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Old Man

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Posts posted by Old Man

  1. 20 minutes ago, Pattern Ghost said:


    If my premise were wrong, organizations (military, police, gangs) wouldn't have to train the reluctance to kill out of people. You'd be far harder pressed to find any credible stats indicating that "most people" are inclined to kill each other. The global murder rate (2019) is 6.2/100,000. So is 6.2 "most" or is 99,993.8 "most"?



    Bold of you to assume our cops get training.



    2 minutes ago, unclevlad said:

    3.  Wasn't in the military, but...I'll argue they work really hard to beat gun romanticism out of all recruits, before they ever leave boot camp.  That they drive home the point that Guns Are To Kill People When You Use Them.  When you pull that trigger, your goal is to kill. 


    Can't speak for other countries but the U.S. services do not kid around when it comes to gun control.  Every bullet must be accounted for, and when guns go missing (which they sometimes do) people go to jail. 


    As I had to explain to someone on another board, try to open carry on base and see what happens.

  2. 2 hours ago, unclevlad said:

    Someone will probably sign him as a backup, but...looks like Jimmy G can start singing Glory Days.


    Benched last season.

    Just got a 2 game suspension for PEDs.

    Expected to be cut by the Raiders, to save the guarantee from kicking in, in early March.  $18M in dead money but still, saves $11M on the cap.


    Hey I hear the Broncos need a QB.  :snicker:

  3. I missed the last half of the second quarter so I'm sure I missed some great ads.  There was the Schwarzenegger one that was good once but ran three times.  There was the Temu one that wasn't even good once but ran at least three times.  I hear there was a controversial political ad. 


    But it's been a few years since there was a Super Bowl commercial that I thought was really brilliant.  The ad agencies splurge on effects and random older celebs but the ads themselves just aren't interesting or funny.

  4. 2 hours ago, Grailknight said:


    Not so much Social Justice but Wokeness. As an example, inherently evil monster races have been pretty much removed from Pathfinder 2. Especially glaring was the goblins , who were despicable little rapists and torturers, were added as a PC race. You are supposed to believe that X years of lore was accomplished by "bad" goblins but any new PC's and NPC's were good acceptable citizens. 


    For a hobby that's been in media crosshairs since the beginning, I can't really fault whatever entity owns D&D for doing what they have to do to ward off the lawyers.  Filing the serial numbers off demons and devils hardly hurt the game, and dispensing with alignment is actually a huge improvement.  I can see how it might be problematic to be perceived as teaching kids that any given humanoid subspecies is fundamentally evil.  That idea could cause serious trouble if extrapolated to, like, reality.


    Of course then we may or may not have to wrestle with the morality of killing sapient beings in a game where the entire point is to kill things with swords.  I generally avoid this in my campaign setting by depriving the bad guys of free will and small offspring.  Conversely my most recent 5e GM, with whom I have gamed off and on for thirty years, loves to pose ethical dilemmas to his players.  Sometimes it's interesting, sometimes I just wanna murderhobo.  Mileage varies.

  5. 49 minutes ago, unclevlad said:

    <sigh>  I sure hope these Arnie "Agent State Farm" ads die, soon.  REAL soon.

    They’d have been funnier if Arnold revealed that he can speak unaccented American at the end. 

  6. I was all set to root for Mr. Irrelevant, but man the MAGAs are out in force on the socials, railing against the evil woke golddigging billionaire conspiracy mastermind and her boyfriend. So now I’m conflicted. 

    Maybe I’ll just root for “hope no one gets killed”. 

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