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Everything posted by Ura-Maru

  1. Re: Flashing Paralyzing attack A burst attack that stuns (and can even knock out) people, ignoring how tough they are, but stopped if they have shielded optics/ears? Grit your teeth, this is going to be expensive. (75) 5d6 EB, AVLD:Flash Defense (+1 1/2), Explosion (+1/2) Then tack on OAF and Charges. (And 'can be missle deflected' if missle deflection is common enough, as it's a greneade) And link a flash to it, of course. You could go NND instead of AVLD, but then a pair of sunglasses will stop it completly. That's enough to stun people who have less than a 18 con on average. Realistically, they it should probably be a bit bigger, but it's already pretty badass. --- "My eyes! The goggles, they do nothing!!"
  2. Re: A more feminine martial art Yup. Got to. Until she puts the gun down, at least. The joke while I was learning was that you could always tell the Tae Kwan Do techniqes because they all envolved either gouging out eyes or clawing at the groin. It, and most of the karate styles, are really best sutied to a good sized, fairly strong practitioner. Of course, this is a comic book, after all, so image is more important than reality. How about casting against type? Big buff woman with a hard, ripping style and a small guy with a soft, wussy style? -- My favorite TKD technique: Elbow straight back into the solar plexus. Hammer fist to the groin. Grab groin. Pull upwards as hard as you can.
  3. Re: Money in Superheroic campaigns 10 things you can do with Wealth: 1) Hop a flight to Romainia without having to sell your car first to get the cash. (to stop Eurostar from taking advantage of the runaway bear overpopulation to build an army of human-flesh eating bear minions) 2) Buy the restraunt and fire the snotty matre'd who won't seat your buddy, Made Of Rotting Fish Man. 3) Not bus it to work for six months after your Hunted trashes your car. 4) Laugh off losing your security deposit when your Hunted trashes your apartment building. 5) Bribe a district manager at EvilCo to find out what they REALLY put in that 'secret sauce,' and if they REALLY get it from Talios. 6) Pay for pretty much any kind of training you want, so your GM can't slap you with 'You can't buy KS: Supervillain weaknesses! Where would you learn it!' 7) Pay for the hospital bills for that adorable six year old girl who's spine your Hunted broke. Someone really should do something about that guy. 8) Get invited for nice parties, where you can meet the mayor and make a PER roll to notice he's been replaced by an Evil Pod. 9) Peter Parker: Wealth: Poor. Virgin until 25+. Tony Stark: Wealth: Filthy Rich. Has had more women than Smith College. You do the math. 10) Actually PAY FOR some of the colateral damage you're responsible for, gaining good PR for your team! Weath, basically, provides all the non-equpment, non-base, and non-follower aspects of, well, wealth. It's sort of a cludge/roleplaying factor, not a free 100 point equipment pool. It lets you grandstand in non-combat situations, and occasionally will let you just buy off a bad guy and grants access to some things. To be fair, though, the player who bought it should probably be allowed to sell it back if it dosn't mean what they thought it did. --- "And what if I gave you a big handful of that technicolor crap you frenchies call money?" "I would say 'Thank you, Mr. One Year To Live!'"
  4. Re: A more feminine martial art Depends on what you mean by 'feminine' . . . Wing Chun is the traditional 'womens' kung fu style, at least in the movies. It has a spectacularly inconsistant 'origin story', even by notoriously lax martial art history standards, but it's reasonably clear that a woman was involved somehow. It's very good at minimizing strength differences. Or if you mean 'feminine' as in 'soft and flowing' something like akido or tai chi? (Tai Chi looks spectaularly badass when done at full speed and full power) Women are somewhat less vulnerable to groin strikes then men, so how about one of the jumpier northern kung fu styles? Spear and halbred type weapons, like naginatas, are good for women and small men because they can be used to keep an oponent at a distance where they can't use thier strength as effectively.* --- * Robert Jordan got this dead backwards in WOT. Of course, he also got the 'staff vs. Musashi' story dead backwards, so that's not suprising. If you ever have to fight ninjas with Robert Jordan, do not expect him to hold up his end of the fight.
  5. Re: Energy Blaster Block/Over-power Blast I _hate_ the 'shoot it out of the sky with my EB!' justification for Missle Deflection. Hate it. Not exactly germane, but I wanted to get that out there to start. I usually give energy projectors a Supess to do the "Fire My Pressure Cannon into the explosion to protect us!" bit. Perhaps a house rule giving Supress or Dispel a 'first shot' if they can completly stop an attack in this fasion? The same way Block or Throw works. Though Dispel would seem better to give the 'all or nothing' effect we're looking for here. Alternitivly, you're 'Power Block' could work this way. 1) Convert the DC of the EB/RKA into 1 1/4 DC of Dispel. Maybe with a bonus for Continuous or Autofire. 2) Defender* tries to Dispel attacker's attack. 3) If defender wins, attacker has to wait until after the defender's action on the next phase, assuming they both act on the same phase. -3 OCV is probably a bit too much, as the defender has to first hit, then overpower (which he's at a slight disadvantage at, anyway) At -3, he's never going to hit the attackers OCV anyway. -1 OCV, -2 DCV, maybe? --- *Defender has a 12d6 EB, so that's a 15d6 Dispell for this purpose.
  6. Re: Martial Artist? "Wearing Solid Armor or having Lack of Weakness" Of course, force fields stop almost every other kind of NND, so why not this one, too? --- "Why do you hate my groin so much?!"
  7. Re: Stacking Armor Ah, that explains it. I never picked up Chrome 3 or 4. (And much to my everlasting regret, I missed the 'When Gravity Fails' adaption as well. I've been looking for it ever since. I LOVED that series.) The stacking rules in the base CP2020 book _were_ trivial. Good to see they eventually noticed it. Just one little thing, though. The power 'Armor' dosn't have the special effect of being bulky unless it's bought that way. (ie, a focus, possibly with the 'real armor' limitation as well) In a CP game, of course, everything will be, but a superheroic brick might have 'Armor' that was just hardened skin. --- "It's . . . Assault armor!"
  8. Re: Damaging Focus Of course you can copy it! Just send me royalties. LOTS of royalties. And some pie. Just kidding. Of course you can use it. That's what it's here for. Unfortunatly, for the Takes No Stun, extra Body, and the Armor on the cyberlimb don't even rate a 'restrainable', let alone a focus limitation. There's nothing you can do to 'restrain' them and force you to take stun from an arm wound, without removing them completly . . . And the 'lose functionality when damaged' part of Takes No Stun aready overlaps with a big part of your 'cyberwear' limitation, if I'm reading it correctly. --- "Ok . . . Seein' as how we've both lost an arm, I guess we're even."
  9. Re: Weapon Element, CSL and DC RDU Niels idea is a very good one. That also puts a 15 STR karate expert at roughly the same raw damage potental a really big guy (STR 25) I like this. I like it a LOT. I'm stealing it. Much better than the system I was working on for my post-apoc game which involved diminishing returns past 20 effective STR and more number crunching. It won't stop punches from being better than bullets against armor, but it will help. Ah, you didn't let him buy extra DCs, did you? Anyway, as for the actual questions: 1) Yup. The idea, more or less, is that MA works like STR, and you don't have to by STR seperatly to use a sword with it. You just have to buy 'familarity' with it. The manuvers that don't use STR are usually not improved by using a weapon with them. I've never really liked this aspect for heroic games, though I don't have a better idea at the moment. 2) I belive edsel is incorrect. The exception he's referring applies to barehanded manuvers like Killing Strike and Killing Throw, not for manuvers using weapons. The last sentence of paragraph three on that page makes it pretty clear. ("An HKA 1d6 sword used with a Martial Strike (+2 DCs) does D6+1 damage, but it's base damage is still just 1d6.") 3) The way you did STR is correct, you have to 'pay for' the adantages added onto a HKA. (There's an 'optional' exception for 'no End' and 'Charges' which as far as I know everyone uses) Officially, this dosn't apply to extra DCs via MA or Skill levels, which add extra DCs directly. There's no reason you can't change this if you'd like, though. --- "Hai-kiba!"
  10. Re: Unbreakable Focus? If you have missle deflection, you can deflect missles without hurting yourself. (If you use the missle deflection that phase) It will even work on whatever can break the focus, unless you bought it with a limitation or a disadvantage that says it doesn't. Which might make sense for this special effect. 'Catching' bullets is a special effect of missle deflection, so if you have enough MD to do it, you can, unless your GM thinks it's silly. Otherwise, it dosn't provide any protection unless you buy Armor or some other form of defense with it. It being unbreakable does not mean it's inpenetrable! Even if you do buy Armor with it, unbreakable just means the focus won't break, it has no effect on the character using it getting hurt or not.
  11. Re: Con & Stunning How often do Con rolls actually come up? I'm guessing aproximately never. I know I've never been asked to make one. I'd give it a -1, though. The -1/2 you get for No Figured (-1/2) is kind of skimpy for CON (Not going to bring up STR . . .) and there are a few attacks that target CON. Besides, the other obvious option for the same effect is +1 PD/+1 ED, only to prevent stunning (-1), and CON with a limitation seems a cleaner way to define it. --- "You're lucky! YOU CAN DIE!!"
  12. Re: Damaging Focus VPP for limb: That's actually not a bad idea. Though most people only use VPPs for 'whatever I want' kind of stuff. Multipowers are more common for things with lots of optional extras. Really, I guess, it depends on how easy you want it to be to modify/alter heavy cyberwear like limbs. If 'This is going to be in the dark, so I better stop by the ripperdoc for a flashlight attachment' is what you're looking for, VPP is the way to go. If getting your options swapped is more of a big deal, then some other route might be better. Body damage to focus isn't like body damage to people, though. One body over will kill a function, (and how many functions will a cyberarm have? 3?) so a cyberarm might actually be easier to disable than a real one. +35 strength is probably too much for a cyberarm. If you attached a cyberarm to a solid mount, could it lift (35 STR-5 for only one hand=30 STR) a small car? More than that, actually, because that's 35 points in addition to the characters base STR. One arm has 5pts less STR than the character does, I believe. It did in 4th edition, at least. Also, cyberlims can't use their strength effectively, so just buying a ton of raw STR is probably the wrong way to go. What do they let you do, besides turn your arm into a swiss army knife? 1: Punch/Kick harder, but not THAT much harder, due to being mounted to flesh and having only the arm/leg provide all the extra power. 2: Arms have an incredible grip. 3: Even one leg would probably let you jump (not run, probably) farther. 4: Highly resistant to damage. So: (How I would do it, anyway) 1: Arm: +5 STR, no figured characteristics (including leap and maximum lift)(-1/2). Leg: +10 STR, no figured characteristics, Leg only, (-1/2) 'Leg only' is worth more, because legs can't be used to add to weapons, or to grab, or do many other things. 'one arm/leg' would be worth only about 1/4, I think. They DO help with many genaralized things, and the penalties just won't come up that often. Both would probably be a big pain while wrestling, though, and would be more useful on rare occasions where you could brace part of them and use the rest. I'd give tack on an extra +10 STR, only to Disarm, Grab, Escape, or when isolated (-1/2) to the arm, and +10 STR, only to Escape, or when isolated (-1) to the leg. You might want to tack an additional d6HA on both, as they're hard and made of plastic. Though if you're going to include things like BigKnucks and Mace Hands, you'd have to be careful to keep the total damage under control. 2: 10 (15) Cyber Crush: 1d6 HKA, (2d6 w'STR) Must Follow Grab (-1/2) The neat thing is all the STR needed to double comes from the arm itself. Instead of buying no end on some strength, I'd give them 4 (10) Cyber Hold: Clinging, Requires a Handhold or Grip (-1) No Movement (-1/2) This would give them an end-free STR +5 hold 3: A single leg already gives +2" to Leap, and two give +4". That's almost certianly good enough, and maybe a little too much. 4: This is the tricky one. I can think of a few ways to do it. Now, cuting up a cyberarm or hand won't hurt the character. It is connected, though, so it could conduct shocks back to where it’s connected to the body, especially if it’s shoved hard or twisted. (or ripped out!) Accepting this makes it much easeir to build. The easiest way would just be some armor and extra PD for those hit locations. And maybe some extra body as well, or damage reduction. A –1 limitation seems appropriate. The odds of hitting a single arm or leg are lower than an 11- activation, but the player can chose to endanger his cyberarm instead of his meat one when he wants to. Now, there's also a restricted Automaton power, Takes No Stun. Normally, players can't take it. However, it’s limited enough in this case (only applying to a few hit locations) that it doesn’t seem too unreasonable. And the neat thing is the basic version (45 points) comes with a limitation very similar to your ‘cyberwear’ limitation, that is, when it takes body, it looses some functionality. It also makes the defenses cost three times as much. So. Basic Cyberarm: (All this goes outside any frameworks used) 3 (5) Cyber Strength: +5 STR, No Figured (-1/2) 5 (10) Cyber Strength: +10 STR, No Figured,(-1/2), only to Disarm, Grab, Escape, or when isolated (-1/2) 22.5 (45) Metal Is Better Than Meat: Takes No Stun, one arm only (-1) 10 (20) It’s not MY Arm: +10 Body, one arm only (-1) 22.5 (45) Made of Molybdenum: 6/4 armor, one arm only (-1) (it also has 1/3rd the base PD and ED of the character, nonresistant, and only gets 1/3rd the value of any armor worn over it) There are two easy ways to do the hand. The pool you mentioned, or a multipower. Cyberhand Pool 8 (20) Control Cost: Requires a Cyber Tech Roll, Can only be changed in a Tech Shop (-1/2), Takes Hours (-1/4) Slightly Limited (-1/4), Must Pay For Upgrades (-1/4), Restrainable(-1/4) 40 Point Cyberarm options pool Pool Usually contains: 10 (15)Cyber Crush: 1d6 HKA (2d6 w’str) must follow grab (-1/2) 4 (10) Cyber Hold: Clinging, Requires a Handhold or Grip (-1) No Movement (-1/2) 3 (5) Hard Fist: +1d6 HA which leaves 23 points for other arm options. Or you can leave the ‘basic hand’ options outside the pool and use all 40 for options. 24 (30)Cyberlimb Options Multipower, restrainable (–1/4) 2 (30) Basic Hand Functions: 10 (15)Cyber Crush: 1d6 HKA (2d6 w’str) must follow grab (-1/2) AND: 4 (10) Cyber Hold: Clinging, Requires a Handhold or Grip (-1) No Movement (-1/2) AND 3 (5) Hard Fist: +1d6 HA 2/3 (30) Extra Hand Option: (A 30 point power from the ‘cyber hand’ list) 2/3 (30) Arm Option 1 (a 30 point power from the ‘cyber arm’ list) 2/3 (30) Arm Option 2 (a second 30 point power from the ‘cyber arm’ list) Thickend Myomar and Armor don’t work right as options in the multipower, but you can easily add more STR and more armor to the base arm. (Extra STR should have a better Cyber Crush in one of the option slots. Yikes. 95 points for the multipower option, or 111 for the pool! Fortunately, it comes with a few disadvantages, as well. 3: One Arm Restrainable as Cyberwear. (Bought as a 15 point “Missing one arm†limitation, that’s then the disadvantage is bought off with the –1/4 ‘Restrainable’ limitation) This goes up to 5 points with two limbs, and 10 with four. 10: Susceptibility: 1d6 stun from having cyberarm abused (twisted, too much weight dropped on it, or taking it taking body)(common) 10: Susceptibility: 2d6 stun from having cyberarm seriously abused (Twisted by a very strong person, a LOT of weight dropped on it, taking a lot of body in one hit. Stacks with the above, of course) 5: Susceptibility: 2d6 Body from having cyberarm torn off (very uncommon, 2d6) When the arm takes body, it looses (In ADDITION to the body it looses) functionality. It can lose: (randomly, or at GM’s whim) 10 STR (This drops the characters effective strength to five LESS than normal. A second roll of this result takes out the 'isolated' STR and effectively disables the arm. It may be able to take this an extra time if the limb has bought extra STR) -1 CV to anything done with the arm (The book said to drop Speed, but dex makes more sense in this case) 2/1 Armor (If armor is already gone, reroll) One Slot in the Multipower or power in the Pool. If it loses the 'crush' option, it can no longer use the hand for normal hand things, though the arm part still works. If the rolled slot is 'empty,' the arm is unaffected. The buyoff of the 'No Arm' disadvantage! Arm totally disabled! --- Are these posts too long and disorganized to be of any help?
  13. Re: Damaging Focus Oh, by the way, the focus damage rules are on the very begining of page 190
  14. Re: Damaging Focus You could use the pool value as the 'largest power', which would give an 8 def . . Offically a focus dosn't have a body. Every time it's damaged, it loses one power. Officially. Most GMs soften this a bit, at least for Armor . . . anyway, they break when they run out of powers, or are hit by a single attack that does double their DEF. Wait. A VPP? That's kind of an odd choice. I'm not sure how the build works. Could you post the whole thing? In any case, the character will need to buy the 'takes no stun/less stun to hits on the arm' power seperatly. There are several ways to do that . . . but I'd like to see how you built it first, if you don't mind.
  15. Re: Stacking Armor Body Plating is armor that covers the outside of the body, and would be Armor. Subdermal Armor, which is what I was refering to, (by the wrong name, my fault) makes more sense to me as Damage Reduction. It dosen't stop you from being hurt, but it does blunt the damage by stoping bullets before they hit something vital. Probably should come with a disavantage 'all surgery to armored areas is at a -4 penalty' or something of the kind, as well. --- OnxyClaw is refering to Damage Resistance for Skinweave. What that does is makes part of the characters base PD resistant, instead of adding on. A 4 pd character with 2 points of PD armor has 6 total PD and 2 resistant PD. A 4 pd character with 2 points of Damage Resistance has 4 total PD and 2 resistant PD. She's correct, that is the right way to mimic skinweave as shown in CP2020. I think it's a bad idea because it's a genre breaker, but that is the right way to do it if you want a straight conversion. --- I understand what you're saying about CP2020's listed armor being much heavier than what I'm suggesting, and what you're using. That was, in my not perticularly humble opinion, a serious design flaw. It meant to hurt even the softest target, you needed huge assault rifles, and to hurt PCs who focused on defense you needed special weapons from the Toybooks. I found the game became a lot less silly when I cut all the armor values in half, and cut out the higher end armors. And unless they changed it in an update, Interlock provided very very trivial penalties to layered armor. They had a big section on why it was stupid, but the game effect was it made you completly unhurtable, and gave you a tiny, tiny dex penalty. If you don't want to deal with the math, though, saying 'you can't do that' or 'only the better armor counts' works just fine. --- I know 'decentralized heart' was in one of the Toybooks. I just thought it was very very silly. Once you get to the middle of the chest, you've almost certianly caused enough damage to kill the target in a few minutes even without a heart there. (Lungs? Spine? Major blood vessles?) And it gives you three extra aortas, which are spread out in such a way that any serious chest wound is going to hit one. So you're actually MORE vunlnerable than you were before. If you must, a few extra body, no figured characteristics, that only applies to chest or vitals hits, and is only good for avoiding death (that is, it only the 'bottom half' applies, when the character is coming up on his NEGATIVE body. --- And about ED: Whatever ED you choose to assign to armor dosn't make a real difference. 99% of the time, damage will be physical, so 6/2 armor is basically equivelent to 6/6 armor. If characters have to pay for it, it's much better, in fact. At least until the players realize this and break out the Kendachi Dragons . . . Which they will once they realize no one has any defense against it.
  16. Re: Mute Characters The only game I was in with a mute character was, oddly, another samurai-esqe game. There were only two characters, a mute ninja, and a badly scarred ronin, who was illiterate. (This is what happens when you make chracters without talking to each other) Pretty much the entire campaign: Ninja: "I scan the inn. Is there anyone there who looks suspicious?" GM: "No one" -Checks character sheets- "Though there as a one-eyed ronin in the back, coughing up blood." -break until everyone else can keep a straight face- Ninja: "I go over." -pause- Ronin: "Yes . . . ?" -pause- -gesture- Ronin: "Is there something I can help you with?" -gesture gesture wild gesture- Ronin: (to GM) "Does this look like some kind of attack?" GM: "Ah, no." -gesture- -gesture- -slaps table- -starts laughing- Ronin: "I'm going to go stand over here for a while."
  17. Re: Stacking Armor Decentralized Heart?! God, that was silly. "Oh, don't worry, I'm fine. Instead of having my heart damaged, I just have this extra aorta they added torn. Oh, and both my lungs. But I'm fine, because my heart isn't damaged!" As others have mentioned, that that's basically how actual armor suits work. A knight DOES wear a metal gorget and bracers (def 5) on top of chainmail (def 4) to get plate and mail (def 7) Or, in more modern terms, slipping a steel insert into a 6 def bulletproof vest turns it into a 8 def vest . . . but that dosn't mean the insert has a lower def than plywood. The idea is that there are a few cases where it's approprate (the lightly armored long coat over the vest, that I mentioned) and in those cases it sort of forms a 'suit' of armor in and of itself. Or you could just rule that only the best armor applies, which works just as well. But there are rare cases where it's not unreasonable to cover up as heavy as possible, even if it means you can barely move. (And enforcing Bulky should stop anyone from using this as more than a 'stationary gunner' tactic) And I WOULD count skinweave as a 'layer' for these purposes. CP2020 specifically allowed you to wear multiple layers of armor at almost no penalty, which was very foolish of them, I thought. Armor levels: Keep in mind, even at 'only' 6/6 def, those armored jeans mean the character CAN'T BE INJURED by anything smaller than a magnum or a small rifle, and will take no body on an average roll from the most monsterous pistols and medium rifles. And that's only ONE LAYER, not counting skinweave, (which everyone will have if it's available) and any combat luck you allow. They can be knocked out, sure, (the consequences of which are considerably worse in a CP game than in most hero games) and forcing activation rolls do allow some risk. But in a way, that makes it worse, because the higher KA averages that the armor makes necisary means that a failed activation roll usually results in a dead character. So if you're going to allow 'everyday wear' armor that good, I'd be very, very wary of any other defensive options you let the players buy. -- If you must have skinweave, I'd do it as 25% resistant damage reduction, that only reduces body damage (-1) and probably comes with a couple of disadvantages like 'reduced sense of touch'. Light armor implants would be 25% resistant damage reduction, with an activation/certain hit locations only, (most of the head, upper chest, and vitals, for the standard model) and an approprate limation Heavy armor implants would be 50% resistant damage reduction for the same areas, and 25% DR for a few others (shoulders, stomach, arms, and legs, maybe) and a couple of signifigant disadvantages
  18. Re: Stacking Armor A simplified version of the layered system: -Take the heaviest armor, as base. -All the other layers can add, at most, half again the active points to the highest armor. -Keep the full weight. (and make sure even the lightest armor HAS signfigant weight!!) -Any moving parts (limbs, neck, stomach) armored in layers makes the whole thing Bulky. So a 4/4 bulletproof vest (9) under a 3/3 jacket (12) gives a total Def of 6/6 to the locations the vest covers. A 2/2 overcoat on top of that would give no benefit. So you can toss an armored overcoat over a vest short vest and groin protector with minimal problems, (which is not too different from how real 'suits' of armor is set up, no?) but it reaches the point of deminishing returns fairly quickly. CP2020 had superhero style bulletproof spandex for some reason. (Didn't one of the toybooks have jeans rated def 10?) I would STRONGLY suggest removing it. Skinweave was even worse. I'd buy implanted armor, (and skinweave type things, if you must) as Damage Reduction, probably with an activation roll, not resistant PD. Body-Plating type stuff would be resistant PD/armor, but that would have the same problems with layering that normal armor does. --- This might be a good time to rethink one of the big problems CP2020 had: that armor was vastly more effective than equivelent weapons. Light armor totally stopped light weapons. Medium armor totally stopped anything short of an FN FAL.
  19. Re: Yet another cyber-question: Chipware Socket Dare I suggest: Cramming? Ease the study time restriction for in place of the fact you have to actually go out and by the chip, slap Restrainable (-1/4) on that baby, and you're ready to go. Yeah, an 8- skill kind of sucks, but in CP2020, chips DID suck. (they topped off at +3, remember?) Weapon and transport familiarities only cost one point, though, so they'd be useful for that. You can even be nice and allow that a skill taken with enough limitations to cram it down to 1 point can fit on a chip, within reason. Say up to -1 worth of limitations. It doesn’t seem too unreasonable to allow one to buy a better version of cramming for more points. (Maybe 10 pts for an 11- roll/2 points after limitations) I probably wouldn't allow anything higher than that, though. A bit expensive, but you could probably justify IIF as well. Actually, you could probably justify OIF, if chipsets are common enough. Taking away an opponenet chips would be as standard as as taking away thier weapons, and there should be times when characters are caught without chips. Yeah. I'd allow that. In place of 'restranable,' not in addition to it, though. The thing that it seems chips would be best at, storing huge blocks of information, isn't really covered in Hero, beyond buying KS skills. I'd just house rule it that a KS that's basically just an info dump, like KS: EvilCo Personel, is better than normal skills bought through a chip. (11- for a 'basic' chipset, and 14- for an 'advanced' one. So: 3 (5) Basic Chipsocket Cramming, OIF skill chips (-1/2), Must use chips instead of study (-0) 8 (10) Advanced Chipsocket Advanced Cramming, OIF skill chips (-1/2), Must use chips instead of study (-0) And what's a chip socket without a few chips? Basic Chips: Tourist chip: Visit beautiful downtown Neo Hudson City! Tour the Harbinger of Justice Memorial Armory! Our Virtual Tour Guide will let you make the most of your trip! AK: Neo Hudson City, 11-, Data on 'bad parts' of town is dangerously misleading (-3/4), Data on good parts of town is crammed with ads (-1/4) Familiarity Chip: Someone pissing you off? Disrespecting you? Have them say "Hello!" to your new little friend, the Gunslinger chip! WF: Pistols Combat Chip: Heading into a tough bar? Worried they might make you eat a bug again? Let Paulie show those rat bastards the power of a good right hook! +1 with Strike, Extra Time, 5 minutes, only to activate (-1) Remember, chips REPLACE skills, they don't add on to them. If a character already has a level with Strike, he can't benefit from Paulie. He could move his 5 point HTH combat level into something else, though. Data Chip: With three finals and an art project coming up, you have better things to do than memorize a bunch of formulas that you'll never use again. Let our Studybudy line of academic enhancers give you a hand, and you'll ace that midterm! KS: Mathematics, 11-, only to provide complementary skill rolls for Chemistry skill checks (-1) Advanced Chips: Skill Chip: It's a cold, lonely world out there. Colder and lonelier when you can't complete a coherent sentence. Does your best pickup line get you maced, kneed in the groin, or shot at? Don't despair, let Svengali! melt that Ice Princesses heart! Seduction, 11- Data Chip: Dinner meeting with the company bigwigs coming up, and you don't know the difference between champagne and sparkling wine? Nothing makes you look more like streetscum in a suit than trying to suck a nice merlot through a straw! But The Contental will let you not only tell red wine from white, its full database of synonyms will give you more ways to say 'fruity' than you would believe! KS: Wines and Wine Culture, 14- Combat Chip: The mysterious fighting styles of the east! We know you're interested, but life's too short to spend time in some temple with some old guy hitting you with a stick! But with the new Yengtao Master! chip, you can walk the earth in serenity, secure in the knowledge of over 400 killing strikes! +1 with Strike, Block, and Haymaker, plus WF: Karate Weapons, Extra Time, 5 minutes, only to activate (-1) --- All chips intended for novelty purposes only. EvilCo is not responsible for the actions of any unethical users of our products. All data contained is provided by independent contractors, and EvilCo cannot be held responsible for any harm resulting from errors or omissions.
  20. Re: A more realistic feel for SH That’s very, ah, generous. Might I suggest a price break on at least some skill levels? Or a boost in effectiveness? Asking people to build to concept is nice, but it’s nicer when they don’t have to cripple themselves to do it. The 3 points for an extra Perception level and the ability to use complimentary skills are a fairly big deal in such a low point game. --- “Luck is just one of my many, many skills.â€
  21. Re: Timing of Hit Location/ Armor Application Or, if you look at it the other way, the helmet armor is now four times as protective as the hand armor. It stopped you from taking 5 body, while the hemet stopped you from taking 20. --- "I apply a tourniquet to my neck . . ."
  22. Re: GM Assistance 1/3rd Body? I thought it was = Body or 1/2 Body. Shouldn't be TOO easy, we don't want this to turn into CP2020, but any way you do it, a LS should be enough dice that it shouldn't be a problem. That's what I ment, though. The martial manuver was just to insure lots of foreams got hit, instead of slicing off Legs and Vitals. I did find a consistant undocumented disadvantage that came from taking Regeneration in one pertiular campagin. EVERY TIME I took more than 3 body, (and I was a pre-Combat Luck MA, so I took body fairly often) the GM ruled I lost something. Do you have ANY IDEA how hard it is to Martial Block with no arms and only one leg? --- "That was tricky of you, casting that spell with your left arm after I went through so much trouble to cut off your right one . . ."
  23. Re: GM Assistance I'd make it half END, not No End. He's making it after all, and that'll keep the cost down. (besides, I don't think you CAN take Reduced End multiple twice. I'd give 'Does No Stun' a -1/2 value for a KA, anyway). No. I mean, I understand what AVLD is for, I just don't see that it's needed in this case, given how sabers acted in the movies. It's hugely expensive, behaves erratically, and in this case requires a fairly BS 'defense' (Personal Force Fields arn't common enough in SW to count so this really translates to 'can't be used for free tunneling through force walls', Combat Luck isn't too bad, but it can't get high enough to count in a meaningful way, and 'being blocked' isn't a defense, its failing to hit in the first place. It also has no numercial value.) Besides, from a game perspective, allowing some of the players access to this kind of thing and not the others is hardly fair, even if I did think it was a perfect simulation. The 'arm slicing' thing is easy, though. Just build Martial Manuver that always targets the forearm. (You can still do that in 5e, right?) Make it something that'll be used a lot in saber/saber fights (One of those +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Must Follow block type ones would probably be best) and require it as part of the saber art. A good whack against a lightly armored target, which pretty much everyone will be, should pop that sucker right off. --- Besides, remember, this isn't an ACTUAL lightsaber, it's a mentally ill mutant mimicing a lightsaber. Even if I grant a 'real one' had no limits as to what it could cut through with no effort, the mutant probably does.
  24. Re: Connection Plugs Actually, for some things it almost seems like Extra Limbs with a limitation. Of course, that's going to end up costing just a few points, so in practical terms, there's no real difference between that and a Perk. The real question is, what do you want them to do, game effect wise? Do they let you use cyberguns you otherwise couldn't, and drive without using your hands? Extra Limbs, only to use cyber-equiped equipment (3 points) Possibly Exact Range Sense, +1 vs range penalties, and +2 weaponsmith, (only to identify problems/unjam) all OIF, any smartgun. Do they let you drive/fly/process complicated information better and more efficently than you normally could, ala Hardwired? Extra levels with combat driving/piloting/programming/Systems Operation/Security Systems (Most CP vehicles are hidiously complex, and probably have inherent -2 or -3 to rolls to start off), maybe even extra Speed, only for operating vehicles or system operation. (What kind of SPD does a Panzer or an Orbital Cutter have? Probably at least 6 or 7 . . .) Do they let you jack in and make phone calls, watch vid, look stuff up, keep track of your finances, and generally do real-life internet stuff? (Also ala Hardwired, Voice of the Whirlwind) Probably a perk is good enough, as you still need a net jack. Figure out what a normal hand computer would cost for the campaign, and buy off it's Focus limiation. Do they let you jack into the net, Gibson Style? Extra dimensional travel. This should probably be bought seperatly, as it's hugely expensive and not everyone would have it. These don't have to be one-size-fits-all things. Hardwired's Cowboy had, what, six face studs? Most people could get by with an external headset, and a normal buttonhead only needed one or two, but if you're gonna drive a Panzer, you need more. CP 2020 may not have been a perfect genre simulation, but games almost never are. It took the signature bits from the more popular CP books and movies at the time and cramed them together. The same way D&D ended up mixing tolkenesque hordes of orcs, Vance's super-high-powered spells, and low fantasy thief types all at once. Charaters probably should have to pay for cyberwear with points, though possibly at a discount. Partially to keep things under control, (CP characters can get a lot of money, at least for a little while, and it's hard for characters to loose it once they've gotten it) but there's a pretty good in-genre justification as well. Getting implants is a fairly big deal, and it make sense that it would take time and effort to master them fully. Think of it like spending points to learn a skill. Now, there's no reason characters can't pay to have stuff installed that they don't have the points to cover. Either they can't use it to its full potental. (for minor stuff like never bothering to properly chip in your "Kung Fu Master!" skill rom) Or they just can't deal with it. While CP2020's cyberpsychosis rules were fairly over-the-top, there's plenty of in-genre cases of too much tech causing characters to develop psych lims, or even physical lims. People mastering, or being mastered, by technology is one of the core themes of the genre. That, and having sex with amazonian hitwomen and/or transexuals. Oh, and get rid of Skinweave. It totatlly blows the genre to get superhero-style bulletproof skin with no downsides. --- Interesting note: Walter Jon Willams, SF author and god, was one of the original playtesters for CP 2013. And Trish Ledeux, who would later, undeservedly, become the most hated figure in anime fandom, was one of its editiors.
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