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Logan D. Hurricanes

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Everything posted by Logan D. Hurricanes

  1. I think going from complaining about 5th & 6th eds to Hitler's mustache may be one of the oddest derails for a conversation I've ever seen. Not complaining, just an observation. Carry on.
  2. Little Hitler. Nah, I still like Stepchild. Just be sure he's a redhead.
  3. Stepchild. Spell it with an e for an old world flair: Stepchilde.
  4. This isn't exactly creepy, but since we don't have a "SWEET MERCIFUL CRAP!" thread, I'm putting it here. Warning for ophidiophobes.
  5. "Wyoming Woman" was the original title before Neil Diamond changed the song to "Kentucky Woman." True story.
  6. Man Covered In Jell-O Arrested For Having Sex With A Cow — While His Pal Videotaped It!
  7. It got me bad. The trial had me laughing so hard I scared the cat. Even when you see the punchline from a mile away...
  8. Spider-Man, Spider-Man Breathes through holes in his ab-do-man
  9. Black Adder Goes Forth last night while Dex took my computer chair. Great stuff.
  10. The Emperor's New Groove is a damn funny movie. I wish Disney made more like this.
  11. Dear creationists, Pokemon evolution is NOT how real evolution works.
  12. I was listening to the Beach Boys on musak when that musing occurred to me. The groups of yesteryear, it seems, produced many more albums before they wore out their welcome. But then, they were publishing one or two a year, sometimes more. There wasn't time to get worn out on a song or record. These days (damn kids!) a group releases one album and coasts on it for years it seems. Maybe it's just me, when there's an active group I like, but it feels like they take forever to release new material. And by then, fans are saying "I like their old stuff better." Just a thoughts.
  13. How many albums does a band get before fans start saying "I like their old stuff better"?
  14. Finished up season 2 of House of Cards. Excellent show
  15. Nelson Frazier Jr., WWE's Mabel, Viscera and Big Daddy V, dies at 43 I liked him, he was fun. Sadly, he was grotesquely obese, and ultimately paid for it far too young. RIP.
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