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Everything posted by TaxiMan

  1. Re: Explosion meets Force Wall: what happens? When I read Steve's answer, I took it to mean that the target hex of the explosion isn't changed, but I didn't take it to mean the explosion necessarily hit the target. For example, if the explosion was a grenade thrown at a FW-protected character (FW defined as "transparent green solid wall"), it would hit the FW and either (a) bounce then blow up or ( blow up immediately. In either case, if it didn't break the FW, the character is unhurt. Now if the explosion was due to weird chromic light beams that combine at the target to change matter to anti-matter (hey, it could happen!), then I'd say the beams go through the "transparent" FW & blow up. Something bothers me about that example, but ... whatever.
  2. Re: Eiditic Memory, Speed Reading and Cramming ?!? Cool question! If a character has all three, I'd say that a) Speed Reading allows PC to Cram really fast Eidetic Memory allows the PC to use Extra Time on a Crammed skill, simulating using Eidetic memory to recall pages then think about what it says to gain a bonus to the 8- roll c) All three might let the PC Cram in-game if it makes dramatic sense blah blah blah (normally it has to be done between adventures, I think).
  3. Re: Fog Sight Has anyone (villian or government) tested this awesome darkness? Sounds like it completely cuts the victim off from reality - you can't see, hear, taste, feel, or smell? Worse than Hellen Keller. Seems like someone would be interested in how this uber-power works, and what might work around it. I'm guessing the PC has personal immunity (though I can't figure out a SFX justification). If PI is possible, something must be able to work in the field. If the PC has been a thorn in someone's side, seems like they would want to test it. If it really is all-powerful, then it's tough to be the GM. Roll with it, and accept that anyone, anywhere can be turned into a vegetable by the Darkness PC. Make situations where the darkness can't be used - Master villian gives ThugBoy a backpack with technogear that "will completely negate DarknessLass's power!". Full of confidence, ThugBoy goes on a rampage. Master villian informs DarknessLass that the backpack is a small nuclear device, activated by darkness.
  4. Re: Fog Sight How about any enhanced sense, only when in fog, only to sense objects in the fog, and have the sense part of the touch group? Or does the PC's darkness affect touch? That's not far from spatial awareness defined as part of the touch group I suppose.
  5. Re: If you could add one more... I'd like to add Regeneration.
  6. Re: So, what would be the impact of... The world is a big place. Those in power would want to stay in power, and in USA the populace would demand action. Thousands of supers couldn't easily knock out gov't - they could take out the obvious symbols, but that would only devolve power to the next step in command. And that step would be cautious and pissed off. The supers will consist of normal people's motivations - altruism, greed, love and hate. A lot will do whatever they want, causing massive bad publicity & negative public reaction. Others might try to be good but still piss off someone & get the same bad press. Only the saints would escape the negative coverage. The press loves the negative. Governments would see this as an emergency. If supers can be controlled, governments will do it. Offer them money, girls, excitement, protection from the population ("SuperDuper Dude is a Good American Citizen!"). Many people will panic, see this as a sign of the end times. Stocks will collapse as people try to understand the new order. Supers that can't be controlled will be killed. Tens of thousands to millions of people will actively be searching for weaknesses to protect themselves. Military weaponry will kill supers if they allow themselves to be targeted. Lots of supers will die. Those that remain will be fearful, not knowing if the gov't has figured out a weakness (and what new super knows all his powers and weaknesses anyway?). An uberpowerful super that decides to take preemptive action could destroy the world. That might be the only way such a person figures they can be safe - destroy all the labs, all the militaries, all the knots of people that are out to get them. Carnage will be great, depends on how fast other supers respond. Supers that trust their invulnerability and ARE invulnerable or somehow convince the powerful not to test them - will do whatever they want. They likely won't need more than a million people to take care of whatever that is. Most likely they will scavenge off the top of civilization ("I'm taking this aircraft carrier and blowing it up because I can!"). Still, that might be manageable like some sort of natural disaster and handled similarly. Due to people's fear and there being so many supers appearing at once, I forsee disaster for all concerned.
  7. Re: Environmental Movement vs. Personal Immunity Another "no" vote! Wow, where are all the bearish Hero gamers? What about "if there's a more expensive way to do the same thing, that's the right way!"? I don't think I can take the consensus. I'm heading over to NGD.
  8. Re: Environmental Movement vs. Personal Immunity Two votes for no need for Personal Immunity. I thought someone would argue that it's a really cheap way to get Personal Immunity on this power!
  9. An ice character can create a layer of ice on the ground (CE, -4 DEX to those moving through the area). He also has Environmental Movement - ice. So he can freely move through icy environs... Do you think he needs to buy Personal Immunity for his Change Environment? I can see both sides, so I was looking for rationale in addition to "yes" or "no".
  10. Re: Change of Speed 1) Superheroes are fools to leave DEX on the table - always buy SPD higher than DEX/10 + 1. 2) Point (1) also applies to Heroic characters, but the numbers are lower. 3) Limited SPD ("14- Activation", etc.) will cost END every phase, since it's purchased as a power. Even if it fails to activate! 4) SPD costs 10 cp. True, you get some green stamps at character creation, but then it's over. SPD costs 10 cp. Adjustment powers either increase or decrease SPD in integer steps - 10 points of effect is ALWAYS required to do anything. Less than that does nothing. 5) A phase includes one OR MORE segments. Every segment belongs in a phase. When changing SPD, the next SEGMENT you would normally get an action at either SPD ... is the start of your next phase. If a character is created without buying up SPD to an integer value, ... WHY? Heck, if you want a SPD 3 character with 29 DEX but plan on speeding up later, (a) that's silly ( explain your plans to the GM and and have him tell you "That's silly." Or he'll cut you a break like the "no figured" thing, with an option to convert later. But it's still silly. It's fun to be opinionated!
  11. Re: Amazing Amoeba Powers You don't actually have to get Shapeshift, you have all your abilities described. The SFX for the powers is "shapeshifting".
  12. Re: Character Brainstorming Creating stories for backgrounds is fun, but when too detailed can impact on the GM's plans. Don't forget to check with your friend with your ideas (before getting too attached to them). He may appreciate the campaign help, or be irritated with all the stuff you want to add to 'his' game.
  13. Re: Disadvantaged Multiform WhammeWhamme, Lord Liaden, others - thanks! I don't have much else to say, and you've been helpful (in addition to helping me vent!). I'm done, but wanted to let you know I appreciate your input.
  14. Re: Disadvantaged Multiform DF: Scary doesn't work for me, but maybe Phys Lim: Creeps People Out would work? I contend that, all in all, Multiform is tough to come up with Disadvantages.
  15. Re: Disadvantaged Multiform Sorry for my inability to watch the posts - long delays between viewings here! Anyway, Lord Liaden has it right. It's hard to get the Disadvantages up to 150 when changing forms is easy. My current problem is helped a little by the "difficult to transform" situation. I can count Disadvantages since it's hard to transition from one form to the other (i.e. my Hulk has a hard time becoming Banner). My character resists the Banner - Hulk transform for psychological reasons, but it isn't physically difficult. Don't know if that would reduce the value of the Disadvantages. But the problem with Multiform remains in theory, how about playing a vampire? You can transform into a bat. Does that negate your vampirish Disabilities? Distinctive Feature: fangs, well I suppose the bat could have huge non-bat-like fangs. Maybe that was a poor example. Trying again - if you several forms with different personalities, it seems like you'll quickly lose the ability to have any Psych Lims. Possibly Phys Lims as well. Distinctive Features get weird ("I'm a huge Dinosaur! I'm now a Pulsating Sphere of Light! What do you mean, I can't take Distinctive Features?") Unless you always have to have a problem switching forms? Maybe that's the way it's supposed to be?
  16. I'll start with the question - How the f@#! do you get disadvantages to make a Hulk-type character in 5th?! The problem is that the disadvantages have to disadvantage both forms (an example is DF: funky eyes or something like that). If transforming removes a disadvantage, you aren't supposed to get points for it (or reduced points). So what limits Hulk AND Dr. Banner?!? Can anyone come up with 150 points of disadvantages for this type character? Edit: This is in reference to Multiform, specifically where the personalities are different - solutions that involve bypassing Multiform only mean I didn't ask the question well!
  17. Re: Activation and RSR Actually, the big difference between RSR and Activation is that RSR only has to be made once for a Continuous power, while Activation must be made every phase. That's why I'd never take Activation for most defenses or movement powers; it's way too limiting for the points.
  18. Re: Oihid I'm in agreement with you here. I haven't seen OIHID "disadvantage" players very often, and the times it does seem forced. The best use I've seen is to involve the PCs in a conflict in their secret IDs, but my players don't want to roleplay that aspect often enough for it to seem natural.
  19. Re: The Confusing Shield I'm sure it's "Game Balance". Sigh.
  20. Re: How to handle page number citations on 5ER I think we should call it "Junior", since it's the Son Of Fred, and it's HUGE. Of course, Son Of Fred isn't bad either...
  21. Re: Double Knockback too pricey? In the "Blow Me Down" thread I came to the conclusion that if you want to knock people back (not as damage primarily), using TK with loads of limitations works best. A fixed "grab and throw" maneuver. Against a 100 kg target and using 50 Str TK (75 AP) you can throw them 36" I'm told.
  22. Re: Well blow me down 36"? - OK. That's my new "book legal" way to do KB SFX attacks now. It even makes sense by not affecting heavy targets as strongly.
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