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Doc Samson

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Everything posted by Doc Samson

  1. Re: Hy-Tek Help No worries, just remove the "Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power" part and lower the limitation to -1/4.
  2. Re: Hy-Tek Help I don't have any of my C:tNM stuff anymore but I'll give it a try based purely on what you have described. The build assumes a 60 AP campaign, alter as needed. I hope this at least gives you a starting point.
  3. Re: Help: Two Dimensional Characters Eerie...I just made a 2-D character. The USPDB and UM both have a Two Dimensional power build. I borrowed heavily from their build but changed stuff to what I thought made more sense. I'll summarize what I did. "Two-Dimensional Form" EC -Desolidification, 0 END, Does Not Protect Against Damage (-1) -Invisibility, 0 END, Only From The Sides (we settled on a -1 for this, as when you are surrounded more than half your opponents will be able to see you). -Gliding, Costs END (-1/2) I differed heavily from the books in regards to Desolidification. I used the Desolidiification only to be able to pass through solid objects (on the thin side of coarse). I bought the actual 2-D form as a combination of Armor and Damage Reduction. "2-D Attacks" MP (The books suggest AP and Affect Physical World on STR (banned in our campaigns) but I modelled this build off the rules for becoming solid inside an object (under Desolidification), like the Vision's attacks. You can choose how severely you want to damage an opponent or object while passing through them with your thin side.) -HA, STUN Only (-0) -HA -HKA The books also recommend Vulnerabilities to Knockback (theoretically you have reduced mass) and Killing Attacks (there is less of you to go through). I hope this helps.
  4. Re: Support Villain Concept Cool idea. Some ideas as to why he doesn't just use the process for legal profit. 1. It's not as failsafe as he says. Add an activation roll of 15-. Failure results in a Side Effect (Linked Killing Attack) that kills the volunteer or victim. 2. It's not permenant. Some time later the process reverses itself leaving the victim horribly deformed. 3. Those that gain earth based powers (perhaps an enemy) can reverse the effect in others, returning them to normal.
  5. http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20070918/sc_afp/peruhealthoffbeat
  6. Re: Questions about Absorption and Duplication
  7. Re: Favorite Damage Shields? Two of my personal favorites... "The Blob" Clinging (+90 STR), Damage Shield (+1/2) (60 Active Points) "Cloak" Extra-Dimensional Movement (The Darkforce Dimension), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Damage Shield (+1/2), Usable As Attack (+1), Continuous (+1) (90 Active Points)
  8. Re: DC's Captain Marvel: OIHID or Multiform? I think this falls into the realm of a GM call. I may allow the Physical Lim Disad but I could also see these criteria being covered by the SFX of the OIHID (must take at least a full phase and have a way of being prevented).
  9. Re: Is MultiForm Broken? You make alot of sense, but if you play in a group of powergamers like I do, a 350 pt. character is usually going to be stronger than a 300 pt. multiform (with or without skills). If the base character points in the group is 240 (below standard), then I think a 60 AP cap is too high to be very restrictive anyway.
  10. Re: DC's Captain Marvel: OIHID or Multiform? From a purely mechanics standpoint, if you have to lower any characteristics or remove any skills when changing into the superhuman form, imho you should use multiform. For example, early versions of the Hulk had lower INT than Banner and lacked his science skills, which cannot modeled using OIHID. If you are adding powers, characteristics, skills, ect., and not taking anything when changing into the superhuman form, OIHID is easier imo. For example, turning into Captain Marvel doesn't lower any of Batson's characteristics or remove any skills, so both OIHID or Multiform can be used, but OIHID is easier. Not sure I understand the first question. If multiform requires Extra Time and Concentration, I would take them as Limitations on the power. If the character has accidental change circumnstances from both norm to super and super to norm, take the accidental change disadvantage twice. I hope this helps.
  11. Re: need advice on my build My advice is in regards to combat. I am assuming he will be facing at leat 60 AP attacks based on his point totals. 1. His CON is very low meaning he will be stunned by most attacks. 2. His total defenses (20/ 20) and STUN are also very low, meaning he will be defeated on average by one successful attack (12d6 averages 42 pts., 42 - 20 = 22 damage, 22 > 18 STUN). 3. DEX 10 with no combat skill levels = OCV/ DCV 3, meaning he will be hit by most attacks and probably miss with most of his attacks. 4. SPD 2 is that of an average human, most characters he faces of his power level will have much higher SPDs. 5. 60 STR + 50 STR = 22d6. He will most likely one-shot any opponent the GM throws at him (though granted it is unlikely he would hit anything above a normal human). 6. He will most likely be out of END after one attack. 7. You may want to look at the automaton powers. That section has tips on building robots. 8. There is an example of a high-powered nano-robot in the Ultimate Metamorph. There is more, but I think you get the idea. The points need to be spread out a bit more. I hope that helps.
  12. Re: [Character] Nemesis Heya QM. Is this a re-write of Riot or is he for a different purpose?
  13. Re: Is MultiForm Broken? Multiform is often UNDERpowered in campaigns with an AP limit. For example, in a 350 pt. campaign with a 60 AP max, your strongest form would be (60x5) 300 pts. Unrestricted, Multiform can of course be broken (350x5 = 1750pts.!). Your GM needs to set some sort of limit.
  14. Re: Sweep, Multiple Power Attacks and Autofire Though we haven't put a restriction on Sweep and Rapidfire, 3 is our friendly limit. Martial Manuever and Haymakers bonuses do not count against our Damage Cap and you cannot "buy off" their penalties. AE counts towards our AP limit (and therefore Damage Cap). We do not consider STR inherently AE as our GM will limit characters from throwing cars every phase in some way. We have considered reducing speed based on damage and vice versa but have not yet had the need.
  15. Re: Sweep, Multiple Power Attacks and Autofire Great discussion. We just hammered this out in our campaign. Here's what we did. Fist off, we also use a CV Cap so that boosts to damage at the reduction of accuracy (Sweep, Rapid Fire, Autofire, Velocity Damage from Move Through, ect.) are meaningful. CSLs to Sweep, Autofire, Move Through, ect. count towards our CV Cap. Our Damage Cap is based on the Active Points of the Base Attack, before Damage Modifiers. For Example: a 4d6 KA (60 APs) is equal to 60 STR (60 APs), a 4d6 Autofire KA is NOT equal to 60 STR. The Combat Section of the rules is pretty clear (though you have to go through the whole section) what is base and what is not. For Example: STR bonuses to HA and HKA and Extra Damage Classes bought with Martial Arts are base damage. Martial Manuever bonuses, Haymaker bonuses, DC Increases using CSLs, are Velocity Damage are not. The Modified Damage of an attack is anything that adds to the base damage, up to twice the Base Damage of the attack. There are a few damage modifiers that allow you to exceed double the base damage of the attack, such as Move Throughs and Extra Damage Classes for Manuevers, which make it even more important to have a limit on CVs. These caps have done a pretty good job at keeping our characters balanced despite having a wide variation in attack types and sizes. I hope this helps. For reference, our CV/ AP Caps for various campaign levels are: 250 pts. = 10/ 50 350 pts. = 12/ 60 450 pts. = 15/ 75
  16. Re: Looking for help with some Monkey Business. Gorilla-Man is the name shared by two different Marvel characters. Dmitri-9 is a character from the Grant Morrsion graphic novel entitled The Filth.
  17. Re: Looking for help with some Monkey Business. Well, here is what I have so far. I'm almost out of time as the GM gave me until this weekend to stat him. He still needs some number crunching (some of the limitations are questionable) and alot of fleshing out. Thanks again for the help all. All comments are welcome. As a homage to silver age gorilla stories, the various aspects of the character come from (and a few obscure others)... Genius Level Intellect - Gorilla Grodd, the Ultra-Humanite, Monsieur Mallah Giant Ape Form - King Kong, Mighty Joe Young, Titano Mind Transfer - Gorilla Grodd, the Ultra-Humanite, Congorilla Super-Trained Gorilla Body - Gorilla-Man, Man-Ape, Monsieur Mallah Ability to Pilot Spacecraft - Titano, Red Ghost, Dmitri-9
  18. Re: [Character] Burn Baby Though our campaigns enforce a strict AP policy, for this particular circumnstance we would allow an abusive level of ED. For Example, 30 3) Immunity to Fire: 40 ED Force Field, Only Works Against Limited Type of Attack (-1), 0 END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2) I would think you won't get hit with too many attacks that exceed 64 pts. of fire damage in a 350 pt. game and your chance of actually getting burned (i.e. taking BODY) should be impossible. A Penetrating attack may do a small amount of damage but not the total washout that an Affects Desolid attack would against Desolidification.
  19. Re: Strange Hero Concepts: Discuss Your Own! I don't think this one is strange but my group seems completely freaked out by it. Prime-8 A genius-level intellect mutant research gorilla (experimental subject no. 8 of the ApeX Project). His powers are loosely based on bad silver age gorilla stoylines. He has augmented his gorilla physique to near gorilla perfection (super simian serum), he can grow to giant proportions (inventor of the Kong Particle), and he can transfer his mind into a human body (Animal Magnetism).
  20. Re: Looking for help with some Monkey Business. Thanks all for the advice (and the laughs). From what I have read, most of the Silver Age Gorilla stories either invloved a King Kong style battle or some sort of Brain Transplant. There is not as much to work with as I had hoped.
  21. I stumbled across this page and it inspired me to create a super powered gorilla hero. It's a higher powered campaign (450 pts.) and many of the characters are a mix of archetypes (we have a Brick/ Martial Artist Wrestler, A Patriot Brick/ Energy Projector, A Gadgeteer/ Energy Projector Supermage, and a Four Armed Brick/ Speedster). I am looking to play something equally versatile (i.e. able to fill multiple roles) but I am coming up pretty thin on ideas. My concept is for the character to be homage to comic books apes such as Titano, Grodd, and the Ultra-Humanite. All I have so far is a... 1) A high INT and a plethora of Science Skills 2) Giant Ape Form - Growth with Linked Defenses 3) Mind Transfer - Mental Transform Can anyone think of any other Gorilla/ Ape type schticks that would go well with this concept? Thanks in advance for ideas.
  22. Re: Sonics - tired power, need new ideas There was a really cool sonic character posted a bit ago. He had the ability to imitate any sound he heard, from sonic attacks to peoples voices. I'll see if I can find it. Found it... http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=55528&page=1
  23. Re: Dredging Obscurity for Villain Ideas Obscure characters? I know just the place... http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix/ Go into profiles and just surf until you drop.
  24. Re: [Character] Rex Very cool and a fun read. Well done.
  25. Re: Triggered Recovery? You would get the extra points of REC but actual recoveries only happen post phase 12 or as an action. Aid or Succor (END and STUN) would be a more appropriate focus of the Trigger for the effect you want.
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