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Logan D. Hurricanes

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Everything posted by Logan D. Hurricanes

  1. I see where you're going. It's not strictly for combat, despite the required skill roll. Ok, that makes sense.
  2. "Mars isn't the only planet that deserves a candy bar!"
  3. He needs an evil counterpart ... Dr. Uranus!
  4. Since I wanted very limited precognition, the actual power seemed far too expensive for what he would actually get. I think it's more apropos to things like prophetic dreams, reading someone's destiny in a crystal ball, a TV that tunes into the 30th century, etc. I think he could get it later on as he learns to focus it more, but it's largely intuitive for now.
  5. Ok, here's what Foreman has: 16 Forecasting: Multipower, 24-point reserve, all slots Costs Half Endurance (-1/4), Limited: Precognitive (-1/4) 1f 1) Anticipation: Lightning Reflexes (+12 DEX to act first with All Actions) 2) Know What to Say: +4 with all Interaction Skills 3) Make Book: Gambling 22- 4) Read the Signs: +2 Overall 5) See it Coming: +4 DCV 6) See the Trajectory: +4 OCV Foresight (Temporal Awareness) 35 1) Foreboding: Danger Sense (immediate vicinity, any danger, Function as a Sense) 15- 2) Foreshadow: Combat Luck (15 PD/15 ED) 3) Fortuitous: Luck 5d6; Limited: Precognitive (-1/4) This 6th ed., so some things obviously change for 5th. The Forecasting multipower is active precognition, while Foresight list is all passive. That "Limited: Precognitive (-1/4)" means only when precognition would be applicable. For example, precog OCV doesn't help one make a basketball free throw. I happen to be working on a revamp, so I'll be glad to see ideas, too.
  6. What is the effect beyond what a Combat Technique roll would do?
  7. I have a minor precog character like this. His main power is Danger Sense. Other powers (off the top of my head): Combat Luck. Combat levels with the limitation Only when precognition would help/apply, -1/4. Lightning Reflexes. Gambling levels (depending on how useful a few seconds would be). Levels in Persuasion (knowing the right thing to say/how your target will react) I'll have to look at him tonight for more.
  8. You know what would be really great with teleportation? Clown-fu. *teleport* Pie in the face. *teleport* Hit with a slapstick. *teleport* Eye poke. *teleport* Atomic wedgie. *teleport* ... You get the idea.
  9. I think any of your striking martial arts would be best. "Stick and move," as they say in boxing. In fact, boxing would work very well. Is fencing an option?
  10. The Thing-Ring version of Ben was indeed one of the oddest. They always get a bit weird translating stuff from the page to TV. Remember Captain Marvel riding around in an RV? I won't even bring up Plastic Man's baby.
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