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Everything posted by steriaca

  1. Re: Martial Arts: Disco Fu (Help!) Which reminds me...anyone atempted to update Stooge-jutsu for the new edition of UMA? I beleve it could also benifet from some new manuvers...the Ear Yank (grab one limb, +STR to "shove", NND), and Curly's Spinning Kick (Attack, Target Falls, You Fall: This repersents Curly falling to the ground, spin in place, and go "Wowowowowo!!").
  2. Re: Super pitcher Humm...one could get away with a low SPD, and simply add a few levels of that tallent which alowes a person incresed DEX for going first with one ability (like, say , pitching a baseball). Yes, I can see it.
  3. Re: Martial Arts: Disco Fu (Help!) What can I say, but WOW! This is defently more than what I can think up. You did forget the elements, so I might as well do them for you. Elements +1 Use Art With Platform Shoes +1 Use Art Wearing Platform Shoes +1 Use Art In Disco (w/full light show and blairing music)
  4. Re: Super pitcher All right...here is a rougth power outline. Since I no longer have eather my FREd or my Pocket FREd (the booklet which came with the GM screen), or my Little FREd (Sidekick), I'm going to have to wing it. So bair with me... Fastball: 6d6 Energy Blast (physical), 6 Charges (Recovable, +0?), Focus (OIF, a bandlear of baseballs (-1/2). and Flaming Fastball: 3d6 Energy Blast (energy), Linked (Fastball, +1/2), Charges Do Not Recover With Linked Power (+0). Of course, remember that he IS using high tech equipment...the baseballs are especaly made of specail materials which resist most air friction (but not all of it), so that he could pitch them faster and longer than normal.
  5. I have an ideal for a odd martial arts style based on 70's disco music. Right now, all I have for manuvers are... 1) Shadow Dancing (a dodge). 2) Night Feaver (an uppercut attack). 3) A manuver where the user grabs his oponent, then 'throws' them by twirling them away. Damage comes from the victom's inability to cope with virtigo from the spin. 4) Disco Infurno (a special attack, best done by a power). 5) How Do You Want It? (a block...traditinaly followed by...), 6) More! More! More! (a slap to the face...a counterattack). 7) The Hustle (Any ideal what this manuver could do?). Any ideals on disco songs which could be used as martial arts manuvers? And, no, Kung Fu Fighting will not count.
  6. Re: Queer heroes Humm...I remember a famboyantly gay supervillian named The Lavender Fog. No, I diden't create him, and he wasen't published anywhere, but I kinda liked the ideal, and did a writeup of him. I guess, if you can file off the serial numbers, he could make for an interesting hero. Especaly one who is more morialy ambigous. (And one of theas day, I am going to have to post the guy also.)
  7. Re: Super pitcher I created a mercnary villian named Fastball, who was a corprate japanies "superhero" with high tech baseball equipment. I basicly gave him two difrent martial arts (one for Bat, and the other, a range one, for ball) and bought for him a recovable Energy Blast vs PD. I also gave him a few plusses to his Energy Blast, made the plusses vs ED, and explaned it as throwing a baseball so fast/hard that it burst into flames. Needless to say, once he starts tossing "fireballs", thoes recovable EBs I gave him STOPED becoming recovable. Anyways, I diden't have the courage to send him into Hero at the time, and I lost my charater sheet for him over time (it was in 4th edition). I might eventuly recreat him, but first, what is the word for "fastball" in japanies? Does anyone have a better name for him?
  8. Re: Lucha Libre Hero Plot Threads Hear is one. A mad scientist builds a time machien, and brings from the past the most vile villians ever and unleashes them agenst the pore Mexican people. It is up to the luchadories (our heros) to stop them in a series of impromptu wrestling matches, earn the secret location of the mad scientist's time machien, earn the use of the machien, and send all the rudos brought to our time back in time. Or, alturnity, a mad scientist sends our techanoe heros into the past as a way to clear the way for his own crime spree. Can the heros survive and get back home? And will thay bring home a new masked luchador named El Cavehombre ("The Cave Man")?
  9. Re: Darkseid? If I remember corectly, there was a fanticy series of books which had the hero have a simuler attack ("The Wheel Of Time" I beleve the series was called, and the attack "Bailfire"). Oh, and I forgot that it could bring anyone hit by the beam anywhere Darkside wanted him to go (via the disintergation/reintergation special effect). Basicly, Snake Gandhi is trying to cram a god into a carboard box with a shoehorn.
  10. Re: Darkseid? If I remember corectly, The Omega Effect can only do a few difrent things. 1) An energy beam which follows a target anywhere. 2) Instant disintergation of the target when hit. 3) Instant reintergation of whoever was hit by the instand disintergation effect. 4) "Probe" whatever gets hit by the beam (Mind Scan). Of course, there may be other effects I am not awair of.
  11. Basicly, I am reviving my ideal of the supervillian 'group' The Crazy 8 (a group of eight villians who temprary get together for a crime, then disband and let another group of eight villians take the name to comit a crime, and so on). Basicly my take on the Masters of Evil (anyone remember them?). So, what I am looking for is a list of already published villians who are mercnarie enougth to join in such a team. When I do publish this, I would like a list of 'canadates' ready (since I only plan on doing the writup of six members, and leave two open slots for GMs to fill). Basicly, the ideal is to do a small Digital Hero adventure, where ARGENT hiers a group of eight mercnarie villians to comit some roberies in order to drive the PCs onto there trail. And once thay come in conflict, the members all have to use a power analyser unit built into there costumes (or, more generly, ARGENT uses the power analyser without anybodys knolage...thay way nothing will stop the infomation, and the selected group of villians are duped without even knowing it). ARGENT is simply intrested in thugs as members, thay cair not for the sourse of there paticy's powers. So, what be your list?
  12. Re: Just Picked Up Champions Worldwide Can anyone give me a rouster of who is in the book, and what country thay are from?
  13. Re: Clown, Inc. You got to remember, I was going only by memory. And I excluded many of the members because thay wern't rememberable.
  14. Re: I Need A Teen Champions Plot! If all else fails, and you need a quick Teen Champions plot, just have some supervillian (ideaslistly a teen himself/herself) kidnap the most popular kid in school. And, if you want a Dark Champions crossover, have the school invaded by a bunch of gun toating loonies. To make maters worse, theas loonies are from the goverment, and got some infomation that some kids were ploting a big school shooting spree. (And, hay, nobody says it has to be true).
  15. Re: Clown, Inc. I get the fealing that this guy wants us to post charater sheets on them. That is something we are not alowed to do. I can go through the members list (as far as I can remember them), and what thay could do, and let YOU write them up as you see fit. Generic Stuff: All CLOWN members have a Coad VS Killing at the Common, Total level. Most of them (if not all) also have some disavantages which also encourage there brand of pranks. Members List. Merry Andrew, The Fool: He has two supervillian names (which he uses interchangably, sometimes at the same time). He is the leader of the group. He also has a keen mind, loves pranks, and has a huge VVP for his gadgets. April Foolmaker: A mutant girl with a vilinaquest dummy and the ability to control people's minds. Her 'stick' is to make superheros do silly things. ("I think you are, a chicken." is her ID quote, and gives a good example of what she can do) She is also second in comand of CLOWN (along with Beuford). Beufard The Bard: A burry man in a midevil jester outfit who plays a lute. He can also control minds, using music. He could also unleash sonic blasts with the lute, but tends to only do so in emergencies. He is also the second in comand of CLOWN. TeeHee: The CLOWN car, he looks like a tricked out VWBug. He can drive on any serface, and inside him is bigger than his outside. Oh, and he has a mind of his own. Think Herbie...only more so. Slapstick: An old time valuvill/berlisk baggie pants comedian who joined the group. He wields a mean slapstick (a paddel which does littel acual damage, but makes a loud noise), and is extremly skilled with it. Tag: The brick of the group, he can do extra damage to others who are "it". How does one become it? A member of CLOWN must go up to him and say "Your It!" while touching him. Note: once someone becomes it, thay can transfer the itness to others by doing the same thing (including other CLOWN members). Trump Knight: A powersuit guy with a 'knight' and 'card' theam. The Guy Who's Name I Forgot, But His Powers Are Based On Lines: A powersuit guy who's powers are all based on lines, like "Dotted Line", "Red Line", ect. While the next fellow is not a member, he must be mentioned anyways. The Trickster: Native American fox spirit, who clames to have manipulated this group into being. His powers are mostly illusions, but he is on the 'god' level. Well, he was a member, but is not now. Popgun: Dresses like a cowboy, and uses two deadly "pop" cork guns. Was dismessed violently when he killed someone. We see his image, but never got any information on him. Mr. Smilly Face: An excentric japanies inventer who wears a smily face mask, and who's inventions sorta remind people of outragous Japanies Game Shows.
  16. Re: An A-team for the 21st Century What? No mention of 3A or the guys the military added to the group after thay captured them, and then faked a military exacution so that there new boss can use them to do things for the military without conecting them to the military? Let me think...who could play 3A? Humm...NOT Jessica Simpson, that is for shure.
  17. Re: Which villain needs an overhaul? Is it just me, or do you just want to yell "Enougth With How Little We Know About Istvatha V'han's Agents, And How She Should Already Be Lady And Mistress Of Champions Earth Already If Run Corectly" stuff. Can we hear about other villians which can stand to be improved a bit? Like The Warlord, for example.
  18. Alright folkes. Admit it. We love Haloween. So, how many of you folkes out there dressed up as there faverote Champions charater? How many folkes dress ther kids as Defender of Saphier (or, heven forbid, Foxbat)?
  19. Re: How to hide a sword Your right...I don't want to experence Akane's use of Hamerspace first hand. Oh, and the most simplest way to explain Hamerspace in HERO terms is "It looks like a focus, but it is not". Another example of this 'space' is Lunaspace, where Luna, Sailor Moon, and the other Sailor Scouts/Sailor Senshi keep all there wands and transformation devices.
  20. Re: How to hide a sword Can I mention "Hammerspace", or has someone else beaten me to it?
  21. Re: Generic Fighting Game Universe You know what we now need? An extremly kawai girl fighter who attacks with such tecneques as "Ki Energy Hearts". Add the fact that she dresses in a cute semi-goth inspiered costume, and you could have a winner. Or preehaps not...but evey good fighting game should have the cute but powerful girl in it.
  22. Re: Which villain needs an overhaul? Humm...I realy can't speak about what modern (5th Ed) villians I would change if I could. As for the past villians...yes. I prefer them, if only because thay have a rich history already, and for the "don't try to reinvent the wheel" aproch to gaming. (Why make a new villian when an old one would fit the same role.) As for villians I would bring back into the Champions Universe. 1) Timemaster: I would keep his powers, then add a VVP to repersent what superweapion he decided to bring with him this time. I would also play up the 'Krang' aspect to him. 2) The Geodecents: Basicly, I would keep the names, but change the orgin in such a way that thay could be a bunch of rebelous teens who found a 'blue-boy' space ship, and were inside the ship when it blew up. Thay got out of the ship with parts of the ship implanted into there bodies. Scratch out the Dr. Kirby Loo refence, and have them hunted by The Warlord. 3) Sonar And Radar: Keep the same as much as posable, except to empsise that thay are MORE than brother and sister, but also lovers. Hay, thay ARE villians. 4) Nutron And Arc: Make them leaders in an underground, pro-mutant group (prehaps founded by Holocost). 5) Sunburst: An insain ex-military guy who was afected by the Project Sunburst experment, he now sees himself as a god, and acts acordenly. 6) Beamline: I would give him some more plasma powers. Also, I would make him the leader of ARGENT's supervillian branch. 7) Powerhouse (anybody remember him?): I would make him an ARGENT agent. Also, I would change his orgin to involve a certan meterite, which exploded and a piece of it is now imbeded in his brain (slowly killing him while giving him the ability to fly and imence strength and size). 8) "Genocide": Thay would exist as a semi-secret teroist orginzation which IHA would manipulate for there own ends. 9) Profesor Murete and Terror Incorprated: Simply put, I would bring the bad profesor back from the grave, making his armor fused to his skin in the prosses. And then, I would have him reform his old team (as much as he could). His goles: to conqure the world and experment on the population, or to destroy the world if he could not take it over. 10) Sparkler: I would give her an "Fierworks" Multipower consisting on vareous fierwork attacks (like an explosion, an autofire, ect...). I might even overempsise her hatred of Americans because she felt she was lied to about the so called American Dream, then make her an agent of the new Terror Incorprated.
  23. Re: I Speak to Dead People Humm...speaking to the Dead...try Telepathy with the advantages Transdimentinal (relms of the dead), Transdimentinal Only, Only To Speak With Ghost/Spirits, Focus (must have at least a 50% completed corpse of the intended target near by), and Incantations (you *must* speak your questions verbly), and Side Effect (Images to sound, always happens, as the ghost speaks back).
  24. Re: Power Armor 'themes' "Elegent Gothic Lolita". It is a fashion style from Japan which uses dark colors, and lots of lace and frills. Imagion a high tech armor which makes whoever wears it look like a high tech version of a porsolin doll, except that the skirt is above the knees.
  25. Re: Power Armor 'themes' Humm...try a power suit which looks like a hi-tech EGL girl.
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