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Logan D. Hurricanes

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Everything posted by Logan D. Hurricanes

  1. Re: How would you Do this??? Ok, I think I see. Still I think Healing is the way to go. Simply add a side effect that suppresses your own recovery. Even cheaper that way
  2. Re: Weird power build Why didn't I see this before? It's a summon! The arrow itself has the tracking/ mind scan ability, not the archer...there you go! I imagine it would be pretty cheap, too.
  3. Re: How would you Do this??? I think i'm missing something...why not simply Healing: Requires Skill Roll?
  4. Re: Weird power build I think I'd use Indirect Images to transmit the message rather than telepathy. (Once the target is acquired, obviously.)
  5. Re: Galactic Champions vs 2K Master Villains B -b-b-b-b-but...you're supposed to be dead! Necromancy frightens me!
  6. Re: Can someone explain.... Actually, they're usually still pictures, so the velocity is the same
  7. Re: Can someone explain.... Thank you...I was just about to say this I've always hated the "Flight/Surfaces Only" version of high speed running. I think this is much more elegant and appropriate. Clinging w/ stall velocity (As I wrote it before) is my preferred system.
  8. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? The Barenaked Ladies, Pinch Me As they describe it: Another upbeat song about depresiion
  9. Re: "Neat" Pictures Neat! I'll contribute best I can with what I've got...
  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Play dead." NT: The secret ingredient is...
  11. Re: The Cutting Edge SuperBase...what's in it? Let's see... Jukebox. Soda Fountain. Lots of big fluffy couches. Espresso machine. Oh, and a smoothy bar. Definitely a smoothy bar.
  12. Re: Batman and How he does it. Reminds me of a D&D character I saw once. He was priest whose chosen diety was "The GM."
  13. Re: Detect Vulnerability Good thoughts here, thanks all. It seems that my initial instinct that it was too cheap is spot on. I have considered the telepathy route before too, but it seemed, well, inelegant, especially when there is a "detect" power out there. But there is a lot more to consider obviously. My only problem with the find weakness vs. targets w/ vulnerability is that no information is gained. And since someone mentioned it, I thought I'd throw in that this particular character is based off of a monster hunter archetype.
  14. Working on a character with a Variable Special Effects attack. I wanted to give him a Detect Vulnerability to go with it, but it seems awfully cheap. Would you allow such a thing? (I'm sure this has been discussed, but I couldn't find it at this time.)
  15. Unfortunately, I don't have the revised book, and my FLGS doesn't, well, exist. Is there a passage in the FREd perchance that I'm missing? I'm guessing that slapping a +3/4 advantage on a slot could make the charges continuous for 1 turn. Sound right?
  16. Let's say I have a character with a mystic weapon bought as a Multipower. The multipower itself has charges because each shot can form into one of several powers. The trick is: some slots need to last longer than a phase (ie, Darkness Bomb, etc.) Is there a way to make the charges continous just for certain slots? I am imagining applying an advantage to the individual slots, but I haven't seen any examples of this.
  17. Re: Magic ammo suggestions? Wow...I've tapped into the group conscious thing again. I was just working on a gun weilding magic ammo character... STOP FREAKING ME OUT!!
  18. Re: 2nd Stringers An often tossed around idea. We've had a few discussions on the topic. I think Enforcer84 has a particular fondness for the B-Team characters. Really, though, I'd like to know more of what you're seraching for to help. What kind of team is this? And marvel and DC universes tend to be very different in philosophies, so their characters don't really blend well imnsho.
  19. Re: i need riddles The other proposed solution was "Because E. A. Poe wrote on both." However, there was never an official answer. Carroll did indeed take that one to his grave. A bit like the unfinished joke from The Breakfast Club...
  20. Re: i need riddles I first read that as "Power Tinkles" Which, of course, opens up many more possibilities...
  21. Re: i need riddles How is a raven like a writing desk?
  22. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Pepsi is proud to present EXTREME ACCOUNTANCY!
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