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Doc Samson

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Everything posted by Doc Samson

  1. Re: Need Perjoratives! Supers (generic/ neutral) Wierdos (negative, Serpent already took Freaks) Smashers/ Bashers/ Trashers (if known for alot of collateral damage) Glowers/ Shiners (if they share a common sfx such as glowing eyes) Doves/ Bats (if all can fly) Do your metas all share a common origin? Juicers (super drug origin) Muts (genetic mutant origin) Sickos/ Sickies (viral/ infectious based origin) Brainers (mental power origin) Choppers (martial arts based origin)
  2. Re: Tricks for a Triplicator? Well, Teamwork and Coordinating Attacks are probably your best bet to Stun a Brick. Don't forget your multiple attacker bonus. If the Brick is low DCV you may want to try to Sweep and Move Through more frequently to take advantage of the increased accuracy from the Multiple Attacker Bonus. Similar to what you already stated, having 2 duplicates hold the Brick while a third winds up a Haymaker or does a Move Through will net some extra damage. If one of the Duplicates has a reliable "crowd control" power, such as a Throw Maneuver (trip/ leg sweep) or a Flash (eye poke/ dirt throw), have them continue to use it while the other two attack unhindered.
  3. Re: Yet another attempt at "Regeneration as a Defense". I can certainly see the cause for the discussion over legality and what exactly the power does. My assumption is that it functions like the Regeneration option. Instant powers are legal to make Persistent without Continuous (5ER 257). As a Persistent power, the Power is always in effect, i.e. it doesn't requires an Attack action to use. As per the rules for Persistent, the power does not need to be activated (5ER 100) and in fact works even while the character is unconscious and cannot take actions (5ER 258). As Healing already provides it's own limitation on how often the power can be used on a target, a Limitation defining the power as working only once per injury would be no worth no points. As Sean pointed out, this build only works if your game uses the "Tracking Injuries Individually" Option. I have also played Sean's suggested REC build (with the Gradual Effect Limitation) and it does work well, but it forces the GM to beat the character down until he is no longer getting frequent recoveries to keep the character down. In other words, unless the character is the group's Brick, it can feel like the character has unlimited STUN to an unprepared GM. As always, the GM could simply ban the build or disallow the injury tracking option, though for the cost the power seems no more effective than Damage Reduction. Thanks for the comments all.
  4. There have been many great suggestions on this board on how to build the "Healing Factors" of several popular characters such as Wolverine and the Hulk. Examples include Armor with IPE, Damage Reduction, and REC with Gradual Effect. This is my latest attemp at a functional "Regeneration as a Defense" build. Our GMs (Champions game) have recently voted to allow the "Tracking Injuries Individually" (5ER 186) GM option of the Healing Power in our game. The spurred me to again try the Healing power to duplicate this effect. Using Regeneration as a template, here is a simple build for a "Healing Factor" for a 60 AP game. 3d6 STUN Healing (Injuries Tracked Individually), 0 END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Self Only (-1/2). 60 Active Cost, 40 Real Cost It's obviously even cheaper if you put it in an Elemental Control with BODY Regeneration. This power automatically heals any STUN damage you take from an attack by 3d6 (or 9 if using the Standard Effect Rule). This may seem like an expensive way to buy what basically amounts to 9 PD/ 9 ED Armor, but note that it works on the same amount of STUN regardless of the source of damage. This makes it effectively also like Power Defense, Mental Defense, NND/ AVLD Defense, ect. only for STUN. As you can only apply Healing to each wound once, larger wounds (i.e. ones that exceed the healing total) will still stack up so that the character can still be defeated normally. For more realism, you could add Gradual Effect: 1 Turn (-1/4), but I think the math required every segment would get cumbersome. I am currently playing with this power (3 1/2 d6) in a 450 pt. game. I dumped Damage Reduction and added this power in it's place. Though I get stunned more often, it seems to mitigate roughly about as much damage as 50% Damage Reduction (and for roughly the same cost). I am enjoying it more than DR, however, as instead of just doing a % calculation each time I am hit, a fast roll of the dice seems to enhance the drama.
  5. Re: Prison facilities for super-human criminals in your Campaigns? The supervillain prison in our campaign is called the Labyrinth. It is made up impenetrable ever shifting metal walls (though despite this fact, several of our stories have involved break outs). I'm not sure why but many aspects of it follow a Greek Mythology theme. It was created an run by a Mr. Fantastic style inventor named Daedalus. It is located on a man made island in Lake Michigan off the coast of Illinois. The captain of the guard is called the Minotaur (of course!). The guards are equipped with powered armor designed by Deadalus and are called "Bulls", a slang term for real prison guards and a pun on the Minotaur.
  6. Re: Lernean Regen - How to build it? We meet again! There is some precedence for this type of power, both in the Hero System Bestiary under Hydra (which I don't have available atm) and the Ultimate Metamorph (which I do have with me). 1) First off, this requires a bit more work but imho plays pretty well. The Hydra in the HSB is built with Duplication using the "one body with multiple parts" option [5ER pg. 156 under the Cannot Recombine (-0) limitation]. Each head is essentially a separate character. Tip: I would only use the Regeneration power for the main character (i.e. the body) so that the duplicates don't become too numerous (see below). The way you built it is awesome as it useful for much more than just BODY damage. 2) As each head is a complete character with it's own BODY and STUN, you won't have to worry about called shots and such. Tip: Buy the main character's (i.e. the body) BODY and STUN higher than the duplicates (or with Damage Reduction) so that attacking the heads remains a viable way to defeat the beast. Another option would be to buy the main character's Armor so high (with the Visible limitation so they know the heads are vulnerable) that the characters are forced to attack the heads. 3) The Ultimate Metamorph builds the Lernean Regeneration power as Duplication (with a large number of duplicates) with a Trigger (the Trigger being whenever the creature Regenerates damage using the Regenerate power). I think this may be a bit too much so I would suggest the Trigger be whenever a head (i.e. a Duplicate) is killed (but not vs. cauterizing attacks such as fire or electrical damage). Tip: Keep the SPDs of the Duplicates low or they will quickly become overwhelming. I hope that helps or at least gives you some inspiration, cheers!
  7. Re: Strange Hero Concepts: Discuss Your Own! I'll break the mold a bit as this was run as a villain, but he certainly could be played as a hero. He was alot of fun to run as his powers were greatly underestimated by the team until the combat started. Jack Gusher (name legally changed, real name unknown) is an Oil Tycoon and CEO of Gusher Enterprises. He is a brilliant inventor in the fields of mechanics, electronics, and chemistry and made a fortune from his design for a high-efficiency oil rig. Bored with his wealth, he designed a high-tech suit of (diesel) Powered Armor and became the super powered thrillseeker known as Pumpjack. His powers are based on (you probably guessed it) oil! His more frustrating powers included: "Frictionless Oil Coating" Desolidification (not vs. fire), cannot pass through solid objects "Frictionless Oil Spill" Change Environment, -DEX, dex roll or fall down "Viscous Oil Spray" Sight Group Flash with Area Effect Cone "High-Pressure Oil Blast" Energy Blast, double knockback with penetrating knockback "Ignite Flammable Oil" Energy Blast, 0 end continuous uncontrolled (stopped by anything that puts out fire), only vs. targets that have been hit with one of the other oil attacks "Ignite Oil Slick" as above but Area Effect Radius
  8. Re: Help: Folk Heroes. I recently had a similar idea. Maybe this will inspire something. I created a villain to be used in an upcoming story named Crazy Jack (homage to characters like Crazy Jane and Legion). He has multiple personalities, with each personality having a different form and powers (Multiform VPP). Currently all of forms are European legendary or folktale creatures with Jack as part of their names. His current forms are: Jack-In-Irons - A giant brick with chain powers Spring Heeled Jack - a victorian speedster with leaping powers (spring-based Powered Armor) Jack O' Lantern - A monstrous energy projector who throws flaming pumpkins Jack Frost - An elfish energy projector with ice and cold Powers Jack In The Green - a nature spirit mystic with plant and wood powers (Based On Con Mental Powers) Jack the Giant Killer - a mischievous martial artist with shrinking Jack the Ripper - a homicidal weapon master with shadow powers Some other ideas I have been throwing around for him are an Evil Clown Gadgeteer named Jack-in-the-Box and a Pirate with Luck Powers named One-Eyed Jack or Black Jack.
  9. Re: Help with Power: Regen as Armor This question pops up from time to time. I usually duplicate this effect with Regeneration and alot of Recovery with the Gradual Effect Limitation. For example: "36 REC (72 APs), Gradual Effect [1 Turn] (-1/4)" would yield 3 STUN and END every segment. You might also include a -0 Limitation, "Only for Post-segment 12 Recoveries" so that taking recovery actions and recovering BODY don't become over complicated. You obviously want to have some level of standard defenses but do not underestimate this power. Even a few points per segment can reverse the damage from multiple attacks over the course of a turn.
  10. Re: Rules to ignore, or replace I have yet to allow it, but my players have asked to me to waive the rule disallowing power frameworks to be linked to a power outside the framework (such as a Growth Powers framework linked to Growth). I also frequently get asked to waive the rule requiring powers in Elemental Controls to cost END.
  11. Re: Create this character! Ratcatcher Real Name: Jack Hamelin Backround: Jack Hamelin was a research assistant in a secret government research facility. His team was researching biological weapons, including a particularly nasty mutant strain of the Bubonic Plague (also known as the Black Death). Their plan was to use rats to spread the disease. Unfortunately for the researchers, the mutant bacteria granted the test rats a sinister collective intelligence. The rats escaped from their cages and in a bloodthirsty swarm attacked and killed the researchers, all but Jack. Jack it turned out had some sort of natural immunity to the plague. He survived but was left hideously deformed, looking more like a zombie than a man. He not only survived, but the disease somehow granted him control over the rat's collective consciousness. Jack now lives in the city's sewer system, using the sewer network to traverse the city unseen. Skills, Talents, Perks: Ratcatcher was a skilled research assistant having advanced knowledge in both biology and chemistry (SS: Biology and SS: Chemistry). Ratcatcher has in-depth knowledge of the city's sewer network and can use it to access many locations around the city unseen (Access 5). Powers: Ratcatcher has the power to summon and control huge mutated rats. He can use this power to summon a single rat that can be used as scout (Clairsentience) to a deadly rat swarm (Summon: Rat Swarm) and anything in between. Ratcatcher's natural physiology also makes him immune to all diseases (LS: Immunity to Disease). Disadvantages: Plague Scarred (Distinctive Features), Hunted by the CDC (Hunted), Destitute (Money), Plague Carrier (Reputation), Homeless (Social Limitation)
  12. Re: Shrinking and Growth: Comics vs. HERO System. I just made this reply to Hermit in another thread. I'll move it to here to add to the discussion. Replying to Hermit yet again in support of his points.
  13. Re: Watch out! New Superhero in town!! I would definately go for Regen with Resurrection because your not going to survive a Move Through.
  14. Re: Would you allow a BODY Aid to work on an Entangle? Here is a ruling on the cost of the BODY and DEF of an existing Entangle. http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=58177 It appears the cost of BODY is the same as that of a character in regards to adjustment powers. In summary: Aid does not affect exiting Entangles (http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32425) Drain does affect existing Entangles (5ER pg. 168) The costs, in regards to adjustment powers, of an exisiting Entangle's BODY and DEF is 2 and 3 respectively.
  15. Re: Strange Hero Concepts: Discuss Your Own! Repped for coolness.
  16. How does a BODY Drain affect an existing Entangle? Does it Drain 1 BODY per 2 pts. of effect, 1 BODY per 5 pts. of effect, or some other ratio? Thank in advance.
  17. Re: Would you allow a BODY Aid to work on an Entangle? I find these to be interesting arguements. Can either of you cite a reference that the BODY of an object and the BODY of a living being are different in regards to Aid or other Adjustment Powers (aside from Entangle)? How do you reconcile that a BODY Drain can be used both an object (including an Entangle) and a person? How much BODY does a Drain remove from an Entangle, 1 per 2pts. or 1 per 5pts.?
  18. Re: Would you allow this? I would definately allow him to make his hair identical (right down to the DNA) to the hair sample. The rest of the creature, well, I think he still has to know what it is he wants to shapeshift into. As suggested, I think an appropriate Enhanced Sense (perhaps a Detect "DNA" with Discriminatory and Analyze) is needed for him to know what it is to change into it.
  19. Re: Strange Hero Concepts: Discuss Your Own! I am currently playing a Sewer Worker turned Superhero. He was exposed to toxic radiactive waste that was discarded into the sewer system. He has the ability to create and project a super-adhesive glue-like substance (based on the USPD II section on Glue Powers) and is the self proclaimed protector of the city against sewer alligators. He also has a high level of the Access Perk to represent his ability to navigate the city using its sewer network. His name is...Sludge.
  20. Re: How would you make This is a very frequent question here. The stock reply usually combines some of the above suggestions. VPP, Multiform Only, plus Limitations based on your SFX. For example, for a shapeshifter, you may choose have a limitation that you cannot copy technological foci. This allows you to copy entire characters, including skills, perks, talents, ect., in additiont to powers and characteristics. The GM should limit what characters you can copy by assigning a maximum point total to your pool. For example, if the GM limits you to a 90 pt. pool, you will only be able to copy up to a 450 pt. character (via a 90 pt. Multiform).
  21. Re: Would you allow a BODY Aid to work on an Entangle? Fair enough. The Aid in question was to Defense if any were curious. http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32425&highlight=entangle
  22. Re: Would you allow a BODY Aid to work on an Entangle? Is the FAQ referring to an Aid to Entangle or an Aid to BODY? Note that an existing Entangle cannot be Dispelled (without a limitation) but it's BODY can be Drained. There seems to be seperate mechanisms for resolving how Adjustment powers interact with the Entangle power and the physical Entangle the power creates.
  23. Re: Would you allow a BODY Aid to work on an Entangle? I think Hyper found a better way to build the power but I'll try to answer your questions. The Trigger is the Entangle Attack, Linked is not appropriate in this circumnstance because Linked Powers must have the same Target. A Half Phase Action can be taken before an Attack Action so the Trigger could be renewed before each Entangle attack. I believe Hyper to be right that the BODY of an Entangle is built on 5 pts., not 2 as I previously suggested. The two Entangle approach is the solution Hyper arrived at also. As stated, I build villains with roughly the same limits as the players, so a 15d6/ 15 DEF Entangle would be inappropriate as a player would likely not be able to escape it.
  24. Re: I'll mimic your powers.. what? That's impossible! I can't! As above, there are many different types of Mimcs. the defense will depend on how the Mimic buys his ability. Most of our Mimics are built on a Multiform VPPs to turn into the Target. A proper "Defense" against this would be a Triggered Dispel or Suppress vs. Multiform or some such, or perhaps even a Triggered Transform to return the character to his own form might do the trick.
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