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Posts posted by JmOz

  1. Just ran the scenario.


    Brute (brick) took some stun...from a fall

    Dragonfly's ship SEVERELY Damaged  (3 body remaining) by government agents

    Dragonfly, Midnight Avenger & Bandit...Never were touched


    Heroes got the drop on a group about to make a buy, then the sellers showed up...Dragonfly hit them with a strobe from the ship, the 4 gangers fell really quick.   When the gun salesman showed up (with 2 powered armor goons) they used a stun grenade...and some other attacks, took them out one round of combat (the villains literally only got one attack off all night)


    While searching the vehicle, Government agent showed up, heroes ran...Government used the rifles to attack the airship doing all the damage to it

  2. A few comments


    The game is what Hero Games would call "Dark Champions: The Animated Series".  I hate that name.  If there is a spectrum, this is on the side of Champions, but close to the middle



    The guns: These guns are for this story arc only, however not saying a few won't show up here and there.  They are built for an ultra elite task force of the military, that concentrates on terrorists (Like Viper)


    The thugs in question are OCV/DCV 4. 25  stun, 5/5 Def  (heroes are about CV 8, stun 30-40, def 10-20, most have combat luck, 8-12 DC).  Also the thugs are smart enough to not use the grenade rounds in confined areas but are just gang bangers.  For that matter, thinking things through...most should be -3 with the guns... 

  3. So my street level players are part of an investigation to get some top secret rifles off of the streets.  Brute (Think hulk) was able to look at the blueprints of the guns and deduce what they could do...Our investigator is terrified...:) :):):)


    First off defenses are in the 10-20 range, usually about 1/2 are rDEF


    60 point MP

    4d6 RKA

    2d6 RKA, AP, AF, Increased Stun, + Charges

    8d6 PB, AP, +Charges

    7d6 Flash (Sight, Hearing, Explosive

    2d6 RKA, AE, Penetrating

    +4d6 HA 0 End/ Stretching 1m

    +1d6 HKA 0 End/ Stretching 1m 


    In my defense the gangers have about 1/2 the OCV of the DCV of the heroes

  4. For what it is worth,  money in my game is a very useful ability.


    Yes it does not get your team a superjet...but "Gee, I want to go to Italy (because that is where the investigation is" guess that is a few tickets on the concord

  5. 4 hours ago, eepjr24 said:

    Do you mean published in print form? Or is web stuff acceptable? Surbrook has a bunch...







    Want to avoid websites, even Surbook's wonderful one.  Looking for characters in books (be they print or pdf) & Magazines


    Will update the opening post tonight LL

  6. I am away from my collection :(, but have always liked trick archer characters...thought it would be nice to make a list of characters that use trick ammo...


    I will edit this post with the list, please submit entries from published books, including the book, the character, and their type of weapon (bow and arrow, Crossbows, marbles, slingstones, bullets, etc...)


    DA LIST (toying with making a google sheet and sharing, thoughts? 


    6th edition

    • Champions Villains 1: Warpath (Archer)
    • Champions Villains 2: Scorpia (thrown stuff)
    • Champions Villains 3: Arachne (webbing),  Arrowhead (archer), Mechassasin (Grenades), 


    5th Edition

    • DC: TAS: Trickshot (Archer?)


    4th Edition

    • Classic Enemies: Rainbow Archer (Archer)
    • Dark Champions: Crossbow (Archer) 



  7. Okay


    You want a mixed range, melee martial art (for when throwing) see the Martial Arts book


    I WOULD build it as the base HtH attack


    Then as a naked modifier add range based on strength, charges (how many you carry, probably recoverable).  As it only applies to one power I believe you get to apply all limitations to the naked modifier

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