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Everything posted by Scifi_Toughguy

  1. Re: Transforms, CSLs and Disads Thank you for the clarifications. I fell better about the ruling when you point out the DC thingy. I had to make a quick ruling and KA don't come up a whole lot. Freeze does indeed have a vulnerability to heat/fire attacks. The damage roll on the 12d6 EB was 61 I believe. It was a good roll. I really like the villain, I wish he wouldn't get one shotted all the time by the heat PC.
  2. I have a villain built with a 5d6 transform people into ice statues. He has 3 CSLs with his ranged ice powers. I went to attack a heat based character with said transform and put all three CSLs into damage. The heat based (player) character has a disadvantage that they take 2x STUN from cold based attacks. How would you all resolve this? I ruled that the disad is for STUN so the body based transform didn't get any extra punch from that. I put the 3 CSLs as another .5d6 of damage (I always try to rule in the players favor especially when then attack could have taken the character out of the fight). I wound up rolling 21 which was one less than the 22 required for the hero popsicle. On the very next segment, the heat based character tags freezer pop maker and sends him into the -87 stun nether regions.
  3. Re: gravitic well wowswers! You guys are tremendous. Bonedaddy, that write up is bordering on the criminal mastermind category (except this one would obviously work... if not for those darned heroes...).
  4. Re: gravitic well Does he have to buy the personal immunity for his AoE, no range TK or is the forcefield supposed to compensate for that?
  5. Re: gravitic well Wow, so many suggestions and I still have no idea which one suits it best. TK works well because it grabs them when they get in range and they can try to resist it. The thing about gravity is you can beat it with enough force. If someone has a more powerful flight power, then they can break free. If I use movement suppression, it still models accurately the difficulty of moving under another gravity field. If flight UAA is used then I can really have fun with the whole attraction and repelling game. Decisions, decisions....
  6. Re: gravitic well Its all good. Thanks for watching out for me.
  7. Re: gravitic well That be the second one there once you hit the limitations.
  8. Re: gravitic well Beast: I'm really not looking to damage anyone with it, its mainly to affect movement. Mr. Waters: If I model it as a supress against movement powers, then there is no push/pull. I'm not sure but that aspect of it (the push and pull) seems like something I want in there.
  9. Re: gravitic well My initial read on the power was a supress against movement. The problem is, I didn't think you can slap a supress on that category.
  10. Re: gravitic well Hmm, all good points. I believe I shall ammend the entry. Not sure how to value the collie's suggested limitations. Telekinesis: STR 40 Explosion (-1DC/2") +3/4, Personal immunity +1/4 120 AP; Affects whole object -1/4, No Range -1/2, only to push/pull -1/4, Does no damage -1/2 (real cost 48)
  11. Re: gravitic well Good points. I'm thinking I should redefine it as less density SFX and more of a minor control over gravity as I want him to be able to repel as well.
  12. I want a big brick-like leg breaker that is (warning: comic book logic and physics imminent) so dense (mutant perhaps) he can exert his own gravitational pull. This is my proposed build. Telekinesis: STR 40 AoE Radius (+1) Personal immunity (+1/4) 135 AP, No Range (-1/2) Affects Whole Object (-1/4) Real cost 77 As always comments and critiques are welcome. I also am a bit fuzzy on how the radius will turn out. According to my understanding it'll be calculated on 75 AP so does that make it a 7.5 hex radius of affection?
  13. Re: a variation on teleportation The special effect doesn't fit well with position shift. The villain simply touches the target, desolidifies them and then moves them into a nearby room / building / safe after which they are given back the solid nature and now stuck where the villain has put them. No relative velocity, however does sound like something that would mesh well with the special effect.
  14. Re: a variation on teleportation Thanks for the replies. If I want to disregard the roll for aquiring a target hex, I need fixed or variable locations is my understanding (not that a villain will care about damage caused to their target). Every time the villain uses this power it will be to send someone into a hex that cannot be seen. LL suggested safe blind teleport, is that the route to go?
  15. Re: a variation on teleportation The seven fixed locations are all the facings of a hex plus down 5 hexes from the attacker. In order to be on theme the defense would be force field.
  16. My co-GM (who has never used the Hero system before) and I are trying to come up with an attack multipower for a desolid baddie. The effect is: The desolidifier phases out a target, slides them through a solid object (most likely a floor or wall) and deposits them on the other side. Then the desolidifier releases the victim and they now have the hassle of finding a way out of where they were just deposited. I modeled it as: Teleportation 5" 7 fixed locations UAA (+1), can only teleport to fixed locations (-1) AP = 34 Real Cost = 17 Suggestions, critiques?
  17. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Wow, Storn! That is an amazing story! Congratulations on your second shot with Millie. Thanks for the warm fuzzies.
  18. Re: The Spirit of Superheroing I thought a little more on it. I believe that the public image could be a crucial aspect for the players. In hack and slash, the players are usually nomads and if a situation doesn't generate good press for the group, they simply move on and make a note not to visit that town for a while. In the super hero business, you're pretty consolidated on fixed in your hometown or place of residence. Its a lot harder to avoid the consequences of your actions by simply moving on to the grass on the other hill. Reward them with popularity and adoring fans. When the PCs save someone, they (the savee) could faint in disbelief. "OMG! I was not just saved by Capt. Dynamite!" graffiti around the city lauding them or simply: Capt. Dynamite rules! kind of things. Give them invitations to private parties, playboy mansions, NFL games, private screenings, that kind of stuff. Perhaps that can function as loot. Now of course the debate is, by taking such a tack, are you steering them towards the spirit of being an honest-to-goodness hero or are you translating the hack and slash genre conventions into your supers game?
  19. Re: The Spirit of Superheroing First thing that popped into my mind is to drop them in a setting where everyone acts just like they do. I'm not sure it would work. My feelings are such that its all in the set up. As the GM you have to lay ground rules for the type of game you want to play. If they're not into the genre conventions then it may be better to play a different type of game. (still using Hero of course) Games are much better when all of the parties agree on what will be fun from the outset and then work to that goal. If only 25% of the group thinks that particular style of game will be fun then the other 75% will more than likely drag the game down. Something that may work is to use the existing vessels of the medium to convey your message. Grab a favorite comic book or arc and have them read that. Then you can point at that and say: This is the kind of game we should be running. You can do the same thing with Superhero movies. I have a powered armor character in my group of players. We went to see Iron Man and after the movie I mentioned to the player that they could get a lot of inspiration from the film and the character.
  20. Re: Comic Book (genre) Conventions that don't work in Champions Please pardon my lack of skill with Hero-fu. What is the zero phase reset and could you give an example of something you have done?
  21. Re: Comic Book (genre) Conventions that don't work in Champions Are there perhaps things in comics that don't translate well into the team oriented world of champions? As expected, the bunneh touched on the point most salient to my needs. What sort of comic book antics don't work well in a world that seemingly must function on a team level as opposed to most books that deal with a single protagonist?
  22. I tried searching for something similar to the above title but didn't return any results. I thought in the past that someone from the forums here had suggested a seminar for DOJ to do at a convention that was approximately this threads title. I was wondering if the assembled Herodom would care to engage in that kind of conversation here on this thread. I am curious to know as a first time Chmapions GM with a diverse player base what I should emulate from comics and what I should avoid.
  23. Re: Streetfighter Character Thread Thanks, Nexus. I own some of the white wolf books but not the ones you're pulling from here.
  24. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.
  25. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Ooooohhhhh, so nice. I love the dynamincs of the pose and the perspective of the whole piece.
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