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Logan D. Hurricanes

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Everything posted by Logan D. Hurricanes

  1. Re: Liefeld's Titans I think it's because when you first glance at it or see it out of the corner of your eye your brain flashes "...Art Adams?" It is only after you look at it square on and see the twisted masses of flesh that he has actually drawn that your brain says "Nope. Just some ******* who thinks he's Art Adams."
  2. Re: Too many points? Then let's just adjust the concept a little. what if Hawkgirl...had an indestructible shield? Fired arrows? Had demonic origins? Knew sorcery? Could navigatre through space unaided?
  3. Re: Too many points? Come up with another concept.
  4. Re: Why does Image Comics s[tin]k? Daimon Hellstrom, Son of Stan was in there. Can't remember the others. (Hellcat...? )
  5. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat You feel the need to write an essay explaining the virtues of gaming in terms of literacy, creativity, and interactive entertainment value to the ignorant mass of classmates who still say things like "Isn't DnD satan worship?" and who just don't get it!! Not that I've ever done that...
  6. Re: Why does Image Comics s[tin]k? Agreed. All of the big companies made some very bad decisions. Very bad decisions. You have a point there. Image revolutionized comics coloring. It was part of their style that really got everyone's attention and deserved to. Isn't that really what it's all about?
  7. Re: Liefeld's Titans "Trivia ...Liefeld marketed the action figure of Youngblood's archer character, Shaft, as "Rob Liefeld's Shaft: 7 Inches, fully poseable," an unintentional double entendre." Simply marvelous...
  8. Re: Detect Vulnerability Oh, well, that's easy to explain. You see--SAY, IS THAT ELVIS OVER THERE?? *thump* *CrAsH* Aeeeei!
  9. Re: Detect Vulnerability I see what you're saying, but just for the sake of argument... If FW halves defenses, then doubling attack power is pretty much the same thing (barring Damage Reduction). With unlimited attacks, one of them will eventually be a Yahtzee attack of all sixes. Since that is effectively a double strength attack as opposed to an average attack, it could well be reasoned that the attacker has found a weakness. Just sayin'.
  10. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Caught this on my regular visit to Snopes. It may have been posted alreday, but I tend to avoid the political threads so I don't know for sure. http://www.snopes.com/photos/katrina/disaster.asp
  11. Re: A D&D paladin in my Marvel Avengers campaign. I may be in the minority here, but I really do not like fantasy character transplants into modern supers games. This includes knights, barbarians, Jedi, whatever. The feel is generally very different, or the character has to be so bastardized that the translation becomes pointless. Just my opinion of course, but I advise extreme caution in the use of these characters as anything but NPCs.
  12. Re: "Shallow" Purchases My COM scores are usually set from an early point. I'm pretty visual when concieving the character, and throwing a couple extra points in there can throw everything off. Likewise INT. I find that when I have a few extra points they usually end up as Knowledge Skills, Enhanced Senses, or minor movement enhancers. Then, once that is decided, I look at the entire thing as a whole, editing and revamping, basing the entire character omn that minor purchase, pumping it up, losing points elewhere, having a few points left over...and the whole thing begins again.
  13. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Can you believe that my parents wanted me to be a concert pianist? They said anyone with such long fingers should really put them to good use. Unfortunately, I had no musical talent. So..."
  14. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat We were doing The Music Man lo these many years ago, and it was rife with mixed verbiage. At one point the lead got lines so mixed up he sang "Sure as God made green trombones..." My favorite though was the tongue twisting opener in which the "Big brass bass" became a "Big bass brace." Fancying myself a cartoonist at the time I drew up a fish in a metal body brace to illustrate
  15. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... The Giver by Lois Lowry I have to read a ton of books for my Young Adults literature class, and this is one of the few fantasy/ sci fi books on the list. Briefly: I loved it. It is written for young adults, so the language is generally very accessible which enhances the mood and tone of the book. It's a Utopian style perfect world story with some very interesting ideas. Of course, not everything is nearly as perfect as it seems. I would reccommend it even those of us who are considered adults by the outside world.
  16. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? I bought the Daniel Powter CD today on a whim. I'm hoping it grows on me. I love the single Bad Day, but the rest isn't much working for me. And thus I am reminded why my policy is to not buy CD's unless I know at least three songs...
  17. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat A: Honey...I'm pregnant. B: Sweety...I'm sterile.
  18. Re: Weird power build The only problem with this writeup is that it still requires the archer to know where the target is. Mind Scanm is still necessary for targetting, or a detect of some sort.
  19. Re: Weird power build Not at all, this is what the boards are here for. We're generally a pretty friendly bunch. Just don't mention any "Batman vs." ideas and you'll be fine
  20. Re: Bye all Hasn't this thread gone on an awfully long time for a farewell? I'm just saying...
  21. Re: Weird power build My thoughts exactly. Now, since a summon (usually) isn't allowed in the typical arrows multipower, it will be a few extra points. However, since the summoned "creature" is relatively low points, once you slap on the charges and or/focus limitations, it's not too bad.
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