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Dr Archeville

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Everything posted by Dr Archeville

  1. Re: How to do "Remote Zombie Eyeballs"? Hrm... also a good take on it.... *ponders more*
  2. Re: Silly question, How much damage do nukes do Check ye HERO System Equipment Gyde. The write-up Long did was exquisite (heck, the entire book rocks). Off the top of my head: Drain 20d6 BODY plus Drain 10d6 CON, both Affects Desolidifed and NND (defense is LS: [sE: High Radiation]) for the Immediate Radiation. The Flash is a Major Transform 7d6 (sighted person to blind person) and a 20d6 RKA fireball. EMP was a Dispel 20d6, all powers of an electrical circuit SFX simultaneously. Blast Wave/Winds are a 20d6 RKA, and the negative pressure (air rushin back in to fill the vacuum) is a 7d6 RKA. Then there's the conflagrations and firestorms, lingering radiation, fallout, and things of this nature....
  3. Re: How to do "Remote Zombie Eyeballs"? Ah, yes, I see. *ponders*
  4. Re: Overwhelming PRE attacks In Randi's defense, no, the GM's not going back on his word. He failed to see the "Terror from beyond the Grave: +40 PRE; only for making & resisting fear-based PRE attacks" bit entirely, though it was written as clearly as all Dead Head's other powers and such. And, I did not explicitly mention it in the character's background/"fluff text." In my defense, no mention was ever made in any House Rules thread about high PRE being a no-no. A campaign limt of 30 for all Primary Characteristics (except STR) was mentioned, but nowhere was it said extra PRE could not be added on as a Power, nowhere was it said high PRE attacks were frowned heavily on.
  5. Re: Overwhelming PRE attacks Honestly, yes, the screaming indiscriminate PRE attack was, from an out-of-character/player POV, a bit much. In character, though, it made sense [to me, at least] -- Dead Head's been doing nothing but single-handedly fight undead on his home planet for the past year, until the crashed Perseid vessel showd up and they took him off. He saw people he was told were bad guys, and he used what he had to putt hem out of comiission. He has no concept of "teamwork" or "tactics," as he's never needed them. Now that he is working with a group, though, he'll soon learn the benefits of working with others (and that indiscriminate fire isn't always best).
  6. Re: How to do "Remote Zombie Eyeballs"? Yeess.... Hrrmm... could Stretching w/ Does Not Cross Intervening Spaces be used for a "Detachable Body Parts" power? Tear off a hand, have it scuttle around (to flick switches, or for sneak attacks), or to take off his head and recite Shakespearean quotations....
  7. Re: Overwhelming PRE attacks Dead Head's been in one fight [kinda]. So far all he's really done is walk into a warehouse where other supers were fighting some Facless Mook Soldiers. DH leaped in and let out a bloodcurdling roar (PRE attack on everyone); all the Mooks were cowed, 3 of the 5 PC's were Awed, 1 was Very Impressed, and 1 was Impressed. The game's really only just started, and up 'till now it's largely been rp stuff. I do like the "Only vs. Mooks" thing for his extra PRE. Something like "only works vs. characters built on 225 Character Points or less" (PCs in this campaign are built on 550 + 150 Disad points) would seem alright... Randi? Any chance I can get +15 PRE with that limit? The OCV penalties would be Change Environment w/ Selective, right? Hrm.. not sure how much I can get of that (27 points freed up from dropping the +40 PRE, but the power would need to include Reduced END (0 END; +1/2) b/c Dead Head has no Endurance (he's a quasi-Automaton-ish Undead).
  8. Re: Overwhelming PRE attacks Actually, Sinanju, if you go back and read my posts, you'll see I don't "sincerely belive" Dead Head "needs" 70 PRE; I'd be fine with him having 45 PRE. No, Dead Head's extra PRE wasn't in a Multipower slot, it was it's own thing. However, while everyone has been poking at the PC's/me, I feel it's only fair to point out that the GM himself has done something just as silly. One of his characters used as an NPC in the campaign has 100 STR, and +81 STR in a Multipower slot (though this extra STR is only for lifting, it does not add to damage, and has No Figured Characteristics).
  9. Re: Overwhelming PRE attacks Dead Head's actually on a supers team (or, rather, will soon be) based on Malagar IV (the Capital of the Galactic Federation; this is as was said a Champions 3000 game). He has the Perk: Interstellar Police Powers. [Though this character is based on one used in another RPG, one where for the most part the PC's were solo vigilantes, but semi-regularly worked as a team.] No, he does not have a rep as an Undead Monster, since he only recently got off his home planet, so is only now just getting to be known. This first mission he's been sent on is in fact his first foray into the public eye; 'till now, he's been quarantined in science & medical facilities as techies studied him and tried to figure out what made him tick, and why he of all the undead on his home planet doesn't crave warm, living, tasty brains. (My first draft of the character had the Disadvantage "Social Limitation: Dead," reflecting the fact that in all societies [all Terran ones, anyway], the dead have no legal rights whatsoever, but this was removed.) One of the concepts for this character that I have stuck to in all his iterations is to in fact have him be to the Malagar team what Batman is to the JLA -- the uber-creepy spectre of doom focusing on infiltration, interrogation, and intimidation, dealing with cannon-fodder Mooks while the others deal with the main threat.
  10. Re: Overwhelming PRE attacks *is glad Dead Head also has 30 rPD/30 rED and Regeneration (3 BODY/Turn)* (Batman scares the bejeezus out of folks all the time. So did the Shadow. )
  11. Re: Overwhelming PRE attacks *steps in to defend self* I'm more likely than not the "problem" player Randi's talking about. My character, Dead Head, is in the 700-pt [550 + 150 in Disad] Galactic Champions game Randi runs. So far, I've had fun, and I've yet to actually do anything except make an Acrobatics roll (to leap onto a wall) and my one PRE attack, which cowed 5 Mooks (and most of the other PC's). Dead Head has a PRE of 30. He also has Terror from Beyond the Grave: +40 PRE (40 Active); Only for Making and to Defend Against Fear-Based PRE Attacks (-1/2) (27 Real). He also has a COM of 4, and the Disadvantage Distinctive Features: Walking Corpse (Concealable with Effort; Causes Extreme Reaction [Fear/Revulsion]; Detectable By Common Senses). He looks like Evil Ernie (from Chaos! Comics), or Dirge (from the Zombie webtoon). Dead Head is from a planet where every humanoid inhabitant was turned into ravenous bloodthirty undead ghouls several years ago; he himself is the only member of his race who is not overcome with a hunger for living flesh, though he himself is a ghoul. He had been fighting them for years, mostly b/c he can also see & hear the spirits of all those dead people, and most ask him to put their bodies down, and in part b/c he's had nothing else to do. A passing Perseid research vessel crashed on the planet; Dead Head helped defend the Perseid from the ghouls while they repaired their ship, and in return they took him (whose undead nature piqued their scientific and philosophic curiosity) off the planet. I've had to revamp and retool the character several times -- originally he was going to be an undead with a wide array of necromantic spell-like powers, but now he's more like an undead Batman, stealthy and chock full of acrobatics & martial arts skills. I'd already told Randi I'd knock off the "Terror from Beyond the Grave" bit if he really wanted me to, though I'm not sure what else to add. My main reservation about this new GM-imposed change is in large part b/c I've had to change the character around so much already. In my mind [at least], Dead Head should be able to scare the daylights out of most normals, and this shouldn't be too game-breaking. I.e., be able to get a 30 on PRE Attacks, which'd be 20 higher than a Mook's EGO/PRE of 10, which on overage would require a roll of 9d6, which would require a PRE of 45 to get. If I could have a lower version of Terror from Beyond the Grave -- say, +15 PRE (15 Active); Only for Making and to Defend Against Fear-Based PRE Attacks (-1/2) (10 Real), which'd be enough to effectively raise DH's PRE to 45 when making fear-based PRE attacks -- I'd be happy as a clam. (How happy are clams, really?)
  12. Re: How to do "Remote Zombie Eyeballs"? Phyiscal Manifestation? Is that a 5ER thing? I've only got 5E.
  13. One of my characters in an online Champions game is an undead with, among other things, regeneration (representing his enduring 'lifeforce' and that the energies which animate him permeate every cell of his body) and the Resistance (5 points) Talent (his sense of pain is practically non-existent). I'd like for him to have the ability to pluck out one of his eyes, place it somewhere (or have it placed somewhere by someone else), and retain the ability to see through it. Drawbacks would include that while an extracted eye is 'active,' he cannot regenerate it (so he won't be plucking out his eyes and placing them willy-nilly), and so would only have one eye in his head (and lack depth perception); if he had both eyes out, he would be effectively blind (a hefty Side-Effect, I'd think). I'm thinking the eye itself could count as an Obvious Foci (it's an eyeball, it's obviously looking at you; perhaps the dangling bit of optic nerve cord glows with necromantic energies), though its accessibility/inaccessibility would seem to vary based on where they were placed (i.e., if the eye's just out in the open, or hidden on a bookshelf). The field of vision of the Clairvoyance would be limited to what the eye could see based on where it was placed/oriented, and changing views would require actually moving the eyeball, which would have no ability to move on its own, a definite Limit. (I may with experience points upgrade it so the character can snaps off some of his fingers, or a whole hand, and make a Crawling Eye, like the one seen in Bride of the Re-Animator.) If the eye is 'deactivated,' is simply becomes an inert, normal, dead eyeball, and the character can regrow his own at his usual Regeneration rate. How should I go about writing this up?
  14. Re: Power Build: Speak with Animals? Unless you get the Invisible Power Affect for the Transmit portion Then you can understand what critters say, and talk back to them in their own language, but to an outside observer, it'd look like you're speaking to the critter in English (or whatever).
  15. Re: Power Build: Speak with Animals? I see. Thanks, all!
  16. Perhaps this is already covered in 5th Ed. Revised; all I have is 5th Ed. How would someone build a "Speak with Animals" power? Mind Link to animal class of minds?
  17. Re: Any C3K Games Online? Heh, no, Dead Head's definitely a hero. A very dark background, yes, and somewhat icky powers, but he doesn't kill ("someone or something else'll do it eventually anyway").
  18. Title sez it all -- does anyone know of any Champions 3K games going on either, in a messageboard/play-by-post or play-by-email format, that would be willing to accept a new player? I recently ordered a copy of Galactic Champions (and Champions Universe -- only HERO books I currently own are HERO 5E, Champions, Conquerors/Killers/Crooks, Bestiary, Arcane Adversaries, and Villainy Amok), and am itching to join in on a game (always loved sci-fi & epic-scale comics). I'm still somewhat new to the HERO system (and, since I've yet to obtain a C3K book, know little of the setting), but tend to pick up things fairly quickly. And, I do have several years of experinece with messageboard/pbp and pbem games, so that part I've got down pat. Before anyone answers, I suppose I should confess that part of the reason I'm looking to join a C3K game is b/c of the higher point values. I'd really like to play in a Champions/HERO game using a character of mine that I've used in other superhero games (ones using the Marvel Super Heroes RPG system and later in ones using the Mutants & Masterminds rules), but unfortunately in my attempts to create him in HERO terms/stats, he always comes in at (far) too high a point cost to be allowed in a Standard Champions game. The character, Dead Head, is undead, looks not unlike Evil Ernie (of the now-defunct Chaos! Comics), has vast necromantic powers (and numerous "Stupid Undead Tricks," like tearing out a length of his own intestine and using it as a whip), but a mindset like a blend of Batman and the Creeper (determined to seek justice and redemption for the dead, punishing evil necromancers and those who othewise abuse the dead, but also has his zany moments, like crashing Halloween parties and Horror Movie conventions). He's been lots of fun to play. 'Course, this being GALACTIC Champions, I realize I'd likely need to alter his history somewhat (possibly including Takofanes or Dr. Teneber or the Devil's Advocates in it, depending on what happneed to them in the 3K Universe; maybe have him be the Last Surviving... er, Sentient/Sapient Son of a now-undead world). So, to reitereate -- anyone know of any pbp/pbem C3K games that'd be willing to accept the Son of Takofanes as a player character?
  19. Re: why u all sux PWNED!!! *ahem* Sorry... must be contagious....
  20. Re: Dear G-D, NOOOOOOOOO!!! I hate Hollywood! No, he gets it on with Storm. A lot. (Despite the fact that Jean is back & Cyke is dead.) Or so the rumors say....
  21. Re: Disadvantages of being Undead Oddly, I'm making a similar character. Mayhaps I'll post his background here at some point.... Phys Lim: Sterile (most undead, with the exception of vampires, can't reproduce via the normal biological method) If he was created by Diabolic/Demonic magic, give him a Vulnerability to Presence Attacks Made By Clergy or The Faithful And I really do have to give another kudos for "Brain Eater Lad"
  22. "Astral Awareness: Dimensional (Astral Plane) on Sight and Hearing Groups" is listed among several characters in Arcane Adversaries (specifically, Martika Duquesne, pg. 14; Roger Duquesne's Rune-Axe, pg. 16; Kapilasa, pg. 32; Adrian Vandaleur, pg. 76; Eduard & Anais Vandaleur, pg. 80; Chatoyant, pg. 83; Bromion, pg. 93; Dr. Teneber, pg. 96; Lamplighter, pg. 108; Tezcatlipoca, pg. 113; and the Nagual Cultist, pg. 117) as costing 20 points. However, The Ultimate Mystic lists this same power set as costing 10 points (on pg. 49). Which is the correct cost for Astral Awareness? Is the cost listed in tUM a typo, or was the cost originally set at 20 points, but latter playtesting/feedback caused it to be changed to 10 points?
  23. Re: Beyond Conquerers, Killers, and Crooks: Your favorite villains? The Devil's Advocates Dr. Teneber The Engineer [the half-human, half-Mechanon chick in Villainy Amok] Mother Gottel (sp?) The Sylvestris The Vandaleurs (sadly, the only books I have are Hero 5th Ed., CKC, Arcane Adversaries, and Villainy Amok, so I don't have as much to choose from)
  24. Re: Superpowers that haven't been thought out... That, and the dinosaurs.
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