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Tenzil Kim

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Everything posted by Tenzil Kim

  1. Re: New Superman movie trailer with tonight's Smallville No, the show is just that bad. I gave the show an honest try (2 seasons) and honestly cant remember one episode completely because they are all that forgettable. In my opinion the show suffers from the same thing that made the later Star Trek shows bad. Not very much internal consistency, monster of the week, and poor pacing. There is a ton of Kryptonit in Kansas evidently and not enough plots that DON’T use it. As a matter of fact Im sure if I check my backyard I’ll find some Krptonite. Let me go check…… Oh yeah, found it. Gave me powers too. Let me see what they are Damn it …I got the shaft It gave me super gout and an overactive thyroid gland In all honesty I might have liked it better if I had never ready Superman or Superboy. That being said, I do have high hopes for this movie
  2. Re: Superhero Images I almost did once but I couldn’t justify working on someone else’s book while working feverishly on my own. I was working on a project called Tarot back in the day. It never saw the light of day sadly so none of my work ever got published. This was back when Bruce Harlick was editor some 10-15 years ago. Maybe one day ill submit some stuff
  3. Re: Superhero Images I’d like to throw my hat into the arena. I’ll have a few free days this week and wouldn’t mind doing a piece on commission. A sample of my work can be found HERE
  4. Re: The amazing Superblog! â€He knows a guy who knows a guy and the next thing I know, we are betting 2 grand on a cyborg chicken cockfight.†That is the best. There is nothing I can say or add that would praise you high enough. Pure genius man Pure genius
  5. Re: Build me a super team! Thanks for all the enthusiasm folk. I was PMed with a request for my wife to do some commissioned work and it occurred to me that my 1st post might be misleading. Both my wife and I work on these pictures. I draw them and she colors them. I’m sorry if this has caused anyone confusion. I’d be interested in doing some commissioned pieces if anyone is interested. I could do pieces like the ones seen here in color. Time permitting I’d love to work on a few character drawings.
  6. Re: Adventure Modules Sadly adventure modules aren’t as commercially viable as they once were. Now people want more than just 32-48 page adventures. It’s a shame because I would love to publish adventure modules. I would love to see a group of connected adventure modules like D&D use to do; A1 to A6, the G series and so on. Id love to see a ton of interconnected adventures that tell one complete story once its finished. Having a module come out every month for a year would go far in immersing you in the genre.
  7. Re: Adventure Modules In my opinion Villains & Vigilantes had the best modules. Jeff Dee and the gang were so good at making those modules feel like early 80’s comic books. I own a few but would love to have a complete collection.
  8. Re: Build me a super team! Ok, that one is the funniest. Double plus good. Please do. The Parasite is priceless:D
  9. Re: Build me a super team! Its funny but beyond the first two I never saw the magic aspect. That’s why I think its neat to have another person interprets the artwork. I see the characters one way and another sees them differently. Way cool.
  10. Re: Build me a super team! these are really cool write ups so far. better than i would have come up with. I like the way that there is a minor spin put on each character so that they aren’t what the “appear” to be. Bravo gentlemen!
  11. Re: The amazing Superblog! Comedy gold my friend, comedy gold…
  12. Re: The amazing Superblog! If you write it eventually they will come;) Most artists aren’t appreciated in their lifetime. You need to build this body of work for posterity man! This could be the next big underground comic
  13. Re: The amazing Superblog! What happened to Knight Hawk and the Connecticutioner? No activity there for a while…what’s up?
  14. Here’s a little something I thought would be fun. BUILD ME A SUPER TEAM My wife just finished coloring theses images and I thought I would show them off. Below I’ve posted the character drawings and would like to know how you folks would interpret and stat them. The rules are simple Name the character Stat him in your system of choice or just give a quick run down of his pertinent powers and abilities.
  15. Re: Champions Diceless Role-playing The mArvel universe Roleplaying game (MURG0 was good but need a lot more playtesting and polish. It didnt use dice but a point allocation system (A lot like Nobilis). It was a fun game to play and characters had a much larger scope than in normal dice RPGs
  16. Re: Tales of the Freedom Corps This was a really cool ready. Seems like you have a lot of cool plot threads going on in the adventure. I envy this game…wish I could play
  17. Re: The amazing Superblog! Thats some funny stuff. Ill have to add that one to my favorites. Thanks for the cool blog.
  18. Re: If Superman represents a god, then winged heroes represent angels? BTW, if you’re looking for super heroic roleplaying with a Mythic twist to it take a look at GODSEND Agenda It deals with gods as supers and actually has a supplement that addresses the use of pantheons in super hero games.
  19. Re: If Superman represents a god, then winged heroes represent angels? Before Angel was Archangel, he was simply Angel: A super hero mutant with wings. That version was in my opinion the coolest before Apocalypse made him morose and gritty. As far as Angel being an actual representation of an ANGEL I don’t see it. The DC have always been my mythic in their approach to story telling. The Justice League could represent a Bullfinchian pantheon by corresponding the core members to archetypical gods. Just having wings doesn’t automatically make you analogous to an angel, just as having super strength doesn’t make you a modern day version of Heracles. Superman has been likened to a modern day sun god because of the mythic proportions of the characters and the mythos that has built up around him and his fellow Justice leaguers. Wings do not make you an angel A hammer doesn’t make you Thor Not drawing feet does not make you Rob Liefeld;)
  20. Re: new spin on Justice League Cool write up ...I think you deserve soem Rep so it!
  21. Re: Need a Superhero HQ? - Try this one Very sharp looking presentation. Have you done any original maps for this project?
  22. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From my weekly Talislanta game A henchmen to the players†Listen, I’ll drop my weapons if you promise to give them back once we leave the keep…It’s dangerous out thereâ€
  23. Re: Slade, time management, and you.... Maybe Slade IS JUST THAT GOOD I’ve seen Captain America and Spiderman do the exact same thing in comic book. They are all in some way physically enhanced but the only power I see in use is an enhanced Dex.
  24. Re: Super humans populations in cities Thats a cool one. I really dig that one.
  25. Re: Super humans populations in cities Ok, now that we have a standards reason for why super humans reside in large cities what about unorthodox or alternative reasons? In a four color super hero game the above reasoning is fine but not if you wanted to run something with a slight Doom Patrol edge to it. What if there was some anomalous rationale behind why super humans congregated together?
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