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Everything posted by TaxiMan

  1. Re: Double Knockback too pricey? MitchellS: I saw your suggestion (or one almost exactly the same) on another thread, and I didn't fully understand it - now I do! Really nice! So for +1/4 you can double the NET KB (i.e. AFTER subtracting KB Resistance and 2d6 or whatever). And it can be stacked - I like this one. Kudos to your house rule.
  2. Re: Well blow me down TK sounds good, and it gets lots of limitations for this application (include Always Direct, or Always Directly Away From PC). A 75 AP power would be a 50 Str TK (just like SSJ Archon said), that you could use the throwing distance from the STR table to determine "KB". IDHMBIFOM - can anyone answer how far you can throw a 100kg person with 50 Str?
  3. Re: Did you kill Malone? Just thinking, not criticizing... How would you ever prove someone engaged in illegal mindreading? Where are the witnesses? What's the evidence? The future needs some sort of telepathic camera.
  4. Re: Brick in a Forcewall I bet Stronghold has technology to drain strength and movement from prisoners. Or they wouldn't be prisoners, as you point out.
  5. Re: Did you kill Malone? So a low powered telepath needs some skills, like interrogation, persuation, seduction, etc. With the perp's thoughts an open book, it should be very easy to make him crack under questioning. He'll likely think about the holes in his story, or worry that you've discovered some evidence he's afraid he left behind. In real life, you'd be golden.
  6. Re: Brick in a Forcewall IIRC, that's not true. I think you get 5" of velocity per 1" travelled, until you reach your maximum speed. And, weird as it sounds, the same is true of leaping. Just working from memory here, so feel free to straighten me out with facts!
  7. Re: Did you kill Malone? A true sociopath can convince himself he really didn't do the crime. After early interrogations and lying about it with a cover story, they can come to believe the cover story. Memories are malleable, not imprinted on stone. A non-sociopath could feel such fear and guilt that a neurosis forms, blocking the memories. In between those states, and a telepath would read the truth like a billboard.
  8. Re: Well blow me down I understand. Still, by the time I add additional advantages to the DKB power my AP totals are obscene. I know, "ignore AP". Seems strange in a game that's "balanced" using points. Anyway, that's a whole other discussion. Agreeing to disagree there, I still have the problem that it is difficult to design a reasonable-cost power that forces people back large distances. It's a comic book standard to have wind powers and water powers etc. bowl characters back. How do we build those powers? It's easy if we ignore costs, I suppose. (I think that's the argument you are making ... ?) Huge AOE TK with custom limitations (though the TK has to be powerful enough to handle EVERYTHING in the AOE). But to repeat my earlier question, how do you judge the effectiveness of DKB vs. straight up attacks (not using active points)? What is the equivalent of a 14d6 EB? Can it be calculated? Is it judgement? If it is, what do you base it off? I'm asking seriously. If I can play a better game by ignoring AP, I'm all for it. But I still need to manage players' power levels, so the people I play with won't feel cheated / think the game is unfair. I also need to manage the villians' power levels so it stays fun. How do you do that?
  9. Re: Well blow me down If a campaign doesn't have hard Active Points limits, why not skip the DKB and use the same AP with straight EB? You'll get almost as much KB and do a lot more damage, all for the same AP. If you look at the effectiveness (as opposed to the AP), how do you judge DKB? What is the equivalent of a 14d6 EB? Can it be calculated, or is it based on "feel"?
  10. Re: Well blow me down AOE TK could be good, but it's crippled by the official rules. It can only affect as much IN TOTAL as it has strength. In other words, if a TK AOE blows criminals etc. out of a bank vault and the vault door is heavy, it probably won't affect the criminals. It'll use up it's total STR moving the vault door. It's more clear when AOE TK is used to lift stuff. With it, a 60 STR TK that covers a square mile (SEEMS like a really strong power, doesn't it!) can only lift an inch of dirt, since a square mile * 1 inch of dirt = the weight 60 STR can lift. [i didn't do the math, so it might be more or less than an inch of dirt - just trying to get the point across.] I don't like the official rules for AOE TK. I'd like to see the STR apply per hex, or something like that.
  11. Re: Well blow me down Double Knockback IS too expensive. For damage, it's worthless. 1st, the victim gets to subtract 2d6 from the inches of KB. Then, there has to be something to hit. Total damage is limited to BODY + DEF of the object, and most things (e.g. walls) have low totals. Finally, the victim gets to apply PD against the damage. All that, and you get less dice per Active Points, too! I don't even bother figuring out the damage - if it's a really impressive KB, I'll toss 1-4 extra STUN on so the player feels better. So DKB is only useful for getting distance between the user and the victim. But it doesn't do that well either. Comparing nearly the same AP of a standard EB and a DKB EB that would be 12d6 EB vs 7d6 DKB EB. On average, an extra 2" of KB. Yay. In all fairness, you do get a variant of the STUN lottery - with a good roll they'll go flying. Still, for an attack that's supposed to send people flying it costs waaaaayy too much. I think +1/2 is more reasonable.
  12. Re: Random powers (falling, barriers) The Rune of Restraint can be modeled as Suppress Running / Flying / Leaping ... ? I can't build up the power right now, but feel like it might be cheaper.
  13. Re: A very unusual character If two players were to play the character, Duplication with all the extras like 2x attacks etc. would be fine. If a single player was running the character, I'd look for the abilities desired. If "2x attacks" was one of them, I'd disallow it as stated. Selective AOE attacks or Autofire or some such might work though.
  14. Re: Hero Designer 2 Praise Total agreement here. It is really useful, and fun to play with. I haven't gotten into developing export templates, I think that's where there is a lot of power and complexity.
  15. TaxiMan

    held action

    Re: held action I'd let the PC go first because the defensive maneuver is dramatic and he sacrificed a Phase to do it. Even if the Phase is held or aborted, it'd still be the same. The villians get to go first only if that makes the game fun (e.g. I know the PCs can whip the guy, but Dispelling a PC's fireball will get them fired up about the combat - next time, the villian will be "too slow").
  16. Re: Shapeshifting I'd say Plasticman only needs touch, myself. He changes his shape, as I can tell by touching his flattened out arm, for example. It really did flatten out. It still looks like his arm, only flattened out. His flattened out arm will make a different sound when he smacks it against a table, it's all flat now. He can't change the sound it makes, but it won't be the same as a regular arm. That's because his arm really is flat now. If he could modify the sound it makes, he'd need SS:hearing. If he could make it look different (change color and pattern), he'd need SS:sight. That's my take on it. My area of confusion is where do you draw the line between what-his-changed-shape-can-do and powers-he-should-buy. For example, if he has SS:touch and can get real thin & slide under a door, does he have to buy Desolid, or is that "free"?
  17. Re: Teleios: The origin story Maybe Istvatha V’han is playing puppet master...
  18. Re: Critique a Character: Ganliss About "Alva" - I wanted this giant, insubstantial form that represents Ganliss' god. Ganliss can see through Alva's eyes as Alva ranges forth up to about 1/2 mile. Ganliss can't be hurt by attacking Alva, so if he stays out of sight he should be pretty immune to counterattack. Alva's power level is low for the campaign, only about 60 ap. I hope this is balanced by Ganliss' great defense (he will learn the value of not being seen ... or else!).
  19. Re: Critique a Character: Ganliss Finally, a few house rules and the like: Common Ralia Disadvantages are given to all the characters. They don't know what's going on - a really big part of the game is to discover what Ralia is, its significance, decide how to respond to new info, etc. I've allowed 5 points of Quirks. The players are supposed to assign their own, or their (vicious) friends will assign them based on some cruel whim. In any event, they are things to role play or for other players to laugh at. It only costs 2cp to upgrade an Everyman Skill to a 3-point skill. Max active points is around 70. No mental powers.
  20. Re: Critique a Character: GanlissHere's Ganliss. This is my first time posting a character to the boards, we'll see how it turns out.GanlissPlayer: Val Char Cost 10 STR 0 20 DEX 30 25 CON 30 15 BODY 10 15 INT 5 20 EGO 20 10 PRE 0 14 COM 2 17 PD 3 17 ED 0 4 SPD 10 7 REC 0 60 END 5 33 STUN 0 6" RUN02" SWIM02" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 115Cost Power END 30 Alva Manifested: Elemental Control, 60-point powers 21 1) Aspect of Alva: Sight Group Images x4 Radius (+1/2), +/-6 to PER Roll, Additional Sense, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/2) (62 Active Points); Set Effect (-1/2) [Notes: Ganliss projects the insubstantial form of Alva.] 2 30 2) Strength of Alva: Telekinesis (40 STR) (60 Active Points) [Notes: This is Alva's strength.] 6 25 3) Eyes of Alva: Clairsentience (Sight Group And Normal Hearing), Increased Arc of Perception, Mobile Perception Point (can move up to 12" per Phase), Targeting Sense, Telescopic (+2), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (61 Active Points); Visible: Sees through Alva's eyes (-1/4) 2 10 4) Alva's Awesome Presence: +60 PRE (60 Active Points); Offensive use only (-1/2), Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2), Takes 3d6 STUN, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (-1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) [Notes: With great effort, Ganliss can recall his absolute faith in Alva and project it in the image he has called forth. In essence, he can once again truly believe in his God. The personal cost for doing this is high, however...] 12 Blessings of Alva 10 1) Sustain: Life Support (Extended Breathing 1 END per Minute; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Sleeping Character only has to sleep 8 hours per week) 0 24 2) Protect: Combat Luck: 12 PD/12 ED 25 Servants of Alva: Multipower, 25-point reserve [Notes: Ganliss is always accompanied by "sprites". Small beautiful flying creatures, they hang around him - riding his shoulder or sitting on his feet, peering out of his pocket or fluttering nearby. They serve him and protect him. When attacked, these sprites will move Ganliss or put themselves in harm's way to protect him. There seem to be an inexhaustible supply of the critters, and they cannot be captured.] 2u 1) Clean and organize: Change Environment 4" radius, Varying Effect Very Limited Group (+1/2) (22 Active Points) 2 2u 2) Fetch: Telekinesis (10 STR), Fine Manipulation (25 Active Points) 2 2u 3) Carry: Flight 10", x4 Noncombat (25 Active Points) 2 2u 4) Shield from harm: +5 with DCV (25 Active Points); Visible: Alva's servants intervene (-1/4) Enhanced vision of the Wyrrial 2 1) Increased Arc Of Perception (240-Degree) with Normal Sight 0 3 2) +3 PER with Normal Sight 0 Powers Cost: 188Cost Skill 4 Animal Handler (Canines, Equines, Felines) 11- 2 Conversation (Everyman skill) 11- 3 Cryptography 12- 2 Gambling (Card Games) 12- 3 Lockpicking 13- 2 Navigation (Land) 12- 2 Persuasion (Everyman skill) 11- 2 Survival (Urban) 12- 3 Tracking 12- Everyman skills 0 1) Language: English (basic conversation; Everyman Skill, Literacy) 0 2) AK: Civilization's ship 8- 0 3) PS: Gambler 8- 0 4) Stealth 8- 0 5) Shadowing 8- 0 6) Persuasion 8- 0 7) Paramedics 8- 0 8) Deduction 8- 0 9) Conversation 8- 0 10) Concealment 8- 0 11) Climbing 8- 0 12) Acting 8- 3 Scholar 2 1) KS: Alva theology (3 Active Points) 12- 1 2) KS: Dutok History, Era of Xenocide (2 Active Points) 11- 1 3) KS: Group Psychology (2 Active Points) 11- 1 4) KS: Philosophy (2 Active Points) 11- Skills Cost: 31Val Disadvantages Common Ralia Disadvantages 25 1) Hunted: Mystery Hunted(s) 14- (Very Frequently), More Powerful, Harshly Punish 20 2) Distinctive Features: Alien physiology marks him as an Outsider Concealable, Extreme Reaction, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses 10 3) Phys Lim: Knows nothing of Ralia Frequently, Slightly Impairing 15 4) Psych Lim: Code vs. Killing Common, Strong 15 5) Social Limitation: Secret ID Frequently (11-), Major 15 Psych Lim: Honorable Common, Strong 10 Psych Lim: Loves infants and children Uncommon, Strong 5 Psych Lim: Disillusioned by religion Uncommon, Moderate 10 Psych Lim: Fears crowds Uncommon, Strong 0 Psych Lim: Prefers the company of animals Very Common, Moderate Quirks 1 1) Eats anything 1 2) Loves stories 1 3) Doesn't care about money 1 4) Habitually twists his hair 1 5) Neat freak 15 Phys Lim: Three feet tall; 50kg, +3" KB All the Time, Slightly Impairing 5 Enraged: When children are injured Uncommon, go 8-, recover 14- Disadvantage Points: 150Base Points: 200Experience Required: 0Total Experience Available: 0Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 334 Height: 0.99 m Hair: Black Weight: 25.00 kg Eyes: Silver Appearance: All Wyrrial are small, only 3' tall. Their eyes are large and widely spaced, with a striking silver tint. They provide excellent farsight and peripheral vision. Wyrrial have long, thin silky hair and are sparsely "furry".Personality: Quote:Background: Ganliss is of the Wyrrial race. At the time of their destruction they were experiencing an Iron Age, lead by the the Cardinals of their planet-wide religion. It was an age of peace and prosperity - all worshipped Alva, all benefited from His protection. Then a Dutok scout ship reported back that they were a category 3B Abomination. The leaders of the Dutok had learned some patience and needed planets for expansion. World breaker bombs would not be needed here. Robotic sterilizing ships were dispatched and in due time the Wyrrial were made infertile. Ganliss was the youngest of infants when this happened - there were none after him. When the Wyrrial realized their race was doomed, most passed peacefully to the next realm. By the time Civilization wiped the Universe clean of the Dutok few Wyrrial remained. Most were feral, having grown up isolated and without guidance, living from the remnants of their broken society. Ganliss was better off - the child of two Cardinals, they stayed behind to raise him in the end times and taught him to know the love of Alva. When he learned of Civilization, he realized his simple worship of Alva was naive. Still, he felt lost without his parents' faith. Feeling foolish, Ganliss asked Civilization to grant him Alva's presence ... and They did. Civilization made Ganliss a powerful telekinetic. Using his strong belief, They enabled him to summon "Alva" to his side. This is when Ganliss' powers are at their greatest. Even without Alva, Ganliss can use his powers at a lower level; he calls these "the blessings of Alva". Powers/Tactics: Campaign Use:
  21. I've a campaign planned, and would like input on a few characters I've designed for it. I'm the GM, and my players are new to Hero so I'm pre-generating some characters. Campaign background: Far in the future, or perhaps far far away… The Universe is fully explained. Or at least, that’s what the god-like member races of Civilization tell us. The galaxies under Civilization’s umbrella number in the billions. Power is derived from galaxies’ cores. Civilization's elite can travel from one end to the other instantaneously. The Xeelee are a funny race, playing with cosmic string. If Civilization isn't God, there is very little difference. Still, sometimes the little things escape notice for a while... like the Dutok. The Dutok passed through their atomic age and entered space. To their horror, they found other races – a multitude of alien monsters – populating the galaxy. They developed their sciences rapidly, and proceeded to correct the problem. Using world-breaker bombs and nova beams where necessary, the Dutok purged a thousand light-year sphere clean of alien life. For almost a millennia the Dutok ravaged a tiny portion of an insignificant galaxy in a backwater corner of the Universe, before Civilization noticed. The Dutok were no more. Helper races searched the remains for survivors of the Dutok’s evil and found only a handful. These were the last of their species. All infant races, incapable of surviving without a homeworld and the help of others. Civilization decided that these few would be safeguarded and allowed the chance to live out their lives as citizens of their galaxy. They needed protections. A galaxy ship was granted them, the Defender. Over a mile long, with a thousand acres of living area and ruled by a near-Civilization class AI, it could support them indefinitely. Travel across their galaxy was not impossible, though it would take decades. They could explore, and hopefully find happiness. Even with their immense ship, the galaxy was still too dangerous to these orphaned infants. Civilization allowed them to choose their improvement to Level 6 status – their minds and bodies would be reworked to help protect them in their encounters with other races. The choice was theirs to make. One by one, the survivors made their decisions and came away recreated. Having given them the means to pursue their own goals, Civilization turned its attention elsewhere. The entire process took a staggering 4.2 microseconds, though Civilization stretched the subjective time to 18 months for their fragile charges. The survivors’ release from the Dutok and their amazing new situation was intoxicating. They set forth to explore the stars! Along the way they learned much from Gloria, the ship AI. Still, even Gloria didn’t know how to interpret the immense dark cloud they soon discovered. A single star could be seen in the darkness, a star which Gloria, with her Civilization-provided atlas, couldn’t identify. This was unheard of! Something new had been found; there was actually still something yet unexplored! Traveling into the cloud slowly revealed new stars behind the first. It was some time before any of the survivors noticed that the old familiar stars behind them had started to fade away. Gloria started having problems; the ship could not be recalled back along its path. Finally, all the higher functions of the ship failed. Unable to fly, it was forced down onto a planet, a planet with a completely unfamiliar sky. The hatch was opened to reveal a primitive world of unconstrained growth. Animals roamed free. Intelligent life was nowhere to be seen. Once again, the fortunes of the survivors had changed. They had arrived at Ralia.
  22. Re: Tricky Power Design In a superhero game, a character doesn't have to buy a power UBO for a brick to grab him and swing away. If your character is a sword and is built as such, then his "sword-ness" doesn't go away just because he's grabbed by someone not under his control. Pay for all the powers the character can use (i.e. when in control of the wielder). But if this really is a character, and is unwilling to be used against his / it's will, ... I'd say you don't need to stat it out. Just say "I'm a broad sword" and use those stats.
  23. Re: Appropriateness of "Automaton" advantages for a PC Take a power that allows you to perceive while "stunned", then define your character as immobilized when stunned in-game. That way, you can't be "stunned", but your mechanisms lock up. Internal auto-repair systems will eventually get you back on-line (Recoveries).
  24. Re: Passing Strike (martial maneuver) Unbalanced? So why doesn't Move By have a variable OCV penalty like Move Through? Anyone that's tried to run by a golf ball and hit it with a club knows it's easier to kick the d@mn thing. My bet is the creator of Move By figured the maneuver was balanced with just -2 OCV. For me, any attack whose damage varies with speed should be more difficult with more speed. Oh well, it's not my game (except in my house!).
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