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Everything posted by Ura-Maru

  1. Re: Extra Limb for Extra Action? I _CAN_ spell it correctly. I just choose not to. --- This chatroom seems badly lagged . . .
  2. Re: [Rules-fu] Resistant Power Defense I meant that there would be no defesnse _against_ them.
  3. Re: Extra Limb for Extra Action? Well, the only person who actually got Evicerated was that transexual orbital executive, who was about half Sarah's size. She could have just twisted her head off, but that wouldn't have had had the wierd freuidian angle. So maybe it's just a special effect. --- Did you know Walter Jon Willaims, who wrote the novel Hardwired, (the supplement, too) was one one of the original playtesters of CP2013? Actually, did that ever come out in Italian?
  4. Re: [Rules-fu] Resistant Power Defense Well, what do you know. I never noticed that. It's under Flash Defense, too. I'd put it down as an oversight. My argument still stands. If you assume that thier default state is 'nonresistant', AVLD killing attacks have no defense at all. Unless I'm mistaken, no published characters, and no personal character I've ever seen, has 'resistant' power defense. Seems like a fair question to ask Steve in 'Rules Questions'. --- "If you try to cut the mochi, you'll never be able to do it."
  5. Re: Extra Limb for Extra Action? Keep in mind, using Linked you don't have to buy the extra limbs or anything else, unless you can use the cables to do other things than jack in. The basic chip socket seems to be based on the 10 point version of Mind link, so this'll cost less than 5 points . . . Dr. D: You mentioned the Cybersnake. Just out of curiosity, how did you build it? Did one of the later Chromebooks add the 'evicerate' attack that they cut in CP2020? Sarah must have been SO disapointed . . . --- "There are things in my head you don't want to see."
  6. Re: Extra Limb for Extra Action? 'Trigger: When hand placed near cyber-socket (+1/4)' on the interface plug. Now, this will automatically take effect, weither the character wants it to or not. It's a 0 phase action that takes a half action to reset. If you want the character to be able to choose weither or not it works, it would be at least a +1/2 advantage. (two activation conditions: wanting it to, and hand being near socket) Normally I don't allow 'mental command' triggers, but I do in cases like this. --- "I'M INTERFACING!!!!!"
  7. Re: [Rules-fu] Resistant Power Defense Ah, I don't think so. I've never even heard of 'resistant' power defense. Or Flash Defense. Or Presence Defense. (If presence defense still existed, at least) a Killing AVLD 'Power Defense' treats all presence defense as if it were already resistant, unless I'm very much mistaken. Sort of on the 'AVLD must use an existing special defense' therory. NO ONE has resistant Power Defense. Therefore, it's not a valid defense for an AVLD. --- "Ha! I'm useless against your weapons!!"
  8. Re: Strike: must follow block No, #1 isn't right. the closest to the correct answer is #2, but that's not really right, either. Assume you're speed 5. Someone attacks you in segment 3. You Block. It dosn't matter if you abort or not. In segmet 5, THEN you can use your following strike manuver. (Because you blocked, you're oppenent has to wait until your action and let you attack first before reacting, as well. They can abort to block, though . . .) That's why the stats on that manuver are so good . . . you can only use it in limited circumstances. You _don't_ get a 'free' attack in a segment you block in. Or after. Or at all. And you HAVE to block the phase before you use it. What I'm not sure of if you must _successfully_ block or not. I would say so, but after one embarassing incident where I assumed UMA would make sense, (passing strike) I'm not going to assume it does so without evidence. Aborting still uses your next phase. So if you abort to block in phase two, you can't use the followup strike until phase 5, because you used your phase 3 action during phase 2. --- "Now I'll show you the ultimate power humans can wield!!"
  9. Re: Flashing Paralyzing attack It's a whole 'sight group' flash, not just normal sight. That kicks the price up 10.
  10. Re: Help me model this disad Buy the 'top half' of it with OAF (Both Fans) Buy the 'bottom half' with OIF (Either Fan) --- "The movies biggest fan!"
  11. Re: Fire and Ice Combo Attack You could have the one with the higher dex buy a big aid/succor to the other's blast. And have the slower one buy a naked power advantage of 'variable special effect' and possibly another advantage like Explosion or AP 'only when aided by Ice Princess' and 'only when Ice Princess agrees with choice of target' As for why it works, well, if 80's action cartoons taught me nothing else, it's that heating something up and then cooling it rapidly cause it to shatter. Or maybe it's just a big steam blast. --- "What kind of fool attacks a fire elemental without spells of ice?!" "@#$% you! We all have our weaknesses and our strengths!"
  12. Re: Flashing Paralyzing attack I suppose you could do a 2d6 Sight Group and a 2d6 NND EB.
  13. Re: Always On (and Inherent): okay i'm abusing it... Inherent only matters if there are drains or supresses that can affect the power in question. Since you're using the 'restrainable' and 'cyberware' limitations (that already make cyberwear vulnerable to special drains) you might not need to worry about it at all. People arn't going to be running around with all the assorted drains you'd expect in a supers or a fantasy campagin. --- "Must remain . . . in control . . . stop . . . talking in . . . fragments!"
  14. Re: Flashing Paralyzing attack Except you'll never fit a useful-sized transform into the arm. Honestly, I'd just say to hell with it, and just build it as a straight flash. In a low-defense game like cyberpunk, even a small flash (especially if it's an AOE is plenty badass enough. Even if you could fit it, a mental entagle or the like is going to be so effective that everyone's going to want one.
  15. Re: A more feminine martial art I don't know. I think big revolvers might be cooler than shotguns. Not only can you pull the hammer back for an extra presence boost, after you're done, you can let the empty shells drop dramatically. And because you have to slide each round in by itself, you can punctuate the battlefield wisdom you're imparting to your sidekick. The katana family of swords are cool becase you can do the 'seal break' thing with your thumb. There's just no equivelent gesture with other sword types. --- I suppose you can draw a heavy sword with your back to your enemy, and let the big wooden scabbard drop to the ground as you spin around to face them, but it's just not the same.
  16. Re: Dudes, I need help building a city. Don't forget age. Newer cities, (or cities that have been rebuilt after being horribly destroyed) tend to have straight streets that follow a reasonably navagatable pattern. Older ones tend to be much more chaotic mazes of one way and inconsistiantly numbered streets, as anyone who's ever had to find an address in Boston or the outskirts of Philly can attest. I once walked around for HOURS trying to find a cable company on the outside of Philly's university city. It was on '17th street' You might think that 17th street would be between 16th and 18th. It wasn't. It was a dead end street, off an unlabled street, off of PARK STREET, with no other building or sign within almost a mile . . . --- ONE BLOCK further west and I could have used Comcast. No, I was stuck with 'Wade Cable' And don't get me STARTED on Verison . . .
  17. Re: A more feminine martial art Absolutely NOT!Robinson> I remember one game I was present for a couple of years ago, (not involved, but in the room, off and on) and there was a THREE HOUR discussion of how much the M-16 sucked. They may have done a tiny bit of gaming while I was out, but mostly it was bitching about the M-16. The sad thing was that it was a WW2 game. I'm not arguing that. No one's suggesting that cops and soldiers learn kung fu instead of carrying guns. So why, whenever a martial arts argument/discussion comes up, does someone bring up guns? When people argue about running, no one comes in and says, "But my car can go 90 miles an hour!" do they? --- Not that guns arn't cool. They are. Just not as cool as swords . . .
  18. Re: A more feminine martial art Right. Cause gun fans NEVER argue about minutae and what's better for what purpose, and wiether or not M-16 bullets can be deflected by leaves or not. This kind of thing tends invariably to devolve into the kind of 'No, Nakajima, THIS is true power!!" argument thats only really works if you're yelling it from the cockpit of a giant robot . . . Nothing punctuates a good retorical point quite as well as a cloud of spahgetti missles. --- Ya ever notice how martial arts fans never show up in threads about guns and say, 'But what if someone grabs you by the neck?'
  19. Re: A more feminine martial art So it appears I was mistaken. Guyon: It was certainly not my intent to ‘tarnish’ anyone’s view on TKD. I was impressed with the efficiency of wherever art the attacks DID come from. And I can guarantee you if I ever DO need to use something in a real fight, that’s what’s being used, not the butterfly kick or the jump-spinning-axe kick. The ‘women’s self defense’ remark irritated me, I’ll admit. There are many, many ‘real’ martial arts that DO include that type of technique. I probably did overreact, though. So, no hard feelings, on my side at least. Hope you didn’t waste too much time at the library. But I’m still not selling you my copy of Ninja Hero, . kuoshu: I’ve heard of that one, yes. The name at least, though without the amusing description. Many of the techniques I was referring to are . . . thematically similar. I’ll have to see if I can find out what the Chinese style was. It started with an S, I’m pretty sure . . . --- The end result, I’m afraid, is I’m considerably less impressed with TKD than I was before . . . sigh. Nothing is ever as cool as you think it is . . .
  20. Re: Does anyone else play this style of Dark Champions? I'm very suprised there's not an 'offical' suplement for it, actually. Was a reasonably (very, if you include the whole 'weapon x' kind of thing) popular comic genre around about the time I stopped reading comics, is what most good 'superpowered' movies have ended up being, and is the more or less default state for quite a bit of popular superhero-like manga. Except that, now that 'Dark Champions' means The Executioner, we'll have to come up with a new name for it. --- "And that's when I shot him, Your Honor."
  21. Re: Yet another cyber-question: Chipware Socket I'd rather just make a better, more expensive version of cramming than aid it or otherwise kick it up externally. I considered a 15 point, stat-roll version, but I decided against it for a few reasons. I wouldn't WANT chipped skills to be as good as regular skills, and as they're basically static, not using stat-based rolls makes a certain kind of sense. I the idea that they're useful for synergy rolls and can be useful in emergancies, but they're no replacement for actually knowing what you're doing. For more advanced chipwear, the custom made stuff that's hideously expensive, you could just buy the skill, with an OIF and a Lockout. (of the cramming) For a Hardwired-esque 'brain wiring,' I'd just buy the skill with a small limiation (possibly a skill enhancer would be better?) and have it work at reduced efficency (activation, maybe) until the character actually pays for it with his own points. --- "All night. Every Night. And she'll never know."
  22. Re: A more feminine martial art -shrug- No need to get snarky. I didn’t say you couldn’t tell the difference between a traditional martial art and a self defense course, did I? I studied, off and on, for eight or nine years, quite a while ago. At a karate school that mixed in bits and pieces from Shotokan, TKD, and a few scraps of a Chinese style who’s name I can never remember. And a lot of sparring. My instructors told me, repeatedly, that most of the more vicious techniques were from TKD. It’s possible they were incorrect. It’s possible that what they thought was TKD was not, in fact, a traditional part of it. If I remember correctly, about a decade and a half ago several large Korean TKD schools were complaining that it wasn’t taught properly in Europe and elsewhere, so that may explain it. (The head instructor was from South Africa) It’s even possible that I’m misremembering. I don’t think I am, but it’s happened once before. In either case, it’s impolite to wave your belt around in mixed company. --- Just for that, I’m not selling you my copy of 4e Ninja Hero. (Not that I’d sell it to anyone . . .)
  23. Re: Flashing Paralyzing attack But you _CAN_ missle deflect a grenade, usually, anyway. There's probably not enough missle deflection in a cyber game to matter, though.
  24. Re: Flashing Paralyzing attack This way, anyone who's totally knocked out is actually just in a seziure. (The 'explosion' was because I was thinking of a flashbang grenade, not the arm thingie) The problem with attacks like mental entangles and such is that they become all or nothing kills, where everyone who didn't buy the defense for them is totally helpless. In a cyber-type game, it's usually functionally equivelent to being killed. It not only bypasses the first 'level' of defenses, (actual defenses) but the second one, as well. (con and stun)
  25. Re: Are there 10 possibilities for Binary Man? The real question about Binary Man is why he spent 24 points to buy a power worth about 4 . . .
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