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Logan D. Hurricanes

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Posts posted by Logan D. Hurricanes

  1. Dear tech support, 


    I figured it out, no thanks to you. Go get some coffee, you've earned it after ignoring me all day today. 


    If anyone's curious, it was some sort of coding thing I think, but I'm not a coder so I can't say for sure. I just took a wild guess at the solution, and it worked. I wonder how much I broke on the way...

  2. Dear tech support, 


    I know you hate your job and you deal with a lot of morons. I know there's a reason you have to ask "is it plugged in" sometimes. I get that. But when you ask me really stupid questions I've already answered, it doesn't help either of us. If I send a screenshot and you ask me if it's something else I get the feeling you don't know your software. Maybe this is beyond you. 

  3. I've been watching the story unfold and even though there are few specific details, the ones we have are very off-putting. He's on my favorite team, as well as my fantasy team, so I've been getting regular updates. All you can do at this point is shake your head. 

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