions (the battle of Samar) . I remember another lovely quote from the battle; when the japanese cruisers were closing in some wit said "We are sucking them in to 40mm range" ! There is also the quote from someone talking to Clifton Sprague after the battle when it was claimed (by the Japanese apparently) that the U S Escort Carriers were making 30 + knots "I knew you were scared Cliff, but I didn't know you were THAT scared !"
  12. Re: Pulp Hero Resources Recently picked up a copy of "World War II :4139 Strange and Fascinating Facts" by Don McCombs and Fred L Worth. Not huge amounts of information in each entry, but lots of little bits of trivia, particularly about the people of the war.. It mentions lots of people that I had never heard of (but leaves out others). For example I learned that the first woman to receive a Purple Heart was Annie G Fox, a nurse who was wounded on Dec 7 1941 during the Japanese attack on Hickham Field, and that the recently deceased S F writer Ray Bradbury wrote radio commercials for the war effort !
  13. Re: Automobiles of the Pulp Era Love the" Jungle Yacht" ! Do you have any specifications on it (size, speed, number of people that it can accommodate ?)
  14. Re: What Non-Fiction Book have you just finished? I have just finished "The Supergirls" by Mike Madrid. It is a sometimes scathing look at the way female superheroes have been portrayed in comics from Miss Fury to Jenny Sparks !
  15. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Saw "Get The Gringo" at the movies last night. It wasn't quite what I had expected, but was interesting nonetheless. I wonder if Mexican gaols are REALLY like that ?
  16. Re: What "Pulp" have you read lately ? Ah ! Thank you "Zen Archer". Not being musically inclined I didn't realise that. It makes it easier to imagine what those miniature machine guns that Doc and his crew use sound like man. (I imagined a higher pitched note, like a screaming violin !)
  17. Re: What "Pulp" have you read lately ? My "score" as far as "Doc Savage" is concerned is 21 single volumes (including 2 hardcovers) 7 bantam doubles, 12 Nostalgia Ventures/ Sanctum doubles (but only 22 stories, some duplication), 13 omnibusus ( a total of 54 stories, again some duplication) and 8 later (1990's) volumes oh and two more recent (2011) trade paperbacks. I recently read "The Lost Oasis" and it made me wonder. The miniature machine guns that Doc and Co use are always described as making "a roar like a bull fiddle". So exactly WHAT is a "bull fiddle" and what does it sound like ?
  18. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... I've enjoyed this series as well, fun (although I have only read the first two"). Have you tried Mary Janice Davidson's "Undead" series ("Undead and Unwed" etc) by any chance ? A vaguely similar idea.
  19. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... I am trying to read "Rift" by Kay Kenyon but am having trouble getting through it. It isn't a "bad" book and has some interesting ideas, but I just can't read it in anything other than short bursts.
  20. Re: What "Pulp" have you read lately ? My latest attempt to collect ALL of the "Doc Savage" novels (Why didn't I do this 50 years ago I ask myself )has netted me six new books and nine titles (3 Bantam single volumes, two Bantam double and a Sanctum double). Actually it is eight new titles with "The Secret In The Sky" being a duplication of one I already had. In Bantam it is paired with "Cold Death" while in the larger Sanctum format it is with "The Giggling Ghosts".
  21. Re: Automobiles of the Pulp Era I just LOVE the picture of the Tatra. It just looks like something out of an old S F serial !
  22. Re: Automobiles of the Pulp Era The car from this era that I always liked was the big steam powered Doble. A luxury vehicle with enormous range compared to its contemporaries (1500 miles !). Could also start from cold in one and a half minutes, but I think that they were expensive and not a lot were made. Still, sounds like just the thing for your P C's to turn up at a fancy soiree in .
  23. Re: What "Pulp" have you read lately ?
  24. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I saw "Mirror, Mirror" the other day and enjoyed it . A different take on "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves". Loved the idea as the dwarves as a gang of criminals, a fiesty Snow White and some of the other "revisions" to the classic story worked for me as well.
  25. Re: What "Pulp" have you read lately ? Baen Books published a couple of" Spider" novels (I have "City Of Doom" and "Robot Titans Of Gotham") in 2008.
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