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Doc Samson

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Everything posted by Doc Samson

  1. Re: Champions game one shot. =) In out 250 pt. games we put a cap on defenses of 25 PD/ 25 ED. Usually only our Bricks hit this cap. The reasoning behind the cap is based on a rough AP maximum of 50 pts. (which is typical for a 250 pt. game). IMHO, if you go with a cap on defenses you should probably put an equivalent cap (50 APs or roughly 10d6) on attacks as well. If you allow stronger attacks, Stuns and Knockouts come much quicker. I hope this helps.
  2. Re: FFN: Super Bloopers Heh good stuff.
  3. Re: Would you allow a BODY Aid to work on an Entangle? I think this is true. Using the same reasoning, the DEF of an Entangle would also be worth 5 pts. per +1 DEF. This is an effect I don't think I want to introduce to my campaign. I use Entangles to slow characters down or force them to cooperate. I'm definately not looking for an effect that could remove a player from a combat in a single action. I am going to save this one for the next time someone posts munchin build thread though.
  4. Re: Would you allow a BODY Aid to work on an Entangle? I agree, a second Entangle built to augment the first seems to be the way to go. Thx again.
  5. Re: Would you allow a BODY Aid to work on an Entangle? Woops, I edited after you two quoted me I would like to hold the character to a 75 AP max, as the players are so restricted. We allow powers that augment existing powers (otherwise Adjustment powers would be useless) but would not allow an actual 150 AP power, combo or otherwise. If you think this violates the spirit of the 75 AP max, then by our standards it would not be allowed. Hyper, I find it interesting that Aid cannot boost the BODY of an Entangle while Drain can reduce it (5ER pg. 168). However, there does seem to be some support for your ruling in the FAQ. I think I will probably not use the Aid. Thanks all.
  6. Re: Would you allow a BODY Aid to work on an Entangle? Close. What I was going for was an Entangle that can be dramatically reinforced using repeated actions. The Trigger is probably not necessary but I wanted to start with an Entangle that would not be easily escaped. The powers are seperate and cannot be Linked (as they have different Targets) or be together in the same Framework Slot. My assumption is that a BODY Aid would add 1 BODY to the Entangle for every 2 pts. of Effect. The Aid is not targeting the Entangle Power itself, but the BODY of an Entangle already in existence (in other words, it's a BODY Aid, not an Entangle Aid.). Maybe I should just use repeated Entangles, or perhaps even buy a second Entangle with Autofire, to reinforce the original. Thanks for the input you two.
  7. Re: Would you allow a BODY Aid to work on an Entangle? I will assume your response is a negative. Can you elaborate pls? I would like to add that a 450 pt. campaign doesn't simply play like a 350 pt. game with more dice. Most of my players seem to have characters with more flexibility, requiring me to build more challenging villains and scenarios to keep it entertaining. They are also fairly experienced gamers and roleplayers.
  8. I'm building a villain for my Champs game (450 pts., 75 AP max) named Sludge. As a personal quirk, I try to write up all of my supervillains using the same basic guidelines I would allow for my players (minions have less points while arch-villains have more). If I allow this build, I may see it on a player sheet at some points in the future. The build will be something simple like a 7d6 BODY/ 8 DEF Entangle (75 APs) and a seperate 4d6 BODY Aid, Ranged (+1/2), Trigger (+1/4) (70 APs) Would you use it for a villain? Would you allow it for a player?
  9. Re: Trick Arrow Villain? If he's a stand alone or arch-villain for the campaign, I would go for effects that slow the combat down so the players all don't just coordinate and one-shot him. Here's a few examples: 1. Acid Arrow - RKA, NND vs. Force Field, Does Body, 0 END, Continuous Uncontrolled. This isn't intended to kill a hero, but when he realizes what's going on he (or a teamate) is going to be forced to find some water to dilute the acid. 2. EMP Arrow - Dispel vs. Technology, Expanded Effect: any technology power one at a time. Use this to shut off a technology based character's Force Field, Life Support, or Senses to make him susceptible to the other arrows. 3. Glue Arrow - Entangle, Area Effect, Sticky, Personal Immunity. This causes anyone in the area to break the entangle before every move until they leave the area. It will slow down any ground based character but a Brick. 4. Flash Arrow - Flash vs. Sight Group. Anyone depending on sight will be at a great disadvantage for a few segments, especially ranged characters. 5. Smoke Arrow - Darkness vs. Sight Group, Personal Immunity. Like Flash but you can hide in it for extended periods. 6. Fire Arrow - RKA, NND vs. Force Field, Does Body, 0 END, Continuous Uncontrolled, Area Effect, Personal Immunity. Like the Acid Arrow but against multiple targets. 7. Ice Arrow - Entangle. If used against a character that requires gestures or an accessable focus, will force a teamate to help him escape. 8. Radiation Arrow - Suppress CON, 0 END, Area Effect. A few application will really slow a group down when their cons are so low that more attacks will leave them stunned. 9. Poison Gas Arrow - EB, NND vs. Self-Contained Breathing, Area Effect, 0 END, Continuous, Personal Immunity. Again, hide in the center and melees without Life Support will think twice about running in on you. 10. Explosion Arrow - Dispel vs. Movement, Expanded Effect: any movement power one at a time, Does Knockback, Double Knockback. Use this to create some distance between you and a particularly nasty player. 11. Sonic Arrow - Ego Attack or EB BOECV. For the Brick that has every defense type in the book but mental. 12. Oil Slick Arrow - Change Environment -DEX. I just love this one from an above poster so I am stealing it. For your standard attacks, use a wide variety of arrows (EB or RKA with AE, AF, AP, P, ect.) so that you have something for everyone. Find Weakness can help spice things up as well.
  10. Re: Telekinesis - Earth Only The others have already given you all the good advice. You pretty much have to choose whether to define all the seperate effects with powers like Force Wall, Entangle, ect. (you could also use a VPP to lump all the effects together) or allow the TK to do all of these things. In my game, I would (and have in the past) allow the TK, but it creates more work. TK is basically STR at Range. In this case it's STR that can only be used to manipulate Earth and Stone (a -1/2 Limitation on the TK). However please note that Earth and Stone, while available in most (but not all) settings, has limited usefulness. A hex of dirt has no DEF and a BODY of only 10, limiting how much damage it can be used to cause or block upto 10 BODY (5ER pg. 448 and 449). A hex of stone, on the other hand, has a DEF of 5 and a BODY of 19, allowing it to be used for multiple attacks or blocks, but a large piece of stone is much less common without tearing down a building.
  11. Re: Logic v Balance Good stuff but I'm pretty sure a skydiver would have a pretty hard time hitting a moving target as most of the time they can't even land on a giant bullseye (1 Hex, DCV 3). However, if the character bough AE for his STR while grown, then he need only target the hex to anyway.
  12. Re: Logic v Balance I have my GM hat on atm so I am low on Logic. If the slots are ultras, I would say you have to pick one power or the other to determine your damage. If they are flexible slots, then I would allow you to mix and match how many points you have in each slot to achieve the best effect (i.e. velocity damage scales faster than STR but at the cost of accuracy).
  13. Re: A Question About Linking Powers As far as the issue of why Linked is so restricted in regards to Frameworks, I think the big culprit may be Elemental Control. Unlike MPs and VPPs which have a common restriction in that the pool points must be divided among slots, an Elemental Control is pretty much free points for powers with a common SFX (which you were probably going to buy anyway). Allowing the whole Framework to be Linked on top of this bonus would shave the costs of powers down to a fraction. Elemental Controls already include the drawback that the whole Framework is affected by Adjustment Powers, so in that respect Linked is redundant. Please note that powers that share a slot of an Elemental Control can be Linked together and any number of Powers (or Characteristics for that matter) can be Linked to a Slot in an Elemental Control. I think I explained this poorly so basically what I am saying is that Elemental Controls are already a large point savings even without Linked.
  14. Re: A Question About Linking Powers I hate to be the bearer of bad news yet again, but this build is illegal even if you allow the Linked. Unless I am misreading, his multipower is made up of Naked Advantages (and not actual STR). From 5ER pg. 244 Naked Power Advantages (repeated on pg. 311 under Restrictions On Slot Purchases) It also looks like the advantages don't cover his base 10 STR (the MP is only 55 pts.). As always the GM can allow anything he wants, but this is too much handwaving for me.
  15. I just wanted to share some fun I have had with a recent character. We have just started a new 450 pt. (75 AP max) Champs campaign. I created a character based on the powers of the Lernaean Hydra of Greek Mythology. He is a Brick that Duplicates when he takes damage. The build is centered on Absorbtion into Duplication. To preserve balance, the GM and I have worked out a few voluntary restrictions. 1. The Base Character and the Duplicates are built as 350 pt. characters with a 60 AP max. This one was pretty straight forward. I have to get 2-3 Duplicates out and Coordinating before I am as effective as other members of the team. 2. The Absorption does not work vs. "cauterizing" attacks such as fire, acid, electricity, and radiation. This slows down the Duplication and also keeps me from making game breaking numbers of Duplicates as they start to fade after one turn. 3. Here's the fun part - The Duplication is bought with an Activation Roll and Side Effects. The Side Effect of a failed role is the creation of a "Flawed Duplicate" under the control of the GM. This has proven to be alot fun as a few bad roles can create total chaos. I wasn't able to get too much play time in with the character as I have been asked to fill in for the current GM but the time I did have was fun.
  16. Re: A Question About Linking Powers As Hyper is one of my heroes, I disagree with the utmost respect. It is not legal in 5ER (5ER pg. 311, under Power Frameworks in the section entitled Linked), though I am not sure if it was legal in previous editions.
  17. Re: Munchkin powers on legal active point costs I don't think this is munchkin at all and it's actually quite creative.
  18. Re: Guess the inspiration behind this superteam! That made me laugh.
  19. Re: Guess the inspiration behind this superteam! Hmm...that easy huh? Oh well.
  20. This is a just for fun thread. I think it's fun to see how almost anything can be used to inspire a character. So, where do you think I got this idea? Feel free to post challenges of your own.
  21. Re: Munchkin powers on legal active point costs This is far from a textbook answer but we always thought of Penetrating as they way to build powers that can cut through anything. From a game standpoint, the damage may not be massive but it always gets through. Examples include Wolverine's Adamantium Claws, Lightsabers in a Star Wars setting, and Promethium weapons in DC. [Edit] Other notes: We use Penetrating on an attack when AP is simply not going to be enought to do any damage and NND/ AVLD Does BODY is overkill.
  22. Re: Munchkin powers on legal active point costs An awesome find then.
  23. Re: Munchkin powers on legal active point costs One of my favorite powerful builds was created bu Hugh Neilson. Possession A Multiform VPP to become the target, Linked to a UAA EDM to place the target in "Stasis".
  24. Re: Munchkin powers on legal active point costs True, the power should probably be shut off if you get in melee. As far as extra applications of CE, the autofire would be on a linked attack. I was just highlighting the advantage of attacking with autofire against a reduced DCV. Reference please? I think some people may have missed the point of this thread. The GM doesn't need to allow ANYTHING he doesn't want to in the campaign, munchkin or not. Noone is saying that these are playable builds, just that they are BOOK rules legal.
  25. Re: Favorite Green Lantern Guy Gardner was my favorite GL. I liked him best during the time he had Sinestro's Yellow Power Ring.
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